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LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Indecent Proposal (1993) in Movies

Sep 21, 2020 (Updated Nov 26, 2020)  
Indecent Proposal (1993)
Indecent Proposal (1993)
1993 | Drama
Okay, look - I'm a straight man... but I'd let Robert Redford fuck *me* for a million dollars. First hour >>> second hour, but some seriously luscious looking pulp from one of the resounding kings of shooting gorgeous people looking into picturesque backgrounds. Still to date one of my favorite film premises, so it's a shame that it goes for a more conventional romance and doesn't hold all its weight in the second half like it did in the much more mysterious, sick intrigue of the first. God-level Redford, I'd like to think this is what Alexander Pierce from 𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘳 did in his free time. Harrelson overreacting to everything is fucking hilarious, can't believe they played all this deliciously goofy portent straight. Speaking of which, the fact that we're supposed to empathize with either of these assholes is demeaning. Though as a result, rather than viewing this perhaps deservedly maligned piece as outright misogyny - imo I think this works best at showing the lengths either extreme of man will go to treat women like property, a vaguely cartoonish version mind you, but it isn't too far off from the unfortunate reality. Lurid, engaging, occasionally funny (intentional and not so) 90s psychopathic businessman trash.
The Time Traveler's Wife
The Time Traveler's Wife
Audrey Niffenegger | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.2 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can’t believe that it was released almost 8 years ago; it feels that I saw the movie just yesterday. But a good creation never gets old. This is a fascinating love story filled with romance, unbelievable amount of patience and tragedy. The book itself is so well thought through that even if you wipe your tears while reading it (I know I did) the ending will still give you that “oh, thanks God” feeling. There is a little bit of confusion in this book due to past – present jumps, but more you read it more sense it makes. My biggest enemies in books are long chapters and this book didn’t disappoint me, chapters are not very long and divided into smaller parts, so if you like to read while on the go, this book is for you. I was glad that this book was made into movie, it really deserved it. Even though the books will always be better than movies, this book’s screenplay was really entertaining. In conclusion, this book is witty, entertaining and at the same time sad, so if you looking for something like that, give it a go and I think you will be pleased.
Dark Shadows (2012)
Dark Shadows (2012)
2012 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
If not for the last 15/20 minutes (sans the atrocious ending, and even then they're only mildly watchable at best) I'd very comfortably call this one of the worst movies I've ever seen - and still will. Not even distracting, and intentionally as non-fun as possible. How exciting, we get to see nearly two LONG hours of nonentities played by actors who clearly couldn't give less of a shit about being there (except for the sole good scenery-chewing of Eva Green) tepidly talk about... like, fishing and shit? Sometimes even to each other! Where's the camp? Where's the (pun not intended) spirit? Doesn't go for jokes, doesn't go for drama, doesn't go for romance, doesn't go for anything - complete and utter apathy all around. It doesn't even look good, dear God some color could have at least made this pop but no of course it's color-coded like ash and jizz. This wakes up a bit when it has a spooky haunted house vibe to it but too bad that's only like a collective (and generous) few minutes of the whole thing. What the actual hell were they thinking, how can a director possibly stoop *noticeably* lower than 𝘋𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘰 (2019)?
Charming Falls Apart
Charming Falls Apart
Angela Terry | 2020 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charming Falls Apart is a feel-good chick-lit romance book about a PR exec who faces her worst nightmare when she loses her job and her fiancé in one day. Told from the first person, you stay with Allison as she tries to figure which way is up and what to do next.

Although this book was an easy read, I definitely felt of the lack of Eric's voice. It would have been nice to hear what he felt about Allison as the story progressed rather than just her.

Allison has a lot of learning to do in this book and Jordan is with her every step of the way. She is everything you would ever want in a friend. Other characters are clear-cut as to whether you like them or not and some are question marks all the way through. I'll let you decide which is which.

All in all, this was a great story that I enjoyed in a genre not usually one I read much of. I have no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
I am a huge fan of the author and have read all of the books in her Emperor’s Edge series and all in her Flash Gold Chronicles to date. I will read anything she write so when I saw her blog post about this book I was instantly thinking, “I need this now!”

Lindsay is a genius at blending action, steampunk and romance into her books and they are easy to read and very addictive. (I read the last four books in The Emperor’s Edge series back to back so I could find out how it all ended.)

This is set in a prison and centres around it’s new head, Ridge Zirkander, after he caused some political problems back in the city with his attitude. To me, he sounds like a laugh. The female lead, Sardelle, has just awoken after 300 years and finds herself within the prison walls. There is a sort of instant attraction between them which Ridge tries to ignore as he doesn’t believe it a good thing to get involved with inmates.

If you’re a fan of the author, this isn’t to be missed. If you’ve never read anything by her the first books in her Emperor’s Edge and Flash Gold Chronicles are free on Amazon.
The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson
The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson
Paige Toon | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this, probably because I liked being back in the glamorous (or not so much anymore) world of Johnny Jefferson. He's grown up a little since Johnny be Good and I like him a lot more than I did initially. I even loved reading about how Jessie came into existence--he wasn't always an arse! He had cared about people before Meg and the boys.

I have to admit though that Jessie annoyed me quite a bit in this. One minute I was sympathetic to what she was going through and the next she was being a right brat and I wanted to give her a good smack. I know you're only 15 and haven't matured a lot but really?! At least by the end of the book she'd matured quite a bit and realised how badly she'd treated some people.

I'm not sure if I'd class this as being a romance either. It had slight aspects. Two love interests for Jessie but nothing really happened with either of them, she isn't going out with one or the other...but I'm pretty sure that that might change in the next one.

I am interested in reading it at some point but not quite yet.
Rookie Move (Brooklyn Bruisers #1)
Rookie Move (Brooklyn Bruisers #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Georgia works as the PR girl for the up and coming NFL team The Brooklyn Bruisers and it just so happens that her boyfriend from six years ago Leo Trevi has been drafted to the team. Georgia tries to stay professional but neither has gotten over the other in the ensuing years and as much as she tries to stay away from him, it's impossible.

I did enjoy this. I'm not into any kind of sports really and American sports - I have no idea about, so it flies right over my head. The romance was really sweet, though. How Leo is determined to get back the girl he lost so tragically all those years ago. It choked me up a little towards the end when they finally talk about what happened in the past and how it affected them both.

I liked the cast of characters, too. O' Doul - the Captain, Silas - the backup goalie, Becca - Georgia's best friend and Nate - the owner. O' Doul's book is next in the series and I'm intrigued which girl will tame him and I'm pretty sure something is going to happen between Nate and Becca. I think Silas also has his own book in the series, too.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Nine Ways to Die in Books

Jan 24, 2021  
Nine Ways to Die
Nine Ways to Die
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2021 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fifteen-year-old January "Jan" hates the new town she has moved to but loves her new boyfriend, Jean. Her parents are never home, and her sister is in hospital, so she spends the summer days with her new friends. The only people she meets are around her age, and she never comes across any adults. The buildings are decrepit and old, almost like a ghost town. The more time Jan spends with her friends, the more peculiar the town, Memoir Falls feels.

Nine Ways to Die is a short story by versatile writer, Jordan Elizabeth. The details about Jan's past gradually emerge until Jan, along with the reader, discovers the truth about the strange town and its inhabitants. There are clues everywhere, but like Jan, readers fail to notice them until they come together in a sudden climax.

Through Jan's eyes, readers experience the town as though they are also new inhabitants. Although it is a short story, there is so much on offer: suspense, romance, thrills, and the supernatural. For those familiar with Jordan Elizabeth's work, this is a welcome addition to her vast collection of books. For newbie readers, this is a tempting taste of the author's full potential.
Touch of Regret (The Collectors #1)
Touch of Regret (The Collectors #1)
Autumn Reed | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Touch of Regret ( The Collectors book 1)
By Autumn Reed

Review will be posted in comments via Smashbomb once read

The day I truly started to live, I sentenced him to die.

At 24, I'd resigned myself to a simple life following in my mother's footsteps. I would manage the antique shop she left me and marry a kind, stable man. Most importantly, I would never tell a soul about my psychic abilities.

But with a single, intentional touch and a vision of the past, I set events in motion that expose my secret. I'm part of a world I never knew existed, and my new allies are dismantling my carefully constructed walls.

Except, those walls had a purpose - they kept me hidden.

Now, my abilities make me a target. And my mere existence is endangering everyone I care about.

My name is Adele Rose, and I know nothing but regret.

Well I wasn’t expecting that! The first couple weeks f chapters seem very run of the mill romance but once it gets going it’s a very intriguing well written story. The characters are strong and you’re left asking more and more questions. The story is interesting and leaves you wanting to keep reading. Highly recommended!! Even with a cliffhanger!
A Star Is Born (2018)
A Star Is Born (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance
Dull and overhyped
I have seen so many good reviews about this film that I thought I was sure to love it, especially as I can’t usually say no to anything with decent songs. However, this was such a dire disappointment.

First of all, the plot isn’t anything new. Tortured and wannabe musicians have been done to death in films, and sadly much better than this. The entire film drags too, it’s so slow and dull and feels like it’s on forever. Aside from the ending, it’s rather boringly predictable and can’t even be saved by Bradley Cooper. He saves this film as his performance is brilliant, but I really don’t rate Lady Gaga, I didn’t think she was good at all, I found her very irritating and other than her voice which is of course phenomenal, I really didn’t like her. I also thought the start of the film with the beginning of the whole romance was so cliched, cheesy and a little bit cringeworthy. The songs were really good and with Bradley Cooper’s performance in general they made this film at least vaguely watchable, but I would never be in a rush to watch this again. Such a disappointment.