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The Queen's Confidante
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book has three mysteries at the heart - was Arthur Tudor really murdered (I confess this is a new theory to me and not sure how credible this is), what happened to the so-called Princes in the Tower and what became of Lord Lovell after the Battle of Stoke. Personally, I think the latter is done a great disservice here, based on the historical knowns of his character. Even so, what happens and with the hero and heroine's consent is pretty horrific - yes, I know the historical basis for this, but it doesn't do much good for liking the supposed protagonists! Also the rather melodramatic language as the book nears it's conclusion - monster, beast, devil - it just goes a bit over the top.

I could explain a bit more about why I wasn't keen on the book, but it would be difficult to do without spoilers, so I suppose I will leave that there. I will just say that I find it hard to credit that when Elizabeth Woodville came out of sanctuary in 1484 she didn't know what had happened to her sons and therefore one would assume that Elizabeth of York would also have known - and she was happy enough to be honoured at her uncle's court that Yuletide. Having the Elizabeth of this book rail against Yorkists when she came from what seemed a close family does seem to me to be somewhat absurd.

There are, also, a number of errors which could and should have been picked up. Another reviewer has already mentioned the note which is shown to two other people on one page and on the following page is apparently a secret! There are also TWO erroneous mentions of Richard duke of York, when the context is reasonably clear the person actually referred to is York's son, Richard Duke of Gloucester - elementary mistake that should not have been made!

Perhaps I have read too many non-fiction books about the period and have formed my own strong opinions to enjoy this book as much as some other reviewers. If it is going to be your 'thing' I can only give you my opinion and leave it to yourselves to determine.
I did not like Blue!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A year ago, Kelly and Blue took the friendship to a whole other level. But Blue plays football, and doesn't wanna come out yet. He just needs to bide his time. Kelly, however, is growing impatient with Blue. Can Blue keep Kelly happy, while he gets himself together?

This is book two in the Rules of Possession duet, and you NEED to read book one, The Blueprint, first.

I listened to book one, and I said that I found that the narrator for Blue didn't quite for me, even though Sean Crisden is a firm favourite of mine. However, since READING book two, I've decided it's NOT the narrator, but Blue himself who is the problem!

I could hear Kelly when I read his chapters, but not so much Blue. I connected better to Kelly than Blue. I loved Kelly, but Blue?? Nah, wanted to punch him so bad!

Keeping Kelly happy is Blue's number one priority, but he still has to work, to play football, and to leave Kelly from time to time and that does rather kill Blue. He DOES love Kelly, that much is obvious, but he just can't come out yet, not to everyone else.

BUT everyone else? Those around Blue and Kelly all the time?? THEY know, they knew BEFORE Kelly and Blue did! When a couple of players voice what they know, and Blue gets caught kissing Kelly on their vacation, he knows he has to come out. And he does.

I just *insert sigh* expected the fall out of that to be . . . MORE . . . you know?? Blue goes on about how big a deal it is, to come out as a football player, about how BAD it will be, and I expected the fall out to be nuclear. But it's more of a damp firework, to be honest!

I DID enjoy reading this, but the thing I struggled the most with was Blue himself. But Kelly's voice is so strong, it balances out Blue perfectly. And the story rounded off beautifully, in a very Kelly way!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Oh dear.

I decided to take this book for review as Austen is by far my favourite novelist and I thought this sounded like an interesting concept - what makes the protagonists' matches so good. And there is always the sticky Charlotte Lucas question to ponder over. This isn't really what I got; I felt that this book couldn't decide if it wanted to be a work of literary criticism/analysis or a self help manual. I'm also not entirely sure who the target audience for this book are supposed to be. I got a very strong impression that it wasn't supposed to be me! References to 'we Americans' can be somewhat alienating to the rest of the world. Although the whole book seems to push Austen as a main selling point, it also seems to be aimed at people who don't really know the novels that well - too much of obvious plot details have to be explained and there is an over use of quotation, beyond what was needed to make the point.

The text of the book is only about 250 pages, but there must be at least another 100 pages of endnotes. This is an area of complete overkill, in my opinion. When a single endnote can go on for a couple of pages, by the time you get back to the main text, you've pretty much lost whatever plot there was. Endnotes; just too many and too long and in many cases just too unnecessary.

I was only reading from a proof copy, but there were textual errors - Maria Crawford, anyone?! Hopefully someone familiar with Austen can pick this up.

At the time of writing I see that only one other reviewer has come forth to note that they didn't like it much either, while the reviews seem to be positive. Maybe this has something to do with targeting, as the writing style was very informal and slangy and with a number of American cultural references that meant very little to me. Such a narrow focus seems a bad error of judgement as far as the rest of the world is concerned. If you want my recommendation, I wouldn't bother with this one.
Fade In (Tales of Bryant Novellas #1)
Fade In (Tales of Bryant Novellas #1)
V.L. Locey | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I NEEDED Caiden!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the Tales of Bryant series, and while I would RECOMMEND that you read the other two books first, its not really necessary. Books one and two are abotu Isamu and Brian, and this book is about Isamu's friend, Devon. It woud just give you a better picture of these people and how they interact.

It was the interaction between Brian and Caiden in the first two books that piqued my interest in Caiden! Devon is smitten immediately, and you knew when they eventually came together it was gonna be hot and it really is! I just didn't expect to he hauled through the emotional wringer too!

Caiden and Devon get together at Brian and Isamu's wedding and they fall into a brief affair, thats all it can be, cos Caiden leaves twon for 3 months shortly. But Devon can't fight his feelings and runs. Caiden brings him back, time again until Devon finally calls time, when Caiden is leaving town.

Because a huge chunk of the book is set over two weeks, it IS fast that Devon falls, and utters those 3 little words, and usually I wouldn't like that but since Devon knows there is a limited time available, he goes in feet first. While Caiden doesn't say them til MUCH later, I felt he did fell the words for Devon, he showed him in other ways. It's just, Devon doesn't see it like that and all his past insecurities come crashing down around his ears.

It's hot and steamy in places, and sweet and emotional in others. It hit THAT spot in all but one.

Again, its only Devon who has a say, and thats the only reason I can't stretch to 5 stars! Cos let me tell ya, Devon falling hard and fast for Caiden was great reading but I NEEDED Caiden too, and I don't get him. So I'm a bit miffed about that!

Adrian is up next, the wedding planner who lost the plot when dealing with Isamu's Baba (grandmother) and he is a character and a half!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Run With It (MacAteer Brothers, #1)
Run With It (MacAteer Brothers, #1)
ML Nystrom | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better read for me from this author!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This NEW series from Nystrom is a spin off from the Dragon Runners series. You don't need to have read THOSE books for this one to make sense, indeed, I've only read book one and half of book 2. I didn't much care for those books, and I have no idea why.
This one, however, is a whole nother story!
I really REALLY enjoyed this! I was surprised I enjoyed it so much, since I didn't care for the Dragon Runners, and I cannot tell you why, either!
Bev has her say in the first person, and Connor in the third. Different, but quirky and I liked it! Wasn't sure Connor would get a voice, but he does.
The chemistry builds for these two, right from the start, but its way WAY late in the book that they finally get any time together, what with Connor's work, and Bev's kids and dealing with a shitty ex and his new partner. I liked that it took time for them to come together. They do bandy about the L word early, to themselves at least and I didn't like that very much but it didn't spoil my reading.
Connor's builder family are in one of the Dragon Runners books, as they rebuild the Clubhouse/Bar (I forget which, and I didn't read Connor's sister's book, Stud, book 2) There is quite a lot of hints to the tension between Connor and some of his siblings, but the ones who turn up here are close to Connor. Bev's family are almost non-existent!
I had to laugh at Bev's friend, signing her up for a dating app, cos been there, done that and got the bloody t-shirt! I felt for Bev, on those dates, I really did!
I really cannot tell you why the Dragon Runners didn't work for me, and this one did, but I really don't care. I hope I can read the future books about these brothers, I have a feeling they will be fun to read about.
4 very VERY good stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Selkie's Coat (Waves of Fate #1)
The Selkie's Coat (Waves of Fate #1)
Drea Roman | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 good solid stars
Indpendent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I did enjoy this book.

Its about a selkie, and I had to look up what a selkie was, because I really didn't know and so this is the first selkie book I've read.

Gregory is an alpha selkie, and Daniel a human omega. That Gregory can recognise his fated mate by sound is different, and there are lots of subtle differences to shifter lore in the book, and I really enjoyed that.

But Daniel is like a flipping ping pong ball, back and forth, almost through the whole book, and I got a bit dizzy keeping up with him! I mean, one minute he wants to mate with Gregory, then he reads something, and he doesn't. Then his friend says something, and he does. Then Gregory says something and Daniel is against it again. I really wanted to slap Daniel and make him make a decision.

I liked Gregory's mum getting involved but she does go a bit too far at points. Love Henri, Daniel's best friend. Loved Winston, who is Gregory's best friend too. Loved how he was all, "oh, okay then, thats us done, then, right?" when Gregory tells him he met his fated mate.

Both Daniel and Gregory have a voice, in the first person. I loved that Gregory's voice is what I call "proper" and Daniel makes reference to it being a Victorian voice. Gregory likes to use whole words, and proper words, rather than to shorten them to the modern version.

I LOVED that neither Gregory or Daniel was shortened though!

From what I can see, this is the first I've read of this author (unless something pops up in a box set somewhere) Will I read more? I will certainly give them a go. Will I continue with this series? I hope to be able to. I loved that I saw the next book going one way, but then was thrown for a loop later on.

So, a good book, with a difference, but one that doesn't quite hit *that* spot, you know?

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Thief In The Light (Bed, Breakfast and Beyond #1)
Thief In The Light (Bed, Breakfast and Beyond #1)
Jaime Samms | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a thoroughly delightful read!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I've left with a deep feeling of delightful!

I mean, it comes with a story line that is a bit darker in places, when Lucky is telling what happened to him and the others but it's not delivered in any GREAT detail. You are just given enough for you to add things up, at first, to make a picture. More comes, in more detail, but still not great detail, you know? You don't have to live through everything Lucky and the kids went though.

It is *almost* clean. I expected it to come out totally clean, to be honest, but still I really enjoyed that fact. This is not about the sex between Lucky and Kreed, it's about the LOVE, or rather, about learning to love, to trust and to just be, you know?

I LOVED Mildred, the house! Loved the little noises she makes to express her opinion and thoughts on a matter or person. Loved that she saw the main trouble-causer in this book way before we did. Mildred did make me laugh, with her little noises, she really did.

I loved Lucky, and what he was running from, but more importantly, what he ran TO. He knew Kreed needed him, very quickly and just as quickly, Lucky was staying, even though people thought he had done a runner. I loved Kreed, too. He knew that Mildred wanted Lucky and he knew that HE wanted Lucky, it was just a matter of whether Lucky wanted Kredd enough to stay.

Like i said, a bit darker in places, but it really is the most delightful read I've read in a very long time! From what I can see, I've only read one other by Samms, and that was a long while ago. THIS book is billed as book 1 in the Bed, Breakfast and Beyond series, and I really hope I get to read the future books and that Kreed and Lucky pop up too.

Thank you, Ms Samms, for an enjoyable, delightful read!

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
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