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Midnight Heist (Outlaws #1)
Midnight Heist (Outlaws #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2021 | Crime, LGBTQ+, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fabulous start to this series, and to Ms McIntyre's MM path. Keep em coming!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Grif needs to infiltrate Dan Torres' company to ruin it. But one look at Dan and Grif knows he's all kinds of innocent, but equally dangerous. Dan knows there's something bad going on in his company, now he's taken over from his father, but the Board is all old men stuck with old opinions and old ways. When Dan finds out what Grif has planned, he sees it as a perfect way to get what he wants. But what happens after?

So! Ms McIntyre is a firm favourite with me, her paranormal books have been mostly 4 and 5 stars but I didn't much care for her Discord series. This one, though??

Brilliant! It really does hit THAT spot, you know? The one that you don't know needs hitting but when it does, it goes BOOM and you start to lose track of the time and the next thing you know, you've done sod all this afternoon but read a brilliant book!

The attraction between Grif and Dan is instant and powerful and burns bright and so freaking hawt throughout the book. They both they should NOT be doing this, but neither can stay away. They KNOW that this will lead them down a dangerous and, quite probably, deadly path but both of them are prepared to risk it. And they DO risk it, once it all comes out and everyone knows what's going on.

It's quite clear who the bad guy is at the company, what's not so clear is how far up it goes, how far it's spread and who else is involved. It's STILL not clear, to be honest!

I loved the team of Outlaws! Scarlet, especially. Sometimes, Scarlet is a she, and sometimes Scarlet is a he. I got a little confused at first, and thought it a typo, but when it happens a couple of times, I figured that's just Scarlet, you know? I loved how Dan and Leo, his best friend, slot so beautifully into the team. And maybe, just maybe, there are a few clues to whose story might be next. These guys are deadly, and they make no apologises for that, but what they do is get the bad guys and they do it the best way they how, from the inside out. Anyone who gets in their way, well, silly of them really!

I found myself waiting for the L word. I kept thinking, its-a-coming, any mintue now, and it doesn't and I LOVED that it doesn't! Grif and Dan aren't really the lovey-dovey sort. Oh, there is love here, it's quite clear from the things they feel for each other, don't get me wrong, but it's not VOICED and I think when they DO voice that word, its gonna be spectacular!

Fabulous start to this series, and to Ms McIntyre's MM path. Keep em coming!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A War of Daisies (The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse #1)
A War of Daisies (The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse #1)
A.A. Chamberlynn | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a book that takes you out of your usual comfort zone, and it does it in such a way, you do NOT see it coming!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There comes along, once in a rare while, a book that takes you out of your usual comfort zone, and it does it in such a way, you do NOT see it coming! This is such a book!

I read the blurb, it sounded interesting, but I really wasn't expecting to be blown away, and so much so, I was reading this book at 3.30am, cos I coulnd't put it down!

All four women have a say, and for their time, they have a LOT to say. They are all are feeling repressed and held down, for one reason or other, and it takes time for those reasons to fully become clear. Once all four are together in one place, a freak weather storm leaves them with powers, and those powers will get them what they what: freedom.

Freedom, however, comes at a price. And its that price, that TWIST that I did not see coming! I love being puddled along, you know? Taking my time, enjoying what I'm reading, a few questions lurking, but not really seeing where this is going, or that it'll be a 5 star read. And then BAM, right near the end, things become clear, many questions are answered, and then many MORE pop up. The four womens lives are drawn into a tighter circle, and their roles become a bit more solid, but still I'm not sure where this is gonna go!

Some things happened here that I did not see coming, and I loved being proven wrong about things, even if the reality on the page is far worse than I thought.

There is, apart from that bit I just mentioned, no romance in this book, but there is violence. The women are, afterall, War, Pestilence, Famine and Death. But it's not graphic, at all,but written in such a way that you don't see it coming at ya, not at first. When things become a little clearer, then you do see it coming, but again, written in such a great way!

It's been a long time since I tried to write a gushing review without giving anything away, but I think I managed it here. Had I gone into too much detail, I think the womens secrets would have been told, and you need to discover them in the pages of the book, I think, for you to fully appreciate them.

Written with all the words and customs and attitudes of the time (1894, United States) it throws up some *AH* moments and some *NOOOOOOOOOOO? really? they did that?* moments and some *oh my gosh, they did NOT!* moments, and I loved them all!

In case you didn't get it, I loved this book! I hope I can get my grubby mitts on the next one!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Ramen Assassin (Ramen Assassin #1)
Ramen Assassin (Ramen Assassin #1)
Rhys Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fabulous new series from Ford!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When Trey witnesses a dead body being dragged into a van, and then he gets shot at, he never thought the guy who has invaded his dreams would be the one to save him. He makes noodles all day, how can the man possibly pack more fire power than the bad guys, huh? Kuro thought he had left all that behind in the blaze of bullets that followed him to the embassy. But no, here he is, standing over the cute guy who comes in most days, shooting at the bad guys trying to shoot Trey. And then someone shoots at him. And Kuro sees red. Someone has to stand up for Trey, cos his own sister won't!

You never EVER know, from reading a Ford blurb, which way a book will go. You all do it, you read a blurb and your brain goes, Yup, thats what is gonna happen and then you start reading and whatever you had in mind goes right up in smoke!

so, Devastating? check. Emotional? check. Deadly? Murderous? check. Sexy? check, check and check!

I loved Kuro and Trey, both together and seperately. The way their stories mesh together is brilliant. I loved that they had both been eyeing each other up, but neither one wanted to make a move. The fact that Kuro let Trey sit at the back table every time he came in, had not gone unnoticed by his staff. The eyes Trey made at Kuro had not gone unnoticed either.

Trey's history could be any child star in today's world. A rise to fame, from a very young age, and a meteoric fall from grace that left him in everyone's bad books, his family especially. I hated his sister! She was so mean to Trey right when Trey needed her, and when Kuro takes up his case, Kuro gives Trey's sister such a piece of his mind, it's a wonder the woman wasn't reduced a pile of goo!

The whodunnit is a long winded (and long planned out!) and complicated plot, and I loved how it all went down!

This is billed as book one in the Ramen Assassin series. I have no idea whether Kuro and Trey will be the centre of each book, or some of Kuro's associates will be, I don't really care, to be honest! I just wanna read them!

And oh! The food! The food Kuro cooks sounds so yummy! Even when he does what I would call a "cupboard dinner" basically, whatever was in Trey's cupboards and fridge, it was yum! I was drooling, for God's sake! I can only hope Ms Ford does some sort of recipe thing with the book tour, I will have to switch the ramen for rice noodles, but Lord, PULEEEEZE let there be recipes!

I love Rhys Ford, you know I do, and I have so MISSED the way she spins her tales! One sitting read, 200 odd pages, 2.5 hours, and boom! More, I need more!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Tamarillo Tart (Southern Lights #2)
Tamarillo Tart (Southern Lights #2)
Jay Hogan | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LOVED this book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Southern Lights series, but you don't NEED to have read book 1, Powder & Pavlova, before this one. Ethan and Tanner DO pop up, but their story is not necessary for this one to make sense. However, personally, I recommend you DO read it, if only because that was a great read, and you knwo, I said so!

Stefan is a city boy, through and through, but his friend booked this trip, so he was gonna enjoy a trip up the mountian to see some Lord of The Rings scenery. Then his friend pulled out, and Stefan is faced withthe trip on his own, he is here already, so why not? How hard can it be? Cass is the tour guide, and Stefan pushes all kinds of buttons he didn't know needed pushing. How can they keep their hands off each other, when the attraction is scorching hot?

Oh my days, I loved this book!

Loved the snark, the jokes, the witty comments that Stefan throws at Cass, knowing that he is using every single double entrendre he can think of. Stefan KNOWS he wants Cass, but it's at a level he never had before. Cass is, though, a country boy and Stefan a city boy. However being in the country? It does something to Stefan, and it makes him think. Getting Cass off the mountian, when he was injured, was just what Stefan needed to show he wasn't just a pretty boy, he was someone who can get it done. Stefan just needs Cass to see that they would be great together.

Cass is mostly in the closet, and he does, bless him, TRY to fight his attraction to Stefan but it isn't long before he cannot any longer. I mean the whole book takes place over couple days, so it really isn't long but once they give in? OOOOEEEEEE these boys burn HOT!

While that hotness is great, what I particularly loved about this book was the soul-searching that both Stefan and Cass do. Both men are stuck in their lives, and they are *mostly* happy, but they know something is missing. Stefan is more profound in his musings, I must admit, and he does break your heart a couple of times, he really does. I was very impressed with his outward portrayal of being in control when Cass was sick, and how he managed to keep it together till Cass was safe. THEN he lost it.

Loved that Ethan and Tanner (book 1) pop up, even if it was near the end just to kick Stefan out his stupor, but they are referenced a lot by Stefan throughout the book, as it is THEIR relationship, while not jealous, he wants what they have.

Loved Stefan's t-shirt slogans and why he got them in the first place.

I love this series, I especially love the covers that reflect where the book takes place.

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Wicker Man (1973)
The Wicker Man (1973)
1973 | Horror, Mystery
Acting, scenery, script. That song about the corn and barley? Meh (0 more)
Not bad, but unexpected nudity. I must have missed the warning. (0 more)
Something Wicker This Way Comes
Contains spoilers, click to show
Forgive me, Father, for I am about to spoil this whole film. I am a novice film reviewer, and as such, I know no other way.

This film opens up with a police officer (Sergeant Howie) flying to an island in Scotland. I knew something was up when the older gentlemen in the harbor refused to send a dinghy for him to get onto the island. The older men seemed to be in on some kind of joke. As my teenager would say, “Very sus.”

The rather uppity lawman, portrayed quite convincingly by Edward Woodward, is searching for a girl on the island. The girl, Rowan Morrison, was reported missing by way of an anonymous letter sent to the mainland.

We are then introduced to the woman who is allegedly the missing girl’s mother. She runs the most unsettling candy shop ever. There are a lot of chocolate bunnies, which I am normally all in favor of. But she corrects the officer when he refers to them as bunnies. They are rabbits, of course. Because that increases the creepiness factor by ten.

Howie’s lodging is above a righteously rollicking pub. The locals sing and play about in the pub, and all seems normal.

Forward to the next scene. Holy unexpected nudity, Batman. I am glad my son chose to stay in his room and play Roblox. There are a bunch of naked locals openly copulating in and around the churchyard. Of course, it is later explained that it is not a churchyard, because poor, very stodgy, very Puritan Sergeant Howie has stumbled upon an island of RECKLESS HEATHEN PAGANS.

The lovely Britt Ekland portrays Willow, the barmaid. In a scene early on, she does a ritualistic dance in the nude, in the room next to the very tempted police officer. My boyfriend correctly observed that Howie should stay away from this woman, as she is clearly a siren. Her dance moves were odd to me, and at one point, I asked aloud, “What is she doing?” My boyfriend responded, “She’s twerking.”

The plot thickens like a good rabbit stew. Christopher Lee aptly portrays Lord Summerisle, the leader of the island. Summerisle makes some strange claims about the island, and says the women there get pregnant asexually by way of a ritual. This claim seems counterintuitive, since there seemed to be a lot of unprotected boinking going on by various members of the island, in the open air no less. But hey, maybe these adulterated pagans missed the lecture on the birds and the bees.

As a heathen myself, I didn’t find this movie too horrific until it neared the end. I was more focused on Sergeant Howie’s unwillingness to entertain a faith other than his own. The scenery was breathtaking, as it was filmed entirely on location in Scotland.

I’m not really going to spoil every detail of the ending. But I must observe that this is the strangest version of The 40-Year-Old Virgin I have ever seen.
Fort: Cats and Dogs Expansion
Fort: Cats and Dogs Expansion
2021 | Card Game
In the expansion review series, we take a look at a game expansion to discuss whether it is a necessary purchase/addition to one’s collection.

This breakdown is for the expansion for the hit game Fort, and this expansion titled Fort: Cats & Dogs Expansion.

This expansion adds a bunch of Dog cards, some Cat cards, and four Doghouse tiles. The Dog and Cat components belong to their respective modules, and the expansion can be played with either module or both simultaneously.

The Dogs module will add Dogs to players’ starting decks. When a Dog is played, their need (the text immediately below their picture) must be fulfilled before their special action is completed. They may also be used as their normal icon to be played with the base game actions. Most Dog cards are then discarded to the players’ Doghouse. However, if Dogs end up in a player’s Yard, at the beginning of their turn they must discard the Dog to the neighbor’s Doghouse. The player with the most Dogs in their Doghouse at the end of the game scores a cool seven points!

Cats, however, are little terrors and have no loyalty to their owner and their special abilities may be lent to whomever currently controls the Cat card. Cats are attracted to certain players based on which cards are present in their Yard at the end of their turn. It is then that the Cat card moves to the player’s tableau and can offer ongoing effects. The other players may then attempt to lure the Cat card to their own Yards at the end of their turns as well. Players score more points at the end of the game for having more Cats attracted to their Yard.
In my opinion Fort did not need any expansions that change the game. However, after adding Cats & Dogs to my game I found that another level of attention must be paid to each turn if you wish to score these extra bonus points. For example, should a player monopolize all the Cats and also have the most Dogs, that will score them 17 bonus points at the end of the game! That is certainly nothing to sniff at. The cards feature great art, again by Kyle Ferrin, and the Doghouses are nice cardboard tiles. I still most certainly enjoy playing vanilla Fort, but I think that with other gamers who are familiar with the base game I will almost always include both Cats & Dogs modules in my games.

Official recommendation: If you are a fan of Fort, as we all are, then adding in Cats & Dogs may spice up your game for you. However, if you are a fan of Fort as is, then this is certainly not a must-have. I thoroughly enjoy this expansion, and like I mentioned – will probably always be adding it into my games, but Fort definitely stands on its own. It is a luxury expansion, yes, but it is also very affordable. So pick it up the next time you are filling your board game carts. I recommend it highly, and the value added far outweighs the cost for this reviewer. MORE FORT!!
Restrained Desires (Rehoboth Pact #3)
Restrained Desires (Rehoboth Pact #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Saved the best for last!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the final book in the Rehoboth Pact trilogy. It CAN be read as a stand alone, however I STRONGLY recommend you read the other two books first. It will give you a better picture of Kyle and how, up to now, she has been kind of in the background. Confined got 4 stars, Opposed crept up to 4.5 stars.

But this one? Knocked it out the park, baby, and it gets the full and shiny 5 star rating! Saving the best for last was the right thing to do!

Chelsea is Aubrey's sister (from Opposed) and is newly divorced from her husband. Kyle is, well, at best, plodding along. Her mother (and I use the term very loosely!) pushes Kyle to say she is bringing a date to the family gathering and then panics because she doesn't have one. Chelsea, being all single, steps up to the plate to help Kyle. And there follows a journey of self discovery, and learning to love yourself, and that found families can be so much more than blood families.

Kyle. . .oh! i wanted to wrap her up and give her a big cuddle cos that parental female unit was not a nice person! Wanted to punch the b*tch a time or two! But Chelsea? She really SEES Kyle, and Kyle does struggle a bit with that, at first. Once she and Chelsea take their fake relationship up a notch, Kyle really benefits for having someone in her corner. And Chelsea? She's different to Aubs, but not less a force to be reckoned with. Once she gets her hands on Kyle, there was no going back.

Til someone does something stoopid and then there is a fight to be had.

Aubs nearly got a punch, here, along with that parental unit. She didn't take too well to Chelsea and Kyle getting together and deals with it badly. She DOES redeem herself, giving Chelsea the means to win the fight for Kyle, but still.

It is again, HEAVY on the emotional aspect, but for Kyle dealing with that parental unit b*tch and feelings of inadequacy, and Chelsea, dealing with her divorce, but her father's betrayal cuts deep. He does come out the other side, but faced with losing both his daughters will make anyone turnaround rapidly!

The smexy stuff? Oh! My! Days! steamiest of the three. Mostly because Kyle pushes every single button of Chelsea's and then some. And Chelsea pushes buttons in Kyle she never knew she needed pushing!

Obviously, Aubs and Selina play a part here, but also Mia and Sky, and it was lovely to catch up with them all.

I again commend Ms McIntyre on her writing skills. Switching from MF, to MM and then to FF can't be easy, but McIntyre NAILS it with the final book in this trilogy. Keep 'em coming, please!

As I said . .

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Blood King (Heart Stones #1)
Blood King (Heart Stones #1)
JP Sayle | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Left with so many questions but so bloody good!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not gonna write a bit about this book. I'm not gonna rehash any sort of plot line, but what I am gonna say is this:


Sayle has a particular way of messing with my head, she leaves me with question after question. Mostly, questions I cannot voice, but my head knows it has questions and Sayle drives me freaking nuts about it!

So, once I got over my spit-your-dummy-out, throw-your-toys-out-the-pram and I'll-scream-and-scream-and-scream-until-I'm-sick kind of tantrum, here's what I thought about this book.

So good, this first book in a new series, a very different book than of late for Sayle and I read this and flung my kindle at the wall and my partner looked at me like I grew a third head!

Why, you ask? Because questions, people, I have a lot, A LOT of freaking questions about this book and it's taken me 3 days to manage to write something about this book that actually makes sense!

I am, however, fairly certain that I will not be the only one why has questions, hell, I'm not even sure if Sayle has all the questions, let alone the answers to everything that was NOT said here.

Because while you get everything you need about Aion and Shiesha NOW, there is much, so (I really wanna use the Fword here but some sites don't like that, but I need to stress the point!) freaking MUCH, that is not said. About who Aion and Shiesha are running from, about what happened to Aion's family, about who Shiesha really is, about WHAT he is! And those bloody monks? Cryptic or what! But those monks, I understood. They are bound by a higher power and sworn to secrecy. Aion and Shiesha have all the answers, they just need to listen to their hearts to find them.

And then we get to the ending! A cliff hanger, people, of massive proportions! I knew this was coming, the blurb says so, but still. I had 10 minutes left in the book and then it was finished and sheesh, I was not happy! There is a teeny tiny bit that happens next, a bit of an epilogue slash sneak peak but I would rather have not had that, to be honest! I think it would have had a bigger reaction from people to not have that sneak peak, and I am left a little . . .annoyed . . .maybe. . . by it! I don't know WHY, but book feelings, people, I'm sharing my book feelings!


Because I have questions;
because I read it in one sitting;
because I threw my kindle at the wall (and it's been a long ass time since I did that!)
because of that freaking cliff hanger;
because, even, of that sneak peek;
because it's my review and I can. . .

5 freaking amazing stars!

But write quicker, Ms Sayle.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere