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Awix (3310 KP) rated The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961) in Movies

Mar 3, 2018 (Updated Mar 3, 2018)  
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
1961 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Weather Forecast says 'Sun Everywhere'
Apocalyptic British SF movie shows how this sort of thing should be done. Nuclear tests shift the Earth on its axis, send it closer to the sun: civilisation struggles to cope with the prospect of looming extinction. Story is told from the point of view of the journalists of the Daily Express (don't laugh, it was a newspaper back in the 60s).

Very similar in its downbeat tone to the Quatermass movies Val Guest had previously made for Hammer - no B-movie this, but a serious, hard-edged naturalistic drama. Personal story of romance between lead journo Edward Judd and met office secretary Janet Munro is woven into the main plot with considerable skill; scenes of devastated London are well-mounted. A bit dated in some of its attitudes, but its concerns with the disastrous effects of climate change and its political cynicism mean it still feels surprisingly relevant today. Much better than any of the Roland Emmerich movies which have arguably ripped it off.

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated Love Unexpected (Beacons of Hope, #1) in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Love Unexpected (Beacons of Hope, #1)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a sweet story this book is. Emma and her brother Ryan start out on a steamer boat. They are attack by pirates. Emma see that the steam boat catch fire. Emma and Ryan jump into the lake and are now trying to survive. Patrick see the steam boat catch fire.

Things start to happen once they arrive to the island. Patrick is in need of a wife to watch over his son Joisah. There are secrets and a romance and a traveling preachers believe they may be answers to each other problems. Can they find the true meaningful word of wife and husband. Will Emma find her own home? Though for having faith you need to believe in god himself and not believe in people. You can not put all your faith in people you love to have all that you need. Does Patrick, Emma or Ryan find that faith? Do they find Joisah? To know these answer and more you need to read the book. Will Patrick get over his Past?

Awix (3310 KP) rated Lust for a Vampire (1971) in Movies

Feb 17, 2018 (Updated Feb 17, 2018)  
Lust for a Vampire (1971)
Lust for a Vampire (1971)
1971 | Classics, Horror, International
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I Was A Teenage Lesbian Vampire in a Girl's Boarding School
Largely risible Hammer vampire movie. After the censors objected to all the not-very-subtly-implied lesbianism in The Vampire Lovers, the studio replaced that with a story about a schoolteacher becoming infatuated with one of his pupils and starting a torrid romance with her, which apparently was seen as less problematic (it was the 70s, I suppose).

Initially conceived as another vehicle for Ingrid Pitt and Peter Cushing, to be directed by Terence Fisher; in the end Pitt did Countess Dracula instead, Cushing passed due to family problems, and Fisher was replaced by Jimmy Sangster. The result is a prurient melodrama largely untroubled by subtlety, style, or acting talent (Ralph Bates is not too bad in the role earmarked for Cushing). The sex and nudity which is essentially the film's sine qua non feels very tame by modern standards; the pop song on the soundtrack will make discriminating viewers want to rip their own ears off.
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an interesting classic Romantic story. The Romance of Tristan and Iseult is incredibly sad but also telling of how the ideas of courtly love were perceived in that time period.

I really enjoyed getting a glimpse into the stories of that period and how people acted about the different ways to love people. There is the adulterous courtly love, the romantic marital love, and the brotherly and loyal love. Each of these loves are explored in this story, which makes it that much more interesting to read.

I learned in one of my classes that this story was the bedrock to a lot of the stories we know and love today. Romeo and Juliet can even trace its lineage to this story. Shakespeare and a lot of the other writers during his era drew a lot of inspiration from this story, so it was very cool to be able to see where they all came from.

I would recommend reading this if you are interested in reading Romantic/Medieval stories. It is one that is obviously well known.
Murder on Washington Square
Murder on Washington Square
Victoria Thompson | 2002 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another Outstanding Trip Back in Time
When midwife Sarah Brandt gets a note form Nelson Ellsworth, her neighbor’s son, she is intrigued. She agrees to their meeting only to learn that Nelson has gotten a woman pregnant, a woman who doesn’t seem to want to marry him. Nelson asks Sarah to examine the woman, but something about their encounter seems off. Sarah doesn’t give it much thought until the woman is murdered and Nelson is arrested for the crime. With the help of NYC detective Frank Malloy, she begins to investigate. What is happening?

I hadn’t realized how much I’ve come to enjoy this series until I picked up the book. I was immediately lost in the world of 1890’s New York City, and Sarah and Frank are outstanding guides. They lead a cast of strong characters, and I love watching them interact and their slow burn romance. I did figure some things out early, but I was still glued to the page as there were twists and complications I didn’t see coming.
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cat is definitely coming into her own now, and her relationship with Bones is portrayed far more healthily than most in the paranormal romance category. I love the fact that she demands that he permit her to stand as his equal, rather than treat her like a delicate thing to be protected.

The plot is more interesting than I recall in previous excursions, while building on the earlier books. I know there's another volume either planned or on the shelves, and I plan to read it. I wasn't so sure after the last book, but I'm glad I gave this one a chance.

I still contend that the cover art, no matter how lovely, shows a woman in a position that cannot be obtained by any human who wants to walk again. Cat is supposed to be half-vampire, but that hasn't been said to give her more flexibility—increased strength, speed, and healing power, yes, but not this sort of oddity. Yes, it's a minor nit to pick, but it has bugged me since the first time I saw the cover.
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Cristin Harber | 2017 | Erotica
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Must Read, Wow
This has to be the BEST book in the series so far. Absolutely fantastic military romance. This book is set in London, Virginia, and Spain and as the title suggests Rocco Savage has a secret but then so does Mi6 interrogator Caterina Cruz. The chemistry between the pair of them is super hot and I love the way Cat gets Rocco going by talking Spanish to him and the way she handles a weapon whether it be a gun or a super large knife held between her teeth. If big hot guys with big guns who pull out all the stops to save the girl is your cup of tea then this is defiantly for you.


**WARNING** This story has a violent sexual scene and Cristin Harber has done a great job of portraying the horror of the attack without making it overly graphic and I would also join Cristin in saying that...

"Rape is a crime. Talking about it isn't. There are many resources out there, Including After Silence to help in the healing process"
Do Not Disturb (Resort Romances #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Do Not Disturb by Mary Billiter

Four Stars

The story revolved around a young woman still coming into herself. She wants independence but hasn’t found that dream job to make it happen. She puts herself out there and might have even struck gold. I don’t usually enjoy love triangles because someone always gets hurt. The story was written very tastefully. It wasn’t overly dramatic where there was always something happening. The characters were enjoyable and I feel that Katie was a brave and determined character. It was a little slow at the beginning but it started to pick up after a few chapters. This was a new spin a romance and a woman’s determination to be her own boss. I look up to women who can hold it down on their own but softens when needed. We have too learn how to let go of the reins when someone else comes a long to be that support we need. The author did a really good job on bringing flaws and personality to the characters.
Destined to Kill (Destined Novels, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Anala is a Hunter, the child of the Leaders of their society, and she's one of the best. Too bad her parents never let her go out and actually hunt any Cursed Ones. One night, she and her friend Thomas are out, and his sister scares them. When Thomas leaves Anala behind to take his sister home, she lets her guard down for one minute; however, that's all it takes. She's bitten, and her life will change forever.

This story pulled me in from the very first sentence. Everybody loves a good vampire story, but this was more than that. It was a coming-of-age story, of sorts, mixed with a little romance, some intrigue, and some good old-fashioned butt kicking. I'm fond of all the characters, even Jenna (the proverbial sour grape), and I would definitely love to read more about this group. I really hope there's a sequel already in the works!!

5 stars =)
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Honestly, I really wanted to love this book. The description was fun, the cover was cute, and I had just finished yet another contemporary romance that featured a prince, AKA everything pointed to the fact that I would love this book. Boy was I wrong.

The idea of this book is intriguing but I hated how opinionated this book was. The book was filled with the authors unending opinions with very little to back them up. She tears down other opinions and yet assumes that we all should agree with her. FYI, if you look at Beauty and the Beast he is emotionally abusive and holds her hostage by stating that if she doesn't stay her father's life is forfeit. Wow... great guy. This is also coming from someone who LOVES the movie. It is actually my favorite Disney movie. It's okay to see that the stories have issues.

This book frustrated me. Ultimately, I loved the concept but I was unimpressed with the final product.