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Sarah (7798 KP) rated Tag (2018) in Movies

Jul 3, 2018  
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
An interesting story, badly told
I feel like whenever I review a comedy film I need to give a warning - I have a very discerning sense of humour and mainstream comedies never really appeal. I can usually tell in advance if I'm going to like something or not, so take my reviews with a pinch of salt?

My biggest issue with this film is that it takes a fun and interesting true story and turns it into a pretty dull and unfunny movie. I can count on one hand the amount of times I laughed during this. The only people to come out of this unscathed are Hannibal Buress (the best and funniest lines) and Jeremy Renner (who looks like he's having the time of his life). Even Jon Hamm who I've loved since his Black Mirror episode couldn't make this any better. And the rest of the cast? Well the female characters are either vastly underused (Rashida Jones), pointless (Annabelle Wallis) or just plain awful (Isla Fisher). And why does Ed Helms play virtually the same character in everything he's in?! And he doesn't even do it well!

The story itself tries to hard to be both funny and heart warming, sombre and sentimental and doesn't succeed in any of these. Everything is just a bit out of place. The best bit was watching the guys from the real life story in the clips before the end credits.

Personally I think this film could've been so much better. I actually think a Jackass style prank film around tag would've been a lot funnier instead of this Hollywood-ised version.
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Cyborg (3 more)
Steppenwolf is great!
Action was great
Story was good
Horrendous special effects. Cyborg looks terrible. (1 more)
Dialogue was iffy
Was surprised by this one. It's good!
I have to admit. Most time I avoid reviews of movies, because quite frankly, they may affect my feelings towards a film. However, I heard only bad things about Justice League & was totally going to skip it, considering what I did hear about it & my disappointment with the recent string of superhero films. So, when a friend of mine said it was actually good, I gave it a shot. I'm happy I did.

The film is very good. Not great, but when put up against Wonder Woman, Black Panther & Superman v Batman, it shines.

The chemistry between the actors is great. They really come across as a team, unlike the Avengers. The new guys are great! Flash is funny, as he should be. Aquaman is a badass, because if he wasn't, he'd be boring "Superfriends" Aquaman. And Cyborg, well...Cyborg let's just say, is a great character & acted well, but special effects that bring his body to life aren't so...special. He looks out of place, like a cartoon put against a real background. When he moves his head, it floats around on his neck. It's not just one time, but every time. And the end battle takes place in a CGI town that looks worse than the first season of Beast Wars:Transformers.

But I can overlook that, because besides the flaws, we got a fun film to watch. And stay after the credits. You won't be disappointed.
Sky in the Deep
Sky in the Deep
Adrienne Young | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
Sky in the Deep came out in April to a LOT of hype. It's mostly deserved. The plot is a little odd; the two clans come together every five years to fight in a blood feud between their gods. But they only fight every five years in a designated place - if you really hated each other, why wouldn't you try to wipe out the other tribe all the time, instead of letting them rebuild their strength for five years? And then this third, mysterious tribe shows up and is enough for you to set aside all your anger at each other? I don't know. It's a little weird.

That oddness aside, I loved this story! I loved Eelyn's fierceness, and also her willingness to see the Riki as people too. Eventually, of course. In Eelyn we have the definition of a strong female character. (She's not the only one, either!) She is admired for her fierceness and strength, but not seen as any less female. Women are warriors in her culture too.

It's a pretty straightforward book, with a few graphic scenes of violence in the fights. Everything happened pretty much as I expected it to, but I still enjoyed seeing Eelyn grow and change throughout the book. It's also very atmospheric; I could almost hear the snow crunching beneath boots, the rushing roar of the mountain river, the quiet creaking of the frozen lake. Young's writing style pulls you right into the book and doesn't let you go.

Set aside your questions about the plot's logic and just enjoy this book. It's wonderful.

You can find all my reviews at

BookblogbyCari (345 KP) rated Mine in Books

Aug 14, 2018  
Susi Fox | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew.

This story has a promising premise – the central character, a young woman wakes up from a Caesarean section not believing that baby labeled as hers, a premature babe struggling in a special humidcrib, really is hers.

Once she makes her concerns known, she is soon admitted to a mental health ward. She is a qualified paediatrician and pathologist and from experience knows how easily dangerous, and even fatal mistakes, can be made. She wants to take steps to confirm whether baby Toby is hers, when she starts to feel that another baby, Gabriel, is hers. Neither hospital staff, nor her own husband believe her.

The book concentrates on the first few days after the birth. But these chapters are interspersed with chapters reflecting on Sasha’s deteriorating relationship with her husband, their long-term struggle with fertility, Sasha’s one but significant mistake as a paediatrician, and Sasha’s irreparable relationship with her own mother. To many readers this may well add more depth to the story, but I felt that it slowed down what ought to have been a more fast-paced novel. It would have been a more intense read had the character actually had post-natal psychosis.

What I will say for the author though, is that she knows how to keep the readers guessing. Throughout the book, I had no idea which was her real baby, or even if her baby had really survived.
I also couldn’t tell who betrayed her to the psych ward.

What makes the story is its sadly believable but well-meaning non-perfect ending (no spoilers).

For more of my reviews, check out
A Whole New World
A Whole New World
Liz Braswell | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been wanting to read the Twisted Tales series for quite some time, and finally requested the first book. To be honest, I'm not thrilled. Aladdin was never my favorite Disney movie, though, so it might just be unfortunate that it's the first book in the series. I'll probably still try the rest.

The book actually sticks pretty closely to the Disney movie in descriptions, characters, and setting. Everyone looks like their Disney movie counterparts. I had to check the inside cover to find that the book is indeed an official Disney product. There's no way they'd get away with it, otherwise; it'd be blatant copyright infringement, and Disney is rather strict about that.

Basically, the book takes the script of Aladdin and asks one question - what if Aladdin really did give Jafar the lamp instead of keeping it when he got stuck in the cave? We know what Jafar does with the lamp eventually, but what if he had it first, before Aladdin? A lot of the plot is familiar - Jasmine and her tiger, the hourglass with people stuck inside of it, the Sultan playing with his toys. It's really interesting to see the plot elements deconstructed and put back together in new ways.

I'm not sure whether I like this plot or the movie plot more; I never had strong feelings about Aladdin so I'm probably not the best judge.

It's alright. If you're a fan of Aladdin you might like it more than I did. I'm withholding judgment of the entire series until I read a few more, though.

You can find all my reviews at
The Goddess and the Thief
The Goddess and the Thief
Essie Fox | 2013
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Goddess and the Thief is a work of fiction based in Victorian England and briefly at the beginning in Lahore, India. It tells the story of Alice Willoughby, who after living all her life in India with Her father Charles, is moved to England to live in the care of her Aunt Mercy whilst her father returns to Lahore were is works for the English residency as a surgeon. Her Aunt Mercy works as a spiritual medium and after events including the death of AliceÂ’s father and the introduction of the enigmatic Lucian Tillsbury, AliceÂ’s aunt endeavours for her to join the clairvoyant profession. All events lead to dramatic and catastrophic events for Alice.

Considering all the elements such as; gothic Victorian era, Hindu mythology, intrigue, drama and the paranormal I feel I should have liked this book more than I did. There is nothing particular wrong with the book, it works well and is written fine with no obvious errors that I have observed in other books. I just wasn’t my style of book. I have read other reviews that have liken Essie Fox’s writing style as similar to Sarah Waters, who I have read previously and also not found to my taste. Perhaps if books written in the style of Sarah Waters is your cup of tea you may appreciate this tale more. Having said this the inclusion of the Hindu mythology was really interesting and differently added a lot to the story development. There are twists and turns along the way and this is by no means a ‘bad book’ as said just not to my taste.
Frankenstein in Baghdad
Frankenstein in Baghdad
Jonathan Wright, Ahmed Saadawi | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book won at least two awards; the International Prize for Arabic Fiction and France's Grand Prize for Fantasy, and the author had previously been named one of the 39 best Arab authors under the age of 39. I picked it up to read for the Year of the Asian Reading Challenge, since the Middle East is all-too-often neglected in regional groupings like that. People don't think of it as Europe or Asia. I also try to read translated books on occasion, in an effort to diversify my reading. So this hit a number of my interests - I wish I had actually liked the book more!

It's an interesting retelling of Frankenstein - which I haven't actually read, and now feel like I really should. But it bounces around between several viewpoints. It's not too many to keep straight, but it's definitely too many to truly care about. And it suffers from an unreliable narrator - it's written as several stories told to an author from multiple people that he's woven together into a single narrative, and while he does that well, it suffers from contradictions between how different characters recall things, scenes that don't play a part in furthering the plot but the characters thought they were important, and no authoritative "this is what REALLY happened" to draw it all together.

And I very much dislike unreliable narrators, so that alone is enough to make me dislike the book. If you like ambiguous narratives and vigilante stories, however, you might enjoy this, and the writing style itself was quite engrossing.

You can find all my reviews and more at
The Brilliant Death
The Brilliant Death
Amy Rose Capetta | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's not often that I like a relationship more than I like the separate parts of it, but that's the case with The Brilliant Death. I love Teo and Cielo together. As a couple they are amazing. I like them individually, but together they are something unique and lovely. By the end of the book, they can both switch genders at will, and they love each other for who they are, not what bodies they happen to be wearing.

This book plays with the gender binary, giving us two characters who dance from boy to girl and back again when it's convenient for them. Teo uses this ability to masquerade as her brother, going to the capital city when summoned by the ruler of her country after the assassination of her father.

If Teo's name and the use of the word "strega" hadn't given it away, the book is very Italian-inspired. The family ties, the landscape, the names, the atmosphere is unmistakably Italian. While that's still a Western European culture, it's not one we actually see in fantasy that often, which makes this book more enthralling.

While Teo juggles loyalties to family, country, and friends, Cielo is on a mission to find out what happened to their mother. Falling in love isn't in the plan for either of them, but when is it, really?

I loved the magic, the characters, and the setting of this one, and I really hope there's going to be a sequel. The plot was definitely left open enough to allow for one, though I could be happy with this as a standalone, too.

You can read all my reviews at
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Story (3 more)
Unexpected twists
It's long? (0 more)
This Parasite gets under your skin...
I will try not to spoil anything, because I really enjoyed watching this movie unfold. It's the kind of film where you can't really guess where it is going, because where it is going is so strange...

Based on the director, I expected sci-fi or horror. This movie isn't either of those genres: it is basically a human-level character study, but in a universe with slightly-cartoonish logic.

I know that doesn't make much sense, but if you watch the movie you might agree.

The main family is broke. They have no money for food and their neighbor recently put a password on their wifi, so they don't even have phones that work. When the son gets the chance to become a tutor to a rich girl, even though he isn't qualified, he jumps at the chance. And, slowly but surely, he and his family plan ways to get all four of them hired on at the rich owners' house.

That's all I will say, because discovery is important for this movie to work. There is a lot of drama and real-life class struggle, but the movie is often punctuated by humor that takes a second to register. It might be a physical sight gag; it might be a turn of phrase; it might be a facial expression; but I found myself laughing out loud, even as uncomfortable things were happening.

If you don't mind subtitles, I strongly recommend Parasite. It is as good as the reviews say.
The Red Grouse Tales: The Little Dog and Other Stories
The Red Grouse Tales: The Little Dog and Other Stories
Leslie W.P. Garland | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Related as stories told between friends in the Red Grouse pub, each of these tales has a thread of the paranormal and philosophy running through them, to varying degrees. There are four stories to enjoy (I have also reviewed each of these separately in depth)

The Little Dog is the story of a forester who is forced to work with a much disliked colleague for a week. Each day is tense and stressful, but is Blackman just unsociable or actually evil?

The Crow focuses on a local politician, generally held in high regard but the tale of his life as related by a bitter and dying priest casts doubt on his motives.

The Golden Tup is the tale of a local couple who are notorious for having killed their baby. But just perhaps not everything is as it seems. Has an old evil been awoken?

The White Hart finishes the stories with a very rare thing - a heartwarming and feelgood ghost story that touches on the power that men wield over women, and vice versa.

Each of these tales has a different tone but are a complete story in their own right, even if some make mention of places and events in others. The story telling makes this a great collection to dip into and read. As each story also carries a philosophical theme they have a depth and resonance beyond the actual tale being told.

A good collection of paranormal and interesting stories, definitely worth a read. Each story is also available separately (and I have posted full reviews for them separately too)