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Spells (Wings, #2)
Aprilynne Pike | 2010 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating: 4.5

(Spells is the sequel to Wings, so I’m not going to include a summary to keep it spoiler free.)

I’m going to try really hard not to say anything to spoil this book for you. Let’s just say this—read it.

Spells was better than Wings. Though both were equally addictive (what? no! I can’t sweep, I’m in the middle of chapter twenty-one!) Spells just had more meat to it: more complications, more plot, more drama, and more romance. There are twists and unexpected surprises that spring out of nowhere and have you sitting on the edge of your seat forgetting to breathe. There is heart pounding and heart shredding romance that makes you grin and cry. And like every good book, there is a surprise at the end that leaves you saying, “Wait… what?”

Spells is a fantastic sequel to Wings. I’m anxiously awaiting the third book in the series, and I hope to one day have the whole collection sitting on my bookshelf where it belongs.

Content: clean romance, mention of sex, no language

Recommendation: Ages 12+. I would recommend reading it soon after Wings, since for the first chapter or so I was a little lost (I read Wings almost as soon as the ARC was sent out for review, some time last May or June) and even throughout the book I kept thinking “wait, who is that?” and “wait what happened again?”

This book was part of the Borrow My ARC Tour from Bloody Bad. Check out the other tour stops for more reviews.
To Conquer Mr. Darcy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The thing that makes Pride and Prejudice so great is the fact that Elizabeth disliked Mr. Darcy so much, and rejected him. Then he did so many wonderful things for her, and she fell in love with him because of the love (action) he showed her.

But in this variation of Pride and Prejudice, the love (action) is gone. It is more like an every-day romance, not one of those new classics. It’s cute and sweet and romantic, but it’s not P&P.

The writing and the style feel like Reynolds has read P&P many times. For the first time in a long time, I fell like I’ve found a great romance writer, the word writer being used literally. She’s a good writer, her prose and her vocabulary, her sentences… I liked it a lot. The characters—up until about the middle of the book—felt very much like the original. That pleased me.

With that in mind, I liked it… up to the point they slept together. That’s when I stopped reading. I just couldn't see Mr. Darcy doing that, no matter how much he desired her. And even when Mr. Darcy came back for her in the beginning… even after getting inside his head, I couldn’t see why he loved her. It was the same with reading from Elizabeth’s perspective… I didn’t know why she loved him. It was all emotion and chemistry, and no reason for love.

Please check out some other reviews for To Conquer Mr. Darcy.
E.K. Johnston | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been wanting to read this novel for a long time, as Ahsoka Tano is my favorite character from the Clone Wars cartoon, and second-favorite in the entire Star Wars series. (Because General Leia exists.) I picked the book up at a used book store in Oregon when we went home from the holidays, but I've just had so many other things to read. I finally read it for May 4th, Star Wars Day.

I didn't like it as much as I wanted to. I've read another book by Johnston, That Inevitable Victorian Thing, which I enjoyed but thought was too fluffy. And comparing this to the last Star Wars book I read - Phasma - this tilts that way too. It's not as fluffy as TIVT - people die, and the Empire is the ever-looming possible doom that it always is - but it just didn't feel as gritty as Phasma did. Perhaps it shouldn't; Phasma is a villain, and her backstory is suitably dark. And Ahsoka, here, is floundering a little in the wake of Order 66, and being alive when none of her compatriots, to her knowledge, are.

I did enjoy learning how she got her lightsabers back, and the story should lead well into the Rebels cartoon, which I have yet to watch.

So I don't know. It was an entertaining book, and it was effective at furthering Ahsoka's story, it just...wasn't quite what I wanted.

You can find all my reviews at
The Suburban Micro-Farm: Modern Solutions for Busy People
The Suburban Micro-Farm: Modern Solutions for Busy People
Amy Stross | 2016 | Home & Garden
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is stuffed full of useful information! It focuses on growing food in your yard when you don't have much time to spend on the yard, so there's a lot of permaculture techniques and gardens that are largely hands-off once you get them set up, which is exactly what I want. With the chronic fatigue, I often don't have the energy to get outside and work on a garden, and Maryland summers exhaust me simply by stepping outside. I really want to garden and grow food, but I need easy ways to do that.

The Suburban Micro-Farm delved into planting hedgerows, which is something we've been thinking of, rain gardens (which we probably should do, we have a couple places in the yard that do not drain well), and tree guilds, which are plantings that go under trees to work together in little micro-environments. One of the tree guilds Stross specifically talks about is a Black Walnut tree guild, which I was excited to see because we have a huge, beautiful mature Black Walnut that I've been trying to figure out how to plant around. Black Walnuts produce juglone, a chemical that kills a lot of plants, so you have to be very mindful of what you plant near them.

This is an excellent reference book for suburban gardens, and she has lots of extra resources on her site, The Tenth Acre Farm. I will be exploring those as well!

You can read all my reviews at
Veronica Roth | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (140 Ratings)
Book Rating
Title: Divergent

Author: Veronica Roth

Read Dates: May 21 - May 25th

Why did I choose to read this book?
I chose to read this book because I saw the movie back in Highschool and loved it and made me want to read the book as well after I learned it was orginally a book.

Did I like it? I loved the book.

Five things I liked about this book:
1. I love the dystopian part of the story and how they try to improve the society by dividing into fractions of like minded people.
2. I love the story between Tris and Four. I love how it's not like normal people and not too gushy. I loved how they helped each other through each others fears.
3. I love how Tris chose the fraction best for her rather than what others wanted her to choose. But, I also love how she'll sacrifice herself for the people she loves.
4. I love how her mom ended up being divergent as well.
5. I love how she can't be controlled and a robot like the others.

One character I disliked: Peter

Do I recommend this book? Yes

What is one similar book I think you'd like if you also love this book? Hunger Games

Questions for you:
1. Have you read this book and what similar book would you recommend to it?
2. What Fraction do you think you'd belong to?
3. Do you like the way I did review or the way I usually do reviews better?

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Smashbomb in Apps

Jun 4, 2019  
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Social Networking
8.9 (123 Ratings)
App Rating
Fun, easy to navigate UI (0 more)
Easy to stay in touch via the app!
Smashbomb is a review site with a difference. in fact, it's so 'alternative' it really fits in with my whole blog theme, so I thought I'd tell you a bit more about it. Think social network for reviews.

I rarely promote websites, but I feel this is great for not only book bloggers but authors too. Even though the range of what is on offer goes far beyond the book world, since you can rate anything from products and services to places, events and podcasts. If this is your (book) bag, then there's potential for most of you reading to get involved!

Smashbomb works on an encouraging reward system where you get points (Kudos points) for taking part in various different ways, like reviewing or making a list of your favourite things. You also get extra Kudos for just logging in each day, and as regular 'Smashbomber' you might even gain extra Kudos points from other members who like your stuff and follow your posts.

I find the community is really friendly and the UI is easy to navigate. You can access the site online via your computer, and also keep in touch with what's going on by an app on your phone. If I were to compare this to anything I'd say it reminds me of a cross between Trip Advisor, and Facebook, only (dare I say it?) with less rules and more fun...
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit
Jaye Robin Brown | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a sweet, southern f/f romance. Set in Georgia, it deals with a lot of things young lesbians might have to deal with in the south - religion, bigotry, the stress of coming out or not coming out (or being forced back in the closet by a move to a small town)! It doesn't deal with any outright violence against our lesbian protagonists, and it just barely touches on drug use, eating disorders, and abusive relationships. Joanna has a mostly supportive family, even if they do ask her to hide her sexuality for her senior year in the new town. Jo reluctantly agrees to do so, but doesn't count on falling in love with a girl at her new school.

The book deals a LOT with religion and sexuality; Jo's father is a radio preacher, and she attends a baptist church in town with her stepmother and new grandparents. At one point - one of my favorite scenes in the book - she snaps, and calls out her classmates for thinking homosexuality is a sin, while they eat shellfish and have premarital sex.

I liked the book, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it. I grew up Christian; I'm familiar with all the concepts in the book, but rather than progress to a kinder, more loving version of Christianity, I left it behind altogether. I'm glad that some people can reconcile religion with progressive values, but I can't. So it might be a good book for some, but not for me.You can find all my reviews and more at
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
2018 | Family
I had heard and seen all the mediocre reviews for this, but I still wanted to give it a try for myself with my wife last night.

Basically Mary Poppins returns to the Banks household for additional assistance. The original children are grown up and now have problems of their own including unruly children and the bank trying to foreclose and repossess their house. What are they to do?

The film had some fun musical numbers like when Mary send the kids to go take a bath; however, none of the musical numbers hold a candle to the original.

It honestly felt the entire film they were trying too hard to be too close to the original story in almost every way without much variation or surprises at all. I know others had mentioned the Meryl Streep scene as being unnecessary and I completely agree. Her character brought nothing to the story and the entire film could've been like 20 - 30 minutes shorter. The middle and 3rd act dragged on incessantly and was a lot darker like the sequence where all the guys are climbing the clock near the end.

I love Emily Blunt as well, but she really seemed like she was trying to do her Julie Andrews impression instead of making the character her own. Maybe that is asking too much.

The movie had some fun cameos which were a delight, but overall not enough to save this somewhat dull and unnecessary film.

The Legacy
The Legacy
Gemma Malley | 2010 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Ending
This books makes up for the downfall and slower pace of the second one in this series. It is high paced, action packed, and the stakes are high. All of this makes for a great YA dystiopian read. Again, the book is easy to read so it is perfect for those who only want to commit a few hours for a book.

What I love about this series is how it raises controversial topic and does not shy away at involving them in the writing for maximum effect. The book allows you to question what is going on along with the characters. Perfect for the developing mind of a teenager and even adults. The ending is good as well with the major plot twist which I won't delve into much. But its good.

As I've already said in my previous reviews so I won't bang on about it too much here, the characters could be improved. They can be bland and predictable. I don't know whether that is just I, being older, cannot relate to the characters as much, or whether the characters are underdeveloped for the world that has been created around them. I'm tempted to go with the latter theory.

Anyway, I recommend this book if you want something a little different to the types of YA dystopians that are out today. This book is not wholly different to the big things now, but it a little different to what is usually on offer for this genre. It has an edge about it that I like.
The Bear and the Nightingale
The Bear and the Nightingale
Katherine Arden | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful descriptions (1 more)
Nice worldbuilding
Good but overhyped
So I finally got around to reading this one - people have been raving about it all year long. And honestly - I don't see what the fuss is about. It's good, sure. But it's not Girls Made of Snow and Glass, or The Crown's Game, or Uprooted. It's not The Golem and the Jinni. I enjoyed it, but I think the hype is a little undeserved. I am, however, always a sucker for Russian-themed fairytales. (Probably why I liked The Crown's Game and The Crown's Fate so much.) And I am looking forward to the sequel, The Girl in the Tower, which just came out. (I have a hold requested on it from my library.) The third book in the Winternight Trilogy appears to be The Winter of the Witch, and is scheduled to be published in August.

The Bear and the Nightingale is set in Rus - a Russia-like country, but with magic, of course. Vasilisa/Vasya is a granddaughter of a witch, and has some abilities herself. Mostly just the ability to see things that other can't, and to talk to them. Through the course of the book, she avoids an arranged marriage, saves a priest, fights a priest, and tries like hell to save her village from the demons of winter. I loved her tenacity, and her love for the old spirits. The description of The Winter King and his home was absolutely enchanting. Overall a good book, but a bit overhyped.

You can find all my reviews at