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Duke of Manhattan
Duke of Manhattan
Louise Bay | 2017
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

I haven't read any previous books in this series but each book is a stand alone.

So we're introduced to Ryder as he arrives home to see his grandfather after a fall in which he broke his hip. They discuss business and what's going to happen when his grandfather dies. The title and all business related to it will pass to the oldest married grandchild, and that isn't Ryder. To stop him from losing the business he loves he has to find a wife.

Welcome Scarlett to the scene. A woman he spent the night with after flying back out to America to attend to his business dealings across the pond. Only Scarlett runs a business he's trying to take over and is refusing to step down from a leading role. The perfect solution: get married and both get to keep the businesses they love.

Of course feelings emerge over time and what started off fake soon turns real. I actually enjoyed reading them fall for each other. It sort of bloomed over time out of all the sex and time they spent together. It was really kind of sweet. Of course, there's always something that happens that makes the couple part and I'm pleased to say that it was neither of their faults in this one! Nevertheless, they part ways for a while and Ryder's admission of his love and the things he did to try and win her back were really nice.

I'm actually looking forward to reading more books by this author if they're all like this.
Wrecking Ball (Hard to Love, #1)
Wrecking Ball (Hard to Love, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with Camilla in court (i think?) as she is told she has lost everything she owns after her dead husband started a ponzi scheme that lost a lot of people a lot of money. She is public enemy number one and nobody wants to hire her so she ends up living with her parents and going through agencies in the hopes of finding a job. She's finally offered one looking after a young boy who has a celebrity uncle and must live with them for the duration of the contract. Sparks fly between Cam and Calvin from the start but as they grow closer, animosity turns to attraction.

I actually really enjoyed this. It was definitely a slow burn romance but you could see there was a spark there from pretty early on. Probably from when Cal turned up at her evening job asking her to take the nanny job and wanting to drive her home afterwards since it was so late. That there put him down as being a gentleman in my books and I was smitten. I devoured it from that point on, willing them to finally do something about their attraction.

Of course, there's the dilemma that tears our couple apart and even I was getting emotional at that part. Geez, they were so good together and something like that was going to end up tearing them apart. All came right in the end, though, thank God, or I would be an emotional wreck right now.

I may have to read the next book in the series because it focuses on Cam's best friend and apparent man-hater, Amber, so that should be fun.
The Vampire Games
The Vampire Games
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The beginning was a little rocky, I didn’t know what was happening and the style of how it was written felt a little awkward. By the quarter point it had smoothed out a little and I could read it easily and quickly.

Being the sucker that I am for romance books, the first hint of something, even the slightest hint of something, gets me excited. So that meeting of gazes had me smiling like a loony. I like my paranormal romances. From then I was scouring every page for more interactions between Bianka and Phillip. I quickly fell into their story. I was kind of on tenterhooks near the end wondering what she was going to choose.

The other part of the storyline; the fights, was an interesting take. It reminded me of The Hunger Games in the sort of “kill or be killed” way but this is with vampires so it’s all a little more intense. It was also filled with political undercurrents of the vampire society.

I loved the names the author came up with for the fiefdoms: Twilight Falls, Dawn Hold, Nightfall Keep…they just make me think of dark places but at the same time they sound pretty cool, right?

I liked some bits a lot more than others, but I do think I’d be interested in continuing the story at some point in the future when they’re released.

If you like paranormal romances or vampires or dystopian, maybe all three, then you’ll probably like this.
I'll start by saying I LOVE THIS SERIES! Darynda Jones has written such an amazing likeable but slightly dumb, sometimes genius character in Charley Davidson. You can't help but like her.

This starts with Charley sitting in a psychiatrist's office as she equally does a job and confesses everything that she's learned about herself over the last ten books to the doctor in the chair. Turns out the shrink is dead and haunting the office. There is one big case that Charley is working on in this and it's the couple who kidnapped Reyes when he was a baby. There's a few other smaller things thrown in and we see Charley learn how to be who she was born to be with a little help from Reyes.

As I've already mentioned, I love this series. It is right up my street with it's snark, humour and romance. Characters that we've grown to love over the last ten books make reappearances, some new characters pop up and some that have been mentioned peripherally make themselves known. It's hard to give too many details without spoiling it for those who haven't got this far in the series.

If you've not at least started this series, then I can't recommend it enough, really. That is, if you like urban fantasy/paranormal romances. Or demons. Gods...

I have book 12 in paperback, too, and haven't decided whether to read it straight away yet - despite that bit of a cliff hanger that happened at the end! - as I feel I would immediately want to read book 13 to finish the series and I don't have it yet. It's on my to-buy list.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jan 17, 2021  
Sneak a peek at the contemporary romance novel COMFORT FOODS by Kimberly Fish, Author on my blog. Check out the hilarious top ten interview with the books main characters, and enter the giveaway to win a signed copy of the book as well as the cookbook Modern Comfort Foods by Ina Garten!

From the award-winning author of Comfort Plans and Comfort Songs comes a story of two rising stars blitzed by social media. Lacy Cavanaugh and single-dad Rudy Delgardo live a hundred miles apart but meet in the worst possible way. Working at a weekly paper and creating social media for area businesses helps Lacy connect with locals who open her mind to a perspective beyond Instagram. In launching a food-and-wine festival to support Comfort’s new event center, she discovers surprising skills bubbling over, much like the food she’s attempting to cook.

Rudy, on the brink of his restaurant’s takeover, struggles to improve time management so he can create a better relationship with his daughter. Distracted by Lacy and her invitation to the festival, he’s tempted by her beauty, wit, and courage, but as a chef, he rarely gets to enjoy life outside the kitchen. Enemies, illness, and exes add unwelcome spice to the dish they’re concocting—one that will teeter with misunderstanding until the very end.

Will Lacy and Rudy embrace their second chances and discover the perfect seasonings of family, resilience, and grace to create a handwritten recipe of love that will stand the test of time?
Bound (Chinatown Demons #1)
Bound (Chinatown Demons #1)
Rhys Ford | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
cant wait to see where this series goes!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book one, a short introduction if you will, into a new series by Ford, Chinatown Demons, and I bloody loved it!

Spencer moved to San Francisco, for a last chance to save himself from his demons. Only to find himself working with a different sort of demon he never knew existed.

It's only short, this book, some 100 odd pages, but it pulls and tugs you in so far and so deep, you keep reading til you blink, and poof! The book is finished and you didn't see it coming! I loved that!

I haven't tagged this one as a romance, because, quite simply, it isn't one. Oh there is attraction between Xian and Spencer, but there is nothing else. Xian, though, seems to know something more is going on between him and Spencer.

There is something going on, that isn't made clear yet, much like why Spencer came to town from the LAPD. Hints are all we get, and I'm not able to currently put the pieces together fast enough, but hey! I don't mind that. Makes future books far more able to pull me in again, like this one did.

I can't wait to see where this series goes, and I know it will probably be some time before we get the next instalment, but I'll wait!

I'm sorry this review is short, but I'm in a difficult place right now.

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Die Trying (Jack Reacher Book#2)
Die Trying (Jack Reacher Book#2)
Lee Child | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another action-packed outing for the lone star.
This is just the book I needed to be reading by the side of the pool this summer, hard to put down; an easy enjoyable read.

In Die Trying we meet up again with ex-military police Major Jack reacher, who accidentally gets swept up in the kidnapping of an FBI special agent (no surprises she happens to be hot!?!) While following the attempts of the FBI to get their agent back and Jack’s attempts to free her, an ever-larger plot unfolds raising the stakes.

Ok, you are going to have to be ready to suspend belief a lot in this book, which I usually struggle with (I love a good eye-roll) but it is fairly easy to do with this book thanks to fast pacing and great characters. I do recommend you just go along for the ride. I have very little in the way of military, combat or arms knowledge and no idea how accurate the details in this book are but they are written in such a commanding and interesting way I was more than happy to nod along and go with it.

It does slow a bit in the early to middle stages but the last quarter is full in your face action.

Reacher is just what you want from a hero no-nonsense and a lot of great walking through his thought processes. He's not an overcomplicated character and that feels nice and fresh to me. There is the all too predictable romance angle but its fairly concise and not too in your face.

This is just a fun read.
Catching Him
Catching Him
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So this is my first book by the author although I did buy another of her books a few weeks ago but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

I did like this. I think I have a thing for Alpha males, and Tyler was definitely that. He was protective and knew what he wanted, and that was Leah. I also seem to have a thing for backwards baseball caps. I just grew to really like Tyler. He seems like the perfect guy and Leah probably couldn't ask for more.

The romance was cute, the whole they were a couple before they actually got together with all the meals and the touching. It was sweet to read how quickly it progressed and how believable it was.

As for the incidents that kept happening after they got together. Well, I figured out who it was after Bruce had his "taken to the compound" part and then I was just more sure after everything else. That characters just seemed like the type.

As I've mentioned previously, I like a bit of angst in my stories and this didn't really have any. I may have been rooting for the couple because of how cute together they were but I didn't get upset on their behalf when things were being set on fire/trashed. I like to get emotionally attached to characters and I will cry when they do, get angry for them/with them. I didn't get that with this.

I will be reading the other book I bought and I'll figure out from there whether this is an author I can really enjoy reading.
Mine Completely
Mine Completely
J.S. Scott | 2019
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Money sucks.

It can be a good thing, but at the same time it can ruin relationships or at the very least cause fights and angst. Simon and Kara haven’t totally figured out how to deal with their money, even though they are engaged. Kara is still self-conscious about the income gap between them and wants a prenup. Simon is worried that Kara doesn’t think that he trusts her and wants to do anything and everything to prove that he does. Then there’s the little matter of Kara’s pregnancy.

While I enjoyed this Simon and Kara story very much, I only enjoyed reading it once. One read through is enough time to enjoy the romantic gestures and Simon’s and Kara’s hopeless love and attraction to each other. But like a significant other, the more time you spend with the story, the more you see flaws and annoying habits that make you cringe. Simon and Kara fight like two teenagers riddled with hormones and angst. While Simon is still smokin’ hot, and the sex scenes are well worth the read, Simon slowly loses his brain cells until he sounds more like a caveman and less like a video game designer with alpha male tendencies. I don’t know how many times he called Kara “his woman”, but it was enough to annoy me. Severely annoy me.

But like any other significant lover worth loving, you get over the flaws. The Billionaire’s Obsession is a fantastic, well detailed erotic romance that has fantastic sex scenes, great characters, and even a plot, which is a rare find in the dark and dangerous realm of erotica.

BookwormLea (3034 KP) rated The New Mutants (2020) in Movies

Aug 29, 2020 (Updated Aug 29, 2020)  
The New Mutants (2020)
The New Mutants (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Probably the worst Marvel movie I've seen. And i watched Dark Pheonix
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was so hyped for this movie! Have you seen the trailer? Movie gold! Well. Only half the trailer is actually stuff that happens. And the parts that do are the worst ones. The lead actress who plays Dani, is the most amateur actress ever. Her portrayal of an angry girl who just lost her family is probably the weakest I've seen. She literally looks like she just dropped her sandwich. And it sort of got better in the middle when we found out how they all found their mutations but then the end felt so rushed. Oh suprise! The weird girl you brought in last minute is the cause of the problems that only started when she got here! And the Russian girl who seemed real kick ass, had the most boring fear and her mutation that seemed cool, is pretty much just her being crazy. I kind of liked that the dragon was real to only her but then they went and CGId the crap out of it at the end fight scene. Why???
Oh and why can't they have a movie with no romance?? And oh gosh its 2020 so we just had to have the first Marvel Lesbian couple. Which again was rushed, they literally knew each other all of 4 days or something. And for a little wolfy Catholic girl who repents her sins weekly, she commits a lot of sins weekly. *eye roll*. Clichéd and boring. The worst marvel movie/ xmen film to date. Good job its a different timeline and there isn't going to be another one.

BookwormLea (3034 KP) Aug 29, 2020

And before I forget to add. I love Charlie Heaton in Stranger Things but that accent, was the worst.