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A Modern Tragedy Vol 2 by Grandson
A Modern Tragedy Vol 2 by Grandson
2019 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
All killer, no filler (2 more)
Extremely heavy and modern sounding
Leaves me craving to see them live
Politicising may discourage some (0 more)
Razor sharp rock and hip-hop fusion
Discovered at random while searching for Rock music released this year, Grandson managed to be heavy and thrilling, while also utilising modern production techniques more usually associated with hip hop and electronic music, the fusion is excellent.
There are five tracks on this EP and each has a distinctive flavour. Apologize is a swaggering endorsement of the self, warts and all, which every listener can adopt as their own personal anthem. Stigmata is a full on, head down rocker that no doubt sets mosh pits ablaze. Is This What You Wanted is a searing enditement of facing the grinding misery of the world, compared with escaping it via indulgence and excess, slower than its predecessors but no less furious. Falling is a tripped out meditation on struggling with addiction. Darkside is the take of a would - be school shooter that drips with menace until it finally drops, when it becomes openly hostile.

Lou Grande (148 KP) rated the PC version of Emily Is Away Too in Video Games

Jul 9, 2018  
Emily Is Away Too
Emily Is Away Too
2017 | Role-Playing, Simulation
For people of a certain age, Emily Is Away Too will remind them of being a teenager in the early aughts and late nineties. You play as yourself (more or less) as you attempt to woo either of two girls at your high school: Emily, the alternative hipster chick, or Evelyn, the punk rocker. In that way, it's much like many dating sims. You discover their likes and dislikes and play into them.

What makes Emily Is Away unique is the gameplay. It all takes place, so to speak, in a chat client called "EOL," which functions like AIM or Yahoo! Messenger. You can customize your font, profile, and avatar (the angstier the lyrics in your bio the better, of course). And don't forget to make your text as obnoxious as possible.

To compliment the retro look, the soundtrack consists of the sound of your hard drive working and really authentic chat notifications. It was a trip back in time for me, and it actually made me a little sad in a bittersweet way.
Hammersmith Odeon, London '75 by Bruce Springsteen
Hammersmith Odeon, London '75 by Bruce Springsteen
2006 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This isn’t exactly a studio release. It’s a live release from the very first two shows that Bruce did in England, recorded on November 18, 1975 at the Hammersmith Odeon in London. In attendance was Joe Strummer, Pete Townshend, and Peter Gabriel, to name a few. At this single concert, Joe decided he’d play a Fender Telecaster from then on, Peter Gabriel decided he’d leave Genesis and go solo, and Pete Townshend made a request for “It’s Hard to Be a Saint in the City"" (to which you can clearly hear Bruce say, “This is for Pete” in his thick-as-mud Jersey Shore accent). All of this at one show. All because Bruce and the band were on absolute fire on this night. It’s the single best concert I’ve ever heard in my life. So when someone says to me, “Bruce? The guy with the flag and his butt on the cover of that record from the '80?” I reply, “Yes. That Bruce, and this punk rocker too.” Start here."

Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1)
Precious Blood (The Blessed, #1)
Tonya Hurley | 2013 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
Not for everyone, but I enjoyed it
What I liked about this book is it was able to draw you in slowly to the plot and it unfolds gradually by introducing you to the main characters and their backgrounds. You can’t help but keep reading to see what will happen next. Your curiosity is piqued and it’s worth reading through. There is a chapter here and there that lets you think ‘Gee what the heck am I reading here’ but it makes up for it wholeheartedly towards the ending of the book.

The plot and the pace is slow but steady. You’re taken through each girl’s perspective and when they finally come together, if you can bypass the pettiness and mean girl attitude (some parts were quite fun to read, the comebacks are something to be filed away for future use should need arise) they actually do make a solid team. Each girl has their own story and their own pain to deal with. Of the three, I’d taken a liking to Cecilia. She’s a tough one and although all three have gone through a substantial amount of pain, Cecilia seems to be the most likable and the most independent (plus she’s a Rocker girl. Who doesn’t think Rocker Girls are cool?)

As the story unfolds, it gets chaotic towards the last third of the novel. Pretty good action - brutal at times so might not be for the faint of heart, and of course it leaves room for more things to come (two books follow after this one). Understandably this book might not be for everyone. Gratuitous swearing, references to Catholicism which may be offensive to some, some serious what the F chapters that make you wonder what kind of shrooms they’re on, and references to rape are mentioned in the book.

So while it may not be for everyone, I was surprised that I enjoyed reading this one so much. Although it took awhile for the book to gain momentum and this thing with Sebastian being a somewhat Charles Manson wannabe without the murders is a bit tedious, it was actually pretty good. However it comes across as a book that either you’ll really like, or you’ll really hate. So, when in doubt, just take it out of the library and save your money for other things.
Chasing Rabbits (The Underground #1)
Chasing Rabbits (The Underground #1)
Erin Bedford | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
88 of 200
Chasing Rabbits ( underground book 1)
By Erin Bedford

Alice was wrong. Wonderland wasn't so wonderful after all.

Kat never expected to be back in her hometown, but when house sitting turns into a mad rabbit chase, Kat finds herself with a whole new set of problems.

A two-headed bird with a Game of Thrones obsession, a party full of tea addicts, and a Cheshire Cat who could seduce the pants off her grandma? And if the citizens weren't bad enough, their prince was off his rocker.

This wasn't your run of the mill Wonderland. This was the fae world, where rules are rules, and some things are exactly as they seem.

I found myself a few times during this book stopping and asking myself wtf am I reading. It got a little confusing in parts to. I have changed my stars from 2 to 3 and back a few times as I just can’t make my mind up! I feel like I’ve smoked something funny after reading it lol. I think it’s intrigued me enough to continue on to book 2!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fun Pepper Martin mystery that's as good as the first and better than the second in the series. Again, the ghost is the best character, this time a 60s rocker who possibly died of an overdose forty years ago. I couldn't help but think he was a Jim Morrison prototype, especially with some of the lyrics.

Pepper was thankfully brighter in this book and figured things out at a good pace. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to figure out whodunnit early on in this series, for lack of suspects, but I liked how the author had Pepper go about it anyway.

I could do without the constant who-wears-what, how Pepper's hair or nails are done, everything she wears at every given moment, and most of all, I get annoyed at her overactive libido every time a hot guy - dead or alive - comes into contact with her. Get it together girl! What's your problem. Luckily, it looks as if she might (finally) get her act together for the fourth book. Hopefully it is not Quinn, because he is a boring, cut-out character that adds nothing to this series. However, I still look forward to the next book and hope it continues to get better.