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From Connie Glynn comes the second book of the Rosewood Chronicles - Princess in Practice, and it is the adventure of a lifetime that we all have been waiting for. If you thought Undercover Princess was amazing - you will definitely love its sequel.

''Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.''

The story continues where it left off, with Ellie, Lottie and Jamie settling after the adventurous ending and getting ready for their second year in Rosewood. With the new school year starting, their enemies are on the rise again, plotting their new actions, and Lottie and Jamie are more than ready to protect their princess.

But as always, things are not as easy as they seem, and they never suspect that danger will be so close to them, now more than ever.

I loved that Lottie has her moment with her old best friend, when she visits the hometown, and tells him all about the princess world. It was soothing to know that she still cares about him, and always will, despite their lives being very different now.

Throughout the book, we don't see any romantic scenes, but we do have a lot of subtle talks about them. I really loved the romance between Anastacia and Saskia. Maybe not the romance itself actually, because to be honest, as much as I love the author, she doesn't have a skill set for writing romance. What I did love, was the dedication of the couple to stay together and what Saskia would do and sacrifice, just for the person she loves.

I was very upset with the author trying so hard to make Lottie and Ellie a couple. Yes, we know lesbian relationships are against the rules in the kingdom and Ellie's father would be furious to find out. But Lottie had such a nice slow-burn romance going with Jamie, getting to know him and all. They even reminded me of Dimitri and Rose from Vampire Academy. They have a thing, and the author ruined it with trying to convince me Lottie likes girls. Well, I am not convinced. I already have my favourite girl couple, and it's not Lottie and Ellie.

Princess in Practice was a better-written book than Undercover Princess in my opinion.

If I had to choose though, I would still prefer the first book, because of the whole set up. The friendship stories were better and even the villains were better in the previous book.

The villains we had in this book were plain, without a character, and I simply did not care about any of them. Even that last chapter, with the mysterious leader that stands behind everything, all I could feel was - MEH!

When it comes to the friendship, and the wider team that helps these three main characters, we didn't really get to know them much more than we did from the previous book. My favourite was and will stay Raphael, who always makes me laugh.

''What? Why don't I get to be a plus-one?'' Raphael maned, putting.

''Because, Raphael,'' Anastacia mocked, ''you're not a trained bodyguards, nor are you a princess.''

To conclude, I loved reading Princess in Practice. It had a nice overall story and it was very easy to read. I will definitely be waiting for the third book to come out and will be desperate to read it! A great book during the summer period for sure. If you love princesses - that is :)
While You Sleep
While You Sleep
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you’re looking for something in the flavor of gothic horror with a little bit of romance and an unreliable narrator to thrown in, While You Sleep by Stephanie Merritt is the perfect choice. Reading it during a thunderstorm (which takes place quite often in the book) is even better. While I don’t tend to like romance, this book plays it off in a manner that even I can enjoy.

Set on a small island off the coast of Scotland, Merritt immediately creates an atmospherically gloomy environment. The main character, Zoe Adams, is an introverted artist who’s taking some much needed time away from her family in a lovely Victorian Era house in a town where she knows no one. Unbeknownst to her, the house has a reputation. Soon, things start to get a little rough, and the vacation turns into a nightmare. The question is, is there a phantom lending truth to the house’s status, or is there more than meets the eye?

When it comes to characters, Merritt’s ability to write dynamic and three-dimensional characters is spot on. I found myself becoming attached to a few while loathing others. The small town feel is replicated in the behaviors and actions of several characters, which tends to be something I’m wary of, being from a small town myself.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It’s one I’d like to own, and one I’ll definitely recommend to fellow horror fiends. I’d like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
A Snowflake's Chance In  Hell
A Snowflake's Chance In Hell
Amy Romine | 2019
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m reviewing A Snowflake’s Chance in Hell, by Amy Romine. My rating is 4.5 stars. Here are my thoughts:

^^ This is a romantic, Christmas themed story about one woman’s search for her long lost brother and the people who enter her life along the way.

^^ When Quinn Lawson finally gets a lead that could bring her closer to finding her brother, Peter, of whom she was separated from when their parents died, her search takes her to a military base where she first meets Gunnery Sergeant Kevin McCaluson.

^^ Both Quinn and Kevin have their owns issues to contend with, so their first meeting is a little strained; communications are misinterpreted, emotions run riot, and things simply don’t go as planned. In short, their first impressions of each other are not good. It’s not love at first sight, that’s for sure.

^^ Over time they begin to understand each other more and Kevin offers to help Quinn with her search for her brother, so they embark on a long road trip together, and soon their friendship develops a deeper bond and their feelings for each other strengthen. It’s an emotional ride, full of truths and heartfelt stories, enveloping the true spirit of Christmas in one short read.

Overall: This is a charming, fairly quick, cosy Christmas romance, spiced up by a couple of burning hot scenes. And no, I don’t mean because I’ve spent too long reading that I’ve burnt the dinner again! (Although, in truth that has happened many times!) A heartwarming romance that’s bound to warm the cockles of your heart on a cold, winter’s eve.
Mercury Striking (Scorpius Syndrome, #1)
Mercury Striking (Scorpius Syndrome, #1)
Rebecca Zanetti | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

Wow! After reading the description for this novel, I could not pass Mercury Striking up. I thought it was too much to ask that the story would actually be as great as the description made it out to be, but I was far from disappointed. Thankfully it’s a series because I was blown away by how amazing this novel was. On that note, reading the novella that precedes this may be a good idea. While I felt that I was able to comprehend the story and keep up with it, the novella gives the reader better comprehension of the world/story overall.

I love romance/erotica and I also love post-apocalyptic stories. Going in, I was convinced there was no way someone could write a combination of the two adequately. They are tough genres to combine without one suffering. Zanetti clearly knows what she’s doing. Not only can she write an intriguing dystopian world, she created a love story that grabs at you and won’t let go until you know how it plays out. Her characters are powerful and dynamic, tangible in a world that I had to remember doesn’t actually exist. They captured me heart and soul from the very beginning.

Zanetti’s writing is a triple threat. She knows how to write great characters with engaging dialogue without skimping on plot or romance. If you think this sounds like a story you would like, let me make the decision for: get it. I can’t wait for the nest in the series to come out.
Deliciously Sinful
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wait….it’s over? Where are the amazing chapter long sex scenes that make even me blush? Where is all the scenes detailed down what underwear she is wearing? I love me some Lilli Feisty but this novel just lacked the fire and erotica that the other two did.

One of the reasons Lilli Feisty is my favorite is because she writes erotica that’s outside the norm (considering they classify her novels as just romance instead of erotica.) Very rarely have I run across a book in the romance section and pull one out that has tasteful bondage in it. Feisty does it like it’s second nature. In this book, however, we only are given some steamy foreplay and two very short sex scenes. It was greatly disappointing especially since I have been waiting for it so long.

Despite that, I still cannot give it anything less 5 stars because there is not a single thing I can find wrong with it. I did not get my delicious sex scenes, though what I was given was just as tasteful and…well hot, but it still had everything that made it a great novel. I love the characters far too much for my own good. They are so 3D that it’s hard to believe that are just characters in a book. Not to mention they had me laughing the entire time with their banter.

If you’re looking for a novel the same as her first two, you might be disappointed by the lack of erotica.However, the story line and characters make up for it.
Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)
Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)
Ann Aguirre | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leave it to Aguirre to take her heroine in a direction that is apparently pissing off at least half of her readers (those who expected romance). Sirantha Jax is in fine form in [b:Aftermath|10648186|Aftermath (Sirantha Jax, #5)|Ann Aguirre||10219927], staying strong and true to herself through an all-new set of trials (literally) and troubles. Loyal Velith stays by her side throughout, continuing to depict a friendship that goes beyond mere romance.

I don't normally mine books for quotes as I read them, but two bits stuck with me from this book. Musing, Jax thinks, "… the world moves on, even when you don't want it to, even when change feels like the end of everything. It never stops. That's harsh and magical and somewhat comforting because nothing is immutable, however much we want it to be. Moments cannot be caught like fossils in amber, ever-perfect, ever-beautiful. They go dark and raw, full of shadows, leaving you with the memories. And the world moves on."

Later, Velith says, "The heart is not a glass of water, but more like an endlessly pumping spring."

There is so much wisdom about love and relationships in those words that I will remember this book far longer than the plot details will necessarily stay with me.

The plot is, of course, as can always be expected of Aguirre, good. It hangs together well. There was a little drag this time, but not much. I am eagerly awaiting the release of <i>Endgame</i> later this month, and will be purchasing it as soon as it's released.

Roxanne (13 KP) rated Bonds of Fire in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
Bonds of Fire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must say that I very much enjoyed this short that's what it is...a short story, a VERY short story. There was so much packed into this novella that it definitely had the potential to be a full length novel. Even though things were a little crammed in I didn't feel that the romance elements were rushed in any way just that they weren't explored in very much depth. This is a M/M romance novella, however, it is very tame compared to a lot of other stories out there, especially when compared to some of the ones I have read before *blush*. There is no sex, nothing graphic or explicit, just a bit of flirting...perhaps a little kissing, but that's about it. The attraction between the male characters is very obvious and so if a man lusting after another man makes you feel a little queasy then definitely stay away from this one.

I enjoyed this story so much that I would not hesitate reading a sequel if it were to become available, perhaps even three installments that could be put together to make into a full length novel...just some suggestions there *hint* *hint*.

The story itself takes you, the reader, on a wonderful fantasy filled adventure...where there be DRAGONS! I love Dragons...any mystical creature fascinates me and this story has the 'cute' factor, little baby dragons, families made where humans and dragons are combined, love, friendship, compassion and an invitation to brand new, exciting worlds.

Highly recommended from me...I just wish it was longer.
A story filled with intrigue, smugglers, ventriloquist, spies, romance, heartbreak, and a traitor. Travel back in time to 1808 in The Innkeepers Daughter.

This story has so many moving parts that you just want to keep reading to figure out WHAT IS GOING ON??? Also, there were several times our hero needed a good purse whomping. I absolutely LOVED this story. The romantic tension between Alex and Johanna...*whew*...And the climax of that tension in their kiss(es)...Make sure you keep a fainting couch nearby...and possible smelling salts.

The common thread throughout this story is all about giving over the control of our lives to God. It is easy to SAY that we trust God to see us through things...And yet we can still be found trying to fix all the little things that go wrong on our own...Trying to make it all our own power. Instead of trusting for a door to open from God...we pry open the cellar door into destruction and chaos and say, "LOOK! I found a way!!! It isn't a GOOD way...but I did it ALL ON MY OWN!" Michelle Griep addresses the need to trust in our Lord so well. And it really rings true.

If you love a good romance that is clean and passionate, sprinkled with mystery and intrigue, this is definitely a book that you will enjoy!

I received a complimentary copy of The Innkeeper's Daughter from the publishers through Celebrate Lit. I was not required to write an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Fear For Me (For Me, #2)
Fear For Me (For Me, #2)
Cynthia Eden | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first book in this series a few years ago and it was ok - judging by my review on Goodreads of it - but I wasn't overly in to it. This one has been on my Kindle for a few years now so it's about time I read it.

This starts with the "Bayou Butcher" serial killer - Jon Walker - breaking out of prison and setting out to kill the people who put him there starting with Lauren Chandler, the DA that made sure he went down for life, as well as the judge and those on the jury. In comes Anthony Ross, a Marshall, who tracked Walker down the first time and Lauren's ex.

I was equally drawn into this when they were hunting Walker and freaked out when we had scenes from Walker's POV as he went about killing. The more I read, though, the more I was convinced that Walker wasn't doing everything alone and then it was the mystery of just who Walker was in league with that had me reading. I thought I had it figured out but I was so wrong.

The romance reignited between Lauren and Anthony as neither had really gotten over the other in the five years since they'd parted ways. It was nice to see inside both of their heads and what their feelings were towards the other. I'll be honest. I wasn't that interested in the romance so I skipped the sex scenes in this, totally uninterested.

I don't think I'll be reading the last book in the series. I'm not that into Romantic Suspense anymore.
Ready to Trust (Hearts of Oklahoma, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ahh, Ready to Trust by Tina Radcliffe was such a sweet story! This is my first time reading a book by this author I decided to read her book after hearing so many of my bookish friends rave about her books and let me say I was not disappointed.

From the surprise of finding out you are a father to the learning curve of running a family business, Tina Radcliffe managed to make me feel immersed in the character’s choices and emotions. I enjoyed the character’s conversations with each other and their logical thoughts about the situations presented and the sweet romances that they allowed to happen between them. Add in an adorable sounding daughter, a wayward cow, and a cowhand that makes you smile, and you have a recipe for a fun lighthearted book. I will definitely be going back to read the other book in the A Hearts of Oklahoma Romance series.

The setting of this book is small-town USA, tight community, caring neighbors, family get-together’s, and food. I loved Tina Radcliffe’s description of life on a farm/ ranch and all the work that goes into it. It was a truly warm setting that I loved reading about.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the fun characters, the lighthearted romance, and the sense of community that Tina Radcliffe displayed. A truly enjoyable book with a lighthearted feel that I did not have to concentrate on while reading.

*I Volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.