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The Favorite Sister
The Favorite Sister
Jessica Knoll | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fell flat for me
The reality TV show Goal Diggers is supposed to buck the trend of most reality TV, with a focus on the radical notion that it is about women putting other women first. It even features unmarried, childless (for the most part), successful women. But, is that really the case? It sure seems like everyone on Diggers is fake and lying. There's Brett, 27, the youngest of the group, who is running her business, SPOKE, which focuses on helping women in Morocco. Her sister, Kelly is the newest addition, and she runs the business with Brett and is a mom to her teenage daughter, Layla. There's also Jen, who oversees her vegan empire; Lauren, creator of a dating website; and Stephanie, a successful author. None of these women really like each other after several seasons of the show. Even so, the producers never expected it all to end in murder.

I have some conflicted and confused emotions about this book. It took me over a week to read, which is forever in my world (I finished three other books in the meantime, to put it in perspective). You know how your Kindle tells you the percentage left to read? I swear that number never changed, it felt like such slow going, and I considered giving up several times. I really only kept reading because of a big reveal that happened on page one (literally) and then the rest of the book spends its time going back in time explaining what happened. I was mildly curious enough to find out what went down. The novel keeps you wondering just enough even if you don't like the characters.

Because, wow, these characters are really despicable. I can get past it in most books, and I thought maybe I'd like Brett for a while, but this self-centered group really took the cake. I am not a reality TV person, especially Real Housewives, so maybe that's part of why this one wasn't for me? I found the in-fighting, petty catfights, and personal drama to just be over-the-top. It's sad, because at times, I found a real wit and depth to the book, but for the most part it just dragged on. And on.

And again, some of this just may be because I'm not a reality TV gal. I really like Knoll's writing, I just couldn't get a handle on the tone. Funny? Serious? Both? What was it aiming for? Did it all just go over my head? I caught that it was trying for some really meaningful social commentary about feminism, weight, race, and so much more, but then it would get lost in two women fighting over platform heels.

There were some good twists at the end, but overall, this one fell flat for me, including the final ending. I felt like I slogged through it, and I just didn't enjoy the characters. Perhaps I missed the overall point or meaning. Many others have enjoyed it, so you may find it's more suited for you than it was for me.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Always Greener in Books

Feb 27, 2020 (Updated Feb 27, 2020)  
Always Greener
Always Greener
J.R.H.Lawless | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Always Greener is about a reality TV show in the near future, where everyone is permanently glued to their screens through visual implants or AR glasses (if they haven't got the money). How bad is your life? Because if it's REALLY bad, you're more likely to become a contestant on The Grass is Greener, where you'll be watched 24/7 through your visual implants. There's no off switch, there's no privacy - the public want to see everything.

The first couple of chapters were a little hard-going, but I'm glad I persevered. It's a satire of the reality TV that we have today, and J. R. H. Lawless has taken it to it's furthest point, it's most outrageous end. To be fair, I'm sure it could probably be even more heartless, invasive and damaging, but the contestants are saved, to a certain extent, by a host with a conscience.

I did really enjoy this - but I can't say as it made me feel particularly positive about the future: people used as guinea pigs for drugs and procedures untested on anyone else, with fatal consequences; suicide so commonplace, that it has become a steady job for a group of people who clean up after them - what a way to make a living; the total lack of empathy for people who are less fortunate, reduced merely to a prime-time, all-the-time, streaming slot.

Not a future I would want, but a great book, nonetheless. Its a good read!

Many thanks to NetGalley for my copy of this book to read and review.

AT (1676 KP) rated Vigilance in Books

Jul 22, 2019  
Robert Jackson Bennett | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I tried. I really did. It sounded like a story that I was going to like, plus, it's a very short novel. Vigilance is about a reality TV show that puts active shooters in randomly selected places while the violence and drama plays out on national TV. The premise being that America should constantly stay vigilant against foreign and domestic threats of any kind. However, for a 190 page book, the actual TV show hadn't even been set up with a chosen shooter "cast" yet by the 50th or so page. Up until that point, it was just the executive producer, preparing to launch the episode in one way or another. At some point, he is supposed to get wound up in the action, or at least some sort of trouble, according to the blurb on the back of the book. However, at that point, the rest of the book gives little to no time to make for a good, descriptive story, so I can't imagine that it could blow my mind by the end. Most of what I've read is part satire, part almost lecture about gun-control and how owning doesn't equal trained to use properly, disguised as some of the characters' backstories. I truly looked forward to reading this book, but have decided to quit. There are way too many books out there to be read to spend time on a bad one. I think the premise was good, and the story had the potential of being really interesting. This one, however, just seems to have missed its mark. Pass.
Meg Reed has finally landed her first post college job. Unfortunately, it’s at an outdoor magazine, and Meg is not an outdoor kind of person. Still, she bravely faces her fear of heights to cover the final leg in a cross country reality TV show competition. But when she witnesses one of the contestants plunge to his death, Meg realizes she might be in over her head.

Meg is a great main character, and I loved spending time with her. The rest of the cast is equally as strong. The pacing was off in the plot a bit, but everything does come together for a nice climax. I will definitely be back for more.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

David McK (3227 KP) rated Backwards (Red Dwarf #4) in Books

Jan 28, 2019 (Updated Sep 17, 2019)  
Backwards (Red Dwarf #4)
Backwards (Red Dwarf #4)
Rob Grant | 1996 | Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third Red Dwarf book, picking up from where the previous entry ('Better Than Life) left off, with Dave Lister on earth in an alternate reality where time runs backwards.

More so than either of the previous two books, this novel has a plot all of its own, with that plot containing elements of the TV show on which it is based. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the final portion of the book, which takes the episode 'Gunmen of the Apocalypse' as it's basis. The novel also has a role to play for 'Ace' Rimmer, tracing how his life differed from Arnold Rimmer's back to a single event in his childhood.

Written by only one of the two authors responsible for the previous books, this is also not quite as funny as either of those books.

David McK (3227 KP) rated JLA: Earth 2 in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
JLA: Earth 2
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been watching the second series of the Grant-Gustin starring 'The Flash' TV series, and they've introduced the concept of the multiverse: the concept of worlds alike, but slightly different, than our own separated by a slice of reality.

This is one of the cases where that idea came from - in this, we have evil counterparts of <quote>Earth's Mightiests Heroes<unquote> Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Superman who are the 'Crime Syndicate of Amerika' (note the 'k'), with the JLA (that's the Justice League of America) travelling between realms when the good Alexander Luthor (i.e. the good counterpart of 'our' Earths evil Lex Luthor) finds a way of traveling between realms and looks for their aide in his constant battle against the CSA.

And if that all sound confusing, trust me: it is.
Ascension (Phobos #1)
Victor Dixen | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great concept
Six boys and six girls are chosen to be the first people to colonise Mars in a speed-dating show like no other. We follow Leonor mainly, as she navigates her life and 'dates' on board the Cupido. It's a bit 'cheesy' in places, and you do get a sense of the fact that it has been translated from French: it gives the language a more lyrical feel (in my opinion). The story though, is great!
I'm not a fan at all of reality TV. I'll turn the channel over every time. This novel shows the whole ridiculousness of the concept: a few 6 minute dates before you choose your life partner?! Madness!
This novel also shows how corrupt big business and government can be in the race to make more and more money. Lots to think about whilst you're reading - the ideas have to come from somewhere!
I liked where the story cut away from the space ship to the organisers of the TV show and two other characters, Andrew and Harmony. I think they may be quite important in the following books in this trilogy. And yes, I have preordered book 2, which incidentally, releases in October!
Thanks to Readers First for my copy of this book.
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
359. Joker. A freaking phenomenal movie! A bleak look at society, health care, and a whole bunch of other stuff rolled into one. Starring Joaquin Phoenix an actor known for diving into his roles and he quite obviously dove into this one. All about Norman Bate-ish guy Arthur Fleck, an unfunny wanna be comedian, works as a human sign holder dressed as a creepy clown, society treats him like crap, and his state appointed head doctor has told him funding has been cut and doctor visits will be no more, and yes he lives with his mommy who is not well. And after being noticed by a famous tv talk show host, Murray Franklin, played by Robert Deniro, after being recorded doing stand up, and calling him out on his un-funniness, it seems a screw that may have been loose has now been lost. A fantastic movie!

Stop reading here if you don't want any more info... lol...

I heard Joker 2 of course is in the works. I wanna say boo to that. Tho the name Wayne is thrown around and all those connections... A lot of Arthur's reality was not reality. Is he really THE Joker? I think it works as a stand alone. A one possible scenario type thing. Maybe it's just me. Filmbufftim on FB

Awix (3310 KP) rated Alternative 3 in TV

May 4, 2019 (Updated May 4, 2019)  
Alternative 3
Alternative 3
1977 | Documentary, Sci-Fi
One of the great TV hoaxes, from back when such things were still considered an acceptable jape. Made, for the most part, with great care and attention to detail, the result is very convincing and unsettling viewing - although the presence of fairly well-known actors in a couple of roles does kind of blow the gaffe a bit, long before the end.

Some people will argue that claims that this is a hoax are just a smokescreen and the makers either stumbled onto the truth or were trying to blow the whistle on a real conspiracy, which is why this show vanished into obscurity for a long while after its transmission. I really don't know, but parts of the story here do seem eerily close to reality, 40 years on, and the questions Alternative 3 raises about how much to trust the media are still pertinent today.

David Schwartz recommended Videodrome (1983) in Movies (curated)

Videodrome (1983)
Videodrome (1983)
1983 | Horror, Sci-Fi

"David Cronenberg’s reflexive masterpiece of modern horror, with James Woods as a seedy purveyor of soft-core exploitation for cable TV, and Debbie Harry as his siren, brought the media-as-message theories of fellow Torontonian Marshall McLuhan to visceral life. This was one of the first movies I rented on VHS, and Videodrome is partly an exploration of the strange, clunky physical sensation attached to the idea of a feature film being available on a paperback-size plastic-and-tape cassette that is inserted into a machine . . . and our brains. A quarter century later, Cronenberg’s dazzling vision of a world where image and flesh are one—“long live the new flesh”—Videodrome’s futuristic vision is timelier than ever. And above all that, the movie is sexy, smart, funny, and fascinating, moving adeptly between its layers of reality, imagination, and that vast territory in between."
