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Becoming Magic (Sleight of Hand #5)
Becoming Magic (Sleight of Hand #5)
Michelle Garren Flye | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm jumping straight in here, because this is one of those reviews that is going to be difficult to write!

Overall, I liked this book. Mostly.

It's reasonably well written, from both Carole and Connor's points of view, so that was good. I didn't see any spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

It just didn't grab me! I found myself wanting more, from Connor, about that break up with his ex-co-star. From Carole about what happened all those years ago in Hollywood. From them both, about each other, their feelings. . . . I. . . . just . . . .

Wanted MORE!!!! And I can't word just WHAT I wanted, and that's why this is a hard review to write, cos I cannot, for the life of me, find the right words, and you know how much that PAINS me!

It does deal with some difficult topics: being drugged and a sexual assault. It deals with these in a sensitive manner, but needs to be mentioned. I also found the assault story arc a little bit too much like what's going in the the REAL Hollywood right now, with the growing list of high powered Hollywood men being accused of various assaults. Maybe that's where the author got the inspiration from, I dunno, but I found it a little too much like it, you know??

This is book 5 in the Sleight of Hand series, and I have not read the others. I did not feel I was missing anything, by not reading them And although Sabrina and Walter (book4) play a huge part here, I didn't feel I HAD to have read their story before this one.

So, I'm sorry, but not one for me.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Zulu Hart (George Hart #1)
Saul David | 2009
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"The first in a series of books about the Zulu War, this is also the first fictional book that Saul David has written. While he may be a good historian (never having read his works, I don't know), I have to say: I'm not so sure about his ability to write good fiction.

Not that there's anything wrong with his knowledge of the battle(s) of Islandwhana and Rorke's Drift (there isn't, and I'm sure he knows more about it than me) - that part of the book isn't actually too bad - rather, that he seemed to be too clumsy in how he manoeuvred his characters into position to be involved in those battles. I've never been too fond of the use of the amazing coincidence device! I also wasn't keen on the fact that the characters seemed to feel the need to explain to each other things that they should already know, even if the reader doesn't. You know, like one military officer describing to another how to perform a fighting retreat by ranks (one rank firing while the other covers them)?

There's two main love interests in the book, but only one of them seems fully realised or in place properly: the other added almost as an afterthought, and the conclusion of that one seems pretty weak.

Like another reviewer, I'd have to say that while this certainly wasn't the worse book I'v ever read, it's a long way from being the best, or even the best 'new' book I've read this year (that would have to be Angus Donald's "Outlaw"). Quite glad that I got it as part of a 1/2 price offer: would be less impressed if I'd had to pay full price for it!"
Black Sky Morning (Mind + Machine #3)
Black Sky Morning (Mind + Machine #3)
Hanna Dare | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite hit THAT spot!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Mind + Machine series, and it's not totally necessary to read the other two books first, but I personally think it would give you a bigger better picture of Jonathan, and his work.

I LOVED books one adn two, this one though, did not quite hit THAT spot, you know? And it pains me, deeply, when I cannot figure out why!

Jonathan is Rylan's brother (book one, Metal Machine Magic) and Xin pops up on both previous books (I think!) they just haven't crossed paths just yet. Not til Jonathan enlists Xin in a mission that goes a bit wrong. But then Xin enlists Jonathan in a mission of his own and the pair end up stranded on a distant planet, faced with possible death. They have to work together to get free. Neither is used to trusting though.

I liked the way the story developed, at an even pace, fast enough to keep up but not so fast you miss something. I liked that there wasn't rally any attraction brewing between them (at least I didn't pick it up!) until Xin brings up a possible physical relationship to get them through their predicament. I liked the way that things crept up on them both.

It's well told, from both Jonathan and Xin's point of view, in the third person. Each voice is clear and distinctive, given their very different upbringings.

I liked the way their story unfolded. I just didn't LOVE it like the other two!

So, gonna leave it with this, a good solid sci-fi read, that I did read in one sitting!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Altered (The Made Ones Saga #1)
Altered (The Made Ones Saga #1)
Vicki Stiefel | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
wonderful read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

The Eleutians are a dying race, their female number has dropped so low, there are few children born anymore. So the Alchemic Clan devise a scheme to take women from the alternate universes they have discovered. Kit is one such woman. After falling down, she wakes up in a place she doesn't know, in a body she doesn't remember having. Rafe, of the Wolf Clan, finds Kit and makes her his. But there are bigger forces at work here, and Kit makes the difficult decision to walk away from Race, even though the thought kills her inside.

Different!! Very good different too.

A bit paranormal, a bit magic, a bit sci fi too. Quite a tricky one to tag outright.

There is, quite clearly, a much MUCH bigger picture to this story, and sometimes, it's so bloody hard to see it! Everyone has a say, Rafe and Kit mostly, but some others who really do need that voice to give you a bit of that bigger picture, for things to mostly make sense.

I did get a bit lost sometimes, though, in the world as a whole, and the people in it.


A very well written, well delivered tale that I would love to follow up on, since the book is labelled as a saga, there will be more to come. How many?? I don't know, but I suspect at least 2 more, to include Kit's sisters. Couple of hints to other pairings, that may or may not be wishful thinking on my part, but we can only wait and see!

A good solid 4 star read

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Midnight Exposure (Midnight, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't you just love it when you read a book and it is so much more than what you expected? This is what happened to me when I read Midnight Exposure. I thought it would the usual story of hero meets heroine, they don't get on, big calamity, insta-love, everything's fine. That is so NOT what you get with this. You get a well thought out, full of plot, suspenseful story. Yes, there are overtures of romance to the book but they are brilliantly done.

Our main female and male leads both come with baggage and flaws. Jayne is no weeping wallflower mind you. One of my favourite parts of the book was when she used her black belt karate on someone. She is not just going to sit there and be a victim. The supporting characters are all well rounded and develop really well throughout the book.

As for the 'occult' side of things - I thought this was remarkably well written and that's coming from a pagan. Too often in books, knowledge is mis-used or only given in part and the result can be something that makes me cringe as it dumps every earth and nature based religion in with satanism. The parts of this book that were revealing more about the villain and his motives etc, never painted the actual symbolism as black, instead just showing how it was being used for his purposes. I know I haven't explained it very well but trust me, Melinda Leigh did a great job. As for the reviewer who said "we get no clue what kind of religion this is", I suggest you take a re-read as it is written plain as day.

Loved this book and have started on book 2, Midnight Sacrifice. Recommended!
Poisoned Pawn
Poisoned Pawn
David Siegel Bernstein | 2020 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not one for me
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I am struggling with my review for this one, and I have no idea if any of this will make sense you, since I'm struggling to make sense of the book.


It's well written. I saw no spelling or editing errors. It plays well with the Sherlock Holmes and the characters all to do with him, the good and the bad. There is a huge supporting cast of well rounded and developed characters, that fit in, in all the right places. It's very different to my usual reads. I DID like the twist that I did not see coming, not in the slightest!

And I finished it!

Negatives (for me):

Single person point of view, in the first person.

And I have not a single clue about what was the point of the whole book! I kept on reading, since I thought *something* will make sense soon. Something will give me a sign what the whole point of this tale is. And I got nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero clue. There is an EXTREMELY tangled web within the book, and I tried to keep up, I really did, but I got lost somewhere around a key player's murder. I can see HOW everything came together, I just can't see WHY, you know?

Maybe it was just a little TOO far out of my corfort zone, although, pre-kindle days, crime/thriller/police books were my main stay, so I don't know!

Will I read anything else by this author? Probably not, no. Someone will be fully engrossed in the book and it will make total sense to them, but for me? Sorry.

3 stars, since what I read WAS well written, and I DID finish it.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**