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Stranger Things  - Season 2
Stranger Things - Season 2
2017 | Sci-Fi
Another great series
I binge watched this entire series in one day, and it really was rather entertaining. The first episodes start off rather slowly, but this at least gives a chance to catch up with the returning characters and introduce some new faces. It soon picks up though, and is packed full on intrigue, humour, some rather dark moments and of course a pretty awesome soundtrack. The CGI has improved a fair bit since the last series and it was such an enjoyable series to watch. My favourite parts so far were anything involving Hopper. David Harbour is just fantastic and Hopper’s character has developed well this series, especially his relationship with Eleven. Her story and development too was good to see.

Of course it isn’t perfect. I found parts of the storyline ridiculously predictable, even if they were alright to watch (like Eleven’s storyline). I liked most of the new characters but I found Bob a little too much and sickly sweet (sorry!). And the whole childhood romance thing was a little too over the top and cringey and a bit much.

But still overall one of the best series Netflix has to offer and I’m just looking forward to catching up on series 3 now!
Show all 3 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Aug 5, 2019

I only watched season 2 a couple of weeks ago, before moving onto season 3. Like you, I binged it, and absolutely loved it. I'm in the minority (as usual), but I didn't think season 3 was as good as 2. Nearly there, but not quite. Interested to find out what you thought though, once you've seen it.


Sarah (7798 KP) Aug 5, 2019

@Lee season 3 is this weekend's watch, so I'll let you know!

Yesterday (2019)
Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Music
The music (0 more)
Simple musical romance
So I was lucky enough to win this from Smashbomb to watch and review. First reading the description on the back is not something I would normally pick myself but stuck it on. The story being that a guy has a bike accident and when he comes round is the only person in the world to remember the Beatles. He uses this to his advantage and passes Beatles songs off as his own. The love story that goes along with this is pretty much the standard cliched romcom predictability which I was a bit bored with. All is going well until he meets a couple of folks who also remember the beatles but they are just happy to be hearing this music again. They then send him somewhere to speak to someone else that can help alleviate his guilt of ripping them off, this provided a surprise ending that even I was not expecting and would never have thought would happen....I wont spoilt it for anyone reading this. Ultimately, you dont need to be a beatles fan to enjoy this. The music is good, the story is simplistic and it's a good easy film to pass a couple of hours on a lazy sunday afternoon.
Some Bear to Love (Polar Heat #2)
Some Bear to Love (Polar Heat #2)
Terry Bolryder | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
122 of 200
Some bear to love ( Polar Heat book 2)
By Terry Bolryder

When Kim Starling wins a free Caribbean vacation, she knows it's her last chance at adventure. Two weeks in the sun, and then she goes back to the arranged mating she's been doomed to from birth. Easy enough, until her guide turns out to be sexy Sebastien Weston, an alpha-bear sea captain who might just be her mate.

Sebastien doesn't know what to do with curvy, luscious Kim. He swore he'd never take a mate, but he can't seem to take his eyes off of the adventurous she-bear who always seems to be getting in trouble. But after a daring rescue and a kiss in the ocean, Sebastien and Kim can't help falling into a fling that sizzles like a tropical sun, but can only last two weeks.

But the more he's with Kim, the more Sebastien is realizing that two weeks isn't enough. Can he overcome his past and fear of taking a mate in time to find a way to free Kim from her family? Or will he lose the mate of a lifetime?

A very sweet romance a quick read too! As shifter books go it’s pretty what you’d expect.
Thirty and a Half Excuses (Rose Gardner Mystery, #3)
Thirty and a Half Excuses (Rose Gardner Mystery, #3)
Denise Grover Swank | 2013 | Crime, Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't read all that many mystery/romantic suspense books anymore and Rose's small Southern town sounds like hell to live in. Everyone knows everyone's business. If you don't go to church, how dare you. If you've been thrown in jail for something you didn't do, the stigma sticks to you like glue. I really have no idea why Rose is still in Henryetta.

Once again, though, Rose finds herself knee deep in an investigation after several older women in the town die of supposed natural causes, and some things just don't add up about it all.

I'll admit I wasn't the least bit suspicious about this person until very near the end so it was cleverly done and well thought out.

And as for the romance in this... I was never fully Team Joe, and after reading my review of the previous book it seems I liked Mason more then too.

I never really liked how Rose let everyone bully her into things and in this she actually started to stand up for herself more, so I did a little cheer about that.

This is definitely going to be the last of this series that I read, mainly because I don't read this subgenre anymore.
Angelfire (Angelfire, #1)
Angelfire (Angelfire, #1)
Courtney Allison Moulton | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

So Angelfire took me a bit to get into. I started it at the end of August and well... It didn’t draw me in for quite a few chapters and even then I wasn’t too fussed about reading it any chance I got. It was probably about a third of the way in (and it's pretty long) that I finally realised what the story was about that I started to gel with it.

The probable romance between Ellie and Will certainly helped things along. I knew there was something between them previously, or at least a friendly companionship. It was just in the way Will behaved around her.

As for the more normal aspect of the story: friends and parties, I have to admit that I wasn’t too interested in that. I also figured that Landon had feelings for Ellie early on, though she was entirely blind to that until it was pointed out to her by many of her friends.

Family wise, I would love to know what's going on with Ellie's dad. Why has he gone all psycho suddenly?

I guess I'm interested enough in the plot to continue the series at some point but not right now.
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)
Bree Despain | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This has taken me a long time to read because it didn't grab my interest in the slightest. I can't be doing with any sort of religious people in books. They just drive me a little crazy. So with her having a pastor for a father and being all good with church related stuff, I just had to roll my eyes a little.

Nothing about this pulled me in, not the characters, not the plot...I was bored for all of it but considering the last few YA books I've read have been DNF's I decided to stick with it. I read books for the romance mainly and I had no idea where that bit came into it but by the end they loved each other.

There was a bit of a high point at the end where everything started to make sense which pushed my rating up an entire star, simply because the pace picked up finally ands something actually happened beside school and dates and dances.

Shapeshifters are not my favourite paranormal creatures to read about and although I have the next book in the series I dont think I'll be reading it.

Not for me at all.
3.5 stars.

This has been on my kindle since 2012 so I thought it was about time I got around to reading it, especially since I read [b:Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble|8542839|Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (Jolie Wilkins, #1)|H.P. Mallory||13410545] almost a year ago and I got them at the same time.

It took me a little getting into since I'm having a bit of an issue with paranormal books at the minute but once I got a third of the way in or so, I was pulled into the story bit by bit.

Me being me though, I was all for the romance aspects. Like Fire Burn... there were three love interest for Dulcie and each was different. A Loki, a Vampire and a...pixie? Elf? I feel bad that I can't remember what he was but it wasn't continually repeated like the other two so I could remember. I can't say I had a favourite for her either, though the Loki seemed to be mentioned the most often.

'm interested in continuing the series and reading more of the authors work, I'm just not sure when I'll get round to it with my ever increasing to-read list.
Dire Straits (Bo Blackman, #1)
Dire Straits (Bo Blackman, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
So this is my first full-length foray into paranormal/urban fantasy for a long time since I lost interest in the genre a year or so ago and I have to admit I got pulled into it.

I'm usually wary of urban fantasy books because I read books for the romance in them, be it a little flirting or a full on sex-fest, and this was more of a subtle he-wants-her-does-she-want-him sort of thing, though I think that Bo is a little oblivious right now--or purposely ignoring it. Maybe a bit of both.

The story pulled me in from the start though I will admit I skipped a few paragraphs here and there where she was doing too much description. It was intriguing, as to who behind it from the start. Who was it aimed at? Were they from a family?

Admittedly I was a little torn over who I thought it was of the three recruits but it did become a bit more obvious the more that was read.

I'm definitely interested in reading more of the series in the future, if only so I can see what happens with Bo and Michael :P
Under A Lavender Moon (Nightingale Songs #1)
Under A Lavender Moon (Nightingale Songs #1)
Christina Mai Fong | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
UNDER A LAVENDER MOON is the first book in the Nightingale Songs series, and we enter a world where magic is called tin-chai and can take many forms. Rilla has kept her tin-chai a secret but is found by scouts anyway. With no options available to her, she is taken to the emperor, along with a group of other girls, to compete for the 'honour' of becoming one of his wives,

There are hints of romance in this book, between Rilla, Friend, and Carrick. However, that is very much in the background as the story moves along. The main characters are fully supported by an interesting group of secondary characters, some you will like, some you definitely won't. This is part and parcel of the story though, and is what will keep you turning the pages.

The pacing is smooth, leading you to the cliff-hanger ending, and will also leave you wanting more. For a debut novel, this is incredibly intricate and intriguing. I can't wait to continue with this series, and have no hesitation in recommending it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 3, 2021  
Happy book birthday to the Christian historical fiction novel UNDER THE BAYOU MOON by Valerie Fraser Luesse Books! Read some of the author's favorite quotes from the book on my blog, and enter the giveaway to win a copy of the book, a Flavors of the Bayou seasonings gift box, and a $10 Starbucks gift card!

When Ellie Fields accepts a teaching job in a tiny Louisiana town deep in bayou country in 1949, she knows her life will change--but she could never imagine just how dramatically.

Though rightfully suspicious of outsiders, who have threatened both their language and their unique culture, most of the residents come to appreciate the young and idealistic schoolteacher, and she's soon teaching just about everyone, despite opposition from both the school board and a politician with ulterior motives. Yet it's the lessons Ellie herself will learn--from new friends, a captivating Cajun fisherman, and even a legendary white alligator haunting the bayou--that will make all the difference.

Take a step away from the familiar and enter the shadowy waters of bayou country for a story of risk, resilience, and romance.