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Red (Dead World, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After being utterly disappointed by the Servant Series written by L.L. Foster, I was so hesitant to this series that I completely forgot about it until I was recently cleaning out my shelves. It was a spur of the moment decision to read it instead of just giving it away: I couldn’t put the book down.

At first, I cringed when it came off as another paranormal romance where the lead female, Red, is strong and independent to the point of annoyance. I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case. The beginning does show her to be quite capable of taking care of herself, but Summers does not make her a one woman army. Summers also gives Red very human female emotions. Red does not close herself off from the world and her emotions, she gets scared, angry, sexually frustrated, all without fighting said emotions. It was so refreshing, I almost cried.

Not only that but Morgan, the lead male protagonist, was not so overbearingly male that it hurt. Yes, he did try to take control of investigation, only so Red would not figure his big secret out. That was completely believable, as was his alpha male attitude that did not completely run his life. I liked that Summers did not make Morgan the be all the end all male that most male protagonists usually are. She made his cousin Kane, more attractive, but Red still feel for Morgan, another scenario so rare to paranormal romance.

The only issue I had with this novel is that it is placed in the near future with great advancements in technology. While I enjoyed the world that Summers created, it was sometime hard to follow or understand the technology and government. I gathered enough that it did not hinder the enjoyment of the story.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a cute little romance that I enjoyed the character that was all its own. There was nothing new about the plotline, a female wants to prove she’s just as capable as one else (especially me) while her knight in shining armor tries his best to protect her from everything from highwaymen to assassins to spiders crawling in her shoes. It was just like any other romance about a knight falling in love with a maiden, and yet, Lathom added her own little touch of style to it to make it unique.

The story starts out with Anne Kendall masquerading as a woman of high society to save said women from being assassinated for information she knows. An organization called the League of the Blade considers Anne’s protection as one of their many duties for the betterment of the kingdom. Meanwhile, Sir Philip Clifford is acting like a pouting brat because he was not asked to join the League, which has been his lifelong goal. He first meets Anne at her mistress’s house and they begin to become…acquainted with each other even though Philip does not bed Anne, much to her humiliation. He tries to forget her as just a passing interest, and she tries to forget her feelings for him because she realizes she was just a skirt to him. Or so they think.

When Philip runs into her again masquerading as the widowed Lady Rosamond Wolsingham, they realize they that, basically, they still want in each other’s pant. After creeping into the window of her inn room, Philip doesn’t really give her a choice in whether he travels with her in her journey to the king. Adventure ensues.

While I didn’t find this novel particularly fascinating, it was still enjoyable.
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to thank Karen Chance for letting me fall in love with paranormal romance again. It’s very rare for me to find a paranormal romance series that I love in the never ending shelves filled with them. Among them are Kresley Cole, Gena Showwalter, Jeaniene Frost, Patricia Briggs, Lynn Viehl and now Karen Chance.

I brought this book on a 13 hour car ride, not expecting much, just words to fill the time. It was about halfway through when I realized what a gem I really had. The plot was fascinating, the world was so involved and though out, and the characters were just as interesting as the world they were involved in. I would like to thank Karen Chance once more for not making her heroine, Cassandra, so independent that it made me want to gag. Cassandra knew when she needed help and that she wasn’t going to survive on her own. Of course, Cassandra has an awesome power that makes her wanted by multiple races. I can forgive that stereotypical plot aspect since Cassandra is not the most power creature to ever exist in the world nor is the only one to have had or will have such power.

But, dear Chance, did you really have to throw in such an erotic scene when I am sitting in the car with my family? I was not expecting anything so…steamy from this book that I actually had to put the book down for a moment.

This was one of those novels that made me depressed when I finished it, for the sheer fact that it was over. I immediately turned to my phone to see if there were any more. When I found out it was a series, I ordered every single one.
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Luke Skywalker (3 more)
Rey and Kylo Dynamic
Great Space Battles
Some of the Kylo evolution
Not enough Luke (4 more)
Finn romance and side story BLAH
Why Destroy your helmet Kylo
Not enough Light saber battles
Savage Review
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved a lot of things about this movie and didn't like a lot. First off LUKE SKYWALKER BOOM and that cameo of Yoda was amazing. Second the dynamic between Rey and Kylo I really liked its gonna be great to see where they go from here with the good and bad. The space battle where some of my favorites and when their were light saber action it was top notch. I liked certain things about the evolution of Kylo him taking control and being the new top dog. Now to what I hated the Finn romance and side story I liked where they were going with that but they executed it poorly and made it a complete bore and took you out of the movie. Why did Kylo destroy his helmet if you want to be like your grandfather he wears the mask it made you bad ass and it makes you less whiny. I get your conflicted but your tantrums are sometimes too much. Dont get me started on Snoke he feels like a wasted character and I hope they redeem him in the next one somehow. There was barely any light saber action. I liked the small amount in the movie but this is star wars we need those epic Light Saber moments. Now Back to Luke I loved the ending with him it was absolutely brilliant but at the same time I wanted more from him he never left the Island which I understand from the story point of view but I wanted him to battle Kylo in a Epic Battle.
True Romance (1993)
True Romance (1993)
1993 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Original Romantic Action Film
An unlikely pair fall in love and find themselves on the run with a luggage full of cocaine.

Acting: 10
True Romance is littered with star power and each of them deliver. With a who's who of Hollywood actors and actresses it's no surprise that even the supporting roles left you with something to remember. The late James Gandolfini was my personal favorite playing the role of Virgil. He's a brooding gangster who looks like he's about to snap in every single scene that he's in. You hate him, yet you appreciate his ruthlessness at the same time.

Beginning: 10
The film gets off to a very intriguing start in its first ten minutes. Clarence Worley (Christian Slater) and Alabama Whitman (Patricia Arquette) get off to a fast start that ultimately sets the tone for the rest of the film. You're given a small taste of what's to come which makes you want more.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 7

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10

Memorability: 9

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10
My wife and I went back and forth on this. She thought the ending was improbable. I thought that, considering the rest of the movie as a whole, the ending was exactly what it needed to be. Their entire relationship was improbable so the insanity of how the movie concludes was the improbable cherry on top. Well done.

Overall: 96
True Romance is one of those films you don't expect to like, then you end up loving it. The awesome gun battle at the end is not only absolute bedlam, but it one of those scenes you remember for a long time. You won't forget it, nor will you forget Christopher Walken's intense interrogation scene. I can see now why this film made an all-time Top 100 list.

Katie (868 KP) May 30, 2018

One of my favorite films. Great review!


Phillip McSween (751 KP) May 30, 2018


The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery #1)
The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery #1)
Nya Rawlyns | 2015 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mystery
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery #1) by Nya Rawlyns
The Eagle and the Fox is the first book in the Snowy Range Mystery series.

The story is about two adult males, a young girl, and her secret boyfriend. The two adult men, Josiah and Marcus, have known each other for years, but only to 'grunt' to each other as they pass by in the store that Marcus owns. Pet is the young girl that Marcus keeps an eye on, like an adopted uncle. He took her on to save her, but you'll need to read the book to find out what he was saving her from! And Kit is her secret boyfriend, a mysterious figure that we don't actually learn much about.

Once Josiah and Marcus start talking, things move at a pretty pace for them. Not only do they have their feelings for each other to contend with, but they also have the problems with Pet, plus the trouble in town that is happening.

I found this book to be very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow. The characters are well rounded and well suited to the story. This story is a definite mix of romance and mystery. It defies being in just one genre. It is finished off for this story, but the ending is definitely left open for it to continue. Looking forward to book two to see where it will go next.

If you like a bit of mystery with your romance, then I can definitely recommend this book/series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
My Heart Belongs In Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
My Heart Belongs In Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Murray Pura | 2018 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Heart Belongs In Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
By: Murray Pura
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc
Published Date: November 1, 2018
256 pages Christian, Romance
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

I greatly enjoyed this book. I gave this book 4 stars. I love history and this book was about the civil war one of my favorite subjects.
Clarissa is a 19 year old girl who has a lot of spunk and energy. She is a conductor on the underground railroad. She has a love interest in Kyle and Liberty. She doesn't know which one to choose. She likes both in different ways. Liberty is also on the underground railroad but she doesn't know what he looks like because he always wears a hood over his head. Kyle is studying to be a clergyman. When the war breaks out she is upset that Kyle won't join the army instead he stays behinds and helps the head clergyman.
During one of the underground escapes with Liberty they are caught and Liberty gets hurt. Who is Liberty? Why does he hide his face? What happens to Kyle? You need to read the book to find out.
Clarissa has some more adventures during the war. At the beginning of the book I didn't like her but throughout the story she grows and learns, which makes her a better person.
I was able to figure out a few things that happen in the book fairly quickly so it brought down my rating just a little. The author did a great job on the history. I would recommended this book for those who love history and a romance story.
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
A Discovery of Witches - Season 1
2018 | Fantasy
Dull and cringeworthy
I knew after the first couple of episodes that this series wasn’t for me, but I persevered in the hope it might get better as it went along. Sadly it doesn’t.

The main problem is that witches, vampires etc have all been done before. And most have been done better than this. The vampires are all moody and gloomy looking dressed in black, and all of the different creatures show no potential whatsoever. The witches exhibit some powers but nothing particularly impressive, the vampires don’t do much either and the demons do absolutely nothing and don’t show any powers or supernatural abilities whatsoever. For the most part, this is just a romance with a supernatural backdrop thrown in. And even the romance aspect isn’t very good - this stinks of a slightly more adult version of Twilight. It’s cheesy, cringey and moves so quickly it beggars belief.

There are some talented actors in this, but sadly the script and the plot really lets them down. Matthew Goode’s attempts at making his vampire snarling, bloodthirsty and terrifying are laughable. The only person who really pulls off any menace is Trevor Eve but he’s sidelined in favour of more irritating characters. Even Teresa Palmer doesn’t come across well, playing so much like Bella from Twilight it’s disturbing.

The show itself is very scenic and beautifully shot, unsurprising considering some of the locations like Oxford and Venice. It’s just a shame that i found it very dull and laughable (not in a good way). I also found the cliffhanger ending disappointing, as the likelihood of me ever bothering to watch another series is slim. I only just made it through these 8 episodes.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 12, 2018

Yay, so it wasn't just me ?

With tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, I closed the pages of the final book in the Courage to Dream series. My heart is filled with warmth, yet filled with sadness that this series is now complete. I have enjoyed watching the O'Leary family grow in numbers and in love. Love's Faithful Promise begins in September 1922 and is a beautiful conclusion. Filled with trials and heartache, we see God's hand leading them closer together and closer to Him. I absolutely fell in love with Deirdre and Matthew...And Phoebe! Matthew carries so much guilt and unforgiveness towards himself that was so hard for me to witness. The compassion I felt for him was overwhelming. We are reminded though that we don't need to walk through the shadows of our past alone.

Oh I just love Deirdre and Matthew's journey of love! Keep your fan nearby. Because let me tell you...Their romance is so pure, passionate, precious, and sweet. But don't let my starry eyed, romance gushing fool you, this book gets INTENSE! I was literally sweating with anticipation right around page will know what I mean. Definitely put my stress ball "heart" I got from CFRR to good use (thank you Just Commonly).

Will you cry? Maybe. Will you want to smack some sense into people? Probably. Will you fall in love with Irish Meadows and the O'Leary clan? Without a doubt...Yes!!! Make sure you start your journey with the beginning of the series, Irish Meadows. Within these pages I pray you find hope and courage to live out the dreams the Lord has placed in your heart.

I received a free copy of Love's Faithful Promise in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Society (A Broken World #1)
The Society (A Broken World #1)
Dean Murray | 2015 | Dystopia, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

This is the first installment of Dean Murray's Dystopian series that is absolutely chock-full of action and adventure too. There are enough broken bones in here to shake a stick at. In this, we meet Skye, a 17-year-old girl who is set to become a spy in a 'grubber' city. She lands at night, under the cover of a bomb attack on the city. It is action all the way as she has to make a landing, find her way to where she needs to go, avoiding detection from any and all. As she does, she meets a few people who make her realise that everything isn't always black and white as they act far differently to what she had been led to believe.

I won't say anything further about the story as I don't want to give away any spoilers and, believe me, you really need to read this book for yourself to appreciate it. Dean Murray has written Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Dark Fantasy and now he can add Dystopian to his bow too. As far as I am concerned he is proving himself to be a Jack of all Trades, Master of his Craft.

Absolutely enthralling, full of action, a splash of romance and plenty of time to think for yourself. Completely brilliant and highly recommended. I will give you a cliffhanger warning though. I was so wrapped up in the story I didn't realise I had reached 100% and carried on pressing my kindle, wondering why it wasn't going to the next page!

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!