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Sarong Party Girls
Sarong Party Girls
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b>A quick Chick-Lit, written in Singlish, an English-based patois that Singaporeans speak to each other. It was interesting and unique, and given the fact that I haven’t read anything like this before, I genuinely enjoyed the writing. This is my first book from Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan.
Our main heroine in this book is Jazzy, a 27-year-old, born and living in Singapore. In her mind, she is getting old and her time to get married is running out. </b>

But Jazzy doesn’t want to just marry anyone, especially not the Asian boys she keeps seeing in the clubs, or the ones that are so traditional and bring her mum soup in the mornings. She wants to marry an English Man, become rich, move abroad and have his babies.

To achieve this, Jazzy and her friends make a deal to start going into clubs and places and meet their perfect English men. They become Sarong Party Girls, and from chapter to chapter we read about new adventures and troubles that Jazzy gets herself into.

This book is unique in many ways, there are a lot of immoral scenes that teach us moral lessons. There is so much culture in this book and it’s nice to see how people tolerate moral levels differently in another part of the world.

I didn’t like Jazzy, and I didn’t agree with almost anything she was doing. From chapter to chapter she kept making stupid decisions, and even though she learnt a little bit in the end, she was still clueless at so many things, which I find annoying.

As much as I loved the refreshing taste of culture this book gave me, I also didn’t enjoy the main character at all, and am struggling to give it anything more than three stars.

<b><i>It is an amazing book, with quality writing that I am sure represents Singaporeans well, culture a plenty and many scenes that trigger discussions. But if you are looking for your perfect character, you won’t find this is Jazzy. You won’t find it in Sarong Party Girls. </i></b>

Thank you to ReadersFirst and Allen & Unwin for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Valley of the Dolls
Valley of the Dolls
Julie Burchill, Jacqueline Susann | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A classic that doesn't stand the test of time
This is the twenty-second book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

This classic novel had been sitting on my shelves for a while, so I decided to tackle it as a part of my challenge. I still have mixed feelings about it, even writing this review a month or so later. Honestly, this book is really depressing. The beginning was interesting, and I thought I would find it very engaging, but eventually the women became reduced to annoying drug addicts whose lives revolved around their looks and men. I wasn't sure what the message was, but it wasn't one I cared for.

VALLEY OF THE DOLLS centers on three women: Anne, a young woman from a tiny town who escapes and comes to New York City; Jennifer, a beautiful woman who parlays that beauty into an acting career; and Neely, a young woman with a lovely voice who dreams of an acting and singing career. Anne finds work at a talent agency, working for Henry Bellamy, which is how she meets Jennifer. Neely is her young neighbor. At first, all three women are poor and dreaming of a better life. Over the course of the book, their fortunes change, but they do not necessarily become happier.

I was sort of horrified if this was what life was like for the rich and famous in the 40s to the 60s. So much drinking, drugs, and partying. There was such intense focus on looks--if this book was supposed to be advanced for the era, it's certainly not now! The men came across terribly, but the women were not much better. Even if they were using their bodies for power, everything just felt icky. Anne is supposed to be the model of an independent woman, as she has her own money, but she's not... I wanted to like her, but it was hard.

Overall, while I certainly found parts of this book fascinating, I cannot say I always enjoyed it. It definitely provides great historical insight into a particular era, though. I'm glad I read it--it's always interesting to see what was a classic and why at certain times. But did I like the characters and plot? Not really. 2 stars for plot, rounded to 3 stars for historical significance. (Oh and major trigger warning for the use of the "f" word in relation to queer people. Part of the times, I realize, but it became very disconcerting after a while for me.)

Alex Kapranos recommended 1962–1966 by The Beatles in Music (curated)

1962–1966 by The Beatles
1962–1966 by The Beatles
1973 | Rock
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I almost forgot about this one. It’s funny how easy it is to miss the things right in front of you, but this record, more than any other, is the most loved record of my life. I know it’s a compilation, not a proper album, etc, but all LPs are compilations of sorts and many of the songs on here didn't appear on LPs. Also, the LPs of that early era were stuffed full of covers that could have been played by anyone, so this is the most representative.
I’ve listened to it as a record all my life. The copy I picture right now is the copy that was in the flip-down compartment of my parents’ Grundig stereogram that they got as a wedding present. Like Angel Delight, the Ford Cortina, G-Plan furniture or Clark’s shoes, this LP was a ubiquitous object of their generation: a part of everyone’s life. That’s what it was to me as a kid – part of my life. It was my first taste of music, before I could speak, before I could describe what I was listening to. It’s still with me and I will always listen to it until I’m dead. It is part of life.
The context around this music has changed for me. When I was a toddler I had no idea how it came into existence. It was just there. Then I realised it was people who made it. Then I idolised them. Then I reckoned Lennon was probably a prick. Then I realised he was just a guy who wrote good songs, but became too rich and famous for his mental health.
I picked this rather than one of this band’s famous albums, even though each has such a strong identity, as it means so much to me. I know there are complexities of ideas, ground-breaking experimentation, revolutionary themes and era-defining moments elsewhere, but this is what defined me. It’s also their best period. It starts with 'Please Please Me'. It ends with 'Paperback Writer'. That’s The Beatles for me. Well, my Beatles. Well, The Beatles on the front cover. There’s that other band peering through their moustaches and beards from the back cover with the same name. Yeah, I love that band too, but not in the same way. The Red Album is the purest record ever made. I don’t know what it is – rock & roll, rock, pop, faux classical… I don’t care. I know the context, I know what it is and I know that nothing has ever or will ever be as great, just as I did when I was a toddler."

10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World
Elif Shafak | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You can also read my review at my blog -

I saw this book reviewed on The Sky Arts Book Club and Shafak was interviewed and I think I fell a little in love. Shafak is a beautiful human being who is currently self-exiled from Turkey to the content of her novels being subject to investigation as part of a legal movement in which writers are frequently prosecuted. A passionate storyteller, who writes openly about human rights, her protagonists are often the fallen, forgotten and marginalised. Needless to say I have been looking forward to reading this ever since.

10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World is a novel about a murdered street walker, Tequila Leila and the last moments of brain activity that is said to occur after the heart has stopped beating. The memories of her life flood back, often related to taste and smell and we start to learn about the story of her life.

Central to her memories and providing a backbone to her life were The Five, – five people with which she formed close, integral friendships and in the absence of her blood relatives, are Leila’s “family”.

The book is structured around three parts – the first, The Mind telling the stories of her post-mortem memories, the second, The Body about how she was murdered and the impact it has on The Five, and finally, The Soul which is a touching finale in which The Five determine to give Leila the send-off she deserves.

Shafak is such a clever storyteller and is able to illuminate aspects of humanity which is often avoided or ignored, which make us feel uncomfortable, and yet her tenderness and compassion shine through the portrayal of all her characters enabling the reader to walk a mile in the shoes of those who are often forgotten.

For a book centred around death, an issue that rarely sits comfortably with human beings, 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World confronts it without fear. She skilfully takes a sex worker’s body which is disregarded in its anonymity by those that are responsible for sweeping up the detritus of the Istanbul streets, and reveals a story of a life, full of tragedy, joy and love.

I love how Elif Shafak takes the stories of all of The Five and transforms the insignificant to the significant through the love they have for Leila and each other. In a society which elevates the rich and famous and makes their voices the loudest and most significant in the world, I loved the truth which was affirmed in this book about what a life of substance really means.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Doors: Colony in Books

Mar 26, 2021  
Doors:  Colony
Doors: Colony
Markus Heitz | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A slight improvement over the other book
This is another in Heitz's Doors series, three books telling the same underlying story up to a point, with a different story taking off depending on which of the mysterious doors the characters go through. In this book, the group of people employed to find and rescue rich Van Dam's daughter go through the door marked with a question mark. They find themselves in the cellar of a German bierhall in an alternative history of WWII. The war is over, the Germans having capitulated after Hitler's assassination and there is now a struggle between the Russians and the UK/USA over control of what remains.
The group find themselves slimmed down very quickly as members of the group drop like flies. Soon a small number of them find themselves in the company of some Russian spies, looking to stop the Americans' attempts to take power. For some reason, phony clairvoyant Coco Fendi now has actual powers and is capable of mind-reading, earning the respect and assistance of these spies.
There then follows a fairly enjoyable attempt to catch up with a train and board it to stop a nuclear war from breaking out.
The translation again is quite poor here, as some phrases do not make sense and make the reader work to understand what is meant. I am giving Heitz the benefit of the doubt and laying blame at the door of the translator here (though looking at some of the reviews on goodreads in German I'm not sure this is fair). However, there are some very odd passages that take the reader right out of the book, for example 'the time had come to test the 4x4's four-litre twin turbo engine promising 650 horsepower and a top speed of 190 miles an hour'. I mean, what the hell? Has Clarkson been asked to translate this book? It was completely irrelevant and odd.
In the 'Twilight' book of the series, there were some hints at other users of the doors and their purpose and provenance. This book builds on that to an extent, which is a clever idea from Heitz - in order to answer the questions, I think you need to read all three books. However, as a book in its own right, there are simply too many unanswered questions left (though slightly fewer than in 'Twilight').
An improvement, with a more coherent story once through the door in question, but still not a great read. As the first c25% is duplicated between books, I merrily skipped through this section looking for the distinct part starting off.
I received a free advance copy from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Dark Net
The Dark Net
Benjamin Percy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews on

After reading “Here and Gone” by Haylen Beck, I got very interested in the dark net, which is like a black market for everything, so, when I saw this book available for request, I did not hesitate. Another thing which intrigued me about this book, was its cover, I think it describes the mood of this book very accurately.

This novel has a wide variety of characters to choose from (see description), and every character had a story to tell, which made this book really rich and appealing to me. Lela was chosen as the main character of this novel. She was trying to uncover a secret enterprise, which does not leave any trace in the records, and is related to some nasty murders. I think that B. Percy chose her very wisely; she is very old fashion and hates technology, and only this kind of character can survive in this book. I really like when author allows more than one character to express themselves, and Percy didn’t disappoint me in this book with that.

The narrative of this techno-thriller was really dark and riveting, in some places really disturbing. I will admit that, like most of the people these days, I could not live a day without internet, but after reading this book, I started thinking that, this needs to change. Internet is way more powerful than we imagine, and that is kind of scary. This book has an interesting combination of genres; it is horror/sci-fi/thriller. It has real life problems mixed with fiction which makes it an interesting read, but some parts were over the top for me. Even though I love technology, I was slightly overwhelmed with all the terms used in this book, which sometimes felt like reading an IT textbook, and unfortunately my mind would just glide through that information.

This book is not for everyone, you need to know something about internet and have a strong stomach to enjoy it. It offers great action, plenty of twists and turns and is quite distressing. The chapters are quite short, so the reading experience is pleasant and the change of action and characters didn’t make me bored. I think that Percy done a great research for this book and I enjoyed the new things I got to learn about the dark net. The ending of this book was really interesting, and I think it rounded up the book really nicely. So, to conclude, I had an interesting reading experience, and if you like all things internet and are not scared of blood and murders, you might actually find this book really entertaining and enlightening.
Was given this book by publisher for honest review
The Upside (2019)
The Upside (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Not the 5* French classic, but a fun and moving movie nonetheless.
So, the movie-going audience for this film will divide into two categories:

Category A: those that have seen the original 2011 French classic “The Intouchables” that this is based on, and;
Category B: those that haven’t.
2011 is just before I started “One Mann’s Movies”, but “The Intouchables” would have got 5* from me, no problem.

This movie joins a list of standout European movies – for example, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”; “Let The Right One In”; “Sleepless Night”; etc. – that have had Hollywood “makeovers” that don’t match up to the originals. And this is no exception. However, it’s still been well made and deserves respect as a standalone piece of movie-making.

The Plot
Based on a true story, Phillip Lacasse (Bryan Cranston) is left both paraplegic and widowed by a string of bad luck. Not that money can buy you everything, but his care arrangements are substantially helped by him being a multi-millionaire (“Not rich enough to buy The Yankees; Rich enough to buy The Mets”). This is from success in investments and writing about such investments.

Depressed, cranky and with a “DNR” that his diligent PA Yvonne (Nicole Kidman) seems unable to comply with, Phillip lashes out at anyone and everyone and so dispatches his carers with monotonous regularity. Dell Scott (Kevin Hart) is on parole, with the requirement to seek work. Due to a mix-up, he finds himself in the employ of Phillip: with the suspicion that he’s been hired because he is the very worst candidate imaginable, and thus the most likely to let Phillip shuffle off this mortal coil. But the two men’s antipathy to each other slowly thaws as they teach each other new tricks.

Pin left in the grenade
Those who have seen “The Intouchables” will fondly remember the first 5 minutes of that film: a flash-forward to a manic police car-chase featuring our protagonists (there played by François Cluzet and Omar Sy). It drops like a comedy hand-grenade to open the film. Unfortunately, you can’t help but feel a bit let down by the same re-creation in “The Upside”. It has all the same content but none of the heart.

After that rocky start, the film continues to rather stutter along. Part of the reason for this I think is Kevin Hart. It’s not that he’s particularly bad in the role: it’s just that he IS Kevin Hart, and I was constantly thinking “there’s that comedian playing that role”.

However, once the story gets into its swing, giving Cranston more of a chance to shine (which he does), then the film started to motor and my reservations about Hart started to wane. Some of these story set pieces – such as the one about the art work – are punch-the-air funny in their own right. Cranston’s timing in delivering his punchlines is immaculate.

This IS what actors do
There seems to have been some furore about the casting of Bryan Cranston as the role of the disabled millionaire instead of a disabled actor. Lord save us! He’s an actor! That’s what actors do for a living: pretend to be people they’re not! It’s also worth pointing out that François Cluzet was an able-bodied actor as well.

As already mentioned, Bryan Cranston excels in the role. Phillip goes through such a wide range of emotions from despair to pure joy and back again that you can’t help but be impressed by the performance.

On the female side of the cast, it’s really nice to see Nicole Kidman in such a quiet and understated role and it’s nicely done; Aja Naomi King does a nice job as Dell’s protective ex-girlfriend Latrice; and there’s a nice female cameo as well, which I won’t spoil since I wasn’t expecting to see her in the film.

Final Thoughts
As a standalone film it has some laugh-out-loud moments, some feelgood highs and some moments of real pathos. The audience I saw this with was small, but there was still a buzz in the room and sporadic applause as the end titles came up: God only knows that’s unusual for a film!

The director is “Limitless” and “Divergent” director Neil Burger, and it’s a perfectly fun and innocent night out at the flicks that I commend to the house in this month of celluloid awards heavyweights.