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The Blooding (Matthew Hawkwood, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The most recent book (at the time of writing) in [a:James McGee|223959|James McGee|] Matthew Hawkwood series, this is primarily set during the 'forgotten war' of 1812 between Great Britain and the fledgling USA, with Hawkwood newly arrived in the country while trying to get home to London from his escapades in France in the previous novel ([b:Rebellion|11254850|Seeds of Rebellion (Beyonders, #2)|Brandon Mull||16181497]).

I say mostly as, for approximately the first half, the novel actually flits back and forth - almost chapter about - between current events and those of Hawkwood's childhood (also in the States).

I also have to say that, as the series has progressed, it has seemingly moved further and further away from it's original Bow Street Runner in the Regency period: moving closer, perhaps, in mold (IMO) to the classic Sharpe stories of Bernard Cornwell, and - as a consequence - becoming in danger of losing it's own flavour that originally made it stand out.

Having said that, however, this - I felt - was an improvement on the previous book, which I personally struggled somewhat to connect with.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Becky in Books

May 29, 2023  
Sarah May | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Becky is a retelling of Vanity Fair - which I haven’t read - so I only really know what other people have said about it, really. Regardless of my lack of background knowledge, I can safely say that you will be able to enjoy this novel without any Regency or Victorian novel reading background.

I tore through this. When you realise that for the meteoric rise of the main character, Becky, there will be a plummet, it’s a case of morbid fascination!

And like the original, this is a story without a hero. None of the men are particularly “dashing”, or nice, in fact. Becky isn’t a likeable character either. She knows what she wants, and will do anything in the dirty world of tabloid “news” to get it.

I couldn’t stop reading this, and I closed the book after the last page thinking: “Well THAT was a good job!”

So hopefully I haven’t given too much away, and if you’ve read any of my other reviews, you’ll know that I love to hate a character, and Becky has this particular trait in spades!
It’s a cracking read!
From debut author Abigail Wilson comes a mysterious Regency tale of secrets and spies, love and treachery. Orphaned Sybil Delafield jumps at the opportunity for a position at the mysterious Croft Towers. She believes she was hired to act as companion to a dying woman, but a highway robbery and a hostile welcome from the Chalcroft family cause her to wonder if she was actually hired to help someone spy for France. An unsolved murder adds intrigue to this already secretive family, and Sybil recognizes Mrs. Chalcroft’s handsome grandson as one of the infamous highwaymen who robbed her. Sybil must determine if this man’s charming smile and earnest eyes speak the truth or if he is simply using her like others in the house. Everyone seems to have something to hide, and Sybil must decide who to trust while also coming to terms with the truth about her own past.

My Thoughts: Abigail Wilson has written a wondrous novel full of mystery and intrigue. This story-line keeps the reader entertained throughout the novel; there is no lagging in the action. The characters are very entertaining and believable.

This is a story full of mystery, secrets and murder! Readers will truly enjoy this debut novel. I look forward to reading more from Abigail Wilson.
Ratcatcher (Matthew Hawkwood, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked this book up for something like 99p in a Clearance sale in my local WH Smiths, and I have to say: it actually proved to be a better read than many other books that I've paid full price for.

Set during the late Regency period, this is the era of the Napoleonic Wars, Affairs of Honour (i.e. forbidden duels), Highwaymen and the Bow Street Runners. Starting with the robbery of a coach, this builds up into a plot surrounding a (historically correct) invention that agents of France hope to use against Great Britain to swing the balance of power in their favour. Matthew Hawkwood - the hero of the tale - is a former army officer from the Rifle Corps, who now works as one of the Bow Street Runners (few in number, and who have since been called London's first professional police force), who is initially charged with investigating this robbery. While I did find elements of the plot to be obvious - one reveal, in particular, I saw coming from about a mile away - there is still plenty to enjoy in the novel.

Based on this one, I may be convinced pick up a few more of the sequels ...
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