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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated Long Island Iced Tina in Books

Feb 24, 2021 (Updated Feb 24, 2021)  
Long Island Iced Tina
Long Island Iced Tina
Maria DiRico | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reappearing Painting and Murder
Mia Carina is thrilled for her friend Nicole, who is expecting her first baby. Nicole has chosen Mia’s catering hall, Belle View, as the location for one of her baby showers. Despite Mia’s best efforts, the baby shower is interrupted by a fight between Nicole’s mother and step-mother. Then, one of Nicole’s presents turns out to be a valuable painting stolen years before. Things only get worse when Mia finds the body of a shower guest the next morning. Is the murder linked to the painting?

I enjoyed the first book in the series, and this one was great as well. The painting added a fun element to the mystery, and I really enjoyed seeing how that played out. The mystery had some great zigs and zags along the way. The climax was a bit complicated, but I was able to think it through, and it did make sense. All the characters were wonderful, with some interesting growth for the series regulars. Mia’s grandmother provides a very funny sub-plot, and there are other great moments of humor throughout the book. At the end, we get four recipes and a hit for hosting events yourself. The series is set in Queens, and Mia’s family is involved in the mob. Even so, this is most definitely still a cozy series. Grab some ice tea and enjoy this delightful book.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated Shucked Apart in Books

Feb 25, 2021 (Updated Feb 25, 2021)  
Shucked Apart
Shucked Apart
Barbara Ross | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunting for the Oyster Seed Thief
Julia Snowden should be focusing on getting the last-minute tasks done to open the summer season of her family’s clambake, but when her boyfriend asks her to help his friend, Andie, Julia can’t resist. Andie runs an oyster farm not too far away, and someone has just stolen $35,000 worth of new inventory from her. Andie seems reluctant to give Julia any suspects, however, so it isn’t that surprising that Julia hasn’t made much progress when she finds a dead body. Is the robbery connected to the murder?

This book does a great job of introducing us to oyster farming without slowing down the mystery itself. I learned quite a bit while also getting the foundation for the plot. The pace does build as Julia gets closer to figuring things out, and the climax wraps everything up for us perfectly. This series is often on the slim side, and this is no exception. While the suspects are strong and the mystery complex, the supporting players aren’t as prevalent as they might be. While I did miss them and wouldn’t have minded a sub-plot that could have included them, it’s a minor issue. The book leaves us with five recipes that seafood lovers will want to try. As always, this book left me anxious to find out what will happen to Julia next. Fans won’t be disappointed.
A Side of Murder
A Side of Murder
Amy Pershing | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Mars a Return to Cape Cod
Samantha Barnes, Sam to her friends, grew up in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, but left to go to culinary school and become a famous chef. Thanks to an inheritance and a new job writing about food in the area for a local paper, she is back. Her first assignment is to review a new restaurant in town, but the good food is quickly forgotten when she finds a dead body floating in the water next to the restaurant. The police think it was an accident. After all, the victim was a known drunk, so she could have easily fallen in and drown. Sam thinks something more sinister is happening. Can she prove it?

There is a good mystery here, and I enjoyed seeing how Sam figured everything out. Unfortunately, there is just as much set up, introducing us to the people in Sam’s life and filling us in on her past. The result was a pace that was uneven. I did still enjoy it since I liked Sam and the supporting characters. We saw hints of the depths to the characters that I’m sure we’ll see more of in future books in the series. I was bothered by a cliché that several of the characters fell into, however, especially since it doesn’t fit one of the characters at all. The book ends with recipes for a suggested four-course casual dinner with friends. Overall, I enjoyed this virtual vacation debut.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2165 KP) rated The Tell-Tale Tarte in Books

Apr 9, 2021 (Updated Apr 9, 2021)  
The Tell-Tale Tarte
The Tell-Tale Tarte
Maya Corrigan | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Impersonating Danger
A new year has started, and Val Deniston’s grandfather appears to be making some changes in his life. He’s updated his look, including a new haircut and new outfit. He claims it is for a new job he’s landed for his investigations business. Then Val is on the scene when a man dies at a nearby shopping center – a man who looks just like Grandfather does now thanks to his new look. The case soon points to Rick Usher, a local author who has made a career writing tales inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Is Grandfather the next target of the killer? How does Rick play into the mystery?

I must confess, I know little about Poe (I feel like I should know more considering how much I love mysteries), but that wasn’t a hamper to enjoying this book. Poe lore is certainly a big part of the inspiration of the story, and bits and pieces of his life weave their way into the book. Even without that, we get a strong mystery with plenty of intrigue. I did feel the ending was a little weak, but it did wrap everything up. The characters are fun and continue to grow here. I’m especially interested to see where some of those relationships go in the future. We get six more five-ingredient recipes at the end. Whether you are a fan of Poe or not, this book will keep you guessing until the end.
The Rocky Road to Ruin
The Rocky Road to Ruin
Meri Allen | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Served Ice Cold
Riley Rhodes has returned home to Penniman, Connecticut, for the funeral of her best friend’s mother. After the service, she sees that Caroline and her brother, Mike, are fighting over what to do with the property that the two of them were left, including Udderly Delicious, the ice cream shop where Riley worked as a teen. The next morning, Riley finds Mike dead. Knowing that Caroline will be a prime suspect, Riley tries to figure out what happened. Can she do it?

Riley has a fun background for an amateur sleuth – CIA librarian. And yet this is definitely still a cozy, and the warmth pulled me in right away. This book has a bit of a bittersweet vibe. We get the wonderful characters and setting we love in a cozy, but the beginning is appropriately somber. It really works well. The pacing was a little uneven in the middle, but the book had a strong beginning and ending that make up for it. I had a hard time putting the book down the closer I got to the climax. There is more than enough talk to ice cream to make you drool, and two recipes inspired by the more creative contributions are in the back of the book. Now’s the time to enjoy this debut. Me? I’ll be having a second helping of ice cream while I wait for the sequel.
A Scone of Contention
A Scone of Contention
Lucy Burdette | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Food Critic in Scotland
Hayley and Nathan are finally going on their honeymoon – if you can call the trip that. They are heading to Scotland so that Hayley can meet Nathan’s sister, Vera, and their neighbor, Miss Gloria, and Nathan’s mother are tagging along. When they arrive, they quickly discover that Vera is in the final stages of a book about Scotland, but the tension among Vera and her coauthors is strong. An attempted poisoning and a suspicious accident make Hayley think that something strange is going on. Can she figure it out?

As a fan of this series, I wondering how I would feel about a book away from Key West since the location is a strong character in the books. Fortunately, we get some scenes before and after on the island and the characters left behind get cameos. The book balances travelogue with mystery well, and anyone who has wanted to visit Scotland will only want to visit more about reading this book. I did feel that both the main plot and subplot’s climaxes were anti-climactic. They did answer all of our questions, but they were a bit abrupt. I did enjoy getting to meet the new characters, and anyone as hungry by the talk of food as I am will be pleased by the recipes at the end of the book. Fans of the series will be glad we got to crash Nathan and Hayley’s honeymoon.
Murder Most Sweet
Murder Most Sweet
Laura Jensen Walker | 2020 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet and Light, but Could be Stronger
After surviving breast cancer five years ago, Teddie St. John starting writing culinary cozies, combining her love and baking and mysteries. She’s moderately successful, and looking forward to meeting the highly successful Tavish Bentley when he comes to her small Wisconsin town for a book signing. However, the event ends early when Teddie finds Tavish’s fiancée dead in the ally next to the bookstore. The murder weapon was one of Teddie’s scarfs. Teddie needs to clear her name, but can she do it?

Since I love both culinary and booked themed cozies, I was looking forward to digging into this debut. Unfortunately, I found the mystery to be weak. It started well, but it wasn’t strong enough overall. On the other hand, Teddie does lead a cast of fun characters that I enjoyed meeting. I did find Teddie’s mother a bit much, but hopefully that relationship will grow as the series goes on. The suspects are just as strong and memorable as the main characters. As a man, I was a bit uncomfortable with some of the talk about Teddie’s breast cancer, but I am sure most people who pick up the book will be fine with that. If the book leaves you craving some Wisconsin sweets, you’ll be thrilled to find the six recipes at the back of the book. Hopefully, the mysteries will grow as the series progresses.
A Batter of Life and Death
A Batter of Life and Death
Ellie Alexander | 2015 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murderous Contest
It’s autumn, which means that tourist season is winding down in Ashland, Oregon. Fortunately, The Pastry Channel has come to town to film the newest season of Take the Cake. They’ve asked Jules Capshaw to use Torte’s kitchen as a location some of the contestants use to prepare their pastries. Then they ask Jules to be a last-minute contestant. She’s thrilled until she finds Chef Marco, one of the other contestants, dead before the first day of filming. Since she is part of the show, she can’t help but learn things about her fellow contestants. Can she figure out which one is a killer?

It’s been too long since I read the first book in the series, but I was quickly back in Jules’s world with this fun second in the series. The pacing was a bit off at times, but overall there is an enjoyable mystery with plenty of secrets for Jules to uncover. The suspects are good and do their part to keep us guessing. Jules has some personal stuff she is trying to work through, and I enjoyed seeing the growth in her here. This book really made me want to visit Ashland at some point in the future. We get seven recipes at the end for a wide variety of things. It’s easy to see why this series is so popular. I need to pick up the next soon.