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Captured by Love (Michigan Brides, #3)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful story about how life was kind of dealt with at that time. This story tell about the battle of 1812. There a lovely story about two people and their love. They have a few thing to go though. Their tail and error and you do learn about the fur trading and much more. It is really cool and fun way to see how the battle of 1812.There adventures in the book as well. It a book with leaves you wanting more. I so really would love to have read the other two books in series. I tend to do so at some point. Love history well this a book for you. Love American history this is a book for you as well. It has Romance in it as well. It's a great book all around.
Reading Up a Storm focuses more on characters outside of the library staff than the first two novels in the series, and Lucy has a new friend in this one who is accused of murder. Of course she doesn't trust that the police will see past her friend Stephanie's apparent motive for the crime, and is soon getting herself into trouble asking questions and trying to solve the case by herself. She probably figured it out long before I did, but it was gratifying to find that the killer was the person I suspected, for once.

And for those of you who enjoy a little romance with your cozy mystery - I love where the author has taken the romantic triangle that was developing in the first two books. I can't say anything more without spoilers, but I was very pleased with the outcome.
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
1971 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Anti-semitic pogroms in the Russian pale don't sound like the stuff of fabulous family entertainment, but this is one of the last truly classic movie musicals. Lovable Jewish milkman Tevye finds the ground shifting under his feet as his daughters begin to reject the husbands he has arranged for them, marry for love, and even consider romance with people of other faiths. Is nothing sacred any more?

Performed with great gusto by a rather eclectic cast, but it's Topol's ebullient performance that carries the movie along, keeping the audience firmly on Tevye's side even when his faith forces him into some harsh choices. Some heartbreakingly lovely songs, although the downbeat trajectory of the movie (opening in a hopeful spring and concluding in a winter of bitter misery) may be slightly off-putting for some. A heartfelt and very moving film.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I am definitely in love with this book. Case closed. There's time travel, vampires, merpeople, shifters, and a mystery to solve before something huge goes down. And did I mention the love triangle? I have yet to decide who I want to win Sage's heart, because I like them both!! This story has action, suspense, drama, romance, humor, and it's just such an amazing book, I couldn't put it down! (Seriously, I read it in one afternoon, I couldn't tear myself away!!) I'm looking forward to the day when a sequel is released, because I just can't deal with that ending, I need closure!

*Sorry for all the exclamation points, but I just loved it so much! =)*

5 stars through the roof
Captured by Love (Michigan Brides, #3)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful story about how life was kind of dealt with at that time. This story tell about the battle of 1812. There a lovely story about two people and their love. They have a few thing to go though. Their tail and error and you do learn about the fur trading and much more. It is really cool and fun way to see how the battle of 1812.There adventures in the book as well. It a book with leaves you wanting more. I so really would love to have read the other two books in series. I tend to do so at some point. Love history well this a book for you. Love American history this is a book for you as well. It has Romance in it as well. It's a great book all around.
Into the Whirlwind
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book the most. It was the best written book so far for a historical fiction book. I love the fact that his is about history of event that happen in Chicago. It has some romance but not whole lot in it. This book is about the Chicago fire. It is cool that it tell you about the people and how people dealt with the fire.

I really talks about the aftermath of the great Chicago fire. It detail the what happens to some of the buildings and what the neighbors did for the city and new change came about. If you really like history or interest in history of the US then this book is for you. Remember this book has some fiction but it still go learning tool to learn about American history in some ways.
Tiger's Curse (The Tiger Saga, #1)
Tiger's Curse (The Tiger Saga, #1)
Colleen Houck | 2011 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars. I have read this book multiple times although it has been a while. I still enjoy the characters although the love aspect is a little trite to me. Kelsey is a great character full of emotion if a little naive and stubborn. Yes, there are somethings that happen too easily for her and she is a bit more go with the flow than one would really expect however it doesnt distract from the whole of the story. As a world building book i found it quite enjoyable and a pleasant read. Even if romance isn't your thing (it's not mine) the cross-cultural mythology is fantastic, literary licencing or not. Also some of the side characters are a little more than stereotypes which is a reason for the half star. The imagery is wonderful.
I adore reading Christmas books! I think I may have mentioned that a few times this year. I love the time of year and reading books specifically centered around winter and Christmas just makes everything more special. This collection of Christmas novellas is a great way to boost the Christmas spirit. Full of faith, romance, and all things Christmas.

From Wyoming to Washington, you will be swept off your feet as these couples conquer the odds and true love prevails.

Snuggle up in your favorite reading spot with a blanket and mug of your favorite steaming beverage (if you have a fireplace, even better), and get lost in the mountains of the west.

I received a copy of Mountain Christmas Brides from Carrie Turansky as a gift. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

David McK (3361 KP) rated Divergent in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Veronica Roth | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (140 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Dear Katniss Everdeen,

I desperately want to be like you ..."

So might read the opening words of my (imaginary) letter written by the protaganist of this series to the protaganist of the (more famous) Hunger Games series, as there are (more than) a few similarities in common: both novels are set in a dystopian future, both feature a female protaganist, both have some PG-rated romance thrown in, and both deal with themes of family.

Actually, on second thoughts: maybe I'm being a bit unfair on Tris Prior - if this novel had come along first (instead of [b:The Hunger Games|2767052|The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)|Suzanne Collins||2792775]), my imaginary letter may well have started with:

"Dear Tris Prior

I desperately want to be like you ..."

I read this on recommendation from my dad, and, I must admit, while I went in not expecting much from it, I was actually quite pleasantly surprised and found it to be quite enjoyable.

I beleive there is now something like 18 books in the eries; this is the very first that introduces us to the central character of Amelia Peabody: a Victorian heiress at the turn of the century. I'm also not really sure how to classify this novel, as it combines elements of mystery, action/adventure, romance and comedy, with the central character of Amelia herself being a bit of a know-it-all (she's always right, even after the fact).

Will I read more in the series? Probably, but I don't know if they are books I would go out of my way to look for.