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KalJ95 (25 KP) rated the Nintendo Switch version of Hollow Knight in Video Games

Dec 30, 2019  
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
2017 | Action/Adventure
Masterful platformer. (2 more)
Gorgeous visuals.
Superb story.
Difficulty spikes are random. (0 more)
Hollow Knight is one of those rare games that will be remembered as a classic Metroidvania. A true gem amongst AAA videogames that year, that outshines them on almost every level.

A simple platformer, expertly crafted to perfect, with a gloomy black and white palette to boot, Hollow Knight tells the story of a small, sword wielding knight, who must discover the various secrets in the underground cities of Hallownest.

It's hard to sum up just how brilliant, often brutal and pulsating Hollow Knight can be. With so much to explore, so many quests to complete, and many, many boss battles that will make you want to jump out of tall building. Yet, once you do defeat that one frustrating creature, the game rewards you further with excellent progression with new abilities and items that help you along your journey.

From a game that was crowdfunded on a budget of $57,000, its astounding just how meticulously crafted Hollow Knight is. Support Team Cherry, you will love this amazing piece of art and entertainment.
My Time At Portia
My Time At Portia
2018 | Casual, Simulation
Relaxing And Fun Game
I love this game because of how much there is to do in it, but it gives you a relaxed feel like Stardew Valley. If you like Stardew Valley and Minecraft you will like this game. The game allows you the freedom to explore and take your time with it. There are fun festival days and you can get to know your neighbors as well as romance specific characters with your male or female character. There are a few build missions that are timed, but the game doesn't really punish you if you miss the deadline. There are fun mini games too as well as dungeon crawl areas where you can battle monsters and earn rewards. The game has a ton of things to do and it can feel a little overwhelming, but if you take your time with it you find a rhythm that works. I found I really liked just gathering materials for my workshop and crafting. It's a fun and relaxing game that offers a lot of different things for everyone.

Merissa (11726 KP) rated Good Golly Miss Molly in Books

Apr 26, 2022 (Updated Jun 24, 2023)  
Good Golly Miss Molly
Good Golly Miss Molly
Aislinn Archer | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY is the prequel novella to the Mystic Beach series. If you're looking for a short, steamy, and intriguing story, then congratulations! Because that's what you've found.

The story focuses on Molly and Logan, two people who live in Mystic Beach but, for their own reasons, thought they'd never find someone to be with. Sometimes, giving in to doughnuts rewards you in ways you never imagined!

You also get hints and teasers about other characters, as well as the magic Mystic Beach may have. All in all, this was a quick read that has completely whetted my appetite for more! Looking forward to reading Once Upon a Dream which is due for release this summer. Until then, I definitely recommend you get your mitts on this prequel.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 26, 2022
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
2013 | Role-Playing
As mentioned in my last post, I am going through my backlog of video games and playing them. I picked Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and I feel this was a great choice because this game had a lot of things I enjoyed immensely.
The hero of the story is a young boy named Oliver who is kind to everyone who lives in Motorville City with his mother. Oliver's kindness is an important aspect to the plot of the story because this isn't about his physical strength, but the strength of his heart. Oliver's adventure leads him to not only an entirely different world, but a myriad of great characters and as the story progresses you come to care about him even more as you see how much he cares for others and genuinely wants to help those in need.

Oliver and his mother
The battle system reminds me a bit of a Tales game with planning out tactics and figuring out an enemy's weakness in real time. There is also a Pokemon feel with trying to charm various creatures you fight in battle and make them your familiar. You can choose different familiars to fight alongside you and even evolve them into stronger forms. The system menu is quite easy to navigate which is always a plus with me. Level grinding did not seem like a chore because the way the game has been designed actually made it fun.

The world of Ni No Kuni is beautiful, and I was delighted to see the Studio Ghibli art and animation incorporated into the game. The musical soundtrack is also inspiring with fantastic orchestral arrangements that fit very well with the different moments of the story. I found that I loved exploring all the different areas because there was always something fantastic to see and plenty to do. I never found myself bored while playing the game at all and found that I really liked having that freedom of exploring.

Of course there are side quests in Ni No Kuni known as errands and you get various awards for them and something known as Merit Stamps. When you complete a quest, you get a certain number of stamps on Merit Cards. The more difficult the task, the more stamps you receive. You can trade in 10 merit stamps for rewards such as capturing familiars more easily, or gaining more experience in battle. While some of the quests are fetch this or that; many of the quests are about mending a person's heart and you get to see just how kind a person Oliver truly is.

There are quests known as Hunts too given by a character named Derwin in the game which involves capturing the specific types of beasts that he asks for and showing them to him for rewards. While the rewards and stamps are pretty great, this is the one thing about the game I did not like. Derwin's Hunts is one of the most infuriating quests because some of the beasts have a ridiculously low charm rate. One of the beasts requested had a drop rate of 4% so of course it took a very long time to get it. This led me to wonder why the character whose talent was charming beasts wasn't at least given a spell to capture them rather than leaving it entirely random and up to chance. It became very frustrating and I almost didn't finish all of the Hunt quests because of it. I did finish however, but that was my least favorite part of the game.

Once the game is finished, there is still more to do as you get some spiffy new spells and you get some post game side quests you can do. There's even a bounty hunt with Derwin that offers some pretty great rewards if you choose to do them. These side quests do add a little more to Oliver's story and are actually fun except for that Derwin quest because those are a bit tedious.

Overall Ni No Kuni is a great RPG and I would recommend it highly to fellow RPG game lovers. It has a great story with amazing characters. The game play is actually fun, with gorgeous artwork and music which makes for a game that is quite enjoyable. I'm definitely glad I picked it up because it is a nearly perfect game and one worth playing.
STAR WARS Battlefront II
STAR WARS Battlefront II
2017 | Shooter
Loot Controversy Aside, Still a Solid Way to Embrace and Enjoy the Star Wars Mythos
Mixing chance and meritocracy, I can get over the loot crate controversy, provided they keep the monetary element away from it, as EA has done for the time being. With an improved campaign mode from Battlefront I, and an intriguing, fanboy-pleasing array of levels and characters in Multiplayer, the gameplay is a fun, engaging time, and I have been passionately addicted. Marking the game down a couple points are some of the technical glitches in the game. One of the Collection rewards I earned twice, then exited the mode in which I was playing to see that the was not registered (it finally worked a third time when I played another level AFTER the one in which I earned it, instead of exiting to the main menu right away). Sometimes when I die, the screen fails to change back to the respawn screen, and some frame rate issues have been frustrating as well.

That being said, I tear it up as Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren, and the aerial battles. Love it.
The Buried Giant
The Buried Giant
Kazuo Ishiguro | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
An unusual melancholic adventure
Beautifully written with a typical Kazuo Ishiguro unreliable narrator, this novel however, is not about self-delusion this time. It's a collective memory loss, a post-Arthurian quest that questions the value of remembering. It is written as a fable so the style may appear stilted and formal, and it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I found the plot beguiling.

Ishiguro ventures in the Tolkien-world of medieval fantasy in which an elderly couple, who seem to be suffering a fog of memory loss, attempt to reconnect with their son by journeying across the lands. On their way, they face dangers from opposing forces, that try to hinder their progress.

This is a powerful treatment of memories, the passage of time and the enduring love of a couple living many years together. Nothing is over-stated, even the moments of high drama. A strange collection of characters but all of them wholly believable. Overall, this book rewards patience and reflection, a devastating portrayal of love in old age and it's a fantastic metaphor for the way nations forget/remember traumatic events.
QuickThoughts - Earn Rewards
QuickThoughts - Earn Rewards
Lifestyle, Entertainment
7.3 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Love it, love it, love it!
Guys. If you're hoping to earn some Amazon gift codes quickly, QuickThoughts is a fantastic app! Once you register as a QuickThoughts user, you will be given survey opportunities throughout most days. I've had some days where I've had few to none, but that doesn't seem to happen very often. The surveys are easy to do, and there are a variety. Everything from product or business review surveys to surveys about possible future products or ventures. Most surveys give you 40 cents to $1.00. If you start and end up not qualifying for a survey, you usually get 10 cents for trying. It adds up quickly! You can claim your rewards in $10.00 amounts. Trust me, it really does add up quickly! The best part about this survey app over others is that when you redeem $10.00, you immediately get an Amazon gift card code! Just enter the code into Amazon's gift card section, and you've got $10.00 to spend! You can also hang onto the codes for later, or leave the earnings in QuickThoughts to accumulate. It's a fantastic app! It's definitely worth giving it a try!

Lexi (8 KP) rated Pokémon GO in Apps

Sep 3, 2018  
Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO
Games, Health & Fitness
Great for anxiety (2 more)
Good exercise motivator
Friendship elements
Sometimes major bugs (0 more)
Great for anxiety
Pokemon Go is one of my biggest assets when it comes to battling my anxiety. There are some days I would not push myself to get out the house but Pokemon Go has really helped with that. It gives me small daily goals to get me out the house when I would otherwise hide in and it's introduced me to a whole load of great friends I wouldn't have met otherwise.
It has a very good way of motivating you to walk just that little bit further. Whether it's a pokemon you haven't caught or just to reach another pokestop, before you know it you've walked a few miles a day. Great for social anxiety and for fitness/weight loss goals.
Love the new friends feature which rewards you for playing with friends. There are special bonuses for certain group activities such as trading and baking in gyms.
It's generally just really fun. I've been playing since its launch in 2016. The game has currently only reached generation three so there's still so much to achieve!

Guy Garvey recommended Laughing Stock by Talk Talk in Music (curated)

Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
Laughing Stock by Talk Talk
1991 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's no more complicated than Spirit. It's interesting what happened after the war with music and arts… In Europe [during the war], arts and music were used to further ideals, that the artists and musicians didn't share. There were people forced to make state marches, forced to glorify ideals they didn't really hold true, and the power of bullying had its most epic day. Post that, the album saw everybody throwing all the rules out. In that period of experimentation, classical music went through a very interesting walk, and when it came back, it seized on a different kind of experimentation, all of western art became more generous, and the most generous music is the stuff that rewards the listener the most. And I haven't found the same heart in any record other than those last two Talk Talk albums. They need to be listened to loud and they need to be listened to over and over again. And I'm stunned every time. How they make me feel is because of the generosity of spirit, it's like weaving spiders' webs from scraps. So delicate, so precious, but not a note or tone is uneventful."


Mothergamer (1514 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Dauntless in Video Games

Jun 21, 2019  
2019 | Action, Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
My husband Ron plays a lot of Dauntless. I did try Dauntless out on PC and I did like it, but with the arthritis in my hands it was difficult to handle the controls and it is not easy to map out a controller for Dauntless so it's not very controller friendly for PC. When the announcement was made that Dauntless would be cross platform play I was thrilled. This meant I could try out the game fully on our PS4 and play the game with Ron while he played the game on PC. I seriously counted down the days until the cross platform play launch. Launch day came and honestly there were a lot of issues. People couldn't log in, there was an infinite loading screen upon login, there were lag spikes, and sometimes people got kicked from the game altogether. I decided I would wait a week before I tried to play the game. I guess everyone was excited for cross platform play and the servers got crushed under the weight which is understandable considering Dauntless got four million people all ready to get out there and enjoy the game.

When I did get to start the game, I was excited. Dauntless is free to play and is set in a fantasy world where a cataclysmic event has ripped the world apart and released giant monsters known as behemoths. You get to play as a slayer that takes down these behemoths. The first thing you get to do is create your character. There are a variety of choices with the faces, hair, and makeup for the character creation. I had fun choosing all the things to make my slayer look the way I wanted.

Once the character is created you are logged into the game with an introduction explaining the world of Dauntless and this comes with a tutorial on how to fight the behemoths, how to use flares to signal where the behemoth is to your team, and how to stagger them. The controls for PS4 are great and the tutorial flowed seamlessly for me. When the tutorial is over you are back in the town of Ramsgate where you can pick up quests and craft items you need for hunts such as armor, weapons, and tonics. There are also a couple of adorable dogs in the game that you can actually stop and pat. I pat the dogs every time I'm in the game because I love dogs even in video games.

Dauntless can be played as a solo player or multiplayer. For me, it's more fun with friends and while sometimes it's a bit of a wait to find a hunt match it's not terribly long and once you have your team you're ready to go. Before you start, you have a chance to check your weapons and armor to make sure that they will give you the advantage you need against behemoths. Depending on what their elemental is, you will want weapons that can combat that. For example with a frost behemoth weapons with fire elements on them are your best friend and having armor that protects against ice attacks are quite helpful. As your team is getting ready, the game will show you an element guide for the type of behemoth you're fighting and will show you your weapon and armor power. When the numbers are in green it means your gear is adequate for the hunt.

The behemoth fights are pretty straightforward as you work with your team to battle them. Each behemoth not only has its own unique elements, they also have various attacks they will use. Being able to recognize their movements when they are starting their special attack is vital so that you can dodge and go in for a counter attack. Breaking off parts of the monster is important as well because you will need those parts for crafting armor and weapons. The fights are a lot of fun and when you vanquish a behemoth it feels pretty rewarding. You do get ranked on how you did in the fight and so does your team. Don't be too discouraged if your rank isn't so good when you are first starting out. As you level and improve your armor and weapons that rank will go up. Patience is key.

Depending on the type of build you want for your weapons and armor, there are specific behemoths you will need to hunt in order to get the materials needed. The great thing about Dauntless is that it allows you to try out all the weapons and experiment with them to get a feel for each one and decide which weapons suit your play style. For me, I absolutely love chain blades because they allow me to move and dodge quickly while dishing out damage. Armor crafting is important too and there are a ton of choices in armor builds. You will need to talk to the smithing NPCs in order to craft the things you need and if you have the proper amount of materials, you can upgrade them. This is where the grind comes in. You should strive to constantly upgrade your weapons and armor so you can have an easier time in behemoth hunts.

Don't like the colors of the armor? No problem. You can change the color at any time if you have the color palette unlocked. You get a set of colors for free and others you can unlock doing quests or fighting heroic behemoths. If you check the rewards for the quests and heroic hunts you will see the dye color listed. The other way of course is to buy the colors with platinum and that does cost money. If you're strapped for cash, the free way while a bit of a grind is a great way to go and worth it if you would like to change the colors of your items.

There are daily rewards in Dauntless that you get from doing things such as patrols and login rewards. You get one reward per login from the NPC Gregario Flynt and the rewards range from cores you can unlock that give you cells to add to your weapons and armor or crafting materials. If you want to change your character design a bit, you can do that in Ramsgate. Approach a mirror that is near Gregario and it will take you to the character design screen and you can change and adjust your character for a whole new look.

It is a good idea to try everything out so you get a good feel for the game. You also get rewards when you level up your mastery of weapons so it is advised to try them all out so you can work on it and get some sweet rewards for it. Make sure to take breaks so you don't get burned out on the grind because there is a lot of grinding in Dauntless. However, it is such a fun grind and there is so much to see and do in it and the cross platform play adds to the fun because now no matter what platform you play on you can enjoy the game with everyone. I am off to hunt some more behemoths. See you at the next adventure!