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Under the Volcano (1984)
Under the Volcano (1984)
1984 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In 1941, the year of Citizen Kane, a far greater first film coauthored by its director appeared: The Maltese Falcon. From this great beginning, John Huston went on to forge a consistent and unmistakable identity toward life and film that he maintained throughout his long, varied, and productive career. After Laurence Olivier, Albert Finney has been the greatest English actor to work in films, and Under the Volcano is his greatest role. Like all the great characters in Huston’s best films who are ironic, never sentimental, humorous, and usually very unpleasant, Albert Finney, never offscreen, is playing someone totally inebriated from beginning to end. It reminds me of another favorite, Richard III, where another great actor, in this case playing a serial murderer, pulls out all the stops, brings it all off, and brings the viewer over to his side."

After the Dark (2014)
After the Dark (2014)
2014 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Philosophy at it's best
A Philosophy class of mixed intelligent and great mind thinkers are at the en of their semester. Their professor on the last day has proposed to them a problem that needs to be solved not only philosophical but ethically as well. It is an end of the world senario and they have to pick who is best to survive and repopulate the world. They are given a chance to pick a career and then pick either an extra advantage or disadvantage. These all play a role on wether they can rebuild life or bring it to a horrible end. The role playing ideas in this story are so well thought out that if you took philosophy in college you can almost out yourself in the movie and act it out with the characters in mind.

Sharpie0499 (114 KP) rated Assassin's Creed (2016) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Assassin's Creed (2016)
Assassin's Creed (2016)
2016 | Action
5.8 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Excellent fight choreography (1 more)
Good casting choices
Terrible plotline (1 more)
Bad scriptwriting
Pretty Decent Adaptation
The best element of the Assassin's Creed film adaptation has to be the fight choreography. It was so skilfully done to the best of the choreographers', stunt doubles', and actors' abilities, and it paid off. The casting choices were also commendable as Michael Fassbender was the perfect choice for the leading role of Cal and I am unable to picture anyone else playing that role. But I have to admit, the plotline and the writing weren't up to modern film standards; meaning they completely fell through. I love this film, but if it was written better with a much better plotline, it would not go into the 'bad film adaptation' pile. Overall, I wouldn't call this an award-winning film, but it is very entertaining to watch and the fight scenes are incredible.
The Rock (1996)
The Rock (1996)
1996 | Action
There was a period during the late 90s, early 90s, where Nice Cage was in full action hero mode.

We're talking the likes of National Treasure, Con-Air, Face/Off. And this, his first entry in that mold from 1996.

Also starring Sean Connery in a Bind-in-all-but-name role, this sees Cage playing the part of an FBI chemical expert who has to accompany Connery and US Marines on a mission to infiltrate Alcatraz (Connery's role being as the only man to ever escape from said prison) after a group of disillusioned Marines - led by Ed Harris - seize control of the island and have chemical weapons pointing at San Francisco.

I think this may be the first Michael Bay film I ever saw; looking back on it now I can see that, even back then, it has all the hallmarks of one of his films!
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
2013 | Role-Playing
Fantastic fantasy role playing game
I love this game so much and I've played it twice. The story is quite good and the game play is a lot of fun. The artwork of the game is beautiful and the music for it is great. There are tons of side quests to do along with the main story and just exploring is a lot of fun. It's a wonderful game that is enjoyable to play. You can read the full Mother Gamer review here:
The Conjuring (2013)
The Conjuring (2013)
2013 | Horror
All of this movie is good except 10 mins to end I believe it got a lil off, but the actors were great and the overall movie was creepy (0 more)
To know how all of it came about up to the point of the movie is left for u to fill in w ur imagination sucked! (0 more)
Great movie
I love scary movies and this by far was one the best as far as believing in the actor playing the role some stuff was questionable like how it all came about but I love this movie good edge of your seat movie

Dean (6925 KP) rated 8 Mile (2002) in Movies

Feb 17, 2018  
8 Mile (2002)
8 Mile (2002)
2002 | Drama
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A very good, solid film about a young white rapper, trying to cut it on the rap scene in Detroit. Seems loosely based on Eminem's background? There is a good supporting cast especially by Kim Basinger playing his mum. This will surprise a lot of people as it's not the the type of film most will expect it to be. Eminem plays the role well. Even if you're not a fan of his music or rap in general this is still a watchable film about someone trying to better themselves and break away from their humble surroundings.
Delirium (2018)
Delirium (2018)
2018 | Horror
The story and acting. (0 more)
The slow pace at times. (0 more)
Well Done
This psychological thriller on Netflix turned out to be pretty interesting. Topher Grace did a good job playing his role as the main protagonist. No flashy effects or true scares but the story played out well and ended up being pretty twisted. Kept you wondering what was in his head and what wasn't throughout most of the movie. I'd definitely recommend this one. The cinematography was well done and all the actors played their parts well. It's kind of slow moving at times, but really worth a watch!

Coleman Balogh (20 KP) rated Descent: Journeys in the Dark in Tabletop Games

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Dec 17, 2018)  
Descent: Journeys in the Dark
Descent: Journeys in the Dark
2005 | Adventure, Exploration, Fantasy, Fighting, Miniatures
Great storyline (1 more)
Fun character building options
Clearly a rip of other famous fantasy games (0 more)
Fantastic D&D lite game
I was very sceptical of this game as it's clearly a reinterpretation of the world's most famous role playing game. However it is a fine reimagining of said game into the structure of a boxed table top rpg. The minis and maps are great, there are plenty of characters to choose from and the missions have a great amount of diversity. There's even leveling of characters to bring them more skills. Overall its very enjoyable and complex even if its themes are quite familiar.
The Grudge (2020)
The Grudge (2020)
2020 | Horror
Makeup effects (2 more)
Lyn shayle
Andrea riseborough
Didn't think I was gonna like this movie but I did I almost jumped out of my seat serval times during the movie. Can't believe I'm the first one to review the movie.going In to this movie I always the one the one with Sarah Michelle gellar and how I loved that movie and the sequel not so much. But this one o was quite satisfied the make up effects were good and even Lyn shayle in small role I thought she would be kinda playing a charchater like the one from insidious. Anyway good film