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Arsenic and Adobo
Arsenic and Adobo
Mia P. Manansala | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of an Ex
After a disastrous breakup with her fiancé, Lila Macapagal has moved back to Shady Palms, Illinois, and is trying to help her aunt save her Filipino restaurant. One issue the restaurant is having is Derek Winter, Lila’s high school sweetheart who has becoming the local food critic and has written several nasty reviews of Tita Rosie’s Kitchen. When he comes back for yet another meal, he winds up dropping dead in his meal. Now the police are looking at Lila as a murderer, Tita Rosie’s Kitchen is closed until further notice, and Lila feels like the only hope of a happy ending is figuring out what is going on herself. Can she keep herself out of jail?

This is a solid debut. The mystery starts off quickly, and Lila learns plenty of secrets on her way to uncovering what really happened. The climax is suspenseful and creative. The characters are all strong. We even learn a bit more about Derek that makes him a little sympathetic although not completely likable. The rest of the cast is strong. A few supporting players blend together, but that is done on purpose, and we see glimpses of their individual personalities. We do have the beginnings of a love triangle here. Some of Lila’s friendships are so strong already, they help make those characters more real for us. I did feel a few of the themes of the book weren’t quite as well developed as I would have liked. Hopefully they will be explored more in further books. If the descriptions of food make you as hungry as they made me, you’ll be happy to see the four recipes at the end of the book. This is a strong debut, and I already can’t wait to find out what happens next to the characters.
Murder in the Bayou Boneyard
Murder in the Bayou Boneyard
Ellen Byron | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Graveside Murder
In an effort to increase bookings at her family’s Louisiana bed and breakfast during October, Maggie Crozat has come up with the “Pelican’s Spooky Past” promotion. Five of the area B & B’s are teaming up and offering historical crafts, food, and other promotions to tie in to the season. Someone else has gotten into the act since guests keep siting a rougarou, a local legendary monster. One of the events during the month is a play being staged at a nearby dilapidated graveyard. The first couple of weekends, the play goes well, but then at one performance someone in a rougarou costume stumbles onto the stage and dies. As cross jurisdictional strife heats up, Maggie and her family find themselves caught in the middle as prime suspects. Can Maggie clear their names?

Reading this series always makes me want to visit Louisiana in person, and this book is no exception. I also appreciate how we learn something about local customs, legends, and food while we read. The plot is strong with plenty of twists and action to keep us engaged and guessing. I do have a couple of niggles with the climax, but they are minor overall. The characters are as wonderful as ever. I love seeing the regulars again and watching them and their relationships grow. Meanwhile, the suspects are just as strong as the series regulars. Those looking for some Cajun flavor in their life will enjoy the five recipes we get at the end of the book. Fans of the series will enjoy the latest book, and if you are new to the series, this will make you go back and read the books you’ve missed.
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

This was a bargain £1 book from my favourite sells-pretty-much-everything store, The Works. I'd been eyeing the book online for a while in the stores 3 for £5 promotion they do but wasn't sure if it was something I'd enjoy as I can be really picky with my chick-lit.

Sunshine & Secrets starts with Amelia (Millie) at the airport, ready to go spend some time with her mum but instead gets a phone call from her sister with a great opportunity in St Lucia where she can help a successful chef open a Paradise Cookery School. The lady wanting to open the school has had an accident and broken her leg and can't fly out yet so Millie is left arranging the inputting of the top notch kitchen and checking the recipes the chef want to do with her clients are as good as they can be.

While on the island she meets some of the locals and people from the UK who stayed there after falling in love with the serene life. The Purple Parrot - a local bar - becomes her favourite place away from the Villa and she makes friends with its clientele, including the Villa's estate manager, Zach.

The secrets part of the title only really comes into play towards the end when it turns out some people have been using the cocoa husks of the Villa's trees for illegal deeds.

This book focused more on the food and island portion of things, whereas I would have preferred more of the romance aspect between Millie and Zach, although I understand that both characters are going to be in the next book, too. However, I don't think I will bother reading it.
Crime of the Ancient Marinara
Crime of the Ancient Marinara
Stephanie Cole | 2021 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good Mystery Smothered
After a month of hard work, Nell Valenti is ready to oversee the opening of Villa Orlandini as a cooking school lead by the famous Chef Orlandini. In fact, the first group of Americans are arriving at the Tuscany villa in just a couple of days. Nell is hoping that the worst of her problems will be Chef’s broken arm, a bocce ball accident. But then the guests arrive, and they aren’t what Nell is expecting. They seem to be a difficult lot. When one of them is poisoned by Chef’s famous marinara, Nell realizes she has real trouble on her hands. Can she figure out what is going on?

While I did struggle with some things in the first book in the series, I still enjoyed it. Unfortunately, those same issues are present here. The most prominent is Nell’s struggle with Italian. While we always know what is going on, it is presented in such a way that it keeps us out of the story. It’s a shame because I do like the returning characters, and the suspects grow as the story progresses. The mystery takes a while to truly get going, although we are meeting suspects. It’s a shame the pacing isn’t better since there is a good mystery buried in the book. There was a major editing error, as well, that resulted in a character being in two places at once. The book left me craving Italian food, so the recipes at the end are a nice bonus. The first book had its fans, and they will enjoy this entry as well. But if you struggled with the first one, you’ll struggle with this one.
A Pairing to Die For
A Pairing to Die For
Kate Lansing | 2021 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Parker Pair the Victim with the Correct Killer?
Reid Wallace’s estranged family has come for a visit to Boulder, Colorado, and Parker Valentine is hoping to make a good impression on her boyfriend’s family. However, things aren’t going well as Reid’s family is constantly judging everything she says as not being up to their standards. Never mind their opinions of her wine. The visit is interrupted when Reid is arrested for murder. Oscar, the sous chef at Reid’s restaurant and his long-time friend, was murder behind the restaurant, and the police are certain that Reid did it. Parker doesn’t believe that Reid is capable of murder and sets out to figure out what really happened. Can she free her boyfriend from jail?

The first in this series was one of my favorite books from 2020, so I had high hopes for this one. I’m pleased to say I enjoyed it. There is plenty of conflict in this book to keep us hooked. I did think the pacing started to slow in the middle, but about the time I thought that, it picked up again and kept going until we reached the end. The characters are still rich, and I appreciated the growth in their relationships, while the new characters fit perfectly into Parker’s world. For those interested because of the wine theme, there are plenty of scenes in Parker’s winery. I’d forgotten that this series is written in the present tense, which I don’t mind once my brain adjusts. There are three delicious sounding recipes with suggested wine pairings at the end of the book. If you haven’t started this series, you need to fix that. If you’ve read the first, this book will please you.
Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries
Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries
Tonya Kappes | 2018 | Mystery
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Campground Isn’t the Only Thing That Needed Fixing
Mae West’s life has turned upside down. Unbeknownst to her, her husband Paul was running a Ponzi scheme. When the dust from the FBI raid settles, Mae is left with no money, no home, and no friends. All she has is an RV and a campground in Kentucky. She heads there, hoping to figure out what she wants to do next with her life while she sells the place. However, when she arrives, she finds the place has been neglected and needs a lot of work. Then Paul escapes from prison and turns up dead in the campground’s lake. With Mae a logical prime suspect, she begins to work to clear her name. Can she do it?

I grew up camping, and I wanted to love this series set at a campground. Unfortunately, the flaws were just too many. The plot was good, including a logical killer and motive. However, there is a major plot hole in the final quarter of the book – one big enough to drive an RV through. Then there’s the law enforcement character who is supposed to be FBI but acts more like the local sheriff. The characters are pushing the edges of quirky, but they definitely grew on me. There are multiple issues with the grammar, something I am usually able to ignore pretty well, but here they were pretty bad. I think most of the flaws could have been fixed with a good, solid edit, but instead the book feels like it was rushed out. It is a quick read, and includes three delicious recipes and some household tips at the end. I really wanted to like this book, but unfortunately, I will have to keep driving until I find a better campground cozy series.
If You Could Go Anywhere
If You Could Go Anywhere
Paige Toon | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So we meet Angie who lives in the outback in rural Australia, a mining town called Coober Pedy--famous for its opals. Her grandmother has just passed away after years of struggling with dementia and as her only living relative it's hit Angie hard. Her friend comes over and they decide to drink some of her grandfathers wine and behind one of the bottles they find a letter written by Angie's dead mum addressed to a man in Italy. Reading the letter she finds out that her dad is the man the letter is addressed to and that he never knew about her. Angie is thrilled at the idea of having family back in Italy and flies out to meet them.

The people she meets in Italy welcome her with open arms, ready to accept her into their large extended family. They're a nice bunch of people who want to hear all about her life in the desert and living in a "cave". They show her how to make Italian cuisine and she shares her own recipes with them.

Then there's Alessandro. He's related but not by blood and there's a connection between the two of them. Both want to travel; both lost parents at an early age. But Alessandro had a rough start to life and doesn't want any sort of commitment with anyone or anything.

I loved some of the secondary characters like Stefano and Cristina. They were fun; there arguments over the music that played and their nights out/nights.

I like that this is set in Rome, a city I have visited myself so I understand some of Angie's joy at seeing some of the famous sites. And a little time in Venice, too. Another city I've had the fortune of visiting.

And lastly, cover love! How cute is this cover? I love it!
Fatal Cajun Festival
Fatal Cajun Festival
Ellen Byron | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Isn’t Music to Maggie’s Ears
Maggie Crozat’s grand-mere has come up with the idea of Pelican, Louisiana, holding a musical festival in the days leading up to New Orleans’s famous Jazz Fest. Tammy Barker, a native who has gained fame as the winner of the TV singing competition, has agreed to return to headline the event. This isn’t good news for Maggie’s friend, Gaynell, however. Gaynell and Tammy went to high school together, and Tammy seems to have it out for her, even sabotaging Gaynell’s shot at auditioning for Jazz Fest. So when a murder takes place after Tammy’s set opening night of the festival, all eyes are on Gaynell. Can Maggie clear her friend?

This is the fifth book in the series, and it was wonderful to get to visit our friends in Pelican again. Maggie leads a strong cast. While there are quite a few regulars plus the suspects, I didn’t have any trouble keeping the characters straight while I was reading. However, there is a handy character guide in the front of the book if you do need it. The plot is strong with a couple of equally as strong sub-plots to keep the pages turning. I especially enjoyed a sub-plot involving Grand-mere. The twists and turns lead us to a logical climax. My only complaint is how Maggie works with the police, but it was a minor issue overall. We get five recipes and some fun background on things we learn in the story at the end of the book. I always feel like I’ve visited Louisiana when I read one of these books, and this one is no expectation. Fans old and new will be glad they picked it up.