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Welcome to Night Vale
Welcome to Night Vale
8.7 (36 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Voices (2 more)
Sound effects
Can get a bit repetitive (0 more)
Amusing Yarn With Lovecraftean Spin
Night Vale was the first podcast I ever listened to. It had me hooked from the start. I did binge listen to catch up from episode one, but after that, I found it a bit annoying to try to listen to more than 5 or so episodes at a time. They're fairly short, but can start to feel repetitive if you get too far behind and have to catch up that way.

Fans of Lovecraft, Call of Cthluhu RPG, and other classic horror, as well as conspiracy theory fans (I'm sure this will fit, but I'm not one to know for a fact), will love Night Vale. It is aired with a serious tone but still somehow light-hearted. The voice acting is superb and the writing top-notch.

Some of my favorite segments are the music breaks. Some episodes have wonderful indie artists on them for one song and they will give out some information about the bands and songs so you can locate them on the internet and find their music. I think this is a terrific idea, using their listener base to help give exposure to working musicians.

Serial stories involve romance, disappearances, aliens, and anything else you could ever dream up. If you're a writer yourself, it might even spark your imagination!
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Patricia Briggs | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was by far my favorite book in the Mercy Thompson series. I loved the in-depth introduction into the Fae culture without losing the werewolf focus of the series. I did not like so much the complete lack of anything vampire, but I suppose one can't have it all.
The scene in which Mercy is made to drink from the Fairy cup and the aftermath was incredible, powerful writing and not likely something I will forget anytime soon. I don't recall if I have ever read a rape scene from a perspective such as Mercy's, and it really opened my eyes to such a nightmarish experience.
I also found the dynamic between Ben and Mercy afterwards to be both moving and fascinating, since I got to see beneath Ben's shell to who he really is and what makes him tick. Even though I disliked Ben intensely at the start of the series, he is growing to become one of my favorite characters.
I was a bit disappointed with the ending, as the whole book was building up to her joining with Adam, and then when the book finally gets to the point, I don't get so much as a single kiss. Boo. Hopefully in the next book, Bone Crossed, a little more romance takes centerstage.
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, while this could technically be called an urban fantasy, it doesn't really have the atmosphere of one and I'd be more likely to call it a magical mystery. <u>Disappearing Nightly</u> is a charming, wonderfully intriguing tale featuring the logical off-Broadway actress Esther Diamond, who through no fault of her own stumbles into the world of magic, and the path of Dr. Maximillian Zadok.

The author crafted a well-done, swiftly plotted yarn that left me pleased as punch. The characters went beyond caricatures, which could have so easily happened with the amount of personalities featured, and each of their respective professions, in the more colorful world of NYC. Through a comedy of errors, rapid fire dialogue, which the author has a gift for, and hilarious interactions, this motley crew of an investigative team gets to the bottom of the mysterious disappearances that are happening in the community. I had no trouble visualizing events as they unfolded, with amusing results, and could easily see this as a television series. The romance was nicely weaved into the story without becoming overpowering, and surprise of all surprises, there was no bed-hopping! What a nice change of pace. Altogether, this was fine little read that I flew right through and am glad I have the sequel handy! So far, this just may be my favorite read of the year.
The Touch of Fire (Western Ladies, #3)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got to page 182 when I just had to stop - the book wasn't totally horrible but I didn't like it. I didn't hate or love, like or dislike either Annie or Rafe, which in a romance I need to like at least one of them to keep reading. Annie was a personality that changed; one second she's a strong, independent woman, the next a simpering, dependent, and insecure girl. I hate when authors make characters go from one extreme to another like that. The plot and pacing were rather slow and not that interesting either. The thing I disliked the most was the loves scenes, if you can even call them that. They felt weird and wrong, were disturbing, and not romantic in the least. I think that covers my main reason for not continuing other than not caring to finish the book.

This is the second book of Linda Howard's I haven't cared for, but the first I didn't finish. Even though everyone seems to absolutely adore her books I'm beginning to think they aren't for me. However, I will read Son of the Morning because I love time-travels, and will most likely give at least one of her other books I have lying around and a romantic suspense novel a chance before I write her off for good.
From the Dark (Bewitch the Dark #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the Dark has some interesting ideas, nothing original but good still the same; it's just too bad the story couldn't come together. I got to the end of page 170 and just could not go on. I hate to be so harsh but I was not going to force this torture onto myself anymore.

The main problem with the book was how hurried it was; the book had too much going on and was light on a decent plot, yet it still ended up boring. For the most part the story consisted of parts that were redundant, cheesy, weird, and/or ludicrous, which in turn made me cringe. The characters were one-dimensional, boring, and unsympathetic; I can't say I hated them and I can't say I liked them, although Ravin got on my nerves. Not to mention, what was up with the counting thing? What is Michael, Sesame Street's the Count? I mean if that was used in a children's book or a comedic PNR than fine, but in a supposedly serious paranormal romance? It's not funny, it's bloody ridiculous.

I'm sorry to say this, but this whole disaster made me think the author just half-heartedly wrote the book by filling in blanks around a few ideas. I sincerely hope Michele Hauf's other books are much better than this.
Just Let Go (Harbor Pointe #2)
Just Let Go (Harbor Pointe #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh my goodness, that cover! So gorgeous! And the story inside? It's most definitely one that you don't want to miss. Mrs. Walsh creates fabulous characters that come to life in her stories. The story line is captivating and instantly hooks the reader from the first page.

Quinn and Grady are magnificent characters! I loved them both so much! They both stole a piece of my heart instantly and I felt them come to life through the story. I felt like I was truly a part of the lives, watching the scenes play out like a movie. I felt their emotions, their needs, all of it as if they were truly a part of me. That was a phenomenal feeling! 

This story of second chances, romance, and letting go of the pain of the past is absolutely breath taking. You'll be swept away to Harbor Pointe and taken on a whirlwind roller coaster ride. The messages woven into the story line bring the reader not only closer to the characters, but to our Heavenly Father. This is definitely a 5 star worthy novel and one  that I will keep on my shelf to read over and over again. Bravo, Mrs. Walsh! Can't wait for more! 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Their Daring Hearts
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been some time since I read a Sharlene MacLaren novel, so when I saw the chance to review this, I jumped on it. I wasn't disappointed! I fell in love with Levi and his Quaker family and "Gordon Snipp" was a fun character to get to know!

I loved the historical detail to the Civil War era. Ms. MacLaren chiseled the scenes well, and I felt like I was transported to the heart of the story, the center of the war. All the feelings that Josie, Gordon Snipp, felt, I felt. I loved the way Josie fought for what she felt was right.

Levi's sweet character....oh was he swoon worthy as the Chaplain of his company. I love the way his friendship with "Snipp" blossomed, and later, his love for a beautiful young woman. It was so fun watching them together.

This story of hope, longing, deception and forgiveness is beautifully created. It's 4 star worthy, and I will definitely recommend it to all! Ms. MacLaren brought to life the action of the war, the romance of two God-fearing characters and messages from God of understanding and trust. This is definitely a keeper on my shelf!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from CelebrateLit/Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
An Unexpected Role
An Unexpected Role
Leslea Wahl | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's hard being a teenager, but when your mother is an author and uses your life as inspiration it can make living difficult. That was life for Josie DelRio. When her mother's newest book comes out, it sends Josie's classmates into a frenzy of malicious teasing, so Josie heads to North Carolina to spend the summer with her aunt.

Josie plans on spending her summer on the beach, taking it easy and trusting that she can find a place to fit in and have a summer on anonymity.

This was a delightful story, everyone can relate to being a teenager and what high school can be like. It is full of mystery, suspense, and some romance.

I enjoyed this book, it was a fast easy read. I do like that the author was able to insert Bible verses to help encourage the main character. What I saw in the book is that sometimes you just have to let go of things, don't carry your problems... let God take control and see what He can do!

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Triggered Response
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An explosion in a secret defense lab changes the lives of three men forever...
His brain was on fire, and he fought going back to the raging inferno of his private hell. Despite the power he now possessed, he couldn’t even remember his name. According to the news, he was Brayden Sloane, former security expert at Cranesbrook Labs, now wanted for murder and kidnapping. He couldn’t remember that, nor the woman who claimed to be his wife. Claire Fanshaw needed Bray to find her friend who'd disappeared following the explosion. Until Bray regained his memory, she'd stick to him like glue. But what would he do when he realized the woman in his bed was a stranger? And what would she do if the cops were right about Bray?

This story is excellent with mystery, twists and turns, and romance with a little ‘what if’ fantasy thrown in. Even if you have not read the previous two novels you can read this one as enough information is filtered back through the story so you won't feel lost.
The author has done a great job for the final book in the series. Well constructed plot and wonderful developed characters
Three authors made it work and leaves you wanting more. Very hard to put down.

I received this ARC from the author and this is my honest and voluntary review.

Sam (74 KP) rated Bookshop Girl in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Bookshop Girl
Bookshop Girl
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Paige Turner works at a bookshop in her hometown alongside going to school, but then she gets the news that it’s closing down. When she finds this out, she decides she has to do something to save it.

I read this one within a couple of days. It’s a nice quick read to take on holiday, and is a good laugh. Although I did cringe slightly at the protagonist’s name, it was a good book overall with a decent plot.

It was very typically YA, so if you’re a massive YA fan you’ll love it. I like YA, but not cheesy YA romance, which I feel that this book verged on a little too much for my liking. It was a bit too lighthearted.

There’s also a plot twist further on to do with the boy Paige has a crush on which felt all a bit forced and a bit like it was just desperately grabbing for any plot possible. I’m not sure that the twist was the right thing to put in and I feel like it let down the novel a lot.

I’m not sure I’d read this again, but like I said, if you love cheesy YA, you will definitely love this. And it’s a really good lighthearted read to quickly read in an afternoon.