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Merissa (11800 KP) created a post

Apr 7, 2021  
Look it!
The cover for Blood Pact with City Owl Press is Revealed.
This is the latest in Courtney Maguire's Youkai Bloodlines Series, a.k.a., gay Japanese vampires. *wiggles eyebrows* You know you want it.
About the Book:
In Hiro’s world, youkai are a supernatural story used to scare children into obedience, and to keep men out of back alleys and brothels. Until Sakurai Hideyoshi walks through his door with a fantastical tale of a samurai who had killed a thousand men and drank the blood of his enemies, a man that lived in darkness but sought beauty to keep it at bay.

A story both terrifying and romantic…and completely ridiculous.

Unless it is true.

Convinced something softer lurks behind Hideyoshi’s hard mask, Hiro follows him home. And discovers the story is real.

Only instead of the blood of his enemies, it is innocent blood taken.

Hideyoshi tells him never to return. Yet after Hiro’s mother is mortally wounded, Hiro runs back to the one being he knows with the power to save her. When Hideyoshi can’t, Hiro begs him for the next best thing: the power to avenge her.

As Hiro becomes youkai, he faces a new threat, something darker, older, and far more dangerous. With Hideyoshi at his side, Hiro must decide what he’s willing to sacrifice--and what he’s willing to do--to protect this new life before he loses everything for a second time.

If you like Bella Forrest, P. C. Cast, AJ Tipton, or Anne Rice, you will love this beautiful dark paranormal fantasy romance.

Publisher: City Owl Press (May 4, 2021)
Releases on: May 4, 2021
Genre: LGBTQIA Dark Historical Paranormal Romance
Language: English
ISBN: 9781648980831

Buy Links:
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Crash (Crash, #1)
Crash (Crash, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 Stars
This story is not full of rainbows and butterflies. There are no moments that make your heart swell with overwhelming happiness, or when tears of joy threaten to spill over, or even when you feel that satisfaction of a happy ending. Heck no, Crash is absolutely not that story - and I've never been so grateful. I'm a romance fan, through and through, but sometimes I come across too many that are so sweet, I almost feel sick when I'm finished reading (once I come down from the high of a happily ever after, of course). I'd been searching for a book that had the romance quality but offered a twist, a dark element that would keep me on my toes and pique my interest. I found it, thanks to an e-mail that offers free Ebooks. From the beginning, I knew Stranger (as I've dubbed him) was different: his eyes were too cold, his expression was too rough, his demeanor was too rugged; which is how I immediately knew I'd found what I was looking for. Drew Jordan gave me the element of a love story, but she wrapped it up in a beautiful black bow accompanied with thorns. Each chapter had me falling more and more in love with the tale, even if that concerns me slightly. I love how honest and raw it is, how Laney is completely truthful, even if her thoughts don't make sense. The secrets were probably my favorite part - I believed Laney was this sweet little girl who was slowly becoming tainted by this stranger, but I eventually realized there's more to her than meets the eye. I'm very excited to read Hide, the next book in the Crash series, and I look forward to revealing more deep, dark secrets from both Laney and Stranger.

Kate (482 KP) rated The Birthday List in Books

Oct 19, 2020  
The Birthday List
The Birthday List
Devney Perry | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heart warming read (0 more)
Slightly sad (0 more)
I loved this book. It was a romance but with a sad side to it. This made it feel more real. Some romance books can be a bit samey but this was slightly different. It took a couple of chapters to get into but once I got into it I couldn't put it down. I felt what Poppy was trying to achieve stopped her moving on but she felt it would help her to move on and ultimately it did. I loved the characters in the book except maybe Jamie's parents but their attitude can be understood.
I'm glad Poppy opens up to Cole and accepts his help in completing the list. It really brings them together. The author's descriptions of the characters and scenes made the book come to life. I could really see everything one and every place in my minds eye. In doing the list Poppy grew as a person and she became a much stronger person. She had to relearn how to love and let people on and she really did that. Before the end I was worried and I thought it was all over but I'm glad it changed around. The book had an epilogue and I love when books have this as it doesn't leave you wondering what happened. I think it ties everything up nicely. This book was me smile despite the initial sadness.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. It is definitely has an intended audience of 25's up. Anyone is having a rough time I would recommend them to read this book as it goes to show how things can and will get better. And things/people will come along when you lease expect them to.
This starts with Kira trying to get to one of her enemies destroyed ships so she can salvage parts and other things from it, making her way through a field of broken ship parts to get there. She finally makes it on board and salvages several parts but not without incident, heading back to her ship to find out something is now broken and they need to head to a station to buy the part. While there she comes to the rescue of some children and draws the attention of the Tuann, a race of beings who claim she is one of them. She is coerced into going with them to one of their planets by the leader of the group, Graydon, and lots of things come to light - including an intense attraction.

I actually got quite into this, more than i expected to considering sci-fi is not really my type of thing. Loads of stuff kept happening and kept me entertained. Secrets came to light, a romance was blooming, people thought dead were coming back out of the woodwork...

It was really well thought out and written and we learnt things about Kira in dribs and drabs that kept us guessing about her and what happened in her past until we learnt even more. It was great. The ending had me intrigued enough to go and buy book 2 straight away.

I'll admit that the above is mostly down to the romance that was slowly brewing between Kira and Graydon and the little fact that he's not letting her leave - which I find quite funny, because Kira was ready for killing him about it, and because I am excited to see what happens there romantically.
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

This was a bargain £1 book from my favourite sells-pretty-much-everything store, The Works. I'd been eyeing the book online for a while in the stores 3 for £5 promotion they do but wasn't sure if it was something I'd enjoy as I can be really picky with my chick-lit.

Sunshine & Secrets starts with Amelia (Millie) at the airport, ready to go spend some time with her mum but instead gets a phone call from her sister with a great opportunity in St Lucia where she can help a successful chef open a Paradise Cookery School. The lady wanting to open the school has had an accident and broken her leg and can't fly out yet so Millie is left arranging the inputting of the top notch kitchen and checking the recipes the chef want to do with her clients are as good as they can be.

While on the island she meets some of the locals and people from the UK who stayed there after falling in love with the serene life. The Purple Parrot - a local bar - becomes her favourite place away from the Villa and she makes friends with its clientele, including the Villa's estate manager, Zach.

The secrets part of the title only really comes into play towards the end when it turns out some people have been using the cocoa husks of the Villa's trees for illegal deeds.

This book focused more on the food and island portion of things, whereas I would have preferred more of the romance aspect between Millie and Zach, although I understand that both characters are going to be in the next book, too. However, I don't think I will bother reading it.
Undertow (The UnderCity Chronicles #1)
Undertow (The UnderCity Chronicles #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3½ out of 5 stars.

*I received this copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The cover grabbed my attention straight away; it looks dark and kinda scary. I like to read a bit of everything as long as it has some romance to it, so.

The prologue definitely grabbed my attention and left me wondering what was down there in the tunnels under New York City.

Fast forward eighteen years, Lindsay and Jack now are thirty-three, and she needs his help. When she finally manages to get him to agree, they head underground and I was amazed at the detailed description of the communities they come across, and the variety. Some seemed rather crazy while others were pretty laid back. It was interesting.

We see from both Lindsay and Jack’s POV, which turns out to be very interesting. He tries to act like he doesn’t care about her (in Lindsay’s POV), I think in an attempt to keep himself removed from the rest of the world after what he went through at the hands of the Moles. Then seeing from his own POV that he does care and that he does want to help her. I like him: a LOT.

Seeing the occasional flashback of Jack’s time being held underground by the Moles was kinda creepy. What they did to him… *shudders*

It’s hard to go into too much detail about this book without giving some stuff away but I was drawn into the book easily. Maybe it was the romance aspect that was present from early on or maybe it was the mystery about what was down in the Undercity. Whatever it was, I liked it.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Written in Red (The Others, #1) in Books

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 3, 2019)  
Written in Red (The Others, #1)
Written in Red (The Others, #1)
Anne Bishop | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well I thought this one started on a bit of intrigue. Where had Meg come from? What were these scars she had? How had she so new

I found this really hard to put down, if I'm honest, the story really pulled me in and despite there not being much of a romance, I'll admit I was hooked. I loved the innocence of Meg and her just being really nice to everyone, which equally confused them and made them want to protect her. It was nice seeing them turn from scary "other" beings to almost friendly. Especially with Meg. She became one of them. Part of their family.

Despite its lack of romance--I can't decide if something may happen between Meg and Simon in the future--I enjoyed this. It had a few elements of horror style things in--at the beginning and towards the end some trespassers are eaten alive and then some detailed snow related deaths towards the end--but although I didn't enjoy that bit so much, I forgot about it quickly enough.

I loved how every species of other in the Courtyard had their own little traits. The Crows with the "shiny". The wolves with their "arroooo" greetings. Tess with her living hair. The Hawks and their love of rats and mice. The elementals and their horses.

It was really well thought out and though it was almost 500 kindle pages long, I didn't lose interest once.

I'm interested enough in this group of characters to carry on the series. I even read the excerpt for the next book and it HAS given me hope for something more between Meg and Simon so I will be buying the next book at some point in the future.

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, #1) in Books

Aug 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 3, 2019)  
Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, #1)
Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, #1)
Larissa Ione | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Admittedly it's been a while since I read and enjoyed a paranormal romance but since that's what 75% of my paperbacks are at the minute, I decided to try this series.

And I was pulled in fairly quickly. It was straight into the action at Eidolon's demonic underground hospital in New York dealing with injuries and his brothers. And Tayla--an Aegis, the demons mortal enemy--ends up being one of his patients.

Within the first 25 pages we had a rather steamy sex scene and though I was surprised by the enemies turned lovers actions, I was intrigued on what would end up happening. Would she betray the Aegis for him? Would he defend her against all the demons who wanted her dead?

It was pretty non stop with stuff going on. It wasn't always just from Eidolon and Tayla's POV. We saw the odd scene from someone related to the hospital who was being hunted by the Aegis and I was very anti-Aegis from pretty early on.
"Tayla...she rocked his underworld"
This was a quote from early on in the book but I found it accurate and rather sweet. The romance was rocky, one minute they were all over each other and the next trying to kill each other--literally. I actually really liked the turmoil, the angst, and devoured the book in about two days when I finally just sat down and started it properly.

There is a story arc starting in this one that involves Gem, a half demon, and her want of Kynan, a human, that we see playing out in the occasional scene that has me intrigued and I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out in the next book.

I have book 2, Desire Unchained, and book 5, Sin Undone, in paperback, too, and look forward to reading them.
More Than Maybe
More Than Maybe
Erin Hahn | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was one of the best books I've read in ages and absolutely perfect for right now. It was one of those reads that just make you smile while flipping the pages. I adored Luke and Vada. I found it completely refreshing to pick up a romance where our couple liked each other from the beginning--even if they didn't know it--versus the "hate to love" trope.

Hahn has given us such a fun book. The sweetest characters. A book packed full of musical references. (She dropped in a Guster one, and I about died.) If you love music, you will get lost in this book. If you love well-written characters who are vulnerable and realistic and just pop off the pages, you will find yourself immersed in this book. There is nothing saccharine or silly about about More Than Maybe. Luke and Vada--as they get to know each other and fall deeper in love while sharing music links--are just so tender and cute. While Vada and Luke are falling in love, they are finding their way and themselves. The story is told from both of their POVs, letting us get to know both of them.

The supporting cast in Maybe is excellent, especially Phil, who doubles as a boyfriend for Vada's mom and a father figure for Vada. He's wonderful, and also joined by Cullen (Luke's twin) and good turns by both Luke and Vada's BFFs. Family is important here and they are not shortchanged.

Overall, I needed a book to make me happy, and More Than Maybe did not disappoint. An excellent romance, lots of fun music, and a great story with surprising depth. Absolutely loved this one. 4.5 stars.
Brink of Eternity (Guardians of Ascension #2.5)
Brink of Eternity (Guardians of Ascension #2.5)
Caris Roane | 2011 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I managed to confuse myself a bit with this book because I have recently read Awakening (Rapture's Edge #1) and managed to completely miss the following Reader's Advisory - "Awakening is a paranormal romance novel, a vampire romance with a fantasy edge, of the Rapture’s Edge Series. The series is preceded by two related books: BRINK OF ETERNITY and THE DARKENING. RAPTURE’S EDGE is part of the Guardians of Ascension Saga!"

So starting this book, I immediately travelled back in time to before Rachel and Duncan got together, as Elise and Gideon try to figure out just what it is that's going on with them, dealing with death vampires and going through Elise's ascension.

This book is full of intensity and action, both between the sheets and out of it. Elise is a feisty character who knows what she wants and how to get it. The only difficulty she has is figuring out if someone can be by her side or if she will continue to walk alone. Elise and Gideon have already had a relationship which ended by mutual consent, but they both still feel the attraction. Secrets and personal fears though have a way of getting involved and in the way as they try to figure out what is going on between them.

The characters in this book are all wonderfully written and it was actually really good to read about them in a different context, even if it was from an earlier time than what I had already read. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 14, 2015