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Tahoe Blue
Tahoe Blue
Eden French | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's deeply emotional in places, hawt and sexy in others
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When Carson returns home after 7 years, he hopes to reconnect with the only man he ever loved. But Brand isn't having any of it. Being ghosted for all the time Carson was away broke Brand, and now? Now, just as he is trying to move on, Carson reappears.

I'm not quite sure, never am, to be honest, what I was really expecting from this book from the blurb, but it wasn't THIS! I loved this book!

I loved that Carson wasn't who he portrayed to the world. Loved that, all the time he was away, there wasn't anyone else, despite what the press said. Loved that, quite rightly, Brand was wary of Carson and what he wanted from Brand. LOVED that once Brand knew the truth as to why Carson left and didn't even call, he was all in to see what was left between them.

I loved the way things went down with Brand's new beau. I wasn't sure I was liking the way that was going, to be honest, but Once Teo and Brand had talked, and laid everything out for Teo, I was (not happy, cos people were left heart broken) but happier with the way things were dealt with.

Teo has a story to tell, I'm sure. There were comments and hints made here, and I have no clue as to what they all meant, so I do hope that Teo gets a story and we hear what it all meant. So PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE Ms French, write Teo's tale, okay?? Please?? Pretty Please??

It's deeply emotional in places, hawt and sexy in others. Heart breaking in places, but also so much happiness once they get their act together!

First I've read of this author, I like the way she spins her tales!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Kill Shot (The Fighting Detective #1)
Kill Shot (The Fighting Detective #1)
Blair Denholm | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great step out of my comfort zone!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A step out of my comfort zone, but a very welcome one!

Jack is from London, but has relocated clear across the globe after *something* happened. He and his partner are now tasked with finding out where the missing MMA fighter is, and who killed the trainer.

Jack is. . .interesting! He's not a perfect detective, not by any means, but I think, in his own way, his heart is in the right place. In JACK's right place, you know? Lots of hints and clues and titbits abotu what happened in London to send him running to Australia, but I didn't get the FULL picture, not really. And I really really want it! I think, this might be the only reason that I didn't give it 5 stars, was because I wasn't putting the clues and hints together well enough.

Oh, wait, no. there was another point I want to make. Claudia, Jack's partner, gets a chapter. Just the one. And I wanted more of her, or none of her. that one chapter had my hopes up of a dual point of view, and it's not, not really. One chapter is a tease! So in future books, can we have MORE Claudia, please??

The case of the MMA fighter and missing trainer is well laid out, and I wasn't sure which way it was gonna go til the end, so I was fully engaged and kept on my toes. Thoroughly kept on my toes, if I'm honest and that's a rare thing these days!

This is a step out of my comfort zone, I tend to mostly stick to romance of some description, so the blurb most have grabbed something at me for me to request it. I have not a clue what that was, but I'm very pleased it did.

I'd like to follow Jack and Claudia, they are good together!

4 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Hiding Place
Hiding Place
Jackie Keswick | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted Robert and I don't get him.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Zach buys a Pele tower that needs fixing up, in an effort to hide from the loss of his bandmates. Said tower belonged to Robert's grandfather. Someone died in that tower, murdered, and it was never solved. Can Robert and Zach find some answers with what Zach uncovers? Or will Robert's past eat away at him too much.?

Now, if you follow my review, you'll know I'm ALL about sharing of the book feels, right? And I have one overwhelming feeling about this one:

I wanted Robert and I didn't get him.

This book is told entirely from Zach's point of view, in the first person. While I liked Zach well enough, it was ROBERT who held my attention for much of the book and I wanted to hear from him, badly. I needed to know what he felt about his grandfather doing what he did with the tower. What he felt about Zach, cos in the beginning, Robert sure did blow hot and cold! And just what was going on in his head when he finally gets it all out, and tells Zach about his birth. It wasn't pretty, reading Robert telling Zach, but I wanted in Robert's head then the most.

It's quite clear early on, to me anyway, whodunnit, but just not HOW. Zach's discovery in the loft explains that though.

I know I shouldn't have, but I had to chuckle at the bit when Zach was sick and Robert wanted to get some medicine down him. Benylin is cough syrup, and the only and correct way to take said syrup is to swig out the bottle, and Robert says that to Zach, have a swig of Benylin! Made me laugh that did!

So, while I really enjoyed this book, I still felt that Robert might have made it a 5 star read, but I didn't get him, so...

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Light My Pyre (Everwood Falls #1)
Kat Kinney | 2023 | Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is a new series by Kinney, I read a couple of the Blood Moon books, but they didn't quite work for me.

This one, however, was a much better read, I thought!

I liked the build up, the development of the relationship between Asher and Gywn. I liked that it takes time for both their back stories to be fully told. What happened to Gywn when she was injured, and by who. What happened to Asher in that fateful fire that drove him to Evewood Falls.

I especially liked that the physical aspect of their relationship is very much OFFpage. There is steam here (dragons and Asher's power notwithstanding!) but the story focus is very much on their relationship and who might be setting these fires in town.

Which, when it all comes out, very much surprised me, how intertwined recent events were for Asher and Gywn. I did not see who was doing it, or why, because THAT little titbit was kept from us and that point was very well played, Ms Kinney. Had certain things been made common knowledge, I think I might have put the pieces together sooner, but it wasn't and I didnt! So yeah, well played on that point.

As this is a new series, in a new place, there are a host of quirks that Everwood has, along with a huge supporting cast. Very interesting people (of the paranormal world) all with interesting stories to tell. Some hints of their pasts are revealed here, just enough to hook you in!

So, yeah, a thoroughly enjoyable wander into Everwood and I really wanna return SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Ben (Assassin's To Order #2)
Ben (Assassin's To Order #2)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
creeping up to 4.5 stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There is an on-going plot line to these books, so they are best read in order. We met Ben in book one of this series, and I didn't much like him in that book.

Here though, we get all of Ben, Nico and Teilo and I really enjoyed it.

Nico and Teilo are left for dead when things go down in book 1. They are cage brothers, identical but not related. They were made and trained as assassins, much like the lost boys in book one. And the feelings they have for each other, they cannot define but those feelings were used against them by those training them.

Ben rescues them and gets them back to full health. They are confused by Ben and their feelings for him but once Ben explains about mates, and what Nico and Telio feel for each other is not wrong, they are ALL in.

I loved how innocent Nico and Teilo are, given what they have been doing and what happened to them. It's difficult reading, when they are telling Ben what happened to them.

It's quite a bit darker than book 1, Marvin, I thought, but also a bit steamier. Given there are three of them, hardly surprising but I loved how the physical relationship moved quickly, once Nico and Teilo understood their feelings. I wanted to wrap those cats up and snuggle on the sofa, I really did!

Again, I'm left with questions, but mostly these revolve around the plot and where it's going and what's gonna happen next!

I know WHO is next, cos this leads wonderfully into Duran's book,he's one of Marvin's lost boys.

I enjoyed this a bit more than Marvin, but I can't do 4.5 stars on some sites, so I'll leave it at 4, and hope that the next book pulls that extra bit out of me.

4.5 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Twilight's Touch (Prairie Smoke Ranch #2)
Twilight's Touch (Prairie Smoke Ranch #2)
V.L. Locey | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Only Perry speaks and I wanted Will!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Prairie Smoke Ranch series. I have not read book 1, Dawn's Desire. I didn't feel like I was missing anything, but for the discovery of the bones! I want to go back and read it, though. I'm intrigued, but it's not a necessity to have read, I don't think.

Perry works at Prairie Smoke Ranch, mostly with the horses who don't trust people. He reads to them. Ancient Greek history of all things. I loved this, even if I had no clue who he was reading about!

Will and Perry have a bit of a moment, a while back and its been playing on his mind but Perry, the wonderful human that he is, doesn;t want anyone to know. It could harm his mum and his grandfather and Perry won't do that.

Somewhere along the way, Will gets so far into Perry mind, he crosses into his heart and it really was delightful watching these two dance in the rain!

I loved that Will, bad boy that he is, doesn't want to corrupt Perry, he wants Perry to see it's ok to let go, to be yourself, to TRULY be you.

Or at least that is what I think he wants to do. Because Will doesn't get a say and thats the only reason I can't stretch to the full 5 stars. Perry speaks, and only Perry. And I really wanted Will. Especially after I found they had that moment before. When they were dancing in the rain, and really wanted to hear from Will when Perry finally, FINALLY lets him in.

All in all, a beautifully written book, a wonderful tale, and I want to go back and forward with this series!

4 wonderful stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Love All
Love All
Liza Malloy | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
steamy and emotional, but dark in places!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

On the tennis courts and in the sheets, Nate and Olivia are perfect. Elsewhere, not so much. Can they really make a go of it?

Sometimes, I have issues​ will college aged characters, mostly cos I'm way older than that. These two though, are perfect for each other and I loved them both!

Olivia is working hard to make ends meet: Nate doesn't have to. Olivia tars Nate with the same brush she uses for all entitled men, and steers clear. But something changes as they get to know each other properly. Olivia is big enough to admit she might have been a teeny bit wrong about Nate.

But when Olivia gets the shock of a person entering her life she never knew, things spiral out of control for Olivia. She will not become like her mother. Nate wants to help, but only makes things worse.

I loved how these two bantered off each other. There is a good deal of passion between them, and it burns bright and hot, right through the book. Well, dims a little but given what happens, hardly surprising.

I loved that Olivia made Nate think about his own family situation and that there are ways out of it, if he just takes that step.

Its steamy and smexy, but emotional and a bit dark in places, when Olivia explains about her tattoo.

First I've read of this author, AND the first tennis book! I will admit, while both Olivia and Nate play tennis here, the actual playing of tennis is not described in any great detail and I liked that. As the least sporty person on the planet, I appreciated that. But I'd like to read more by this author, I like how she spins and tells her tales.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Tiffany Speelman | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First time author nailed it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ok so! As far as I can see this book is the only book currently written by this author. And if this is her FIRST book?? Oh my days, I cannot wait to see what she delivers next!

Because, bar two things, I bloody LOVED this book.

It's dark and deadly, with so much going on sometimes, I had to double back to check I fully understood. And that, for ME, is a good thing! I didn't find it especially explicit, for Kara and Alak, but for the Fae in general, it is. There is a lot of violence here too, but I think it is needed to get the way these folk live across. It's a truly multi-layered story and it takes time to get to where it's going.

Or rather, it takes time to get the whole point of the story across. And again, for ME, a very good thing. It kept me fully engaged from start to finish.


It is a long LONG book, some 500 pages and it's not all easy reading. As I said, it takes time to build up to things. Some peeps don't like such long books. I did here, but it did take me a long time to finish. Mostly because of my next point.


Only Kara has a say. And if Alak had been given a voice, it would have broken this up a bit, and made it not seem quite so long. Because I really needed to hear from him at points along the way, especially when Kara is in danger.

Having said all that, I really REALLY enjoyed it, and I really REALLY hope we get a second book. Because while there is a HFN ending, Kara and Alak's story is by no means finished. And some other characters need a HEA, too!

So, for a first time author, I'd say Ms Speelman nailed it!

4 most excellent stars