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A Walk to Remember (2002)
A Walk to Remember (2002)
2002 | Drama, Romance
7.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Whenever you get opposites collide you will see sparks fly in a love story. This has a good message for the teenage audience who believe being popular can make you different when it is the people around you that you ignore that make the difference in people’s lives. The story shows how powerful love is and once you first feel it, it can be so hard to stop the feeling. (8/10)


Actor Review: Shane West – Landon the bad boy of the school who falls for the outsider. Shane is a good in the lead role showing how letting someone you’re your life can change you forever. (8/10)


Actor Review: Mandy Moore – Jamie the outsider who goes to church and everything Landon dislikes. Good performance playing the role trying to avoid a romance but in the end it becomes the best thing to ever happen to her. (8/10)


Director Review: Adam Shankman – Good direction showing all the emotional levels very well. (8/10)


Drama: Very good drama showed how people will deal with such a head part of life. (8/10)

Romance: Great romances showing how when you find that one person you will do everything to make sure they are you’re everything. (9/10)

Chemistry: Great chemistry between Landon and Jamie. (9/10)

Believability: This sort of heart breaking situation does happen. (8/10)

Chances of Tears: Pretty high chance. (7/10)

Suggestion: This is something I would suggest to someone lost for ideas for date night, it is full of heart break but they story is so very touching. (Date Night)


Best Part: Landon and Jamie’s first date.

Favourite Quote: Landon ‘Our love is like the wind, I can’t see it but I sure can feel it.’

Trivia: Shane West bought the car he uses in the film.

Oscar Chances: No

Chances of Sequel: No


Overall: A tragic love story that will pull some heart strings, bring the tissues.
I can't tell you how precious the Bradford family is. A history of heartache, bonds that no one can beak, loyalty, love, forgiveness...As we learn more about the sisters and the family, we come to see that even though these are fictional characters, God's plans can take even the worst situations and turn them into good for His glory.

It was interesting reading Willow and Corbin's story because although the details were vastly different, my husband and I have a similar story. We dated for a while, broke up, I moved to Africa and he went off to boot camp...But God wasn't done with us yet. Through God's grace and forgiveness, He brought us back together and we are now going on 7 years of marriage. 😍 Corbin and Willow go through so much in this book. Willow's battle with unforgiveness (not only for Corbin but for herself) is something that I think many of us can relate to. We know God forgives us, but can we forgive ourselves? Can we truly believe that our loving Father wants to BLESS us with immeasurable joy? Or do we think we are unworthy of such love?

I love that Becky Wade infuses her stories with a bit of mystery alongside the romance. I love trying to solve the problems alongside the characters. She writes her stories in such a way that you just HAVE to read ONE more chapter!!!

Set in my home state, I love the setting she chose for Bradfordwood. It's truly a beautiful area. Even if it is the "rainy" side. LOL!

Filled with Biblical truths, heartache, mystery, romance, and forgiveness, Falling for You will sweep you off your feet and I pray open your eyes of the love and forgiveness that our heavenly Father carries for us all. YES....even you!

I received a complimentary copy of Falling for You from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast paced and filled with all the adventure, suspense, comedy, and romance that I have come to expect from Mary Connealy.

The Boden clan is a family that I am sad to say, I only JUST met in Long Time Gone. Even though I was able to pick up the gist of the story pretty quickly, I would suggest that you begin with book 1, No Way Up before diving into this one.

Angie and Justin are two peas in a pod. They really were made for each other and I just loved watching them bicker, tease, and fall in love. And they are both stubborn as mules. Justin, inexperienced when it comes to females, is adorable as he tries to sort out his feelings for Angie. Wanting to protect her, but trying not to come across as a dictator. Angie, still healing from the wounds of the past, is learning how to be her own woman, standing up for herself, defending herself. But we weren't made to do everything alone. That is why God sends us a partner to stand beside us, to fight with us. And above all we must never forget to lean on God for protection and strength. To trust that He is leading us down the right road. That no matter where life leads us, He will be by our side.

Mary's books have the great ability to make you laugh out loud, hold your breath in anticipation, shake your head in frustration, and curl your toes with the sweet romance.

Set in New Mexico Territory in 1880, we get to meet both outlaws and cowboys. Full of adventure and some hair raising escapades, Long Time Gone is sure to capture your attention, and the characters, your heart.

I received a complimentary copy of Long Time Gone from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
I LOVE this series. By the end of this book I had tears streaming down my face because of the beauty of the conclusion. (Second series that I have completed this week...GAH!) I admit that these last two books have been especially hard to read, emotionally. There is so much that happens, that definitely pulled on my heart. However, Roseanna pulled it all together wonderfully. Allowing for healing, forgiveness, trust and freedom. How does one go through life without trust in God? I am so very thankful to have been raised in a Christian home. Trusting in the Lord though, can be easier said than done. I never fully understood the peace and the rest that comes when you can fully trust God to guide you and lead your steps. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes dire circumstances for us to be able to get to that place.

Lady Ella is someone that I would love to have as a friend. She has joy that cannot be dissuaded and hope that cannot be deterred. It was so much fun to see characters from the other books make their appearance again. I especially love the interaction between the three heroes from the books. I was laughing out loud at their antics. But as much as I adore Stafford and Nottingham, Cayton is my favorite. Let's just say artistic AND loves Shakespeare...yup...My favorite! A beautiful story set in 1913, England, and filled with mystery, adventure, romance, betrayals, forgiveness, and more romance...You do not want to pass up the conclusion to the Ladies of the Manor and the curse of the Fire Eyes. To truly enjoy the story, I recommend starting with The Lost Heiress, Brooke's tale is one full of adventure and sets the stage for this series brilliantly.

I received a free copy of A Lady Unrivaled from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Perfect Husband
The Perfect Husband
Buffy Andrews | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plenty of romance (2 more)
Well written
Very dark and pyschologically suspenseful
Fantastic And Addictive!
When Shelly's marriage ends in divorce, she's left completely devastated and feeling like she's never going to find love again. Then she meets Eric after joining an online dating agency, and he's handsome, caring, and everything she has ever wanted. From romantic dates to expensive gifts, it's as if she's in a dream.

But just when Shelly thinks she's finally found her perfect match, she begins to realize that all is not as it seems. As the cracks start to develop, perhaps Eric isn't everything she thought he was. Will her dream become a nightmare?

Shelly is very much in love and is blissfully unaware of and ignores all the warning signs that Eric is unwittingly giving out.

"He was making me feel things I'd never felt before. And there, at that moment, blanketed by his warm kisses and tender love, I felt like I was in heaven and I knew I would never be the same."

Her best friend, Jackie and her work colleagues are also equally charmed by him.

"He's incredible, .....I can certainly see why you're falling in love with him. He's so generous......."

Then the warning triggers come, that all is not right with Eric.

"You should download a GPS tracker app on your cell phone so I can keep tabs on you."

"You're joking, right?"

"Not really........"

After Shelly and Eric marry, outgoing, attractive, confident Shelly is frequently accused of flirtatious behaviour with other men and is forced into sex acts and acting out her husband's fantasies. She becomes a shadow of herself, whilst keeping up the pretence of a perfect marriage.

This novel is a fantastic and addictive read and I was very impressed with the author's writing style. Although there is plenty of romance, it is also a very dark, psychologically suspenseful novel and certainly not all hearts and flowers.
<i>This eBook was provided by one of the authors in exchange for an honest review

Chronology </i>is a large anthology of stories published at the beginning of 2015 by Curiosity Quills Press. Twenty-Four of Curiosity Quill’s greatest authors feature in this lengthy book providing stacks of entertainment for a wide audience. The stories vary in length and genre, however the most common themes are steampunk and the paranormal.

Males and females alike can enjoy the stories featured in <i>Chronology</i>, although not all the tales will appeal to personal tastes. Although the majority contains scientific or supernatural elements, there are other themes combined with them, for example romance and history. On the other hand you can be sure to expect werewolves, mermaids, demons, ghosts and the undead.

It is difficult to review the whole book in general, as there were some stories I liked and others that did not hold my attention. This, I expect, will be the case for many, if not all, readers. One story, or novella – it was rather lengthy – that I particularly enjoyed was <i>Wind-Up Hearts</i> by Stan Swanson. Containing numerous themes – steampunk, romance, history and contemporary/future setting – I was captivated by the two key characters and their predicament. Due to having mechanical hearts, Henry and Emily have lived for well over 100 years, watched the world change around them, yet stayed friends regardless. Yet Henry yearns for something more.

The good thing about an anthology of different authors’ works is that, while you cannot love everything, you are bound to find something you enjoy. It is great for busy people or those that cannot commit to a lengthy novel; one can dip in and out, picking and choosing which story to read. Although the authors may not be widely known, it is worth giving the anthology a chance. You may find a new author whose writing is perfect for you.
Outlaw King (2018)
Outlaw King (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, History
Clear passion to retell the story (1 more)
Excellent battle scene
Pace (0 more)
After seeing an advert for the Outlaw King, I was excited to watch the movie. Despite this I found that the film missed my expectations, and I found that it became almost boring in places.

The writers of the outlaw king had a clear passion to retell the story of Robert Bruce and his fight to regain the Scottish crown from the English in the early Plantagenet period. To the best of my knowledge, the story was told as accurately as possible, however this did mean that there were a lot of scenes centred around the politics of Roberts plight. The slower scenes were unbalanced with the battle scenes which meant that the pace of the story dipped many times during the film - I have to confess it took me three attempts to watch it in full as a result of this.

As the writers tried to cram too much into such a short film, I found that the movie had a bit of an identity crisis - was this an action, romance or political film? Had the writers focused on just one area, I believe the movie would have been a lot more watchable, instead the movie felt overloaded.

The acting in general was okay, and reasonably well cast, except for the relationship between Robert Bruce and his wife. I struggled to believe the romance between the two actors. Although this is ultimately my opinion, I struggled to believe that what was ultimately an arranged marriage between the two, could rest in the two characters falling for each other as quickly as the film portrayed.

In general, the film is watchable, although it is not one I would go to as a first choice. There are some good parts of the film, for example the relationship between Robert and his men, and the final battle scene. The film also teaches us about part of Scottish history that tends to be overlooked by many schools during history lessons.
Valentine&#039;s Day (2010)
Valentine's Day (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Romance
6.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ashton Kutcher has put down his pranks and camera to return to the big screen leading in this star packed Los Angeles romantic comedy. This feature ties together stories of love, truth, and romance, all taking place within the span of a single Valentine’s Day. The film considers relationships from multiple angles and does a fantastic job intertwining individual stories into a single plotline. Yet before preparing for another “Love Actually” let it be know that the tone of “Valentine’s Day” is entirely its own.

As previously mentioned the cast is comprised of film and television stars including but not limited to Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Hector Elizondo, Queen Latifah and not one but two Jessicas (Biel and Alba). As if that were not enough to drawn in big numbers at the box office, “Valentine’s Day” also stars Jennifer Garner, Jamie Foxx, as well as the Mc-actors from Grey’s Anatomy (Patrick Dempsey and Eric Dane). Still not convinced? Then add in Shirley MacLaine, George Lopez and both Taylors (Swift and Lautner) and you’ve got yourself a guaranteed hit, but does the film actually utilize this outstandingly one of a kind cast? Actually it does.

The film is unexpectedly scattered with all the ups and downs of Valentine’s Day from pink and red color schemes to an anti-Valentine’s piñata beat down. All of the scenes are either engaging and honest or delightful and light covering romantic scenarios that truly run the gauntlet. Seriously where else are you going to see Julia Roberts in fatigues and Anne Hathaway as an adult phone entertainer?

I honestly wish there was more to gripe about considering that this film is just a fun romantic comedy, but “Valentine’s Day” is fresh and enjoyable for every minute of the film. Much funnier than I ‘d expected and not insultingly mushy, Valentine’s Day is a perfect date movie which will be a surprise hit even for those romance cynics.
The Rest of The Story
The Rest of The Story
Sarah Dessen | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ll start by saying that this book is very much not my usual area of reading choice, no mention of murder at all - shock horror!! I tend to only read YA occasionally and run for the hills at the mere hint of the word romance or self-discovery but in the name of the book club and expanding my reading outlook I dived in.

I found the writing in this very well done, despite pretty much nothing happening of note (in my opinion) for most of the book I was still quite happy to keep reading. For a 17-year-old protagonist Emma Saylor is pretty likeable and as we follow her on a summer trip to her mother’s family we get to explore a world she didn’t know she was part of. Following her mother’s drug related death Emma’s father hasn't really spoken much about North Lake and her mother’s family, so we get a character driven exploration of family, friendship and self.

The discovery of her new family, the Calavanders, and learning about the ways of “Lake people” is well; a nice read. Many of the characters felt real and many developed nicely as we got to know them better. It’s not an in your face romance book and in particular the first three quarters are pleasantly light on teenage love drama.

The book for me did fall apart for the last part, where it felt like all of a sudden stuff needed to happen and it felt forced and out of kilter with the rest of the book. I think I had got comfortable with it not being much of a book about things happening and just a pleasant read of people and relationships. Emma’s dad seemed the only character to fall totally flat for me and again this only really hit in the last part of the book. Overall pleasantly surprised, it’s not going to be a go to genre for me but wouldn’t avoid picking up another book by Dessen for a change of pace in the future.
This is the second part of The Artist's Touch set - Rissa and Spence are a couple, they've found out some of the secrets that their families have been keeping from them, and they are being stalked.

This story - as a whole - is simply stunning. Spence is a character that I could easily fall in love with over and over again. From quiet and nerdy, to being in control and HOT, he ticks the boxes for me. Rissa is wonderful, she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to work to achieve it, whether that is going after Spence or making her work dream come true. Seriously, I wish this couple every happiness!

But there is, of course, the fly in the ointment and for Rissa and Spence, there are two. One is the secrets and the other is the stalker. This book brings about the culmination of both of those things, but not in a way that I was expecting. Layer upon layer of manipulation, deceit and murder need to be peeled back before Spence and Rissa can have their HEA, but they might not survive long enough to reach it.

With action, adventure, romance, and sorrow, this book was a delight to read. I will also say that I knew something was going to happen to one of the supporting characters, due to certain actions in book 1, but I never expected the outcome that S.H. Pratt gave us! I was not a happy bunny because my leaking eyes meant that I couldn't read as fast as I wanted to! And that is all I will say on the matter.

If you want a book that is steamy romance, coupled with psychological chills, then I can definitely recommend this set. Highly recommended.

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!