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Let Me Show You
Let Me Show You
Becca Seymour | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
super sweet but so bloody good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Carter finds himself stuck, and naked, when construction worker, Tanner comes to price up some renovations on his home. Tanner immediately takes a shine to the sexy but very shy vet. When Carter has problems at work, and when they go out, Tanner goes all alpha-male-MINE on Carter, and Carter thinks FINALLY! Tanner’s best friend needs him though, it’s why he moved to town. Can Tanner commit to Carter the way Carter wants, and needs?

OH, SO very stinking cute, this one! AND warm and fuzzies! I really kinda fell into this one, and it was SOOOOO good!

Carter isn’t looking for love, it kinda finds him and knocks him for six. Tanner is a breath of fresh air, and after weeks of flirting they FINALLY get down and dirty. I mean, I was waiting, and waiting and bloody WAITING for them to get their act together and give in to the attraction but it takes them FOREVER!!!


I LOVED that it did! The tension between builds over time, and I really did appreciate being made to wait for the main event.

It’s not overly dramatic, with no real drama, just a guy in a bad place taking it out on Carter at work. It’s not especially explicit, but it IS so bloody sexy. It’s not too complicated a plot to follow and there is no real violence.

There is, though, a lotta love! A lot of people love Carter and Tanner, together and separately. And they make no bones about what they want for their friends, which is for Carter and Tanner to be together.

It’s well written, from both Carter and Tanner’s point of view, in the first person. Each voice is clear and distinctive, and each change of voice occurs as the chapter changes and is clearly headed. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

It’s one of those books you just FALL into, you know. You can lose a couple of hours on a wet and windy Tuesday morning, after all the chores are done, you sit down with a cuppa tea, and read a bit, and before you know it, the book is finished!

It really was far too stinking cute for its own good, and you know what?? I wrote four stars at the top of the page, but I can’t figure out why, so changing my mind, and giving it the full..

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Benoit (Owatonna U #3)
Benoit (Owatonna U #3)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

    This is book 3 in the Owatonna U Hockey series. It’s not totally necessary for you to have read books one, Ryker, and two, Scott, before this one, but personally I would recommend you do. It will give you a better picture of this group of hockey players and how they relate to each other. I didn’t much care for Ryker, but Scott was a much better read and this one is my favourite of the three!

    Benoit hit Senior year, and his focus is on his hockey. Study and hockey. He is absolutely not allowed to get involved with a certain volunteer coach who is hobbling around on crutches. Ethan knows he won’t play professionally again, since he broke his leg on his 32nd birthday but helping the next generations of players might keep him happy. A certain goalie is not on his agenda. But after a scorching hot kiss, Ethan wants more, but Benoit is not playing.

    This one, by far, is my favourite of the three. Maybe it was Benoit, or Ethan or the pairing of the two, or maybe it had been brewing up to this one, I dunno, but I loved this one!

    Benoit and Ethan have instant and powerful attraction, and they try hard to ignore it, they really do. But some things are just meant to be, even if there is a big age gap. Everyone is concerned about that gap, but Ethan and Benoit are not.

    There are some difficult topics dealt with here: racism and homophobia. Difficult reading for someone who has not experienced either, but I got way into Benoit’s heart when he deals with the aftermath of that.

    Because of the above, it does make some points quite emotional and you wanna cry for Benoit, but equally, it has some lighter moments and lots of the steamy moments!

    It is again written from both Ethan and Benoit’s point of view, in the first person. Each voice is clearly defined, coming from very different backgrounds, and they are easily identifiable if you leave off during a chapter. Each change occurs as the chapter changes. I saw no spelling or editing that would spoil anyone’s reading experience.

    I loved that Ryker, Jacob, Hayne and Scott all take part, as well as Tens are Mads. I still wanna read their story!

    Are there more? I hope so. Really loving this series.

    5 full and shiny stars

    **same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Hard To Let Go (Haven's Cove #1)
Hard To Let Go (Haven's Cove #1)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in, cos this is gonna be hard to write, so bare with me, okay??

Freaking LOVED this book! And if THIS class of writing is what a first time author can produce, I so very much want to be on the end of the next book!

Because, let me tell ya, there I was, merrily plodding along, reading away, thinking 4 stars, balancing across between 4 and 5, back to 4. Great book, extremely well written from both Owen and Brody's point of view.
Some sexy parts, some emotional parts, even a few funny ones, with Owen's female family members. A good book, just not quite hitting THAT spot yet, you know??

And then it hits, FULL in the face, just why Brody is back in town. I mean, I READ why he was there, I KNEW why he was there, but for some reason it didn't really sink in, you know?? Am I making sense?? Probably not, but I read the words, and then shit got real. And I was faced with a sledgehammer upside the head and I sobbed my bloody socks off. Because I've been there, where Brody was, that dark place, waiting, waiting. You know what's coming, there ain't nothing you can do to stop that freight train, but Lord you wish you could. Just one more day, one more hug. Just one MORE, you know? And its been 11 years, ELEVEN years since I had to sit through that and still, here I am, sobbing while writing this.

I've read two, very different, emotionally heavy books that connected to me on a very personal level. I had two very fluffy romance books before them, and stoopid me wrote the fluffy reviews before tackling these two heavier ones. So I've spent most of this afternoon in tears!

So, when you've read a book that you CANNOT fault, a book that grabs your heart, chews it up, and spits it out again, a book that does that to its characters too. A book that is FLAWLESS in its delivery, its flow. A book that lays out, very nicely, thank you very much, a view of the second book: a window into what's to come, and please Lord let me get the chance to read it, because Gabe and Nate have a story to tell that I really wanna read.

A book such as that can only get.....

5 full stars! Outstanding debut novel from Ms Quinn!
Lander (Oberon Cycle #2)
Lander (Oberon Cycle #2)
J. Scott Coatsworth | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A-MAZ-ING follow up!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Oberon Cycle, and you really REALLY must read book one, Skythane, first. These are NOT stand alones!

What they are though, is brilliant!

Reeling from their discoveries that they are not who they thought they were, Xander and Jameson thought they had fulfilled their prophecy, but it seems there is more in store for these two, as joining the worlds of Oberon and Titania has bought them more than they expected!

Told from both Xander and Jameson AND a whole host of other characters who I don't recall having a say in book one, we get the whole picture of what is happening on this little planet that was put back together. There are some things laid out for book three, some things that I'm not sure how will play out, but that's not an issue here, because I loved this book!

What made it, for me, *and please don't fall off your chair when I say this* is how very CLEAN this book is! Xander and Jameson shut you down, right at the good bits and they do it so well, its brilliantly written! Their love, even when faced with the possibility that it might be chemically induced, is evident, even when they take time apart get to the bottom of what they are really feeling, and it comes across in all the right places. Also, Quince and Robyn, while they don't get to their "good bits" yet, I expect they will shut me down just as good.

The general world *and I mean this quite LITERALLY* building is amazing, and you still don't get a massive info dump, its comes in dribs and drabs, but I again stress, you NEED book one first. The world building here is not the same as book one because, you know, they joined this world and everything is different, and not recapped the same way as it comes across in book one.

I cannot wait to see how this pans out, I'd love everyone, and I mean each and every member of this massive cast, to get their own happy ever after, I just don't see how that might play out. I have hopes for some people, I really do!

Coatsworth skill continues to grow, and I look forward to reading the final part to this series, even if I do have to wait another year!

5 amazing stars!

*8same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Surprise Delivery (Hearts and Health #5)
Surprise Delivery (Hearts and Health #5)
D.J. Jamison | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
the warm and fuzzies are back!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Hearts and Health series, but you don't need to have read the other books. I first met Eric in the first book I read, which was book 2, because I still haven't got round to reading book 1 yet! Casper pops up in book 4. All stand alone stories, with connecting characters based in and around the hospital in Ashe, Kansas. But you should! Cos, you know, warm and fuzzies, people! Warm. And. Fuzzies.

Cos that's what I'm loving about this series! That feeling it gives, when two guys finally give in to their feelings. When they get over their hang ups. When they give up the guilt that has been eating them alive and just LOVE on each other! I live my life through books like this!

Casper does all his adrenaline junkie stuff as a way to connect with his dead boyfriend of 5 years. Eric is married to his job, because his real husband left him. When Eric's 16 year old niece turns up at his door, pregnant and thrown out of her home, the two men are thrown together. Casper pulls at Eric to live a little, and Eric pulls at Casper to just slow down a bit.

Expect some roller coaster emotions from Casper here, as he deals with his self inflicted guilt. He struggles to let Kage go, and he struggles to talk to Eric, which in turn leads to some roller coaster emotions from Eric, although not quite as painful reading. I bawled my eyes out for them both!

Paul and Zane play a part, Paul especially for Eric dealing with the Board and budgets, makes Eric see, really SEE what's going on in the ER and it's Paul who makes Eric begin to think that maybe, just maybe, there is life OUTSIDE of this hospital. He just needs the push that Paul, Olivia and Casper give him. Trent and Xavier pop up too, but only briefly.

I loved this book, I read it in one sitting. I can't wait for more books in this series, but I'm wondering which way things will go now. Especially with what Eric, Paul and Trent have to decide to do. I don't really care whether future books will be based in the hospital or elsewhere, I just want and need more of these guys!

5 Warm And Fuzzies stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The White Room
The White Room
C.M. Albert | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
hot hot HOT!!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Welcome to The White Room. 3 rules you need to know: you may only visit once every 6 weeks; you may not request a repeat with anyone, and what happens in the White Room, stays in the White Room. Or they WERE the rules. But circumstances changes, and so do the rules.

I really don't know what I was expecting from this book, really I didn't but I KNOW I wasn't expecting THIS!


It's basically wall to wall sex, and I makes no apologies for loving a book written as such. It lands itself firmly on 3 shelves: erotica; over 18, and fan yourself its a hot one! Cos ooooeeee is this a hot hot HOT one!

Dom is given a visit to the White Room as a birthday gift. Avaline uses the White Room when her husband becomes terminally ill. Lexie visits after her divorce. Asher visits to get his Mrs Robinson fantasy played out. Simon likes to get his desk signed underneath by those he had sex with on top. Austin wanted to be pampered but he couldn't leave his dominance at the door. Vironica is a widow, but still a woman. Arianna wasn't even supposed to KNOW about the White Room. Alec likes to play with his food. Callum can't be in a relationship, not with his job. Baron is a preacher, and a widower, but still a man. Adelaide had a 2 man fantasy.

And then we come full circle back to Dom and Avaline.

Each chapter is well told from a single point of view, the person whose chapter it is. Mostly male/female pairings but there are some FFM (contact between the females) and a MFM (NO contact between the males) pairings. There are repeat visits by most of these characters, is some way or other. We get each and every emotion about why they are using the White Room, and why they are so affected by this particular visit. And just why they are all so pleased with the changing rules.

I saw no spelling or editing errors, and each story flows well from one to the next, but pay attention, they use different names in the White Room! You should read all the stories in order.

I really REALLY loved it!

This is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of this author, I hope it isn't the last!

5 very sexy stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Proposition (Nights Series #6)
The Proposition (Nights Series #6)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
straight back up to 5 stars!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

We met Rhys and Wade in book 3, but I would say you don't need to read the other books before this one. You don't NEED to, but you'd get a better enjoyment of these if you did. And this is book 6, so get a-reading!

Wade and Rhys are partners in the firm that Gabe works for. They've know each other some 16 years. Rhys has lusted over and loved Wade for 12 of those years, and Wade has lusted over Rhys for just 12 months. 12 months ago, he caught Rhys pleasuring himself and calling out Wade's name when he did. So, 6 weeks. They have 6 weeks to get whatever *this* is, out their system. But will 6 weeks really be enough??

Did I mention that I made a new shelf for these books? No?? Oh, well I did, and I called it "fan yourself, it's a hot one!" Books one, two and three are sitting there, and now they are joined by book 6!

Because Rhys and Wade have blow your socks off chemistry! That much was obvious when we met them before but here? Once these guys admit they are doing this, this proposition, they are all in and I think they could probably give Cam and Gabe run for their money!

I loved that both men, separately of each other, came to the conclusion, very quickly, that 6 weeks would NEVER ever be enough. That it took a silly misunderstanding on Rhys' part for them to openly admit their feelings.

Loved that Gabe and Cam (books one and three) and Ethan and Joe (book two) take part here. Luke and Ash (books for and five) are mentioned, but don't appear.

These guys do say those three little words, but they also have another book planned, which is book 9, so I'd say they have their Happy For Now, rather than a Happy Ever After.

Who is book 7 and 8?? No idea, don't care, wanna read them regardless! A certain someone is a little hard done by here, and I'd love for him to have his own book.

After books one through three were five stars, we slipped a little with four and five, but whoosh! Just like that, we're back up to..

5 super sexy stars!!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Fearless (Somerton Security #3)
Fearless (Somerton Security #3)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2018 | Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
far darker than the others, but equally brilliant!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, and I thank Ms Dyer for that!

This is book three in the Somerton Security series and I would strongly recommend that you read books one, Defenseless and book two, Relentless before you read this one. There is some of an on-going story arc, and I don't think you'll get the full benefit of THIS book, if you don't. And,I mean, both are five star reads too!

We haven't met Will or Cooper before, but we know of Will. He is Georgia's brother and we thought him long dead. Cooper is a sniper, and they have talked before, Will and Coop, long intimate conversations, but never got round to meeting. When Coop's life is threatened by her actions on orders, she needs Will to find the answers and clear her name. She just needs to free Will from his captivity.

I loved this one, too!

It's far darker than the other two, because some of Will's torture is described, in detail, as it happens and as memories surfacing, but it's needed. You NEED to know what happened to Will, while he was held all that time, because it has some baring on what happens later in the book. Quite graphic, but absolutely necessary.

Will and Coop's history is all phone calls and texts, but I loved that the full picture isn't immediately clear. You're left guessing at the clues and I love being kept on my toes.

I loved that Coop could SEE Will, you know, under all that dirt and grime and all those scars. She could see the man he was, will be again, even if Will couldn't. Loved that Will knew he had to let Coop go, if he was going to keep her and LOVED how he pulled her back!! I was like, way to go man!!

Parker and Georgia, and Ethan and Natalia all pop up, if only towards the end but it was nice that they did.

There is a character here who has piqued my interest, particularly after what he says to Coop and Will when the sh*t hits the fan, and more importantly, it was the WAY he said it. Makes me think that HIS story could be next, and he isn't quite the bad guy he portrays here. Maybe he is, but I think there is a teeny tiny soft spot in his heart for a certain doctor who is missing.

Please keep these coming!!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Bronson (2009) in Movies

Jun 19, 2019 (Updated Jun 20, 2019)  
Bronson (2009)
Bronson (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama
Michael Peterson has always wanted to be famous, but didn't really have any potential to be much of anything. So he robbed a post office and received a seven year sentence. That seven years soon became over thirty and the majority of it was spent in solitary confinement. It was during this time that Michael Peterson let his alter-ego, Charles Bronson, take over. During his multi-year prison sentence, Peterson became violent and unpredictable. To this day, he's still considered to be Britain's most famous prisoner. Michael Peterson was no more and Charles Bronson was all that remained.

Bronson is one of the more interesting films I've had the pleasure of sitting through as of late. In the trailer (and movie poster), a quote can be seen where a reviewer called the film, "A Clockwork Orange for the 21st century." That quote is really spot-on. There is a big Clockwork Orange influence in this film. While Michael Peterson narrates the entire film, the film jumps between what actually happened and Peterson performing in front of an audience in a rather large theater. The make-up, the setting, and Hardy's performance are all very Clockwork Orange-esque. Another film that came to mind was Snatch. The action sequences and a lot of the humor gave off the same kind of vibe Guy Ritchie's film did. Bronson is very much its own film, but shares the same beloved qualities of the films mentioned.

Bronson is what it is because of Tom Hardy's performance. He's guiding you through his life, his dreams, and his goals while you're with him the duration of the film, so it's only logical that he steals the show since he gets the most screen time. The fact that he doesn't waste any of it is something to be proud of though. He makes what would be a rather dismal story entertaining, exciting, and worth sitting through. Hardy's performance is the highlight of the film. There's really no questioning that.

Bronson was really a sleeper hit for me since its premise didn't interest me at all, but it wound up luring me in with its trailer. It's a very unorthodox type of film that isn't like many other films out there. Films like Bronson think outside the box of normal cinema and is the type of gem you'd hope to find whenever you journey out to your favorite theater. If you're looking for a film that is a knock-down-drag-out, eccentric, thrill-ride with a strong lead actor performance, then look no further. Bronson is exactly what you're looking for.
100 Fathoms Below
100 Fathoms Below
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love books that take place under the sea–particularly horror books. If you’ve read my review on Something’s Alive on the Titanic, you probably already know that. (It’s a great book by the way, and its author is Robert Serling–brother to Rod Serling.) It’s only natural that I selected 100 Fathoms Below when I read its nautical, and eerie, description.

And here’s where my spoiler comes in, because I’m about to go on a mini-rant. The synopsis hints at a mysterious, evil monster hunting the crew of the ship, but it does not say what that creature is. Therefore, I feel that revealing this is a book about vampires is, in fact, a spoiler–contrary to popular belief of other reviewers. It’s pretty obvious early on, with the first hint coming in at 8%, however if I’d known this was a vampire book before I chose it, I wouldn’t have taken the time to read it. The key word there is BEFORE. Because I had it spoiled by a straight up summary of the prologue on Goodreads, coupled with a pretty hearty description about the… well, vampires. So, now that you know that overly used trope is here, let’s take a moment to discuss what Kent and Kaufmann do right, shall we?

The vampires in 100 Fathoms Below are good ol’ classic boys, in the sense that they’re bloodthirsty and want nothing more than to maim and breed more of their kind. They aren’t romanticized, either–and that’s a great thing. In fact, they’re written well enough that, despite having been spoiled by a fellow reviewer, I enjoyed the book enough to finish it. Mostly because I wanted to see how things ended.

Something else Kent and Kaufmann excel at is creating a connection between the readers and characters. I found myself sharing the hopes and dreams of many of the figures we meet. That made some of the deaths a lot more difficult on me.

The plot is quick, making it an easy read; however, the sense of intrigue isn’t really there. The whole discovering a prototype Soviet submarine takes the back burner with an occasional mention and even when it does come back into play toward the end of the book, there’s not exactly any excitement or fear of them being caught. I found that to be a bit disappointing.

Overall, it’s an entertaining read, but I probably wouldn’t take the time to re-read it. I’d like to thank NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.