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Puddle Jumping (Puddle Jumping, #1)
Puddle Jumping (Puddle Jumping, #1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I'll start by saying that the only reason I read this was because of this reading list on BookLikes:

And let me tell you I'm glad I did because this was an awesome story of romance between a girl and a boy and how they deal with Asperger's. It wasn't told traditionally, it was told from Lilly's memories and it was amazing reading, seeing how she went about trying to make Colton fit in and be seen as normal.

I'll admit I cried for a good portion of the book near the end and up to the Epilogue I wasn't sure about how it was going to end. Luckily there was a HEA or I would have had to mark it down a few stars for breaking my heart.

Really good story.
Escorted (Escorted, #1)
Escorted (Escorted, #1)
Claire Kent | 2012 | Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm a sucker for a good romance/love story and, for me, this was just that.

I loved it from the start, when Lori's worrying over meeting Ander and phoning her cousin for advice, to finish, when they are taking things slow and explaining certain points about their times together.

It was funny in places and romantic.

Reading how Ander's changed as he got to know her more was really sweet but Lori was a bit too blind to it from early on and I wanted to scream at her. She eventually realised but by then she was determined to push him away... *sigh* Lori...

Everything worked out in the end, though, so yay!

I devoured this in one sitting, which shows just how into the book I was (finishing it at 1am this morning), and I look forward to reading more from the author.
Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)
Geek Girl (Geek Girl, #1)
Holly Smale | 2013 | Children
6.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating

I've been eyeing this book up for a few months now. Every time I go in my local Asda Living I hum and ahh over whether to buy it but I wasn't sure if I'd like it. But then I saw it as a Kindle deal and just decided to buy it.

This was a quick easy read but I never really fell into the story. I didn't gel with it that much. I don't know if it was Harriets total geekiness-slash-clumsiness-slash-doesnt know when to shut-up-ness but up until the last 15% or so I found her so awkward as a character.

That's why I wasn't really expecting anything romance wise but that end bit has me a little intrigued as to where things could go with her and Nick so I may just have to buy the next book at some point.
Strength (Curse of the Gods, #4)
Strength (Curse of the Gods, #4)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

I think I lost interest somewhere in the middle for a short while as my week off started and I did things I've been wanting to do for a while but I jumped back in today and pretty much finished the last 45% in one sitting.

I'm liking the thing--well, romance, I'm assuming--between Neutral and Emmy, that could be interesting so I'm going to read book 4.5 next.

As for the rest of this one. We're getting more answers to the questions that have arisen over the last three books and the father of Willa is definitely an intriguing one if it is who was mentioned towards the end of this one.

Pica had me grinning like an idiot at the end. She LOVES everything! It was so funny to read the group's feelings towards her and her attitude to life.
The African Queen (1951)
The African Queen (1951)
1951 | Drama, Romance, War

"A romance between a beat up, tired, old, raggedy-ass drunkard hanging on by a thread and one last hurrah. There’s a theme in the film that I love. To see the two of them [Humphrey Bogart and Kathryn Hepburn], the chemistry was so magical. It was so easy and fun. They were having so much fun. Clearly. It was like watching a tennis match between two of the best players of all time. Just effortless. And they tell this phenomenal story. I’m a sucker for those. [Hepburn] had a similar chemistry with lots of people, with Spencer Tracy in the Pat and Mike film, it was just sparkle and fun. Going back and forth between her and Bogie and they let Bogie play this guy, this stumbling bumbling [does impression “Well, Ma’am”] which was great, he just went there. John Huston did a brilliant job with that thing."

3.5 stars.

I dunno with this one. I'm hit and miss with D/s books. Sometimes I like them sometimes I don't. This one, that side of the story, I'm not that big a fan of. I don't always understand it, and I think that was definitely the case with this one.

I loved the storyline and everything--minus the above mentioned thing, anyway--the kidnapping and the owner who isn't all bad. The romance between them. I think it was the sex side of things, I skipped through the first one (at least I think it was the first one? About half way through?) and skimmed the rest, looking for the more romantic take on it all.

Hmm. I'm not sure if I'm intrigued enough to continue the series. I'll think about in my sleep and see how I feel in the morning.
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Celaena was just what I liked in a character; bad arse, beautiful and someone who gives as good as she gets.

The cover is great and grabs your attention but at the same time slightly deceiving (it was what put me off buying it for so long) as it makes the book look so fantasy-esque when in fact, it's about a young (blonde) girl who rediscovers her femininity while kicking other guys arses in Tests she has to go through to become the King's Assassin, while at the same time trying to unearth an evil force.

This was an adventure, with high and lows and awww's and ewww's and I was hooked from the very first page.

The romance aspect caught me up in it too, though I think I'm 100% in Chaol's court.

Looking forward to reading Crown of Midnight now to see what happens next!
The Great Ex-Scape
The Great Ex-Scape
Jo Watson | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this is my third book by the author and joint favourite with Love to Hate You and my second read in the Destination Love series. I liked this one more than After the Rain because they got up to so much stuff and the romance was pretty cute. Slow going but inevitable because they were so great for each other. I absolutely loved the journey around Reunion Island--it sounds like an amazing place and I could easily imagine the characters getting up to the mischief they did on such a lovely setting.

I also loved the bits of humour that were thrown in here and there and I did have to bite back laughter a few times at the craziness of what was going on.

I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for more of this authors books in the future.
The Immortals: Evermore
The Immortals: Evermore
Alyson Noel | 2009 | Children
7.3 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this, but some things just seemed a little strange, like their romance. It just seemed to happen without much build-up. Sure she liked him and everyone assumed they were going out...but when did it actually start to happen? It just seemed to happen between one chapter and the next...

The names of the characters were a little strange too, and I kept getting confused between Haven and Honor; one being Ever's friend and the other someone who didn't like her.

As for the storyline, it was fairly new to me and I was intrigued as to where it was going, though it seemed to take a long time to actually get there. The style was easy for me to get into and I found myself not wanting to put it down.

I'm straight onto book 2, Blue Moon, to see where the stories going to go next.
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
2005 | Drama, History, War
Watch the Directors Cut instead.
I remember that, back in the early 2000s, there was a sudden surge in the 'Historical epic' sub genre of movies, largely as a result of 2000s 'Gladiator'

This was one such movie.

Set in a little known period of history, between the Second and Third Crusades, this follows the exploits of the blacksmith Balian (Orlando Bloom), who follows his estranged father Baron Godfrey (Liam Neeson) to Jerusalem to attempt to atone for his sins.

Of course, being a movie, he then goes on to be involved in many great events, from shipwreck to meeting Saladin and (eventually) leading the defence if Jerusalem.

Not bad, but maybe a bit long and slow, with The Directors Cut doing a better job of tying the themes together, including a whole subplot largely dropped from the theatrical release regarding the romance he becomes involved in.