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Fyre Fraud (2019)
Fyre Fraud (2019)
2019 | Documentary
I won't lie I just wanted to watch a bunch a rich assholes lose their shit.....
I remember following the fyre festive mess when the event was actually happening like most people and I heard that this one was a bit better than the Netflix one (which I haven't watched yet but I do plan on doing so.)

I had never heard of any of these people or even the fyre festival until twitter literally blew up with the mess of the actual event, so I really had no clue what I was in for when I kept hearing about the two specials. And I have to be honest that I was surprised how interesting it actually was and I still can't for the life of me figure out why people kept giving the main guy who was running the scam money. I did like that they actually interviewed the guy not sure if they were trying to make you pity him or really get a first-hand impression on how big of a scum bag he was.

The main thing I wanted to see was footage from the actual festival so I was pretty disappointed that they didn't show as much as I would have like but all in all it is a good doc and I recommend it.