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Sleigh Bells on Bread Loaf Mountain
Sleigh Bells on Bread Loaf Mountain
Lindy Miller | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
cute and sweet!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I'm all about the book feelings and how much I hate using the word NICE to describe a book. But sometimes, that word sticks at the tip of my fingers and I can't shift it no matter what.

So, this is a nice book.

Roxy goes home for Christmas for the first time in several years, at the request of her aging grandmother. Her (currently) off-again boyfriend is in Milan. A conversation between them sets Roxy off in a bad mood and things go downhill from there. Or rather, Roxy goes uphill but the weather turns for the worse and Roxy runs off the road in a blizzard and she only packed her good clothes. Ranger Mark finds her, and there follows a lovely tale of finding your true self.

I liked it. It's relatively clean, just some kissing. Low angst, although Roxy does have to dig deep to make the decision she does. Just Roxy has a say though, and maybe if Mark had been given a voice, I might have enjoyed it more.

I refer back to the book feelings. My first and most lasting feeling about this book is that it's a Hallmark Christmas movie, wrapped up in some 178 pages. It didn't seem that long though.

It's incredibly sweet, and I think, for ME, just a bit too much.

But! This is the first I've read of this author, under either name she uses, and I'd certainly give her another go. A book with a bit more bite might be more for me.

3 good, twinkly stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Heartbeat Girl
Heartbeat Girl
Michelle Gross | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fabulous vampire read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When Jayne's boss disappears, the band she was working with hires her as their PA. But something is off about The Oppressors and Jayne can't figure it out. She also can't keep her attraction to one of them hidden if she's sharing their bus.

It's been a while since I had a good vampire read, and I have to say, this proper hit the spot!

I loved that there was history between Jayne and Liam, but we don't get the full story till much later in the story. And indeed, that it was well past half way before they give into their desires for each other. Loved the sire aspect of this vampire lore.

Liam knew all that time ago, that Jayne was special to him, but it wasn't til he fully opened his soul to her, that he realised just HOW special she was.

I loved all the guys, but now I think Pete has a place in my heart. He does something here that was incredibly brave, and could have cost him his life, but his love for Jayne, even if she wasn't his, pulled him through. Steve too, but to a lesser extent. I want them both to have a story, they need one!

There's a bit on the blurb that says this can be read as a standalone, but that characters from Soul Food are mentioned. And it can, it is totally stand alone, BUT now I WANT to go back and read that book, I really do. Ruth is Jayne's boss and where she ends up? I need to know what happened to her.

First I've read of this author too, I need more!

A very, very enjoyable 4 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Jayne Paton | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love it when Stone fully lets go!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Smith's Corner series. While it can be read as a stand-alone book, I recommend that you read the other books before this one. It will give you a better and bigger picture of this family group, and how Stone's brothers have fallen one by one. It will also show you just how long Stone and Storm have been dancing around each other.

Storm needs honesty, and she will walk away if she thinks she isn't getting it. Stone, on the other hand, was burnt, badly by his ex when he was honest, so tries hard to keep it all in. Storm can see right through Stone though! And I loved that she could.

Because that ex does try hard to get to Stone and what I especially LOVED about this book, was that Storm never once doubted Stone. She knew, KNEW that he was a good man, and the ex just wanted to destroy him. Ex doesn't, just so you know, but Storm makes sure that Stone sees STORM, rather than the ex.

It's quite emotional in places, but equally there is laughter. Stone messes up, but his heart is in the right place! I loved that, when Stone lets himself really go, they are so great together! He really needs to trust Storm.

We catch up with the other brothers and their ever-growing families, and we get a taste of what's to come with Hunter and Holden. Cos ooooooeeeee those boys are getting close to breaking!

A lovely edition to this series, I am thoroughly enjoying them all.

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing world building!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Oooooohhhhh! I loved this! I really did!

The thing I loved the most, was there wasn't that info dump you get in some fantasy books. When Crystal gets pulled into the rose bush and spat out the other side, she has to learn everything about where she now is. And as she learns, we learn. So, it comes in dribs and drabs, just enough for you to process that bit and move on to the next. Loved that, it meant I could fully engage with the characters, instead of trying to keep up with information. Excellent world building!

I loved that Crystal has her say in the first person, and the Paladins, her group of protectors at this point, have their say in the third. Different, yes, but I loved that it was.

And I say at this point, because given what happens at the end (which, to be honest I saw coming, but hey, still loved it!) things will change in future books.

I've not tagged it as romance or multi partner YET, cos there isn't any romance, and the only smexy times is in dreams, for both Crystal and the guys. But it's coming, oh yes, it's a-coming!

Obviously, things aren't smooth sailing, and I've an idea who might be wanting to cause all this trouble. I'm fairly certain they aren't done yet.

So, when is the next one out? Cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it!

This is the second book of Cameron's I tried to read. I didn't much care for the first one, but this?? Bloody loved it!

5 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
All the Wrong Pages (Collier Creek)
All the Wrong Pages (Collier Creek)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 of 6 in the Collier Creek multi author series; you don't need to read the other books first. But you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read them, OK?? Cos all these books, and I have 2 more to read, have been awesome!

Logan and Cooper have been butting heads ever since high school when Logan stole Cooper's date for prom. Logan has crushed on Coop for as long, and it's become second nature. But then Cooper was made to see, really SEE why Logan is driving him nuts, and an overheard conversation crosses the T's and dots the I's. And then?? Logan is his, but will Logan let Coop in??

What I loved the most about this, was the dawning realisation that Coop had. It sort of crept up on him, till it hit him upside the head and then he ran with it. It was like a light bulb went off in his head and once he made the connection between Logan's behaviour and Logan's feelings?? Holy Moly!!

I loved the chemistry between these two. Hawt off the page, once they make the move. Loved that Coop never realised how perfect for him Logan was, before he got his hands and mouth on him. LOVED the smexy times!!

Again, super low angst. Most of the drama is before they get together, and that which comes after is not relationship based, but job based. But loved how both their work issues were solved in one fell swoop! It does lead nicely into a new series from McIntyre, too.

I can't fault this, really I can't. I just wish I could give them all more stars!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Debbiereadsbook (1166 KP) rated Bendy in Books

Oct 29, 2023  
Erin M. Leaf | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
far too short!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

So! Jumping straight in, much like the book.

I liked this, a lot, but my overall feeling about this is : too flipping short!! 40 odd pages, 20 minutes, less than the time it takes to drink a cuppa tea, and the whole book takes place in one day.

Ben splits from his girlfriend and his best friend, Josh, gets him to explain why. This leads to a conversation about feelings and then they are having the smexy times!

And that, my dear peeps, is it. Apart from the trip to visit Ben's ex girlfriend and what happens there. Which was kinda hilarious, and very much something I saw coming!

Because it's such a short book, there is very little build up, or character background and I missed that.

I liked that once Ben and Josh realise their feelings for each other, they jump straight in. I liked that they both get a say, even if it flips between them mid chapter. There is a break, but still.

I would also have liked an epilogue, sometime later. Just to catch up with them and how things were going.

First I've read of this author, I'd like to read a longer book, with more to get my teeth into.

Still, I did like it, I did enjoy it, and it passed a short time while the other half watched his bikes going round!

So, I'm flipping between 3 and 4 stars, and because you can't do half stars on some sites, I'm gonna err on the lower side. I just wish it were longer, you know??

3 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Jamie Kassel | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
different. but hard work.
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not really sure what I feel about this book, to be honest but I will try to explain.

I liked the blurb, it grabbed me so that's why I read it, and the blurb fits the book well.

I did found this book to have a lot of *noise* for want of a better word. Both Criag and Sam go off on pages and pages of internal monologues and it made for distracting reading, especially when that monologue lands slap bang in the middle of the smexy times!

And there are a LOT of smexy times. I'm not ashamed to say I ove my books on the steamier side, but I like some STORY too.

I mean, very quickly, you know what is going to happen: it's all laid out for you. And...........................that's it!

More world and character building would have been nice, but in a much less instructional way, you know? I almost felt I was being told to listen and take in all in, all in one go, and I really don't like that.

I've not tagged it as romancce, because, to be honest, I didn't get it. Sam wanted and sub and Craig wanted his own Dominant and they get that.

What I do want to know, though, is what happened to Robert, a side character who has disappeared. Now, there is a second book that tells us, and I really REALLY want to read that. Robert is a Dominant with some extra skills that Sam does not have.

Kassel has a large back catalogue. I've not read any of their work before. I might go pick a random one and read something else.

A good 3 star read.

* same worded review will appear elsewhere
Crystal Blade (Paladins of Crystal #2)
Crystal Blade (Paladins of Crystal #2)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Write quicker, Ms Cameron, write QUICKER!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Paladins of Crystal series, and it cannot CANNOT be read as a stand alone. It picks up immediately after book one, Crystal Shard, finishes.

It picks you up, and drags you along for such a ride!

We learn more about this world and the people in it. Their ways and politics, their rules and traditions. And we learn more about Crystal, and her birth and what happened all those years ago.

It drags you, kicking and screaming, through history, through drama, through the beginnings of love between Crystal and her Buff Lords, and possibly it might all end in death for one and all.

The romance that didn't happen in book 1 begins here. Granted, it comes in single and double instalments, but the group scenes haven't happened, YET!

I loved Crystal's strength. She gets wrung through the wringer here, and she just takes it all in her stride. A great skill for a budding empress!

And again!! Oh my god, this author is gonna kill me, she really is!

Massive cliff hanger, people, MAHOOSIVE cliff hanger, that I kinda saw coming, but really hoped that Crystal might just get her Buff Lords in her bed! But no. Cameron decided to throw another freaking spanner in the works, and now we gotta wait!

How long, though?? That is the big question. There is a bit about that at the end of this book. Apparently, if I threaten to camp outside the author's door, she might write the nexxt book a bit quicker! So, that's what I'm-a gonna do!!


5 full and shiny stars, more if I could!!

Write quicker, Ms Cameron, write QUICKER!!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Game Warden's Mate (The Hunt #1)
The Game Warden's Mate (The Hunt #1)
A.M. Griffin | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoyable take on alien abduction!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

As the new game Warden, Xrez must make sure the rules are followed and The Hunt makes a profit. It is, after all, his family's fortune. But somehow, this new Hunt has already broken a rule: no humans, and this Hunt is JUST humans. Esme finds herself, along with the others, on an alien planet, being hunted. The higher up the Game they get, the better their life will be when they get out. But they cannot go home. Xres keeps helping her, and she doesn't know why. Xres can't keep away from Esme, but he's there on false pretenses. When she finds out the truth, will she forgive him?

I thoroughly enjoyed this take on alien kidnapping.

I found Esme to be a strong woman, faced with a good deal of adversity. Being kidnapped will do that to ya! Xres, however, I found a bit of a wet blanket at times and he did grate on my nerves. I mean, what did he expect Esme to do when she discovered his betrayal, hmm??

I did like the way everything played out in the end, though.

It's steamy and smexy in places, and dark and deadly in others. I loved the supporting cast!

Now, when I looked wherever I looked, I couldn't see any others. I've now discovered there are 5 books in this series and I really hope I can get my hands on them! I was intrigued as to who might be next, and I'm so glad. The rest of the series is about the others in this Hunt and the one female who is already in Level Three.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
nice easy read (0 more)
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Tenet Gentleman's Club series, but I have not read book 1. I did not feel as I missed anything for not doing so, since the couple in that book are not mentioned, I don't think, in this one.

You get pulled straight into this book, and what Elizabeth is trying to solve, right from page one, and It does not really let you go!

I liked that both Elizabeth and Langdon have a say, although it took me a little bit to grasp Langdon's first name and put the two together.

I liked that there is intrigue and drama. I did have an inkling, right from the start, about a certain character, so it was fun watching that all come to pass.

It is an historical romance, so its full of the rules and regulations of the time, along with words for various things. Made me chuckle a time or two how the feelings these two had for each other were described towards the beginning. It's not overly explicit but it does carry some steam, once Elizabeth gave into the need to have Langdon in the way she wanted.

It's a well written story, that delivered to me just what I needed at the right time.

One teeny niggle though. The book is set in London, and as such, I expected ENGLISH words to describe certain things. A couple of things were given AMERICAN wordings.

First I've read of this author. Will I read more? Quite possibly if the blurb grabs. If it's an historical, I will know to look for the English/American wordings and it won't bother me so much!

4 good, solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere