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The Scarlet Empress (1934)
The Scarlet Empress (1934)
1934 | Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Scarlet Empress, with Marlene Dietrich, directed by Josef von Sternberg. That’s also pre-Code, just barely, I think, and it’s the greatest of their collaborations. Morocco is amazing, too, and I love Blue Angel. Morocco has that incredible ending where she can’t resist but follows him off, and you hear the wind sound and all that. Anyway, Scarlet Empress is so singular; there’s nothing like it. It’s almost like a new cinema is being created; he’s creating a new language for cinema. Not just the way that it looks, but the light, the use of light, and the use of production design becomes, almost, a sensory part of the experience and informs her character. It’s all about her character’s sensuality, and he uses all these other elements beyond just herself to sell that. The way the film looks, the way the film feels, and it’s where the style completely informs her identity, which is an amazing idea."

Welcome to Sugartown (Sugartown, #1)
Welcome to Sugartown (Sugartown, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this.

It was different; set in Australia and centred around one ex-biker gang guy trying to go it straight in the small town of Sugartown

I liked Elijah. He was hot and so sweet with Ana and Sammy. He tried to resist her for her own good but in the end he couldn't do it and it made me smile because I think they make quite a cute couple.

As for Ana, she was so strong willed and, I was behind her 100% of the book in regards to seducing Elijah, it broke my heart a little with what happened to her, though. Poor thing. Elijah got a bit of justice for her, which sent him even higher up my list of favourite things in this book.

It has a different plotline to most NA, so if you're getting bored of reading the same sort of storylines, you should check this out!
Pulse (Collide, #2)
Pulse (Collide, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first book, Collide, last year sometime and it just about killed me at the end. There was one paragraph/speech near the end from Gavin that broke my heart and made me cry buckets and I couldn't wait to read this to find out what happened...

But then I sorta went off NA...

And then I went for it and read it.

I didn't find it as good as the first, though how anyone can resist Gavin Blake *points at Emily* I'll never know. He's funny, sexy, sweet; he's like a woman's fantasy man...and to think Emily tried to pick that d*ck Dillon over Gavin!

I'm happy that they got their HEA, I just kinda lost interest with some parts of the book and found it a little long for what actually happened. Nevertheless this is probably one of my favourite NA series'

If you haven't tried this series yet, you really should!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Moxie (2021) in Movies

Mar 28, 2021  
Moxie (2021)
Moxie (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Drama, Music
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Superior Netflix high-school comedy-drama. A teenage girl is provoked into starting a feminist club at her high school and resist the double-standards she sees everywhere. (There are jokes, too.)

Sounds like another crashingly didactic piece of post-Weinstein agitprop, but director Amy Poehler is smart enough to mix a little more grit and nuance into the formula. There are still things about the movie which grate slightly - the female principal of the school is almost comically indifferent, there's a rather-too-glib piece of plotting about a rape, and the demonisation of white men is surely problematic - but this is subtle and funny and occasionally sweet and tender, and you do care about the characters and their situations. The film is insightful enough to imply that even if an injustice is brazen and obvious, it doesn't necessarily follow that the solution to it is straightforward. This is an openly feminist film with an axe to grind, but still an accessible piece of entertainment.