The Guys Upstairs
There is nothing worse than being a child in a home where violence and hatred are rife and no-one...
Darwin and Women: A Selection of Letters
Charles Darwin and Samantha Evans
Darwin and Women focusses on Darwin's correspondence with women and on the lives of the women he...

Leadership Coaching: Working with Leaders to Develop Elite Performance
Jonathan Passmore and Association for Coaching
Published with the Association for Coaching, this revised edition of the highly-respected Leadership...
Leadership Strategies in the Age of Big Data, Algorithms, and Analytics
Harnessing the power of technology is one of the key measures of effective leadership. Leadership...
Learning and Performance: A Systemic Model for Analysing Needs and Evaluating Training
Changing work roles, greater emphasis on individual autonomy, the growing importance of...

PowerPoint, Communication, and the Knowledge Society
PowerPoint has become an integral part of academic and professional life across the globe. In this...

HBR Guide to Getting the Mentoring You Need
Find the right person to help supercharge your career. Whether you're eyeing a specific leadership...

Advertising and Public Memory: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Ghost Signs
Leanne White, Stefan Schutt and Sam Roberts
We are pleased to present the first scholarly collection to examine the social and cultural aspects...

How Not To Be a Boy
RULES FOR BEING A MAN Don't Cry; Love Sport; Play Rough; Drink Beer; Don't Talk About Feelings But...

India's Ocean: The Story of India's Bid for Regional Leadership
This book assesses India's role as a major power in the Indian Ocean. Many see the Indian Ocean as...