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Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
2006 | Fantasy
Could Have Been Better
A little girl ventures into a fantasy world to complete three dangerous tasks after which she will be able to return to her underground kingdom. I had high hopes for Pan's Labyrinth and unfortunately there were a few factors that let me down. A few tweaks would have helped the film ascend to greatness.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 7
Not the best start I've seen in a film, but certainly not the worst. It gives you just enough to hook you and anticipate what is to follow.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 5

Genre: 3

Memorability: 8
The high score here is moreso indicative of director Guillermo del Toro trying something new and daring to be different. The creatures and the world in which they belong were unique enough to stand their own among other fantasy films I've seen. However, as the film shifts back and forth between fantasy and reality, I didn't get as much of the former as I would have hoped.

Pace: 4

Plot: 5
Again, I applaud an attempt to be innovative. What bothered me was how much was going on at once. It made it hard for me to enjoy the film as a whole. Things get pretty dark and depressing with no redemption in sight. I question some of the plot choices. Also, I was hoping that the fantasy world had a closer tie to the real world. Things fell apart for me when they did finally try and combine the two.

Resolution: 3

Overall: 63
A film with potential squandered by a mediocre ending and not going all in on the fantasy side. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I know a number of people that love it. I didn't.
Two From the Heart
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is divided into two short stories. The first is about Anne McWilliams. She lives on the beach in North Carolina, where she has lived for the past few years following a divorce from her husband. She is an old school photographer, so when a hurricane moves through and takes out half of her house that includes her darkroom, she is beyond devastated. Instead of dealing with the mess, she decides to travel the country and take new pictures and hear the stories of the people that go with those stories. How will this journey change the rest of her life?

In the second story, Tyler Bron is a millionaire, who, on paper, appears to have it all. But in reality, he has never had a life. Always focused on himself and getting to the top of his career field. He has no friends, only work colleagues who he really knows nothing about. So he hires a writer, Damian Crane to write a new life for him. But will Tyler be able to handle all that life has to offer?

This is a newer James Patterson novel released earlier this year. On my quest to read all of his stand alone books, I'm giving this on 3.5 stars. I enjoyed the stories and the one about Tyler was the most interesting to me. Each main character is at a point in their lives, where they need to make some changes in order to continue to live. I think that Tyler makes the most extreme change of all.

Even though James Patterson pumps out several books a year, he is still one of my favorites and I enjoy reading his books. I always know I can finish one of his books in 2-3 days and it will hold my attention.
Scorch (Homecoming Hearts #1)
Scorch (Homecoming Hearts #1)
HJ Welch | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a deliciously sexy read!
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required, however, I found this review written up on my desk when I cleared it off, so here it is!

Faced with the end of his boy band career, 23yr old Blake runs home to his family, only to find his parents have signed him up to an internet reality show. Elion happens to have had a crush on Blake since school. When the film crew following Blake blow an innocent encounter into something massive, Blake finds himself with Elion as a boyfriend. What starts off as a fictitious relationship rapidly turns into a real one for both young men. But someone doesn't want Blake to have Elion and both men could be in grave danger.

How I can file a book on the "crime/thriller" shelf AND the "too stinking cute" shelf is beyond my current comprehensive, but when a book tells me that's where it needs to be, who am I to argue!

The crime bit comes from the stalker/superfan who has targeted Blake as the object of their affections. I did see that one coming at me a mile off, though, and it's great to watch my ideas unfolding correctly. Ms Welch knows how to keep you on your toes, and even if I did see who it was, I did NOT see it going down like that!

And the too stinking cute bit is the way Elion and Blake develop their relationship. Because, yes, in the beginning, it was all for show, it very quickly became something else for both of them. Something very REAL. And I loved watching that happen!

A very delicious, steamy, sexy read.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Wreck-It-Ralph (2012)
Wreck-It-Ralph (2012)
2012 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Wish it had been made by Pixar...
Contains spoilers, click to show
At first glance this would appear, as some reviews have sighted, the new Toy Story (1995). Maybe it is, but I just didn't feel it. I'm old enough to remember these 8-bit games and even though Fix It Felix, Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush are all fictitious, they're all rooted in the reality of the industry, with their real life counterparts being Donkey Kong, Call Of Duty and Super Mario Cart.

The plot is basically that of any Disney film and this is kind of where it fails a little. This isn't Pixar and I'm spending most of the time wishing that it was. Tangled (2010) had the same problem, with it being good, in fact better on the second viewing but not as good the masters of digi-mation would have made it. But Wreck-It Ralph would seem to cry out for the Pixar treatment. Its similarity in tone to Toy Story, with computer game characters coming to life when the kids leave, rather than toys, as well as the fact that this is the perfect subject for a Computer Generated movie!

The comedy was decent, with more of the successful jokes revolving around candy, Mentos and cola, rather than the arcade worlds themselves, but still, plenty of references for the game heads, which my wife is but I'm not, really. It was fun and the final reel was exiting, with the running time pushing two hours, it wasn't overly long but still felt wanting.

I think that it would have been better if there was more that just one line cameos from the established arcade characters, but I'll say it again, that for me, this wanted to be a Pixar classic but just couldn't match the standards.
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Contains spoilers, click to show
At first glance this would appear, as some reviews have sighted, the new Toy Story (1995). Maybe it is, but I just didn't feel it. I'm old enough to remember these 8-bit games and even though Fix It Felix, Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush are all fictitious, they're all rooted in the reality of the industry, with their real life counterparts being Donkey Kong, Call Of Duty and Super Mario Cart.

The plot is basically that of any Disney film and this is kind of where it fails a little. This isn't Pixar and I'm spending most of the time wishing that it was. Tangled (2010) had the same problem, with it being good, in fact better on the second viewing but not as good the masters of digi-mation would have made it. But Wreck-It Ralph would seem to cry out for the Pixar treatment. Its similarity in tone to Toy Story, with computer game characters coming to life when the kids leave, rather than toys, as well as the fact that this is the perfect subject for a Computer Generated movie!

The comedy was decent, with more of the successful jokes revolving around candy, Mentos and cola, rather than the arcade worlds themselves, but still, plenty of references for the game heads, which my wife is but I'm not, really. It was fun and the final reel was exiting, with the running time pushing two hours, it wasn't overly long but still felt wanting.

I think that it would have been better if there was more that just one line cameos from the established arcade characters, but I'll say it again, that for me, this wanted to be a Pixar classic but just couldn't match the standards.
Aftercare Instructions
Aftercare Instructions
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was actually quite disappointed by this one. I felt like I expected more from it, especially with it dealing with more serious subjects such as abortion right from the start.

The reason I don’t read much YA any more is the way that everything is glazed over and ignored. I feel like Aftercare Instructions had the chance to be a really good, deep novel about an issue that rarely makes it into YA, but in reality, it brushed over it.

I need to point out I only made it 1/3 of the way through before giving up.

Everything seemed to happen slowly and the narration seemed too whiney to be realistic. The main character, Gen is unlikable and annoying. Within the first 1/3 of the book her character is barely built and does nothing other than complain.

The plot didn’t move, and when nothing happens and I’m that far into the book, I know it’s time to give up.

The book is set out with alternating chapters being in a script format laying out the backstory of the characters. The first YA book I read with this format was cute. The second – fun. But when I’ve now read countless YAs set out in this format, it’s much less quirky and now seems a bit like it’s something to do to fill the pages without adding a decent description or trying to set a scene. It’s a space filler and it just ruins YAs for me.

I always hate DNF-ing books from Netgalley, especially ones by new authors but I just felt like this one could have been a lot more than it was, and it just seemed too much like the stereotypical YA I want to avoid reading and that I wish wasn’t taking over the genre lately.
Moxie: A Novel
Moxie: A Novel
Jennifer Mathieu | 2017 | Gender Studies, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has been on my shelf for a little while; I'd bought it as I'd heard good things. I'm working on my self-imposed #readwhatyouown challenge this year, and once I heard that Amy Poehler was going to direct an adaption of this one at Netflix, I figured it was a good time to pick it up.

MOXIE was a slow starter, but turned into a really rousing, empowering read, and I'm excited to see how it translates to the screen. It's incredibly timely and also very terrifying. The more I read it, the more horrified I was that this was reality for females in high school. So much of what Mathieu describes you know happens, but as a parent of two young girls, it's just awful to read about all these kids endure.

There's almost two plot lines in this one--the feminist saga of Moxie and a romance featuring Vivian and another boy at school. I've seen some complaints that the romance detracted from the overall plot, but I actually enjoyed it. Vivian even worries that she is distracting herself from Moxie, at times, because of her relationship. The romance also provides some comedic moments and humanizes Vivian, making her seem more like a real teen. She's a great character, and I really like her.

Overall, even though this was a little slow to begin, I really enjoyed it. It's very YA, if that makes any sense--it's a great book to have on the shelves of all high schools. I would rate it as a 3.5-star read, but I'm bumping it up to 4-stars, because it makes you laugh, cheer, and nearly cry. You'll also fall for the characters, especially Vivian and her friends. I'm looking forward to see how Poehler and crew bring this to Netflix.
Out of the Pocket
Out of the Pocket
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For over a century, the town of Green Beach has frightened its children with the tragic legend of Joshua Thorne. He’s the reason it not only locks its doors at night but nails its windows shut. Steeped in romance and revenge, his is the kind of story Angela Ironwright lives for.
When the specter of Joshua appears to her, insisting she’s the only one who can help him piece together the fragments of his own murder, she follows him without a second thought into a place he calls the Pocket, a beautiful hidden world of jumbled memory and imagination. But the Pocket holds more than magic and mystery. Before long, its other reclusive inhabitants begin to call out to Angela, warning her not to trust Joshua and begging for her help to escape his dark power.
Angela’s sure there must be some misunderstanding, and she’s determined to set it straight. Otherwise, finding justice will mean betraying the only boy who’s ever liked her.
Smart and genre-savvy, Out of the Pocket is a dark, honest, subversive take on the modern paranormal love story.

The plot is about a girl named Angela who doesn't have a great life in reality being ignored or ridiculed by others gets pulled into a fantasy where she falls in love and goes through perilous adventures.
Very good characters with a good story line. The characters are real with strangeness thrown in.
Love all the twist and turns.
You find yourself very surprised in a good way by this book.
This was my first from this author and I look forward to more.

I received a free copy via AXP Authors but this is my own honest voluntary review.
The Strangers (2008)
The Strangers (2008)
2008 | Horror
6.9 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The suspense is off the charts. Bryan Bertino creates tension like very few can. You can't even breathe at times, especially on a first viewing. (5 more)
The Strangers themselves are crafted to perfection from the iconic masks to their mannerisms to their lack of a true motive.
The symbolism is heavy throughout. It takes multiple viewings to catch it all. Look at the busted windshield at the end for one example.
The use of music as another character is absolutely brilliant. Each tune was used to perfection.
The camerawork and set design are off the charts given the budget Bertino had to work with.
The ending. Not every horror story has a happy ending. This one was a beautiful and glorious gut punch.
The very last scene. If Bertino had been allowed to keep the exact ending he wanted this would've been 1000 times more impactful. (1 more)
The sound. When things are quiet you can hear a pin drop, but when a noise comes it blows out your eardrum.
Why are you doing this to us?
Because you were home.

This is my favorite film of all time. To me, this film is literally horror nirvana. This remains to this day the only film to ever truly scare me. This isn't some fake supernatural hocus pocus. This is reality. While the film may only be INSPIRED by true events, and not something that actually happened, it could happen, and it does happen...every day, whether you want to come to terms with it or not. The crazy thing is that if Bertino had been able to do this his way without any studio intervention, this film would've been 10 times darker and 10 times better. I don't care what anyone says, this film is a horror heavyweight that pays true homage to the birth era of horror.
The Mersey Girls
The Mersey Girls
Katie Flynn | 1994 | History & Politics, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story is sweet, a nice escape from reality. (0 more)
It's abrupt end in my opinion. (0 more)
Soul Warming
Now, I don't want to spoil anything as I really hope other avid readers will have a read of this book.
One of the main characters in the beginning sort of, fizzles out which is a shame as, it was that character that started the story.
The chapters are so long and I like to stop at a chapter as it's a good stopping point but the whole 394 pages is split into a mere 13 chapters.
The book involves two sides that run concurrently quite well, similarities and differences are seen easily but the timeline is difficult to keep up with.
Although it's lovely that it includes some traditional Irish names, it's hard to read as someone who isn't familiar with them. I also had to google some words and phrases to just make sure I know what it is. For example: Clodagh is a name of a character and I am still not 100% how that is pronounced and what a curragh is.
The plot is very serene - meaning theres no massive things happening just lots of little ones. Not massive drama and although it is slightly romantic, it's quite bland in that, a love story is intruded and that's sort of it, it doesn't seem to cook up it goes from raw to cooked so to speak. The stories core plot is ended sweetly yet kind of anti-climactic. Made me smile but it wasn't as wonderful as I feel it could have been.
Despite this I found the read pleasant, certainly something someone should read if they are a fan of Historical Romances.