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Baxter Dury recommended Let's Stay Together by Al Green in Music (curated)

Let's Stay Together by Al Green
Let's Stay Together by Al Green
1972 | Dance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Someone told me that the middle of the road is the only place you definitely get run over, and this is very obvious, housewife soul… you can’t say that any more, can you? But I just like how it’s created. I get really into the fact that the band used to just bang out these songs, they’d put down these drum tracks then Al Green would just come in at the last minute and sing on top of it all. They’re so patterned, cyclical, and he just it off. It’s a load of faux, pre-religious romantic nonsense, but really well done. They were kind of cynical, I reckon. ‘Let’s knock a few of these out in a day and we’re on!’ They’re kind of simple songs when you look back at it, there’s a lack of depth to Al Green, but he’s got such a good voice, and such a good drummer. And age has made it sound cooler, but the core isn’t cool at all."

The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
1955 | Drama, Mystery
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When I first came to town, in 1989, I was hired to work on a sitcom starring Robert Mitchum. Yes, really. And at the first writers’ meeting, I mentioned to the more senior staff members that I was kind of excited to meet him. Well, most of the other writers had never seen Mitchum in anything, so I invited them over to watch a video of The Night of the Hunter, arguably one of the great pieces of art in movie history. It’s somewhat surreal and heightened and theatrical, and they laughed at it. I knew then I was in a world of trouble. It’s the only movie directed by Charles Laughton and one of the only screenplays written by James Agee. Mitchum is an evil “religious” fraud, and Lillian Gish is the embodiment of good. The movie scares you, then makes you cry at how beautiful it is. The sitcom was cancelled after seven episodes."

Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Vol. 3
Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Vol. 3
Atrayo | 2015 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Non-fiction, Spiritual, Non-romance

Page Count: 258 pages

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Your spiritual journey of self-improvement continues in volume three of the Jewels of Truth series by Ivan A. Pozo-Illas, a.k.a. Atrayo. In this new compendium of 365 statements of spiritual wisdom, Atrayo shares daily inspirational tools to explore all of the must-haves in your life, including love, faith, forgiveness, and certainly, God(dess).

From these poignant and concise statements, rather than lengthy diatribes, you can easily and quickly find the essential kernel of truth to help you on your journey today.

No matter your religious or spiritual traditions or background, this volume is written from an all-inclusive perspective. Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues is the sacred and uplifting result of clairvoyant automatic writing as the genesis motivation to reach the masses. The channeled spirit teachers are all angelic in divine nature. They are nameless as a united continuum of the Holy Spirit.

Spirituality has a core need in our lives. No matter where you are on your journey, these messages of hope are shared in love.

Let me start off by saying that I am really not qualified to be reviewing this book. Ivan A. Pozo-Illas was generous enough to donate to the Borgen Project in exchange for an honest review. While I am happy to do it, I am probably not doing this book justice.

As someone with absolutely no background in philosophy or religion, this was a difficult book to get through and review.

I do know that despite the author’s claims of it being all-inclusive for all religious backgrounds, the book was more tilted to the Christian faith, with most of the proverbs talking about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. There were plenty of mentions of God(dess) as well, which was the basically only indication these statements of wisdom were not strictly for Christian. While Mohammed, Buddha, and Krishna are mentioned maybe four times, and always in a list of other important religious figures from different religions (never for their specific teachings), Jesus is mentioned 22 times, usually in passages like this:

It has been written in the Biblical New Testament that “Jesus the Christ” once stated that to enter the “Kingdom of God” one must be as innocent as a child in spirit.

On top of that, these statements of wisdom, to me at least, were pretty long and wordy. It was difficult to get through. A lot of the time I did not understand what was being said, but that could just be chalked up to my own ignorance on the subject.

This is probably more useful to people more educated about spirituality than me, but it is definitely not for the everyday person, at least not most of it. There were some things that were interesting, like this quote celebrating diversity in religions.

No one religion can have a monopoly on God and/or on his favoritism. To say so is a lie and a sin to the diversity within Creation itself.
Amity & Sorrow
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

So when I read the blurb about this book, it definitely interested me. I find these kind of cults interesting. Amity & Sorrow: A Novel by Peggy Riley is such a good read when it comes to religious cults and just a great read in general.

Amaranth is on the run from her polygamous, cult leader husband. She's also brought her two children, Amity and Sorrow, with her. When she crashes her car in Oklahoma, she doesn't plan on staying. However, after spending time with Bradley, she wants to stay. Sorrow, her eldest child, wants to go back to her father. Amity just wants to make her sister happy. Sorrow will do anything she can to get back to the compound and her father. Will Amaranth stay with Bradley or will she miss the compound's ways?

The title is pretty straight forward. Amity and Sorrow are the names of the children in this book. I kind of like the title although I think it's not very original.

The cover is simplistic. I was a bit confused though when I started reading the book because the two girls look like adults judging by what their bodies look like. Amity is supposed to be 12 years old, and although Sorrow's age is never revealed, she is referred to as a child. I think the cover would've suited this book better had it looked like a pre-teen and a teenage girl holding hands.

The setting and world building were done beautifully. Everything was written the way I'd think a polygamous cult would be and the how the people in it would act. Riley's portrayal of a woman who escaped from a religious cut is fantastic!

I can not fault the pacing in this book. Not once was I bored when reading Amity & Sorrow: A Novel. Every chapter ending left me wanting more. Every page came alive in my mind for me.

The characters were very well developed and well written. I enjoyed reading about Amity. I loved her innocence and the way she was protective of her sister. I couldn't stand Sorrow, not because she wasn't written well but because I just found her to be so much of a spoiled brat. Amaranth was a great character, and I thought she was a great mother to her children.

Like the pacing, the dialogue is fantastic. The children who were raised in the religious cult speak the way I'd imagine them too. The dialogue between the characters is very interesting. There's no real swear words although there are sexual references.

Amity & Sorrow: A Novel by Peggy Riley is a fantastic read that will leave its readers thinking about it long after they've finished the ending. It is a touching story about love, survival, and the human spirit.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ due to sexual references and adult themes.

(I received this book for free from the Goodreads Firstreads program).
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<u>I Feel Like Going On</u> tells the story of Ray Lewis's life through his point of view. From his early childhood to the man he is today. I learned quite a bit about Ray Lewis that I didn't know and found very interesting. A religious and family man with seven children, he is a very different person than the man who used to be on the football field.

Growing up in Maryland, I only root for two teams, the Washington Redskins and whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys. When I was a kid, the Baltimore team had been long, so the Redskins were who I went for. I respect, Ray Lewis as an amazing defensive player in the NFL. Occasionally, I would cheer for Baltimore especially when they were in the Super Bowl. It was interesting to find out that the Redskins were Ray's favorite as well. He has a very religious side to him that you don't get to see on the field. He is also very family oriented, always there for his kids as well as his mother and brothers and sisters. There are a lot of things I learned from this book about Ray Lewis and about life in general. The best part of the book came at the end when Ray talks about what his mother taught him.

"Be an example. Be a force for good. And know that every one with a great name has been through something. A great deal of something. It's not about doing what everybody else is doing. It's just about being true to yourself whatever the majority of people are doing, go ahead and do the opposite--if you know what you're doing to be right and good and true. Live your legacy. Do your thing. Walk in a certain light."

This book is an inspiration to anyone who is struggling through life and may be unsure how they are going to make it through the storm. Ray Lewis made it through a single mom household, losing friends and coaches, and being accused of the most terrible things. He made it through alive andd on top.
Trust Me
Trust Me
Kelly Irvin | 2022 | Contemporary, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a bit too much, for ME!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I received my copy of this book via Netgalley.

I'm not 100% how I feel about this book, so I'll try to explain (which is not always possible!)

I liked the premise of this book. Delaney's boyfriend was sent to prison for the manslaughter of her brother. He maintained his innocence throughout. The day of his release, she finds her best friend killed the same way, and Hunter is now prime suspect. What follows is a race to not only prove Hunter's claim, but to prevent any more deaths.

I liked that we hear from more than just Delaney and Hunter. I do like to hear from everyone.

I liked the suspense aspect. I wasn't fully certain whodunnit, til it was revealed in the book.

It is a bit violent, with the death discoveries being described in detail. I did think that was appropriate though, for the most part, for this book.

It is clean. I didn't mind that. I do prefer my books on the more explicit side, but I'm big enough to say when a book does not need it.

It does drag a bit, between about 40 to 70% and I very nearly dumped it, but I wanted to know how it would all turn out.

And we come to my biggest issue. I'm quite happy to read Christian books, religious characters, deeply faithful or mindly thoughtful about higher powers. But this book takes the references to God and faith and belief a little bit too far, FOR ME. It felt like, at least every page had a reference to God or faith. A bit like it was shoving it down my throat. It really was, for ME, too much. I stress this point, this is MY OPINION, and how I felt about it.

This is the first I've read of this author. Will I read more? Probably not. A quick search shows a back list of religious themed books, and if they are anything like this one, I won't like it.

So, because of the major dragging bit, and because of the constant God/faith thing . . .

3 stars
Empire of the Vampire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Empire of the Vampire
This book is not for the feint hearted. Not only is it decidedly grotesque and gruesome, but its also a monster of a book, coming in at 725 pages with another book on the way.

It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise. For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own.

Gabriel de León is a silversaint: a member of a holy brotherhood dedicated to defending realm and church from the creatures of the night. But even the Silver Order couldn’t stem the tide once daylight failed us, and now, only Gabriel remains.

Imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity’s last remaining hope:

The Holy Grail.

The book is dark and gruesome, but also delightfully entertaining. Kristoff puts an original spin on the vampire world and created a deep, well-rounded character with the biggest chip on his shoulder. All the characters are well-developed, to be honest.

The humour, as expected, is dark. Which is what makes it so great. I found myself laughing out loud in parts. I loved the witty banter and insults from the characters.

My woe with this book was, though I enjoyed it, it did feel like I was reading a 725 page book. Sometimes the time flew, and others I found myself counting the pages wondering how much longer this was going to go on for. I think the story could have been shorter without losing anything vital.

Read if you like:

Adult fantasy
Legendary battles
Blood and gore/violence
Religious occult
Dark humour

Don't read if:

You are a child
And dont like:
Prolific swearing
Sexual Content
Religious Themes

Trigger warnings:
Anything mentioned above
Drug addiction
Child abuse

It reminds me of Interview With a Vampire meets Van Helsing...

Kaz4ray (17 KP) rated The Wonder in Books

Feb 5, 2018 (Updated Feb 5, 2018)  
The Wonder
The Wonder
Emma Donoghue | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book tells the story of a young girl who declares she no longer needs to be nourished by food. It is said that she hasn’t eaten for 4 months. The town committee employs two nurses, one a nun and the other a ‘professional’ trained by Florence Nightingale herself to mount a round the clock vigil for 14 days to ensure that no food is consumed by the girl and that she is telling the truth. This is set in a highly religious Ireland just after the potato famine. The towns people are very superstitious and are guided and influenced by the parish priest. No spoilers, but I didn’t expect the ending which for me is the sign of a good book. I empathised with the main characters and throughout the book changed my mind several times as to whether or not she was telling the truth. The book flowed really well and I enjoyed Emma Donaghue’s style of writing very much. I read it in one sitting.
Till We Have Faces
Till We Have Faces
C. S. Lewis | 1956 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
No Belief In Relious Fairy Tales Necessary To Enjoy (0 more)
Best Lewis Novel By Far
More than a simple retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth, this is a masterwork of storytelling by an author often hobbled by his well known and, in my opinion, laughably ridiculous religious beliefs. Yet unlike so many others that let these beliefs dissolve their efforts of mainstream fiction into so many pieces of nonsense too hamstrung by foolishness to ever assemble something coherent, let alone worth reading, Lewis often managed to rise above it, as with (for the most part) his deservedly beloved Narnia chronicles. Till We Have Faces is nothing short of brilliant, beautiful, at times achingly sad, and very profound. Those of you not fooled by the Jesus parade, but who love a damn good book written by a master of his craft, do yourself a HUGE favor and read this gem of a book. Then do the literary world a favor by passing along the good word (lol, couldn't help myself) that this may be the best book that nobody has heard of.
The Satanic Bible
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
✪✪✪✪ 4 Stars

One look at the title and front cover of this book and one might be like 'ooooh shock horror'...but it's really not like that. This book isn't about worshipping Satan, or any deity, it is about worshipping yourself. It actually makes a really good self help book when it comes to accepting and believing in yourself. Instead of being spiritual based it focusing more on the physical being, the enjoyment of the flesh and the enjoyment of the here and now.
The only reason I dropped a star was because it contradicted itself about half way through. It was made clear that this wasn't about Satan worship but then it went on to give us pages of rituals, spells and numerous hail satans. Although I found these very interesting it lead the whole book into a different direction away from the self which I thought was the whole purpose.
I am not a religious person and I picked this one up due to curiousity, I'm glad I did.