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Once Upon A Wolf (Wayward Wolves #1)
Once Upon A Wolf (Wayward Wolves #1)
Rhys Ford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
MAHOOSIVE sugar rush!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book is the first in a new series by Rhys Ford. You all know I love her work, and this one is no exception! It came with a warning though, and I was curious as to how that warning would play out.

The warning?? It is "sweet, dammit!"

And it really is!

It's only short. just under 100 pages, but it packs such a sugar rush, I didn't even notice it was nearly finished, til I ran out of bloody book!

Gibson is looking after his brother, Ellis, who is stuck as his wolf. Something happened that trapped him there, we are not told what exactly, just hints are thrown, and I expect that (insert puppy dog eyes, all begging like at Ms Ford) Ellis will get his own story and all will then become clear. Ellis chases Zach, new owner of local bed and breakfast into the freezing lake, and Gibson has to save him from hypothermia. The fact the Zach pushes every single one of Gibson's buttons is not lost on Gibson, and all becomes clear as to why Ellis choose Zach later in the book.

Both Gibson and Zach have their say, and you get just enough of them both to fully engage you in their story, their here and now and their past.

It is sweet, almost sickly, but I think for these two guys, it is right their story be this way. There is very little actual physical stuff between the guys, and I was kinda expecting it to be totally clean, but it isn't, not quite. I think, maybe, even if it HAD been clean, I would still have loved it!

And love it I did! I had just finished a much longer, heavier book, and this was just what I needed at that time, hence the hang over cure tag.

So, a much needed, perfectly written, perfectly delivered, MAHOOSIVE sugar rush....

5 stars

ps, just remember, it IS sweet, dammit!

**same worded review will appear elsewehere**
Tokyo Heat (Nights #3)
Tokyo Heat (Nights #3)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loving this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the series, and you really SHOULD read book one, One Night, first. This is a continuation of Gabe and Cam's story. And it's a 5 star read! Book two, The Escort ain't too shabby either!

A year ago, Cam and Gabe decided one night would never be enough. Then Gabe says those three little words and Cam's world implodes, and he runs.

I loved One Night, made a new shelf for it and everything. But, while still a great, sexy read, I found this one lacking in the emotions i expected with someone running when told I love you.

Oh! Don't get me wrong, these guys still burn high, and hot and long. I just didn't feel connected to Cam as much as I did to Gabe. Because we get Gabe dealing, or rather NOT dealing with the fact that Cam ran, but we don't get much of Cam after he runs, you know??

BUT OH.MY.GOD! When Cam pulls his head out of his ass and gets his act together and finally realises what that pain in his chest is?? That it's what he's feeling for Gabe?? He redeems himself in spectacular fashion! **that fanning again, girls!**

I saw something going on between the two guys who own the company Gabe works for. I wonder what's going on there and whether they will get a story?? It's not book 4 or 5, cos I have those all lined up ready to go, but I HOPE they get a story!

Ah, you know what?? Stuff it! I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page because of that not connecting to Cam thing. But now I'm typing it up, I think that's just CAM, you know?? He doesn't want you to know what he feels for Gabe, what he's dealing with while they are apart. He wants GABE to know, just how deeply he loves him. He DOES love Gabe, he just never thought he could love anyone.

So! Upgrading to...

5 even more scorching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Old Enough (The Age Between Us #1)
Old Enough (The Age Between Us #1)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4 stars (but sorry I couldn't get past the present tense!)
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

She's older than he is, but Brian doesn't care. Meeting Jane was the best thing that every happened to him, even it was supposed to be a set up and a quick way to earn some much needed cash.

I knew this book was first person, present tense going in and I *thought* it would help me, but **insert wailing** it didn't!

Oh! Don't get me wrong! It's a bloody good book, a GREAT book!

Brian meeting Jane and everything that happens after is well told from both their points of view. The plot moves along at an even pace. Not everything is revealed at once, it comes along in dribs and drabs, to enable you to process that little tit-bit, before the next one comes and grabs you.

Brian makes no apologies for who he is, or where he came from, or how he got there. Once his mind was made up that he wants Jane, and not just as a quick f**k, he goes all out to get here. Jane too, once she begins to let Brian in, she goes all out and takes what he gives her.

It has planted itself firmly on the "fan yourself, its a hot one" shelf! Brian is young and he wants Jane in every which way he can. And he does! But the best bit, for me, was when Brian decides to make love to Jane, rather than just bang her up against the wall. That surprised him, I think, the connection he could get from Jane doing that. Loved that!

The cliff hanger I was expecting doesn't happen here, although there is a cliff hanger ending. But what THAT means is, what I expected to happen here, will come in book two! I will read it, because I want to know how this is all going to go down!

I just **insert sigh** can't get past the present tense thing! It pains me, deeply! Because I LOVE Ms Pauls work!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Right Fit
The Right Fit
Daphne Dubois | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Sport & Leisure
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a nice easy read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I have a particular hatred of using the word NICE to describe a book. But sometimes, it's the only word my brain will use for a book and I can't spit any other word out.

So, this is a NICE book. A GOOD book.

Maxine sees Anthony when she's waiting for a blind date, who turns up but pretends he's not her date. They *literally* dump into each at a night club, when Maxine was dragged out by her sisters for some rebound sex. Anthony is a professional ice hockey player but Maxine doesn't have a clue who he is, so when she assumes he's a mechanic, he runs with it. When She finds out the truth, ALL the truth, can Maxine forgive him? Can she really allow herself to be happy??

This is, from what I can see, the first book by Dubois I've read; indeed, I *think* this is her first novel. And for the most part, I did enjoy it. And I'm stuck with that N word a the back of my throat!

I don't mean this in a negative way, not at all, it's just I can't find any other word that projects my feelings bout this book and you all know, I'm all about sharing my book feelings!

I liked the way the story flowed. We don't get all of Anthony's history in one go, you get hints and clues, and I put them altogether so wrong. You don't get all of Maxine's pain at her break up, the whole story comes in snippets along the way.

Some of the dialogue is amusing, with Anthony's English not quite up to speed yet, but I liked that he flipped between English and French, and his English is portrayed in a way I remember the French students from school speaking.

So, for the most part, I DID enjoy it, but I can't get past the *Nice Book* title.

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4 for the blog

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Young Enough (The Age Between Us #2)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
You need book one first!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in The Age Between Us set, and you MUST read book one, Old Enough, before you read this one, it is not a stand alone.

I'm not gonna write a blurby bit, cos I might give something away!

When it all starts to unravel for Jane, and indeed for Brian, together, and separately, its like a ball rolling down a hill. As it moves, it gets faster and faster, and for Jane and Brian, things move at great speed, one thing after another after another, til the only way is for them both to walk away. When reading this unraveling, its like Oh My God. Then its, No Freaking WAY! And SAY WHAT NOW!!!

Because Pauls chucks so many, so bloody MANY things at this couple, and at us, it's a wonder they are still standing. So many twists and turns, so much that came totally out of left field, that I was totally blown away with the plot twists!

I've filed it on the darker/grittier shelf, because some of the things that are thrown at Brian and Jane need that tag. But if I tell you what they are, that would give plot lines away, so if anyone wants to know, please feel free to message me, and I will tell you, but I'm not doing that here.


It's again, first person present tense, from both Jane and Brian's point of view. And as much as I loved this book, more so than the first, I still can't get past that. And for that I'm sorry!

Its very well written, though and you really do feel for both Brian and Jane when things start to go wrong. Strangely, I felt more for Brian than I did for Jane. Well I did, up to a point, and after that point?? It was Jane I felt more for!

So, even though I enjoyed this one more than book one, I still can't get past the present tense .....

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Femme Faux Fatale (Dreamspun Desires #70)
Femme Faux Fatale (Dreamspun Desires #70)
Susan Laine | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really rather enjoyed this
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Cain is hired by Ms Astor to find her husband, along with a Rodin statuette. But things don't add up to Cain, and he visits the club she works at to talk to her some more. Lily Lavender is on stage, and she pushes all kinds of buttons that Cain never knew he needed pushing. Riley, the man behind Lily, has a similar reaction to Cain. But Riley is keeping secrets, secrets that have gotten two people killed and Cain needs to know, if they are to get out of this alive.

I really rather enjoyed this!

It's got instant and powerful attraction, it's got steam and passion, it's got a nutty woman, it's got so many levels of secrets! It's deadly too.

Told from both Cain and Riley's point of view, in the third, so we get each and every reaction from both men. Reactions to each other, to the situation around them, to Riley's cross dressing and to Cain very unexpected reaction to that.

Loved Cain's reaction to Riley's cross dressing. It's clear Riley has been treated badly in the past because of that, but Cain is like, AND??? It's part of who Riley is, and Cain just takes it as it is, as Riley is. Cain does, admittedly, rather like Riley in his ladies knickers and stockings, so that helped!

There is a rather long winded conversation between Riley and Cain about pulp fiction and noir films (I think!) bit I got lost with that, mostly because I have no clue what they were talking about, so I glanced over that bit!

I did like the twist as to what was really in the statuettes, and where that led the plot, and just what Ms Astor had, rather that what she THOUGHT she had.

Not quite a one sitting read, but I did stay til after midnight to finish it, when I had a 6am get up!

I've read one other by Ms Laine, I'd like to read some more. She has a way of grabbing you and pulling you in.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Bayside Heat (Bayside Summers, #3)
Bayside Heat (Bayside Summers, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bayside Heat is book 3 in the Love in Bloom: Bayside Summers series. It was a wonderful love story from Melissa Foster earning 4.5 stars from this reviewer.

Drake Savage and Serena Mallery have known each other since they were children. Serena and her sister spent many days and nights with the Savage family, their daughter Mira and sons Drake and Rick. Serena and Mira are best friends and Serena has had a crush on Drake since she was a teenager.
Drake has had a crush on Serena since she asked him to sing a duet with her one summer long ago. He knew he couldn’t hold her back from whatever dreams she was meant to accomplish so he had to be satisfied with having her as his best friend. Keeping her close without getting close was torture.

Serena and Drake work together at his family resort but when her dream designer job becomes available in Boston she realizes it is now or never to put her feelings on the table where Drake is concerned.

Drake realizes that he is about to lose the one person who knows him better than anyone else. He knows he can’t make her choose him over Boston but also knows he can’t live without her. He confesses his feelings and finds out she feels the same way.

Drake and Serena make their new long distance relationship work as well as they can. They travel the 2 hour drive back and forth to each other each chance they get but life gets in the way more than once. Serena finds herself questioning her decision to leave but not wanting to end up like her mother (following men around).

Serena and Drake each find that the one thing they want more than anything is to be together, but can they find a way to survive together in their new worlds?

I have read a few books by Ms Foster by now and this one keeps with the good love stories I’ve come to expect from her. I received an advance copy without expectations for review; any opinions expressed are my own. Not having read the first 2 in this series has my TBR list growing by two.
Inciting a Riot (Riot MC #2)
Inciting a Riot (Riot MC #2)
Karen Renee | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good solid 4 star read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

6 years ago, Lorraine caught Cary (Vamp) in their bed with two other women and her world imploded. Now, he's back and fighting dirty. Fighting for Rainy's love, and for her life, when an ex turns nasty.

This is book two in the Riot MC series, and I have not read book one. I'll come back, in a minute, to why I think I probably should have.

For the most part, I DID enjoy this, I really did. There are just a couple of things that let it down, for ME.

It's told ALMOST entirely from Rainy's point of view, in the first person. While it's clear, after a very short time who is speaking, it would have been nice to have been told. We do get a bit of Cary, in the third person, but not nearly enough for my liking! I needed MORE Cary.

At several points along the way, Cary says something happened to him a few months ago, but it was never clarified just WHAT gave him the epiphany he had that made he realise who he needed to make his life complete. THIS is where I think I should have read book one first. Maybe THAT event is in that book. I NEEDED to know what happened, and we are not told that here.

On a positive note, because it is mostly only Rainy who speaks, the MC stuff takes a bit of a back seat and I did like that. I wasn't too clear whether these guys are into all the illegal stuff that often comes with MC books, but I really don't care.

These guys love their woman, hard, and everyone seems happy. Except Trixie, she's not a happy bunnie and I want her to be! Please Ms Renee, make Trixie happy!

I did like the way the nutty ex thing so so darn complicated!

So,, because of that missing information, because I needed more of Cary, and because I DID read it in one sitting. . .

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Home and Heart
Home and Heart
Sean Michael | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so much sex!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I DID enjoy this. Mostly.

I will always say I like my male/male books on the more explicit side, and I will make no apologies for that. More sexy time is always better for me, SO LONG as the story can carry it. However, HERE, I found that while there is a lot of sex, it's not carried well by the story. What is here is good, and it's well written and super sexy, but I just felt the overall story gets lost somewhere along the way.

Sawyer's husband died 6 years ago, and he took to the bottle to literally drown his sorrows. Now, he's sober and ups and moves clear across the country for a new start. That there are three guys in the building with a friends with benefit type arrangement, helps Sawyer a lot.

The type of relationship Sawyer had with his husband, the depth of that, creeps out slowly, as does the depth of the relationship between Benny and Luke, and I did like that. I LOVED that Luke and Benny were well established and Derek their sometime third. LOVED that Luke saw that Sawyer was a sub, very quickly, and that he began teaching Derek to be Sawyer's Dom. Loved that Derek didn't even KNOW he wanted to be a Dom, before Sawyer. I loved that once in, Derek was adamant that Sawyer was HIS and HIS alone and HE would be the one to give Sawyer what he needed, even if Derek wasn't keen on whatever that might be.

So, what is here is great, brilliant and all that but I just felt the STORY, Sawyer's story, about moving across the country for a new start, coming out of his shell, was lost in all that, very well written and delivered, sex.

And if I say there is too much sex, you gotta know there is a lot!

All four guys do get a say, and I did finish it in one sitting. Enjoyable enough for that so

3 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Havoc (Tattoos and Ties #1)
Havoc (Tattoos and Ties #1)
Kindle Alexander | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
took a while for me to fully engage!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Keyes is a fully fledged patched member of the Disciples of Havoc club. Alec is a member of the DA's team who seems to have it out for the club. Can the biker see past the suit? Can the lawyer see past the tattoos?

I love Kindle Alexander and their work, you know I do, but I did struggle a bit with this one!

It took me til well past half way to fully engage with Keyes and Alec and I've no idea why, and you KNOW that pains me so! And just when I thought we would get an HEA?? NO, its a bloody Happy For Now sort of ending and that really did annoy me! There is a bit at the back that says about the continuation of Key and Alec's story, but that's not the point. I was expecting a Happy Ever After, I WANTED a HEA, and I didn't get it.

Once I'd fully immersed myself in the story, I did enjoy it. Both guys have a say, both guys are polar opposites and it shows in so many ways, but I love those sorts of pairings. Key and Alec have instant and powerful attraction, hot off the charts chemistry that burns long and bright the whole way through to that HFN ending.

We still don't know just why that particular DA is going after the group, I expect that will become a little more clearer in the next book.

There are a couple of mentions of other Kindle Alexander characters, and they slot in well into the overall plot line. Not gonna say who though, and they ARE just mentions. But well played there!

I really do need their next book, Chaos, to see if that gives me my HEA I want for these guys.

Now I've gotten over my little hissy fit about the ending, I've decided NOT to let it show in my rating, cos that's really not very fair. So, ONLY because of the long time it took me to engage, . . .

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**