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The Edge of the World
The Edge of the World
Garrett Leigh | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
took a while, but excellent book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is one of those books that I nearly dumped! NEARLY, but didn't.

Ollie said something, Shay said something, I forget who said what, but one of them said something that made the book a whole LOT more readable and I wanted to know what more. More Ollie, more Shay, just plain MORE! Cos ya'll know how greedy I am!

I loved that, when Ollie was keeping the things he found about Shay's family from Shay til certain points, he kept it from US too, and we only found it all out, just as Shay does. Loved being kept on my toes for that!

I loved that what happened to Ollie isn't immediately laid out for you and you have to piece together the clues. Again, we don't get the FULL picture til Ollie tells Shay all about it.

There is immediately attraction between the guys, yes, but it's a way WAY through the book before they actually get their sexy time, and strangely, I think I would have preferred that they did NOT have on-screen time, you know? I was loving the EMOTIONS that run rife through the book, real gut wrenching ones in places, and the sexy time, while still emotional for the guys, it kinda felt thrown in, that it was supposed to be there, just because, if you see what I mean? probably not, I'm not making much sense, I know!

Both guys have a say, in the third person, so we get all of Ollie's fear about doing this again, about being behind the camera again. We get all of Shay's growing feelings for Ollie, and we get it all from them both when the full history of Shay is revealed.

So, because it took me a while to fully engage . . .

4 solid stars

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Dare to Dream
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Dare to Dream</i> isn't so much as horrifying as to a novel aimed at a younger audience rather than the upper teens running amok from book to book behind Bookwyrming Thoughts (and of course, their own blogs). Simply put: Ella will butcher this, Lupe will make this sprout unicorns, Rundus will dissect this in a manner as seriously as possible, and Sophia might do a combination of blandly blunt dissection while trying to sprout at least one unicorn so no one (hopefully) will get a headache in the process.

But of course, the very last reviewer might be exaggerating a little. She may also be hitting the truth button at the exact same time she decided to press the "write a review in the third person" button.

In this ever so "blandly blunt dissection" of a mini-review, <i>Dare to Dream</i> is essentially divided into two parts: the first part is before the apocalypse, and the second part is the aftermath. It is really just a book that has a main character with a broken family, cries often (well, she is fourteen), and finding her place in the world – all while receiving dreams of the end of the world in the same way nightly and finding out it's in connection to the demise of Stonehenge. Oh, and it is also a day by day play of events that feels more proper in a sleeptastic documentary.

Basically, it's just tales of family drama from a fourteen-year-old British schoolgirl. The whole apocalypse thing? It might as well be a subplot until you get to the second part, where the primary purpose is surviving it day by day. But the point is, middle school Sophia might like this better than high school senior Sophia, who actually likes the whole Stonehenge aspect.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Escape You (Cole Brothers #3)
Escape You (Cole Brothers #3)
Diana A. Hicks | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good but myabe not for me
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Tyler finds out his amazing one night stand is the mark for the next ATF raid. Then he finds himself on the opposite side of the fence, as her fiancee. Mia knows she has no choice to this union of Mafia branches, but she doesn't have to like it. Finding out there really IS a way out of it, is great, just not who Tyler really is. Can they really be together when it all goes down?

This is book 3 in the Cole Brothers series, and I have not read the others. I don't feel I missed out on anything by not doing, but this book gives me enough hints to THOSE books, that I would LIKE to go back and read them, because I want to, not because I need to.

And I really am NOT sure how I feel about THIS book! And ya'll know I'm ALL about my book feelings. Its just I don't seem to have any about this book and I cannot for the life of me, figure out what doesn't work for me.

I liked that both Mia and Tyler have a say, it is in the first person, but each change is headed as the chapter changes. I liked that Tyler's deception discovered late in the day, not by Mia, cos Tyler tells her, but by the other major players.

I liked that there is a much bigger picture here, with ALL the Cole brothers involved, and that picture is what makes me want to go back and read the other books. Maybe THIS one will fit in better then, I don't know.

A *for a Mafia book* Nice book, and as much I as hate using that word for a book, it's the ONLY one I can muster.

3 solid GOOD stars, just maybe not for me.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Sara Ohlin | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies and fluffers too!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Faced with the destruction of her beloved neighbourhood, Ellie is given a month to persuade lawyer and new block owner Jackson to renovate, rather than rebuild.
This appears to be only the second book Ms Ohlin has written. And I really rather enjoyed it!
It's light a fluffy in places, and dark and deadly in others. It's funny and sexy in places, its heavy and emotional in others. It spans a huge range of emotions and all are extremely well portrayed and delivered.
Ellie is a vet (as in animal doctor, not ex service person) and Jackson is lawyer to the criminal underworld in town. Jackson is jaded and buys the block as a new career. Ellie loves her community and fights Jackson all the way. But Jackson is, quite literally, smitten as a kitten with Ellie and it really doesn't take much for Jackson to see what Ellie does.
Jackson's job clashes with his personal life in a way I so did NOT see coming at me and I loved that! I absolutely did NOT have a clue that was coming at me, and I must have shouted out, cos my daughter stuck her head round the door and asked if I was ok! It was a blinder of a plot twist! Very well played, there, Ms Ohlin, very well played!
It does carry some darker story lines: parental/spousal abuse, as well as animal abuse. Some of this is described in great detail. Readers may have triggers.
Both Ellie and Jackson have a say, and I loved that they did. Ya'll know I need to hear from everyone!
This is billed as book one in the Rescue Me series, and I cannot wait to see who comes next, and what Ms Ohlin pulls out of her hat for them!
4 very VERY good stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
Hanna Dale | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really does creep up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

You know what? I really REALLY enjoyed this book! You'll laugh at me though, cos its first person, present tense AND multi point of view!

If you follow my reviews, you'll know that this, for ME, is the worst way for a book to be written and I have dumped many a book when realising it is written this way. I am, however, so very glad I did NIT dump this one!

So, I went to look to see what else I have read by Ms Dale, and lookit! This is the first book by this author name and I was extremely impressed!

I love the family legend of how each and every one of them would know who their other half was instantly, much like you get with the mates thing in shifter books, but there are no shifters in this book. A witch is mentioned, when Owen is telling Tristan about the legend, and the family legend itself borderes on paranormal, but thats all.

I loved that who was causing problems for Tristan wasn't obvious, and there were a lot of red herrings thrown about!

I loved Stella, Tristan's daughter, and how Owen took to her immediately, with the help of his dog, Huck and that Owen had that MINE moment for Stella as well as Tristan.

It's deeply emotional in places, hilarious in others. Dark and very deadly in places, and super sexy in others. Owen's family are a lot of fun, but Tristan's are . . not so much. I loved the hints that pop up to maybe future books in this series, and I hope I picked those clues up correctly. Be fun, I think, but I sense some of them might be way WAY more emotional than Tristan's!

Can't quite stretch to 5 stars, but a good solid, GREAT . .

4 star read!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Dark Encounters Box Set
Dark Encounters Box Set
Jambrea Jo Jones | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 very good shorts
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this box set of three short stories.

I can't write three individual reviews for such short stories, the whole box set is 130 pages, and it took my an hour to read, but I will write a general one, encompassing what I thought about the three tales, which all take place within the BDSM club, Dark Encounters

There is Elizabeth and Ren: She goes to the club open night, but ery nearly walks out without speaking to anyone, but she catches Ren's eye. He doesn't play very often, but felt a need to come to the club this night. Elizabeth is a sub, and Ren, a Dom and their night goes pretty much how you expect it to. Well written, from Elizabeth's point of view only. All three tales are single point of view, actually!

then we have Franco and Trevor: Franco works at the club and has had a crush on Trevor who owns said club, forever. But trevor doesn't play with his staff. A sex carnival gives Trevor the opportunity to finally act on his desire. They start at a Ferris Wheel spanking and things move quickly after that.

And my favourite of the three!

Kameron wants one thing, well TWO really. Theodore and Beck fit all the requirements Kameron has, but will they want him for more than one night? Can he really be the middle of a bear sandwich forever?

Three well written, well delivered but far too SHORT stories, that hit just the spot they need to. I read this in the tub, and thoroughly enjoyed it!

I haven't read anything else by this author, but I would like to now. Something longer, maybe a full length book. Something that shows off what she can do with more words and pages to play with!

4 very good stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens
Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens
1970 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The thing about Cat Stevens is I probably prefer Mona Bone Jakon as far as the songs and production goes, it's a little bit starker, a little rawer than the other ones, but the reason I picked Tea For The Tillerman was because of the song 'Father And Son'. It's not my favourite Cat Stevens song at all but it was written for a musical that was never made called Revolutia, a blended word of 'revolution' and 'Russia'. The song sort of doesn't make sense - why is this one guy singing both of these characters? It's Cat Stevens singing the high voice and the low voice - and you wondered, god, this guy was probably at the height of his worldwide fame and he's obviously a master craftsman, he can crank out the songs but why couldn't he get this musical made? Or maybe he didn't want to - it seems like he wanted to and it just never happened. Then he was like, oh, just put it out on the next album. And I think there's a couple of other songs that seem like they could be from that same musical - 'But I Might Die Tonight' I think is kind of similar. All these albums that I really love from the 70s and late 60s - David Bowie's Diamond Dogs or The Kinks' Arthur, and they are songs from musicals basically, but it doesn't make sense there's this one guy singing it. Maybe it's ego or something, but that's why I picked that album. I looked up on Wikipedia what the reviewers thought of the album and I think the Rolling Stone guy talked about "Cat Stevens' occasional overuse of dynamics", which was the thing we were trying to do with Break Line, make things dynamic - start small and get big, and it's just so funny that at that time a reviewer would be like, "I'm sick of all these dynamics - I want more compression!"

Nothing But Good
Nothing But Good
Kess McKinley | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did NOT see the whodunnit coming at me, at all! And the WHY!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
First time author, peeps, and I think it’s rather good!
Jefferson is an FBI agent tasked with catching The Smiley Face killer, Mr Smiley (I have no idea why, but that tickled me no end!) Coming face to face with his college room-mate after 8 years, and then Finny getting attacked by Mr Smiley, puts Jefferson in a difficult position. But Jefferson can’t stay away from Finny, not now.
So, couple points.
First, though, well done Ms McKinley, on a job well done. I did NOT see the whodunnit coming at me, at all! And the WHY! Loved being kept on my toes.
It did take me a little while to get into it, and it was touch and go whether I would dump this or not, but I am glad I kept going, I really did enjoy it!
I did feel, though, that I might have enjoyed this more, had there not been any smexy stuff, I really do. I felt the scene before the gala dinner was kinda thrown in, like it NEEDED some smexy, but I really don’t think it did. So, clean, here, might have worked better for ME.
And of course, I wanted to hear from Finny too! Why they fell out, all those years ago was playing on my mind, and what I had was not how it went down. But I needed Finny to tell me why, not Jefferson. Finny had his heart broken when Jefferson went nuts, and I needed Finny to tell me how he dealt with it all, in much more detail than when he is talking to Jefferson. And we don’t get him, we just get Jefferson. Just me, being greedy!
A well thought out plot line, well written, and well delivered.
4 GREAT stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
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Reap This Too (Oh So Happy Holidays #2)
Reap This Too (Oh So Happy Holidays #2)
Rafe Jadison | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I sent a right snotty message to Mr Jadison!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the series, and you MUST, I say, MUST read book one, Reap This, before you read this one. You NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it for the full experience!

Ian is Seamus' twin, but he doesn't class himself as a good witch. Taking himself off to see the Pyramids, he becomes involved in a chase across the world. And he falls in love!

I loved this book, more than book one. It's again only short, and only Ian has a say, Khnurn the vampire doesn't get a voice. And of COURSE I wanted to hear from him, epsecially as there is history here between Ian and Khnurn.

Well, I was loving it, until, Jadison does what he does and you have never heard such foul language come out of my mouth!

I mean, there I was, happily reading away. The spectre that chased Ian across the globe wants his reward. I couldn't see how that would happen but then??


Well, I can't say exactly, cos spoilers, but suffice to say, I had a proper Violet Elizabeth moment (google it ;-)) and I threw my toys out the pram, and I spat my dummy out and I flung my poor kindle so hard it bounced off the bed and I was worried I had broken it! And I sent a right snotty message to Mr Jadison, telling him just what I thought of what he did and asking how he was gonna fix it! Because it needs fixing!

There was a hint as to that it would be fixed, to be fair, I just can't see HOW it's gonna be fixed.

Anyways! Even though Mr Jadison done caused me to turn the air blue, or maybe BECAUSE he did, I don't much care either way . . .

5 full and blue streaked stars

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