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Treasure, Darkly
Treasure, Darkly
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jordan Elizabeth tackles steampunk fiction in her new young adult series Treasure Chronicles. In the first book of the series, Treasure, Darkly we are introduced to seventeen-year-old Clark Treasure who pinches a bottle of what he assumes is absinthe from a captain's pocket. After drinking it, however, Clark discovers he has ingested a liquid that gives him the power to awaken the dead. Wanted by the army to be experimented on, Clark goes into hiding and searches for the man he believes to be his father - one of the wealthiest men in the world, Garth Treasure.

On the Treasure ranch, Clark receives a warm welcome from his supposed father and step-mother, however, his half-brothers are not so keen on his arrival. His half-sister Amethyst, on the other hand, is an entirely different battle. Romance blossoms between the two siblings, which Clark has to fight... or perhaps there is a chance he is not really her brother?

Being on a Wanted list and coping with an illicit relationship is only part of Clark's troubles. The liquid he stole also allows him to see the dead and some of them have unfinished business, with which only Clark can help them. Full of adventure, danger, love and science fiction, Treasure, Darkly is a story packed with twists and turns. The characters evoke emotion in readers, causing us to either love or hate them but, ultimately, wish for Clark's success and safety.

Treasure Chronicles promises to be an exciting, engaging series for those who love fantasy, science fiction, romance and historical stories. With never a dull moment, Clark Treasure's plight will attract new and old readers of Jordan Elizabeth.
Death of a Gigolo
Death of a Gigolo
Laura Levine | 2019 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jaine’s Latest Adventure is Fun as Always
Freeland writer Jaine Austen has landed a new job, this time for Bel Air heiress Daisy Kincaid. Daisy hires Jaine to write a romance novel entitled Fifty Shades of Turquoise. Jaine is working at Daisy’s house each day, so she is there for the arrival of Tommy, a young man who quickly worms his way into Daisy’s heart while alienating everyone else in Daisy’s life. To everyone’s horror, it isn’t long before the two announce their engagement. But when Tommy is murdered the day before the wedding, Jaine finds herself trying to figure out what really happened. Can she do it?

Yes, there are some strong sub-plots as well. Jaine is back with an ex. Will the romance bloom this time? Or will Jaine’s cat, Prozac, derail everything. Meanwhile, in a series of e-mails, we learn about the latest saga her parents are going through. All I will tell you is it involves a bad haircut and a sculpting class.

Those familiar with the series know what to expect, and they won’t be disappointed. Yes, the murder takes place a little late in the book, but the time isn’t wasted as everything is set up. Once Tommy dies, we are off to the races with plenty of twists and turns. Meanwhile, the two sub-plots weave in and out perfectly. There are tons of laughs along the way as all the stories build to their climaxes. The characters are more caricatures, but they fit this book perfectly. More realistic characters wouldn’t work here. Author Laura Levine used to write sitcoms, and that really is the best way to look at this book – as if your favorite sitcom characters were involved in a murder mystery. The result is light, fun, and delightful. So next time you need to smile, pick up this book.
Deathwatch (Broslin Creek #1)
Deathwatch (Broslin Creek #1)
Dana Marton | 2013 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kat Bridges is the only person able to identify the FBI's most wanted assassin, but despite their protection there is a nearly successful attempt on her life. Now on the run from both the FBI and the assassin she takes refuge in the small town of Broslin Creek. When Murphy Dolan returns injured from active duty and finds her in his house he is at first annoyed but then realises that she needs help. With certain knowledge that she is being tracked by a killer, they both become closer than either of them is prepared for.

The first thing to say about this novel is that the cover does it a disservice in my opinion. It isn't some slushy romance - certainly there are romantic parts but the main part of the story is the gradual unfolding of both Kat and Dolan, their interactions in the small town and the realisation that one of the other people in the town is trying to kill Kat.

All this makes for something of a breathtaking read. The characters - even the minor ones - are realised well, especially as any of them could be gunning for Kat. The main characters work very well and as the story is told from both of their points of view it gives a good insight into what makes them tick - and also how they each need the other in lots of ways.

The assassin plot works well and keeps both the reader and Kat and Dolan on their toes. The action scenes are handled with relish, told in a fast moving but simple style so that they don't get too confusing. All the character interactions are good and realistic.

Definitely a good read if you are looking for a thriller with an undercurrent of romance
P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #2)
P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #2)
Jenny Han | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the first book in this trilogy so much so going into this one, I had expectations. I was nervous to see what happened between John Ambrose McClaren and Lara Jean, especially because I found myself being Team Peter all the way. I think that this book, actually just the series as a whole is one that is just so sweet and pure and I think it's a new take on a love story. I feel like young adult and fiction is so saturated with love stories that it's hard to find good ones, ones that feel real and make your heart stop, the kind of romance stories that would make a good movie, ya know? I really think this series is out of the box and I like the diversity that it brings not only to YA but to the entire romance genre in general.

It's clear that this book is a stepping stone between the first and the third. It's not as fast-paced as the first book and the details that end up mattering aren't always the biggest ones. It's definitely a bridge that I hope will bring the first and the third together in a way that rounds out the story and I'm excited to see what happens in the conclusion of the series.

I love Lara Jean as a character and her innocence. I know that I'm not that far out from being 16, going on 17, but it's easy to get caught up in the facets of adult life and having to take care of everything all the time and be serious and have a lot of responsibilities. What I like the most about this series is how it transports you and next thing you know, you're 16, going on 17, and you're falling in love with Peter Kavinsky alongside Lara Jean Song Covey.
Evvie Drake Starts Over
Evvie Drake Starts Over
Linda Holmes | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh goodness, what can I say about Evvie that hasn't been said before? Nothing, I'm sure. This is such raw, real, funny, and lovely read. Evvie Drake lives alone in her small Maine town. She's recently widowed and the entire town--including her best friend, Andy--thinks her solitude is due to her grief. Meanwhile, in New York, pitcher Dean Tenney is a national joke. He's struggling with the "yips" --Dean can no longer pitch properly, and he has no idea why. Dean is also Andy's childhood friend, and so he accepts an invitation to stay in Evvie's back apartment. She needs the money, and he needs a place to get away. They make a deal: he won't ask about her husband, and she won't ask about baseball. But, even so, the two form an unlikely friendship.

Oh yeah, you say, I can see where this is going. They'll form a "friendship" and it will bloom into something more and yeah, yeah. Well, maybe. But this book is so much more than a typical romance. Evvie is not a romance caricature at all. There is true grief that screams across the pages in this novel--Evvie's and, yes, Dean's too. Dean is not just a celebrity love interest tossed in for fun. You root for him--and for them.

This story, this book. It has these funny moments and cute sections. It's sweet and tender, but there is no schmaltz. And Holmes weaves in pop culture quite seamlessly, too. Evvie and Dean will seem like people to you, your friends, and they will break your hearts, and yet, in the end, maybe mend them too. This is a wonderful read, and I highly recommend it. 4.5 stars.
Anti-Romance (Anti-Romance #1)
Anti-Romance (Anti-Romance #1)
Cassia Leo | 2016
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Huh... 2.5 stars

This was a freebie I downloaded about four years ago and I've put it off for a while because of it's rather bad rating on Goodreads of 3.64. I feel I should point out that most books I read have a rating of between 3.9 and 4.5 stars, so I was wary that I wouldn't like it.

We follow Laney, who writes a blog about her exploits with different men and it's very anti-romance/romance is dead - hence the name of the book. She's currently seeing someone in politics but he gives her an STI and it turns out he is married so she's ready to write her post about him. Then she meets her neighbour Kade, a hot musician who really likes her. And then there's her best friend of years, George, who's been in love with her for years.

I had nothing against Laney spreading the love, really, but I generally prefer to focus on one guy and she was changing between Kade and George rather quickly and easily.

And then the book ended at 49%, mid chapter, mid crisis. It felt too abrupt. Just cut off without some sort of proper ending. I'm understanding it's low rating.

I feel I should also point out that this book is no longer available on Amazon unless you want it as an audiobook and the second part Pro-Love isn't anywhere I can see so I will never know how this story ends. I have to say I was pro Kade since I like the kind of bad boy he seemed to be.

P.S. The best bit for me was probably the four pictures that had hidden penises in them.
Like Candy (Candy #1)
Like Candy (Candy #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*A copy of this book was received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The thing that drew me in with this book was the cover, and then the description. Note that I haven't been on Netgalley in some time, as I've been trying to wittle down my slowly increasing list of books and then just decided to get rid of the ones I got as freebies back when I first got my kindle and would never read.

So back to Like Candy. I was a little wary to start with. I'm a bit picky with genre's at the minute. I'm liking YA, but not really NA. I'm liking Romance but not in the mood for Erotica. Luckily this was more YA than NA to me and the romance aspect of this story drew me in quickly. Just the chance of something happening with Candy after her last failed relationship and the silent-but-really-nice guy that is Jonah...well *sigh* And when it finally did, I was so happy for them. They were so good for each other!

It read as a normal girl-meets-boy story, a nice slow progression, and then we see Candy in her home life and I was a little stumped with that part of the storyline. Her wanting to do what her dad did. It wasn't something I was expecting, especially with all the mystery surrounding what he does. That was the other plot that was threaded through the story, though I wont spoil it by going into much detail.

But for me, it was all about that emotional connection between Candy and Jonah. I loved it. And that bit near the end with them at school almost killed me. But the actual ending? Cliff-hanger worthy!

I definitely need the second book in the series now.<br/>
The Hunter (Boston Belles, #1)
The Hunter (Boston Belles, #1)
L.J. Shen | 2020
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I picked this up for 99p back in July since I do enjoy me an L.J. Shen book now and then.

This starts with Hunter waking up to find he's starred in his own porn film after having an orgy with some girls and a random guy ended up filming it when he joined in. Hunter is now in deep sh*t with his family after a scandal too many and he is forced to move in with a room mate of his dad's choosing - Sailor Brennan. Sailor is an Olympic archery hopeful who has done nothing but train to make the team for years up to the point of neglecting everything else. Tasked with setting Hunter on the straight and narrow they lock horns for a long time before one night changes everything between them.

I don't know with this one. I liked a lot about it - the romance and how it blossomed from something a little unwanted (but super hot) to all hearts and flowers and public declarations. Hunter's progression from manwhore extraordinaire to a one woman man was cute reading. It was the other half of it, Hunter's family and all that drama, that just seemed unnecessary and way OTT. I do - in a way -understand why they did what they did but it was odd to say the least. They are a strange family apart from Hunter and Aisling.

I feel I have to mention Cillian. He is an enigma. One minute he's being a complete d*ck, the next he's being a rather decent guy. I'm intrigued to see inside his head and I'm assuming his romance with a certain Boston Belle - Emmabelle - may be the next book in the series since he couldn't seem to stop staring at her/talking crap about her.
The Kiss Thief
L.J. Shen | 2019
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library.

The Kiss Thief starts with a party - one almost from the 1800's, as Francesca points out - with waltzes and masquerade masks. She wants to kiss her childhood sweetheart Angelo that night but after spilling that secret during a dance with Senator Wolfe Keaton when he goads her, he steals her first kiss by wearing Angelo's mask.

What follows is a lot of political posturing and violence as Wolfe threatens to bring down Francesca's mob father unless he can marry Francesca. It's not a romantic gesture, it's a power play.

Of course, things start to change as they begin to know each other. Feelings start to change. Francesca gets a freedom she never thought she'd get while being a part of The Outfit - the mob. Wolfe is going to allow her to go to college and get a job.

I cried like a baby near the middle of this. Wolfe was a little rough with Francesca and though he instantly regretted it, I had tears pouring down my face at the scene that was playing out in front of me.

This is definitely a bit of a tit-for-tat type story both in regards to the romance, and in the political power plays going on between Wolfe and The Unit. One does something, the other retaliates.

They do finally work things out - and thank God for that! - but not without a lot of ups and downs. I do feel the story finished quite quickly, not the epilogue parts but the last chapter before.

I'm going to keep an eye out for more of the authors books.
QUEST: First Snow Book 1
QUEST: First Snow Book 1
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 25%

This starts with Jemma at school, disappointed that her friend is sick and isn't there to keep her company through the day. Instead the rich (mean) girls of her school take notice of her and ask her to join them at lunch. Jemma is wary but goes with them. Fast forward a week or so and she's at the Darkening Ball (I think that's its name anyway) where the rich farmer families get together to celebrate the days getting shorter (or something like that) and is bullied into wearing a ring by the bitchy Veronika, which ends up transporting her to another dimension/world.

This book was almost 400 pages on my kindle. As I've mentioned in previous reviews, long books are not my favourite unless I get pulled into the story. And I really didn't with this one. It was very... slow. I get the world building and getting to know some of the characters but I'll be brutally honest: I was bored. The description made it sound rather intriguing but the pace of it all was dragging along at it's own sweet pace. It was taking way too long for anything to happen and in the end, I just gave up at 25%.

Up to that point, there had been very little romance in the story. Jemma had a crush on Aaron - and had done for a while - but Aaron hadn't really shown any particular feelings for Jemma (yet). As a romance reader, I did feel like it was lacking in that respect.

One thing I feel I should be cheering was that it was set in Yorkshire. Woo! Think this is the first book I've read that's been set in my lovely county.