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Killed on Blueberry Hill
Killed on Blueberry Hill
Sharon Farrow | 2018 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Death Leaves Marlee Blue
Summer may be winding down, but Oriole Point, Michigan, is getting in one more berry inspired festival to bring in the tourists. The Blueberry Blow Out Festival includes carnival games, booths, and friendly competition between the various berry growers in the area. At least it is supposed to be friendly. Marlee Jacobs is shocked when she witnesses a fight between her fiance, Ryan Zeller, and Porter Gale, the owner of one of the biggest blueberry farms in the country. Yes, there is bad blood between the two families, but this went much further than a rivalry normally would. When Porter dies a few hours later, people think it is complications from his diabetes. However, the police believe it is something more, and they are looking at Ryan as a suspect. Can Marlee clear him?

I love this series, and this book is another example of why. The characters are strong. The series regulars are fun, and a couple even made me laugh, but we spend more time with the suspects, and they actually felt better developed to me than the regulars. Not that I'm complaining. The strong suspects helped drive a complex plot where the red herrings provided their own complications, not just as a distraction from figuring out who the killer is. I enjoyed the book the entire way through, but the final third got so compelling I really didn't want to put the book down. Throw in a few blueberry infused recipes, and you've got a fantastic book.
Crypt Suzette
Crypt Suzette
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Halloween Hit and Run
Val Deniston’s granddad has taken on another boarder, a young woman named Suzette Cripps. Suzette spends most of her time in her room, but she is planning to participate in the literary themed costume contest to celebrate the town’s new bookstore. The morning after the contest, Suzette is dead, killed by a hit and run driver. The police are investigating, but they think it was an accident. Val can’t help but think it was more than that. Is she right?

The mystery starts out quickly, and it is easy for us to share Val’s suspicion that this wasn’t an accident. There are plenty of suspects, and I felt like it took a little while for me to keep them all straight. This is a minor complaint, however, as they did get developed as the book went along. I’m in awe at how the clues were sprinkled into the book, and as Val used them to piece things together at the end, I felt foolish for not picking up on them myself. The book is set at Halloween, and the fall atmosphere is a lot of fun. We get a creepy Halloween inspired scene near the end as well. Val’s granddad is a hoot, and I really enjoyed his sub-plot involving ghost hunting. There are five more five-ingredient recipes at the end of the book. While it would be fun to read this book at Halloween, it works well at any season of the year. I enjoyed it in February, after all.
Nacho Average Murder
Nacho Average Murder
Maddie Day | 2020 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vacation with Murder
Robbie Jordan is taking a well-deserved vacation and heading back to Santa Barbara for her high school reunion. This is the first time she’s been back since her mother died, and it is definitely a struggle for her even before she hears a rumor that her mother might not have died from natural causes. When someone else dies under similar circumstances, Robbie can’t help but investigate. Will she learn the truth before she has to return home?

Vacation books can be tricky to pull off while satisfying fans. Unfortunately, this one didn’t quite work. I enjoyed seeing a different side of Robbie as she interacted with her old friends, and I did like the new characters. However, I missed the series regulars. The plot wasn’t as strong as it could have been, although things were wrapped up by the time we reached the end. I enjoyed spotting the parallels between where Robbie stayed and her own place back in Indiana. Instead of my normal breakfast food cravings while reading this book, I was left craving Mexican food, which I didn’t mind in the least. The recipes at the end will help everyone with that. As a fan of Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone mysteries, I enjoyed the references to that series in this book. If you are a fan of the Country Store Mysteries, you’ll still want to pick up this book. But if you are new to the series, back up and read the earlier entries in the series.
Puzzling Ink
Puzzling Ink
Becky Clark | 2020 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Using Crossword Puzzles to Catch a Killer
Quinn Carr has had to return home and take a job at the local diner. If only her passion, creating the crossword puzzles for her local paper, paid her more. One night as Quinn is closing down the diner, she finds the last patron slumped over dead in the corner booth. When the police determine he was murdered, they arrest Jake, the diner’s owner. Now Quinn has to keep the restaurant running while also figuring out a way to clear her boss. Can she do it?

This book sets the stage for a fun new mystery series. Quinn is a bit unusual in that she has recently been diagnosed with OCD, something we don’t usually see in the books I read. It was handled well. I also loved Quinn’s relationship with her parents. The mystery got sidelined at times with Quinn trying to run the diner. I was interested in both stories, but I do prefer strong mysteries in the books I read. There is a good mystery here, with plenty of suspects and motives. A few key pieces of information were introduced a bit abruptly, and one key element of the plot was never quite resolved, but the majority of our questions are answered, including the who and the why. Fans of crossword puzzles will enjoy the one that Quinn creates over the course of the book. Additionally, there are two fun sounding recipes at the end of the book.
Killer Chardonnay
Killer Chardonnay
Kate Lansing | 2020 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poisoned Opening
Parker Valentine’s dream is coming true today with the opening of Vino Valentine in her hometown of Boulder, Colorado. However, her joy turns to worry when renowned local food and wine blogger Gaskel Brown shows up. He is notoriously hard to please, and his blog can make or break local restaurants. After sampling her chardonnay, Gaskel dies, and the police are quick to label it poison. Everyone is blaming Parker for the crime, and no one is coming to her store for fear they will be next. In order to save her dream, she has to find the killer. Can she do it?

Since I don’t drink wine, I almost passed on this debut, but I’m glad I picked it up. The book starts quickly, introducing us to characters while also setting the murder in motion. The pace continues to be strong with plenty of secrets and motives before we reach the climax, where everything fell into place. All the characters were also fantastic, with some good growth thanks to the subplots. The book is written in first person present tense, which is a bit unusual, but I quickly got used to it as I read. There are a handful of four-letter words, but they are worth noting mostly in passing. If the food descriptions make your mouth water, you’ll welcome the three recipes and wine pairings at the end. This book was aged to perfection, and I’m already looking forward to Parker’s next case.
Hollyberry Homicide
Hollyberry Homicide
Sharon Farrow | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will Marlee Make it on Stage as a Ghost?
Marlee Jacobs is looking forward to celebrating Christmas, but before she can get there, she has a few things on her plate. In addition to the usual decorating and present buying, there’s the town hollyberry festival. Plus, she’s taking over the role of Jacob Marley in the town’s annual adaptation of A Christmas Carol at the last minute. The actor who normally plays the part died unexpectedly. Well, maybe not quite so unexpectedly since he was ninety-five. While everyone is certain it was natural causes, something feels off to Marlee. Couple that with the rumors that the play is cursed, and Marlee will have to find time to add sleuthing to her December schedule. What will she uncover?

As you might have guessed, this book’s plot unfolds a little differently from the typical cozy mystery, and I loved it all the more for that fact. Don’t worry, there is always something happening to keep your attention, and I loved how Marlee unraveled everything in the end. The characters in this series are charming, and that’s the case here once again. We get plenty of Christmas spirit in the pages of this book, which is a must for a Christmas entry in a series. Rounding out the book, we get three berry inspired recipes at the end. When you are making a list of Christmas cozies to read this December, make sure this book is on it. No need to check it twice, you’ll definitely enjoy it.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Gone for Gouda in Books

Jan 9, 2023 (Updated Jan 9, 2023)  
Gone for Gouda
Gone for Gouda
Korina Moss | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Preempts Author Event
Willa Bauer is thrilled to be hosting a stop for Phoebe Winston on her tour promoting her new cookbook. The celebrity chef is sure to bring in lots of people to Willa’s new cheese shop. However, when Willa meets Phoebe, she discovers the author is a bit of a diva, with demands that make the event a much harder prospect than Willa bargained for. Then Phoebe is murdered in the house she was renting in the area, with Willa’s employee Archie the last person on the property’s security system. Can Willa figure out what happened?

I enjoyed the first book in the series, but this was even stronger. We meet Phoebe long enough to know what a pain she is before she dies, but then we learn even more, opening up the suspect pool. The climax becomes a race to figure things out, and I was along for the twists that kept coming at that point. I was thrilled that the supporting players got a bigger role this time around. They are fantastic, and I enjoyed spending time with all of them. I grew up in Sonoma County, so I have a special connection with the setting even if I did have to move my mental map of the fictional town where most of the action takes place. This book will leave you hungry for cheese, so the three recipes at the end will be welcome. I’m already anxious to see what happens to Willa and the others in the next in the series.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Six Feet Deep Dish in Books

Dec 14, 2023 (Updated Dec 14, 2023)  
Six Feet Deep Dish
Six Feet Deep Dish
Mindy Quigley | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delilah Finds Some Deep Trouble at Her Opening
Delilah O’Leary is delighted to be opening her new deep dish pizza restaurant in the resort town of Geneva Bay, Wisconsin. However, the day of her soft opening/grand opening party doesn’t go well. First, she gets into a fight with her fiancé, who is financing everything, and he storms out. Then, in the middle of the party, she sees her aunt standing over a dead body holding the murder weapon; a weapon she admits is hers. With the official opening on hold, can Delilah figure out what is really going on?

I’ll admit the first chapter had me a bit worried, giving us lots of background on the characters. But the data dumps didn’t last for long, and we soon had a great mystery on our hands. The plot had plenty of twists and didn’t fall into a familiar plot pattern, something the author pulled off well. The climax answered all my questions. Delilah might have been an annoying character in less capable hands, but I really liked her right off, and that only grew as I got further into the book. The rest of the regulars are great, and I already love the community that Delilah is building. The setting is charming, and I wish I could visit in person. All the talk about pizza made me crave it. If that’s you, too, you’ll be happy with the recipes at the end. This debut left me hungry for the next course.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2103 KP) rated Cheddar Off Dead in Books

Apr 27, 2022 (Updated Apr 27, 2022)  
Cheddar Off Dead
Cheddar Off Dead
Korina Moss | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This New Series is Off to a Cheddar Start
Willa Bauer is thrilled to be opening her new cheese shop, Curds & Whey, in the town of Yarrow Glen in the Sonoma Valley. She’s hoping to make her dream a huge success, and part of that is a good review from local food critic Guy Lippinger. However, Guy has a reputation for being harsh, and when he shows up to the shop, things don’t go well at all. Hours later, Willa finds Guy’s dead body in the alley next to her shop with a knife from her shop as the murder weapon. With the police looking at her as the killer, Willa begins to try to find alternative suspects. Can she solve the crime?

While the cheese drew me to the book, I loved the setting since I grew up in Sonoma County myself. I appreciate how the background we needed on Willa was doled out instead of being dumped on us at the beginning. The result is a mystery with a steady pace and several secrets to be uncovered before we reach the logical ending. I really liked the cast of characters, both potential series regulars and suspects. In fact, I wanted to see more of them, but I’m sure that will come in later books. If this book leaves you craving cheese (it sure did for me), you’ll be happy to see the recipes at the end of the book. I’ll definitely be back to check in on Willa in the future.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated The Poison Keeper in Books

Jun 11, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
The Poison Keeper
The Poison Keeper
Deborah Swift | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE POISON KEEPER is the first book about Giulia Tofana, a real historical figure, known for her poison Aqua Tofana which could both heal and harm. In this book, we grow with her from a young woman - chomping at the reins and not liking the constrictions placed upon her by her mother, to a strong woman with an agenda and life of her own with extremely difficult circumstances.

I cannot tell you the amount of research that must have gone into this book! There is just so much. Incredible details of clothing, hair, jobs, places, you name it. Also, you find out about the pomanders used, plus other 'recipes'. All of which help to draw you into an intriguing story. There are hints of a possible romance between Giulia and Fabio but only hints.

Make no mistake, Giulia Tofana is a killer. She provides the means, knowing full well what she's doing, even if she doesn't actually do the deed herself. However, after reading her story, you will understand just why she did it. She is a figure from history I have always been interested in, and this story helped to bring her alive.

The first in a series, I now have The Silkworm Keeper on my To-Be-Read list, and I can highly recommend this book.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 11, 2021