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Dan Brown | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Learning new things (1 more)
Anti-climactic reveal (1 more)
Kinda lame
Same book, different name
I didn't hate it. The big reveal was a huge letdown for me, and IMHO, would not have caused a huge crisis for religious leaders. The killer was fairly obvious to me, also. That was super disappointing for me because I love a good twist, but this one didn't have it. Also, the whole mess with the royal family (aside from the touching scene at the end with the bishop) seemed kind of messy and superfluous.
Honestly, I haven't loved these last 2 Dan Brown books. The trivia and puzzles are great, and I love "accidentally" learning new things, but perhaps the same old, same old formula is wearing on me.
Cable & Deadpool Vol. 1: If Looks Could Kill
Cable & Deadpool Vol. 1: If Looks Could Kill
Fabian Nicieza | 2007 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good Cable book, not so much Deadpool
Note that this is "Cable & Deadpool", NOT the other way round. This is first and foremost a Cable book, with Deadpool along for the ride. Deadpool is hired to help a strange French religious sect steal a virus that changes how people look - they want everyone in the world to look the same - blue. It starts off as a decent irreverent Deadpool story but once Cable gets embroiled it all gets more serious. There are fun moments, such as when the stars have to share their DNA in order to recover from the virus (which all gets a bit pseudo-science mumbo jumboey) with quite amusing results.
This is far from Deadpool at his best, but it is still enjoyable.
Duck the Halls (Meg Langslow, #16)
Duck the Halls (Meg Langslow, #16)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I started this book around Christmas and am just now finishing it. I think that was a result not so much of the book itself - it wasn't poorly written or anything, I just kept picking up other books instead. Overall, it was a nice, fluffy, cozy mystery that I probably would have enjoyed more if I had read the whole thing at Christmastime. Yes, there were a lot of religious undertones, but I sort of expected that with a Christmas book. I would recommend this one to anyone looking for a book to get into the Chistmas mood.

*Although I did receive this book for free through Goodreads First Reads, all of my thoughts and opinions are my own.

Emma Watson recommended The Complete Persepolis in Books (curated)

The Complete Persepolis
The Complete Persepolis
Marjane Satrapi | 2003 | Biography, Comics & Graphic Novels
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Satrapi grew up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution and its aftermath; Persepolis is the story of her childhood. Through Marji’s youthful (though not-always-innocent) eyes and mind, we see a turbulent moment in history unfold, and we witness the tremendous impact that local and global events and politics can have on even the most intimate moments of personal lives. We experience with Marji her day-to-day dreams and struggles, from family strife to wrestling with religious faith and custom. We’re swept up in her parents’ anxieties and her grandmother’s memories of an utterly different era. And we get a very real sense of what it was like to be a woman in Iran during this intense time of cultural and political transition."


Sjon recommended Stranger Magic in Books (curated)

Stranger Magic
Stranger Magic
Marina Warner | 2012 | Education, Science Fiction/Fantasy
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Throughout my writing life I have relied on Marina Warner to guide me through the hidden realms of literature and culture. She has a wast knowledge of folk stories, religious tracts, legends and classical works from all points of the globe and her analysis of how they continue to be present in our lives and work is always inspiring. In Stranger Magic she tells the story of how Scheherazade’s tales in The Arabian Nights were embraced and appropriated by western culture without ever loosing their original power. As I am working my way towards a new novel which includes the influence of Arabic culture on medieval Icelandic writing Warner has once again provided me with her keen insight into the mechanisms of how stories travel."


Tim Burton recommended The Omega Man (1971) in Movies (curated)

The Omega Man (1971)
The Omega Man (1971)
1971 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"Seeing Charlton Heston reciting lines from Woodstock and wearing jumpsuits that look like he’s out of Gilligan’s Island — there are lots of good things. The thing I liked about this is that the vampire characters were played by real people. They had a really cool look to them — black robes, dark glasses. Not Charlton Heston with his shirt off. [laughs] I was kind of obsessed by him, because he’s like the greatest bad actor of all time. Between this and Planet of the Apes and Soylent Green and The Ten Commandments — I know that was a religious film but I always thought it was like the first zombie movie. He starts out like this real person and by the end he’s like this weird zombie."


Dean (6925 KP) rated Mary Queen of Scots (2018) in Movies

Aug 29, 2020 (Updated Aug 29, 2020)  
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
Saoirse Ronan (1 more)
Costumes and locations
Usual Hollywood approach to History (0 more)
Queen takes Queen
This isn't the type of film I normally watch but the cast swung me. It's the type of film that will win awards for the costume department and production. Saoirse Ronan really carries the film and without her I would score it a bit lower. Margot Robbie is sadly under used in this.
Tied up in a political, religious and royal game of real life chess as to whom will be heir to the throne of England. There is plenty of scheming and treason by both Royal courts. It's interesting but also at times a little dull. If you like slow period dramas you'll love it, if not you're not missing much.

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Life of Pi in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Life of Pi
Life of Pi
Yann Martel | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Life of Pi, a story of Indian boy castaway in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger for 277 days. This is a story of human endurance and spiritual belief. The story is beautifully written and being a non-religious person I enjoyed that fact that this young boy embraces all religions he comes across and values them all equally and sees the best in each. I was slightly worried the religious aspects would be off putting for me but I believe they added depth and beauty to this story.

Unfortunately I came to read this book after having seen the film so I found it hard not to picture what I had already seen. Also, it meant I already knew how the story ended. I wish I had read the book before seeing the film as I think the story would have been better leaving the ending unknown. It was hard to get caught up with the revelations when they are revealed before you begin. I kept applying what I knew of the story’s ending to the book as I read.

I enjoyed that the story was written as if Pi himself were telling it to me, other than a couple of brief chapters were the journalist is making observations about Pi and his home. It isn’t hard to feel for Pi and knowing he survives to tell his story allows you to fully immerse in his pain and suffering. I would recommend this book, if you haven’t seen the film yet please read the book first so as not to ruin the story and how it unfolds.
Midnight Special (2016)
Midnight Special (2016)
2016 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As children, we often fantasize about what it would be like to possess superpowers or some trait that sets us further apart from our peers. We imagine ourselves as being able to become invisible, fly, or command animals. The film Midnight Special introduces us to a young boy who is blessed with a special gift that no one can quite comprehend. A religious cult seeks the boy as their savior. The government wants to use him as a weapon. His father wants to protect him.

The film gives the audience enough suspense and relevant issues to keep them fully engrossed in the story. The opening of the film leaves us with very little background of the events that have taken place which for many films would be a grand weakness in the storytelling, however, for this film it is essential in shaping the dramatic moments as it builds to the climax. Midnight Special features strong performances from Adam Driver and Michael Shannon. Director Jeff Nichols does a superb job in weaving a story that is both original and imaginative. The film itself is a journey involving various elements that drive the story. For some, it will make them more skeptical of the government and religious fanaticism. For others, they will have a new take on the road film genre which is filled with peril, tension, friendship, and love.

Midnight Special is one of those rare movies that allows the viewers to become fully involved in the story and characters involved. With the suspense, humor, and interactions, the actors and director have made a complete film. It stays with you and makes you want more.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated One Of Us (2017) in Movies

Oct 24, 2017 (Updated Oct 24, 2017)  
One Of Us (2017)
One Of Us (2017)
2017 | Documentary
How religious dogma can appear under any situation
A heartbreaking documentary following three ex-Hasidic Jews, who are attempting to fight fanaticism within the ultra-orthodox community. From ex-communication, to rape, abuse, and kangaroo justice, the film shows how a wall of secrecy allows discrimination and zealotry to thrive.

In one story, a woman with seven children, who was abused by her husband and even at one point was run down whilst on her bicycle, because she tried to get a divorce through the court system. It's grim to say the least. Another young adult describes being raped as a child by a teacher, who was allowed to continue to work despite the claims.

The documentary is truly shocking and shows that extremism is reactive and can breed under any society and circumstance.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Oct 25, 2017

I'm a big fan of some of the Netflix documentaries, they're rather outstanding just because the content is very different.