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I know very little about the Amish lifestyle, though there is a similar community near where I live. This book was a good introduction to their beliefs and practices without the details getting in the way of the plot. Tidbits of the Dutch language are also interspersed throughout the dialogue to make it more realistic. Food plays a prominent role in the plot, with several of the main characters running a restaurant together called "Sweet Season." Many of the recipes featured in the back of the book were served up in the restaurant, and many descriptions of the food sparked my appetite, such as the cinnamon rolls and orange knots. So many of the Amish ways focus on Plain living, such as an old-fashioned washing machine and garden-grown fruits and vegetables. While some aspects could be considered inconvenient, such as no telephones except for businesses, other practices make for a healthier lifestyle. "Modern" society could certainly learn a few things from the Amish.
The characters were easily relate-able, even with such polar opposites as Rachel - high-maintenance and emotional - and her long-lost sister, Tiffany/ Rebecca - withdrawn and goth. I also rather liked Micah, Rachel's fiance, for his desires to help others and be responsible while also being honest with himself. Rebecca is the perfect dichotomy to the Amish faith, as she questions everything and behaves and dresses nothing like the Plain people, though she was born in the community. Miriam, the triplet's widowed mother, is also a subtle example of how even the women can gain independence and self-sufficiency by operating her own restaurant with the aid of her daughters.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, especially for its conservative approach to romance and drama, and I know that I will be delving into more Amish literature.
The Lightkeeper's Daughters
The Lightkeeper's Daughters
Colleen Coble | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book I received from Thomas Nelson for reviewing, and because of shipping problems, by the time I recieved it I had forgotten why I originally picked it. I started reading the book out of obligation, and at first, had a hard time actually enjoying what I was reading. It felt a bit like a school assignment for the first 80 pages, which is generally how far I will go in a book before I decide whether or not I want to finish it. Luckily, at that point the book actually started to get interesting as Addie became snoopy around the house and began unearthing clues about her mother. I am not much for the mystery genre, but I found the detective-like aspects of this novel much more entertaining than the chaste romance between Addie Sullivan and Lieutenant North, which led up to a climax that was so exciting I chose finishing the novel to sleeping when I was sick with a cold.

Regarding the more religious aspects of the novel, I thought that the depiction of Addie's faith in God to be somewhat watered down and simplified with possibly not enough attention given to its place in her life. Often I find ithis is the case with literature in the genre of Christian fiction. The single time that scripture from the Bible is quoted, it's merely a few lines out of Psalms, and each time that we see Addie praying, she only spends a few moments in prayer before something else requires her attention. This is not to say that all Christian fiction - categorized works do this, as I have read some truly excellent portrayals of faith in Jesus, but this book certainly did.

Overall, I would recommend the book more for its plot elements of mystery and intrigue, not for its religious aspects.
Overbite (Insatiable, #2)
Meg Cabot | 2011
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a sequel to Insatiable, there were certain things I expected from this book - one of which was Lucien's dark appeal, which seemed to be missing for a large chunk of the book. He brooded and moped and generally felt sorry for himself for his lack of "evilness" while mooning over losing Meena to the Palatine Guard. I also thought that Meena's joining of the Palatine Guard to be an awkward fit, but I understand her motivation - who wouldn't want to get at the secret archives of the Vatican?
Alaric's character grew on me gradually, even though I did not care for him much in the first book. His attraction to Meena is obvious to all but himself, and poor Meena is just confused as she battles with her own feelings between two very different men. I actually found it kind of satisfying that Alaric and Lucien are forced to work together towards the end of the novel.
The significance of the book pictured on the cover is what interested me the most, and I was often frustrated that I could not simply read that little book myself and solve the grand mystery of its power. Always a dramatist, Lucien's reaction to the final revelation is believable, though I found what happened to him to be bit of a cop-out so that Meena would not have to make any difficult decisions.
Some of the most humorous parts were Alaric's interactions with the couple, Mary Lou and Emil, as their very human behavior made it rather difficult for him to treat them as the species he made a living from despising. I also would have liked more development in the romance between Jon and Yelena. Overall, I still enjoyed the book, even though it seemed a bit short, and I hope there is another book to follow.
This is only the second Amish book I have ever read, but I really like the setting for fiction literature. The romance is clean, the majority of the characters have conservative values and traditions, such as the importance of God and family, and the language is clean. I love the way that the Amish community supports one another in business endeavors, or is so willing to lend a hand when tragedy strikes. One of the characters, Zanna, actually makes a business out of rag rug making, which intrigued me enough to try my hand at the craft myself.
Zanna does something completely out of character for the typical Amish young woman, but manages to fight for what she wanted despite the consequences of her actions, finding support in her oldest sister, Abby. Abby is more of a side character to the main plot of what is happening to Zanna. Abby nurses unrequited love for another character throughout the entire book, which is never really answered to, though there were hints of this changing in the next book in the series. Many of the characters are memorable in their own unique way, such as James's skill with making carriages that earns him employment to make a princess carriage for Disneyland, of all things. One of the older married couples also struggles with dementia throughout the book, which makes for some interesting and poignant scenes.
I could not have predicted how Zanna's predicament would impact another family so much for the better, or even how the book would have gathered all the lose ends at its finality, but the book came together very well with a sweet ending. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The community of Hope's Crossing is quaint in its friendliness and familiarity of the different individuals with one another. Though the town operates as the hub of a large resort, it does not lose its charm as a small town. So when the type of crime that is more prone to big cities happens here, it causes its citizens to be less welcoming to its newest inhabitant and chief of police, Riley McKnight. Riley faces an uphill battle both socially and romantically, as he is drawn all over again to the stubbornly independent Claire that was attracted to growing up. The big difference this time is that Claire likes him back! They play the typical game of I can't believe he/she likes me, and do I really like him/ her that is so common in romance novels. In the mean time, Claire dreams up a way to put the town in better spirits, while defending Riley's place there.
Claire is easy to like, with her bead store that attracts such colorful characters, and the patience she exhibits in all of her relationships, from the one with her mother to the ones with her ex-husband and his new, pregnant wife. I even like how her injuries drive Riley to constantly offer to help her in any way possible.
Riley's honesty is at times comedic, shocking, and even alluring. He has charm to spare, but keeps most of it bottled up because of a difficult past.
The book was more entertaining than I have come to expect from the typical Harlequin, but in many ways not very unique from the standard plot line. While I did enjoy reading it, I doubt that I will remember much about the book.
The Accidental Guardian (High Sierra Sweethearts, #1)
The Accidental Guardian (High Sierra Sweethearts, #1)
Mary Connealy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy cow! This book was fantastic! I have been a forever fan of Mrs. Connealy's since I read Petticoat Ranch. She is absolutely one of the best Christian Western Romance writers out there and I will forever sing her praises. When I saw she had another series releasing, I was all for jumping on that band wagon (no pun intended!)! Sitting down to read this, I had it read it less than two days, it was just that captivating.

Opening the pages to Deborah's story, watching her try to protect her sister and the young ones was amazing. I could feel myself becoming Deborah, telling her younger sister just what to do to keep them safe. When Ms. Connealy enters Trace into the picture.....well, whew! Not only was I instantly pulled to him, his protective side in a man like him, really made me swoon through out the book! I loved that! Seeing him with Deborah, his caring way toward her, was undeniably God-filled and romantic.

Mrs. Connealy has created yet another keeper for my shelf! She has taken a story of intriguing suspense, wrapped it up with her trade mark swoon-worthy cowboys and sassy heroines, and dished her readers an unforgettable laugh out loud, love story. This book is perfect for that rainy day, or long drive for a summer trip. Don't wait to get this one. Go grab it up now! It's 5 star worthy and so much more! Well done, Mrs. Connealy! Well done!!! I am highly anticipating the release of book 2, The Reluctant Warrior.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Imperfect Justice (Hidden Justice #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy Justice, Batman! This book was AH-mazing! Having read book one in this incredibly addictive, incredibly chiseled, incredibly captivating series, I was anxiously awaiting the chance to read this novel. When I got my greedy hands on it.......well, let's just say that this book right here, was absolutely one of the best books of 2017! I am always looking forward to a new Cara Putman novel now, and when she delivers one, I. Am. Hooked.

This book is powerful. It's filled with edge of your seat twists, as Emilie and Reid work together to find the clues, the pieces of the puzzle, to find Reid's neice. The roller coaster ride that follows these two incredible characters is enough to take your breath away. I felt every bit of emotion that these two felt, every heartache, every heartpounding piece of evidence within the pages left me wanting to wrap them up and hug them close!

If you love suspense with a dash of romance, then this intricately woven novel is one that you don't want to miss out on. It's 5 star worthy. It's a book that you must stay up past your bed time to finish, as you'll not want it to end. Every page turn will leave you breathless. This is absolutely, simply put, award winning. Once again, Ms. Putman has used her skills to throw her fans a book that will satisfy their hunger for the intense justice, and Godly messages that is Putman trademark! Bravo and hats off to you, Ms. Putman!
*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from LitFuse Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
I am new to Ms. Miller's work but I will tell you now, I will not be missing any more of her work! She is fabulous! I came into this series on this second book, but I wasn't confused in anyway and I loved Charlotte and the Duke so very much. I am a big fan of the regency era when I read historical books so this book is going on my keeper shelf for sure. 

Charlotte's character really gripped me. I loved how Ms. Miller portrayed her and her unsuredness in having to choose who to marry if there aren't feelings there. I really felt for her so much through this story. And the Duke!! Oh my heavens, yes please! I loved his character possibly more than I loved Charlotte's! He's a Godly character and I loved that in him, as it's often times you see the women in stories as the more Godly ones. These characters truly came together in a wonderful way and I was so excited to feel a part of the regency era, watching them come to light in the faith and feelings! 

I definitely recommend this book to all historical romance lovers. It's the perfect blend of hope, longing, faith and God's timing, and love. The characters will quickly become a part of you and you will get lost in a society of regency. This is 5 star worthy in my opinion and I can't wait to go back and read book one, as well as anxious for the next faith-filled novel from this talented author. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Ms. Barnett is back and she's done it again! Another fabulous park mystery with amazing characters and a twisty plot line, all filled with God's grace! I loved this one as much as the first one and I am so glad I read it!

Ms. Barnett takes us to the heart of Yosemite during the '20s. It was such a fun time getting to know the world back then, along with being introduced to Olivia and Clark. Both had decisions to make, both knew there was a lot at stake. Watching them throughout this novel was not only interesting, it was a fresh of breath air! I became a part of the story and loved feeling as though I was right there next to them! My son's grandparents travel the United States in their RV and visit some of the National Parks and I've heard them tell some great things, but they don't describe near like Ms. Barnett does! She truly is wonderful with her character creations and her descriptions!

This is definitely a 4.5 star worthy novel! Clark and Olivia come to life with each page turn, the romance is tender and the messages of truth and accepting God's will are strong through the entire story. From start to finish, Ms. Barnett had me hooked, and I never lost interest! If you are looking for a fun novel that will transport you back in history, then this is a novel just for you. Ms. Barnett's writing style will captivate you and you'll become a fan for life! I can't wait for book 3!!! Well done, Ms. Barnett!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Runaway Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's been sometime since I read a Miralee Ferrell novel. I loved her work when I read her Love Finds You books, but I hadn't read them in a long time. So, when the opportunity arose for me to review her new book, Runaway Romance, I jumped. It sounded intriguing and not like what I am used to from her and I couldn't wait to jump into it. I was very happy that I did!

This book is filled with fun loving characters. I was instantly hooked on Ann and Hunter's characters and they both settled into my heart to stay. I loved the way Ann fell in love with the Amish Inn and their way of living. I feel the same way when I go to Amish country! And Hunter, bless him! I loved his character so much. I really felt for him, watching him be a little cautious when it came to Ann. My momma self came out when his character was introduced.

In Miralee Ferrelly fashion, she throws in a few characters that you will either love, or love to hate. I enjoyed getting to know ALL of the characters within the pages of this new book. Each one brought something different to the tables and really kept me turning the pages long into the night.

This is definitely a 5 star book! I highly recommend it to all who are looking for a book on trusting God, forgiving and learning to accept His will. The characters will take you on a whirlwind ride and leave you wanting more! I am definitely looking forward to more books like this in the future from Ms. Ferrell. Well done!

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Blog Tours and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*