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Marylegs (44 KP) rated The Kite Runner in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, what to say about this book. I am the sort of reader who doesn’t really look at reviews until after I have finished a book. I find otherwise my opinion gets foggy with everyone else’s comments, that or people don’t know how to resist putting in spoilers which they then do not declare. Personally, I enjoyed the book, I want to say I liked it more than I did, I think because I found it thought provoking. I have to say I guessed the majority of the plot twists long before they happened, but there were a few surprises which I always appreciate.

When I give a star rating, I following the guideline comments as well as comparing how much I liked it compared to similar books. Now the trouble I’m having is I don’t normally read books like this, so I don’t really have anything to compare it with. I feel I can’t give it 4 or 5 stars, even though it may deserve them, just because I didn’t finish the book and feel… for want of a better word ‘wowed’. When I give 4 or 5 stars it is because I finish the book and can’t stop thinking about it, that I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who asked and that I will definitely read again. I just can’t say I felt like that about this book.

But, what I did like was, for me the chance to read something so different to my preferred reading genres. I personally liked that it was written in such a way that that you were unsure whether you were meant to like the narrator and main character Amir. That I felt for him, but also I wanted him to grow a backbone and stand up for what is right. I thought the book could have flowed better as I enjoyed the beginning and the ending, but felt it lost something in the middle. That the pace just completely dropped into nowhere. I think that it is likely that there are many inaccuracies (historically) within this book, but it is a work or fiction, not a true account of events. I enjoyed the journey, and I would probably read other books by the same author.
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
1980 | Action, Comedy
Great fight scenes, funny moments, Clyde and not forgetting The Black Widows. (0 more)
Nothing i can think of. (0 more)
Right Turn Clyde
Contains spoilers, click to show
This was the first film i ever rented as a kid from the video shop. I was 5 at the time and the cover just drew me to it. My mum bless her let me have this and The Snowman. That was way back in 1985 and i have never lost any love for it.

Clint stars as Philo Bedo a bare knuckle brawler who has decided after his last fight (Which he easily wins) Enough is enough and he no longer wants to fight as, He is getting to enjoy the pain a little too much. When he is offered $25,000 by Patrick Scarfe ( Michael Cavanaugh) to fight Jack Wilson played by B movie great William Smith, Philo finds the offer to tempting to resist and accepts. Meanwhile, Lynn Halsey Taylor (Sondra Locke) returns to town and plays at the local bar in an attempt to reconcile with Philo, who she betrayed in the first film. Add to this, The Black Widows, the notorious and bumbling local biker gang, plan revenge on Philo for previous misdeeds from the first film.

When circumstances lead Philo to reconcile with Lynn, She and Philo's half brother Orville (Geoffrey Lewis) find out that Jack has killed a guy in his previous fight leading no one wanting to fight him. After much pressure, Philo decides not to fight and attempts to give the money back but Scarfe and his partner James Beekman ( Harry Guardino) won't take no for an answer and have Lynn kidnapped so that Philo has no choice but to fight.

Wilson finds out about this and helps Philo get Lynn back with both of them taking down a Beekmans mob guys.. When the fight is called off again because of the under handed tactics of Scarfe and Beekman, Pride between Philo and Wilson makes them wonder who would of won the fight?

Knowing it can't end how it is, Bedo and Wilson have a wild fight through the streets of Jackson to find out, Just who is the best between them.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
If you hear the sound of a million screaming girls coming from your local theater, then you already know that the newest film in the Twilight Saga, “New Moon” is here. Picking up where “Twilight” left off is the love triangle between emo babe, Bella (Kristen Stewert), her star-crossed boyfriend/vampire, Edward (Robert Pattinson), and the heartfelt affectionate werewolf, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). But this film isn’t just about this century’s most discussed love triangle. “New Moon” takes Twilighters deeper into the history and mythos of these loveable monsters. Further expanding the Twilightverse is the introduction of the Volturi, the vampire royalty, who keep their kind a global secret, with serious consequences for those who break their code.

If you were bored during the slow buildup of “Twilight” then “New Moon” should be an exciting change, filled with fast cars and strong CGI. And the visuals don’t stop there, with backdrops ranging from the rainy forests of Washington to the sunny streets of Tuscany, this film goes far beyond the scope of the last.

Most impressively the acting has improved, especially on the part of Jacob Black who is charming in “New Moon”, a significant improvement from his irritating portrayal in the first film. Did I mention that he has gained a six pack? No, not just the abs, but also in the form of his wolf tribe (yes, I know there are only five wolves, but who can resist a good six pack turn of phrase?).

I only wish there had been more interaction with the Volturi. Surely there was a way to skip an unnecessary emotional Bella scene for a better understanding of the cruel nature of these creatures. Still the chemistry between Bella and the two men of her dreams is undeniably heart wrenching in this cinematic chapter.

Lovers of Twilight will also rejoice over the clever dialogue, which immediately took me back to key moments in the books. Moreover, the action-filled storytelling might just be the final straw for the remaining people out there on the fence about tackling the hefty novels.
Tails from the Deep
Tails from the Deep
Diane Vallere | 2019 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoe is the middle of three sisters, the daughters of Mother, the leader of the merfolk settlement Sirenia somewhere under the sea. Unlike her other sisters, Zoe loves to explore. One of her favorite places is a shipwreck beyond the edges of her merfolk village. She sneaks out there quite frequently, so when things seem off one day, she is quick to notice. When she returns the next day, she finds a human diver trapped on the bottom next to a dead body. She frees the diver, but her actions lead to questions that might impact her settlement. Can she figure out who to trust and what is really going on?

Mermaid mysteries are definitely something different, but I couldn’t resist when Diane announced she was going to write these. After all, I love the water, so the idea of living under the sea, at least for a few pages, was too irresistible. I’m glad I did because I enjoyed this story. This reads very much like a cozy murder mystery with plenty of twists and turns. The end was a little abrupt, but that’s a minor issue. As we read, we also get a feel for mermaid culture, which was a delight. Many of the slight twists on our world and expectations made me smile. It was definitely well thought out. We also get to know Zoe very well over the course of the story since is many ways these stories are coming of age stories in addition to mysteries. Since it is a 100 page novella, there isn’t tons of character development for the rest of the characters, but they still come across as real. The other two stories focus on Zoe’s sisters, and I can’t wait to see how they are developed and how that fits with Zoe’s take on her sisters. If you are looking for a slight fantasy edge to your cozy, I definitely recommend this novella for something different.

NOTE: This story, along with the stories of Zoe’s sisters, are included in the Mermaid Mysteries anthology. Buy them individually or as a set, but there is no need to buy both.
    Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet

    Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

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    He's white, he's fluffy and absolutely adorable! Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet is a new talking cat...

Angelbound (Angelbound Origins #1)
Angelbound (Angelbound Origins #1)
Christina Bauer | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another book that has been on my Kindle for years. It's been a little over six years since I bought this from Amazon so it's about time I read this.

This starts with Myla, a quasi-demon, waking for school, only to find she has to fight in the arena again, something she lives for. There's some politics going on with the angels and demons and she finds herself being drawn into it. Add in Prince Lincoln of the thrax, a group of human demon killers, and she's not having the best time... Not with the tension that sparks between them.

I'll admit I'd been put off by the number of pages in this. I am not a fan of really long books and this is listed as being 500+ pages... But, I was quickly drawn into this. It had a really easy to read style and I quickly grew to like Myla. She's the kick arse, evil soul defeating, demon killing quasi-demon that want's to know who her dad is. And it is a mystery that I enjoyed seeing unravelled. There were quite a few twists and turns along the way.

The romance was kinda cute. They really don't like each other much to start with what with Lincoln being a demon hunter and Myla being part demon but the more time they spent together, it was pretty obvious that they had a spark between them and I enjoyed the build up to their relationship starting and flourishing.

I also really liked a few of the secondary character's such as Walker and Cissy. Zeke also wasn't so bad when he stopped being so "I'm hot, no-one can resist me" and started acting more normal.

It was a very well thought out and detailed story that I enjoyed getting my teeth into but I'm not going into too many details as it would totally ruin it for you. Let's just say Purgatory is in for a hell of a ride. If you like stories involving demons and angels then I'd give this a go.