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Ready Player Two
Ready Player Two
Ernest Cline | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't want the reviews to be true but unfortunately I feel they were correct. I went into this with an open mind and ready to form my own opinions but alas this time I side with the majority.

***No direct spoilers as such but you may infer some details from what I have said***

I didn't struggle with the referencing and overexplaining that some people felt occurred in the first book but this was something completely different in the sequel.
In the first book, there was passion and a sense of urgency, and it drew you along to a satisfying conclusion. There were specific parts to the book that stood out, and it felt like a fully realised story that could almost happen.
I was really invested in the first book but this time round it was missing something.

Although the stakes were set higher it never felt like there was any real danger. There are some truly dramatic scenes but at no point did I feel like Cline had the heart to go all Game of Thrones on us.

I think Cline overstretched himself with trying to cram in 7 fantastical quests, world's, and puzzles to solve, that all the magic of the first book was completely lost.
He could have made this work well but the sped up timeline forced him into a corner there was no escaping from.
Rushed in places, where fans of the first book would have adored more detail and reveled in it, and then hyper focused and drawn out details of some really odd choices, means this book just falls flat.

There was so much potential here, but it felt like Cline was trying too hard to pay lip service to his peers and people he admires in a Halliday-esqe way, this can be felt if you actually read the acknowledgements. The comparison to Cline and some of the characters becomes quite apparent there, and are almost beyond cliche.

There is still ongoing talk of a movie adaptation for this sequel, and I feel like Cline really leaned into the idea of this (after the success of the first one). As this book would probably work better as a screenplay. I feel like this may be one of those extremely rare occurrences where the movie has the potential to be better than the book.

I often try to leave balanced reviews and can find a positive to end on but I was mostly disappointed by the end of reading, so I am struggling to end on a positive!

How about this?
There is no mention of a part three in the future but I feel like Cline has given himself the opportunity to have a fresh start, if there were to be a Ready Player Three, there are so many avenues he could explore, and bring the magic back! So I am hopeful for the futute.
A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (87 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me say first that, this is not at all the kind of book that I usually find myself drawn too. I had seen previews for the series on HBO & thought it looked good. I hesitated for a long while on whether to read it or not & decided that while I was on vacation I would read it. (I was advised to wait because you need to concentrate on the book in order to keep all the characters straight, which is VERY true!)
Now I wish I'd read it when I first got the urge. It is SOOOO incredibly well written. The characters are all so different, but so well fleshed out that you can picture them without much trouble. There are a great deal of them & it does take a hundred pages or so to get a handle on them. But, if you stick with it I know you will be pleasantly surprised & glad that you toughed out the first few chapters.
The story is haunting & beautiful. I loathe reviews that spoil the plot so I will not even begin to tackle it here. I could go on all day about it with all its twists & turns. Suffice it to say, I will be picking up the 2nd in the series as soon as I'm done typing here!
Take the risk, don't let the sheer size of the book intimidate you! You will not be disappointed.
Kiss of Steel
Kiss of Steel
Bec McMaster | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well paced plot and action (3 more)
Great dialogue
Fleshed out characters
Amazing world-building
Victorian Steampunk with vampires, mechs, and werewolves. AND AWESOME.
Holy crap. I have only read the first two of this series – I have three more to read. (My Lady Quicksilver, Forged By Desire, and Of Silk and Steam, with a second series in the same universe called The Blue Blood Conspiracy.) (Edit: I have now read three and four, and they are also excellent!)


Victorian Steampunk in London with vampires, mechs, and werewolves (sort of) with romance, a political conspiracy plot, and plenty of action? YES PLEASE. These books are excellently written, with a hefty plot that moves at a perfect pace. Both romances have been very believable and intertwined seamlessly with the larger world’s plot. Each book is a hefty length, enough to really get absorbed in and flesh out everything that needs to be covered, without dragging on and getting old. The characters are fascinating – even the side characters are interesting enough that I really hope future books focus on them.

I don’t have a single bad thing to say about this series, and I can’t wait to read the next books. I am forcing myself to take a break from the series, even though I have the next two books, because I have library books that are due sooner that I need to read!

See all my reviews at
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
Visual effects (0 more)
The reviews of this film on most critic sites seem to slate it. however I dont think this film deserves the hate it seems to get.

First of all like most Luc Besson Film the actual set designs and visual world is simply stunning.

Dante and Cara Delevainge seem a weird casting choice at first glance for me. I know the comics and of one thing Valerian and Laurline always seemed older. That being said they both did a better job than I thought they would do. Whilst both actors are incredibly beutiful that most people can only wish to be there faces are so angular pulling of a softer look and side is harder to see and connect with than any other actor I've known. However whislt it was hard to get that softer emotional connection there was moments it was there and was nice to see. I wish I had seen some of it more in paper towns from cara but in this film I did see it.

 I was slighty disappointed with the great Rihanna part given the amount of press she had I was expecting something more than ten mins (if that) of screen time. in fact there was a very small cast list a majority of film was just Dante and Cara which takes a lot more script writing and acting to keep you involde in story and film
Final Girls
Final Girls
Riley Sager | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
Final Girls by Riley Sager is yet another title with far too much hype, much to my chagrin. I expect thrillers to have a bit more of an edge to them, but this book is more of a slow simmer. Much of the guessing is conveniently cut out by the blurb which I feel to be more of a spoiler than most reviews.

The story focuses on Quincy’s day to day life, then her struggles with Sam when she shows up to disrupt Quincy’s lifestyle in the wake of Lisa’s death. During this time period, flashbacks riddle Final Girls. This element is one I hoped to find exciting, but it only serves the purpose of helping the story drag dreadfully.

In some ways, I think Final Girls tries too hard to be something it isn’t. I’m aware many readers devoured this book and even my idol, Stephen King, sings its praises, but it simply doesn’t sate my own hunger. There’s too much left wanting and far too many things that seem to be more for the sake of convenience. I also felt there are loose ends that were never truly wrapped up – such as the manipulation of Quincy’s mind. I definitely would not categorize this as horror.

I would like to thank Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book. My review is unbiased and written freely of my own will.
Tell Her No Lies
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, how do I put this? Well, I pride myself in providing honest, and quality, reviews, so, I'll say this. I didn't care for this one. It took me three times to get through just the first four chapters. As someone who has read and loved Kelly Irvin's Amish romances, I was very disappointed in the outcome of reading this one. I didn't finish it past chapter 4. 

The dialogue was not easy to follow, as it felt stiff. I just could not enjoy a book like that. The characters weren't life like to me, like I like to feel when reading about them. I like to become the characters, to feel as though I'm a part of the story. Not being able to get past chapter 4.....well, that's because the characters all felt forced. 

That said, I do still encourage you to try this book. Not everyone is for every book and not every book is for everyone. What I found forced and undesirable, you may find beautifully chiseled and absolutely gripping, as you can see that Kelly Irvin really does have a great writing style, if you've read her past Amish novels. So, this will be my first 2 star review in quite some time. I hope that you find you like it, if you give it a try. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Collins (Thomas Nelson) and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Stalker (Joona Linna #5)
Stalker (Joona Linna #5)
Lars Kepler | 2019 | Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting story (0 more)
Slow start (0 more)
5th novel in the Joona Linna series. Can stand-alone
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Stalker by Lars Kepler is the 5th novel in the Swedish police series involving the main character, Joona Linna. Linna is a detective who is on the hunt of an obsessive, stalking serial killer who secretly video records his victims before brutally murdering them. He taunts police by sending them videos showing the victim alive and clearly unaware they are being recorded.

This novel can stand-alone but, according to reviews on Goodreads, the earlier novels provide information and background stories on characters in the series. I have never read the previous books but have had several of them on my "want to read" list since the 4th book, Sandman, could be found all over social media last year.

I was hesitant to start the series because, I have found when a book has that much hype surrounding it, it feels like a disappointment when reading. I did not feel that when reading Stalker. The novel started off slowly. This may be because I was not familiar with the characters. Familiar or not, after the slow start, I was sucked into the story and will be moving the rest of the series to the top of my "want to read" list.

Review published on on 3/21/19.

Fred (860 KP) rated Venom (2018) in Movies

Apr 10, 2019  
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great fun!
If you've read my reviews, you'll see I'm not that keen on the new trend of superhero movies. Everything's gotta be "epic" & so dark. This is the problem with most of DC's films & some of Marvel's films as well. To me, Wonder Woman was terrible & Black Panther just so-so. Infinity Wars was rushed & an over-load of a mess of heroes. So, it was finally nice to see a movie like Venom, where they could take a villain from the comics, & make him a fun anti-hero.

Tom Hardy was excellent as the title character, and his alter-ego, Eddie Brock. And even though none of the other actors in the film were memorable enough that I can remember them by name, it's Hardy that holds this thing together. He's funny, strong & plays the character of a no-nonsense reporter perfectly. When Venom does show up, he's everything you want in the character. He vicious, with that touch of humor that he has in the comics.

The special effects are good as well. Venom really looks like he's there & the fight between him & the villain, Riot is done well.

Unlike most superhero movies of today, this is a fun watch. It's not too long, it's not too dark (which it could have easily been, considering) & I enjoyed myself from the beginning to the end. I'm glad to see they are making a part 2.
iZombie, Vol. 4: Repossession
iZombie, Vol. 4: Repossession
Chris Roberson | 2012 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't know anything about this series beyond the TV show before I got into it. I certainly hadn't read any reviews on this last volume before reading it either, otherwise, I would have been more prepared for the chaos and confusion. It never crossed my mind that a graphic novel could be canceled just like a tv show, but apparently, that's what happened here and explains a lot.

As I said after reading the first volume, other than the resemblance to Gwen, the TV series is so loosely based on the graphic novel that they really are two different stories. I grew used to the campy, out there-ness (I know it's not a word, but just go with it) filled with just about every supernatural creature Bella Lugosi has ever portrayed. But the way this ended was over the top and felt rushed.

The worst part was the way one of the issues was drawn in a completely different style. It was the artwork that kept me reading past the first volume. That and my natural compulsion to see stories through to the end, unless they are just THAT bad that I can't stomach it. But the overly cartoonish images felt off. Think Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go being crammed together in the same volume. It's just not the same.

If you're looking for a light read and don't care to get too invested in the characters, then this is the series for you.