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Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Luna was born in the Netherlands, moved to Spain with her husband, gave birth to two wonderful boys, and then her husband tragically passed. She knows she has ties to Spain via a lost grandfather, and she needs to prove who he was and her relationship to him in order to remain in Spain as a national instead of keeping as Visa as a foreigner. However, trying to track down this man proves to be more difficult than she initially thought, and she meets interesting people and uncovers a lot of secrets along the way, secrets that many in Spain would rather keep hidden.

This was a wonderful story. It bounces back and forth between the late 1930s and 2009/2010, as it provides the actual story of Luna's grandfather as a backdrop during her search. While it did get somewhat confusing trying to keep the relatives and relationships straight, it was a very emotional story with a variety of offshoots, and it was interesting to see how the lives of the people in the 30s affected what was going on 70 years later. The 30s was a time of civil unrest and war in Spain, which is why nobody wants Luna digging up the past, both literally and figuratively. However, she has to know about her family, and we learn all about the tragic tale right along with her.

There's romance, heartbreak, a mystery, and tales of war. This book will appeal to a variety of people, and I recommend you read it, not only if you like romances but also if you want to learn a little about the history of Spain during a time they'd rather forget.

4 stars
Awaken Me (Connected, #1)
E.M. Sky | 2011
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Awaken Me” is the story of Aimee, a young woman about to get married to Derek. She was told that six years ago, when she first met Derek and his mother, Elizabeth, she was recovering from an accident, during which she lost her mother, as well as her memory. However, she suddenly finds that all is not what it seems in her little world, and everything she thought she knew about herself gets thrown out the window in a hurry.

I really enjoyed this story, and it definitely held my interest from start to finish. Learning along with Aimee, about her past, who she actually is, about Derek and his family, was like a roller-coaster ride, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened on the next page. The supporting characters of Alec, Iva, and Marcus are all very fun to read about, as well, and I really like their interactions with one another, as well as with Aimee.

However, there were a couple times that I thought the story was rather repetitive, especially when Aimee talks about who she is, once she learns the facts. It seemed like every couple of chapters towards the end there was a “refresher course,” which would be good if you had set the book down for a while, but as I was reading it pretty much straight through, it did get slightly annoying to read the same thing over and over. It didn’t drag me down from enjoying the story, though, and I don’t think it was worth dropping a star from my rating.

All-in-all, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal reads with a little revenge and romance thrown in the mix, and if you like a heroine who can kick butt, this one’s for you!

5 stars =)
The One (The Selection, #3)
The One (The Selection, #3)
Kiera Cass | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

The One</i> is the third book in <i>The Selection</i> series by Kiera Cass. With only four girls remaining, the competition to become Prince Maxon’s bride is nearing its conclusion. Being from a lower caste, America is the least unlikely girl in the whole of the selection to have made it this far. But although sometimes his intentions are confusing, it appears Maxon is in love with her. As the title suggests this will be the book where Maxon makes his important decision, but will America be the one?

Of the three books, <i>The One</i> is the most interesting by far. Although the key storyline is about the selection itself, there is more interaction with other aspects of the story. The southern rebels are getting even more violent as they determine to overthrow the king, however America learns a lot more about the northern rebels, including something extremely surprising, which makes them seem a lot less threatening than they previously were.

With America as the narrator, readers can suspect which girl will be chosen as princess, however there are still some things that could completely change the competition. For example the relationship between America and her former boyfriend, Aspen; also the hatred King Clarkson has for America.

The will they, won’t they questions plague the readers from beginning until its dramatic conclusion. The shocking ending could move readers to tears, proving just how gripping the story actually is.

With its happy, sad ending <i>The One</i> is a brilliant continuation of the young adult dystopian romance. Although the selection has come to an end, there is still so much the reader wants to know, making the next book, <i>The Heir</i>, a top priority to read.
The Lying Game (The Lying Game, #1)
The Lying Game (The Lying Game, #1)
Sara Shepard | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is definitely not my typical book. I'm not a fan on teenage drama filled novels so I was hesitant to read this book as part of my 2014 book reading challenge. This book was recommended to me my one of my amazing cousins so I committed to reading it this year.

Okay, where to start‰Û_ The Lying Game by Sara Shepard is a murder mystery that takes place in high school. This book is filled with drama and murder with a slice of romance. The characters were very "Mean Girls" with an evil streak and I found myself thankful that my high school could not be compared to this high school.

I felt that the characters could have more dimension to them. I felt like they fell flat. Even the main character was only 2 dimensional and very clich̩. I tend to be a character person so I found that I couldn't truly connect with any of the characters in this book.

The storyline was entertaining, I found myself wondering what was going to happen and I was sort of invested in the plot. I wish that the plot line was more flushed out and that the characters were more flushed out. Seriously, I love characters that I can relate to‰Û_

I could definitely tell that this was a young adult novel. I liked that it was a quick and surprisingly light read.

Ultimately, I think I may have been too old for this novel. I think I would have liked it better if I were to have read this in middle school. I liked the concept of this book but it just fell flat.

Ultimately, I would give this novel 3 cups of coffee. I enjoyed the book while it lasted but I will not continue on in the series.
Captivating Melody (Discord&#039;s Desire #1)
Captivating Melody (Discord's Desire #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating Melody (Discord's Desire #1) by Katherine McIntyre
Captivating Melody is the first book in the Discord's Desire series, and it starts off with wollup!

First of all, we are introduced to the band, and their manager. We find out about each of them, and their differing personalities. We see the how's and why's of them getting together, and how Liz walked into their lives. The impact she has on them all is huge, but it is Kieran it impacts the most. He changes his way of life (literally) as nothing else seems to measure up to Liz. She fights it though, as she is worried it will go nowhere. She doesn't know how long she will stay in one spot, and has made it her mission to never get attached. This sneaky incubus isn't giving up though, and their relationship is worth every word!

Quite simply, this was a brilliant start to the series. With family feuds, crazy ex's, and fair-weather friends, this book has a bit of everything. The pacing is smooth, and the pages are filled with action. I loved how Liz and Kieran's story moved along, whilst still having the other characters play a part. Because of how Jett and Renn bicker, I think they should end up together! lol
I can't wait for the rest of this series to see how the different stories (and characters) will pan out. If you are looking for a fun, feisty paranormal romance, then I can definitely recommend this one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Better Together (One Fond Embrace #1)
Better Together (One Fond Embrace #1)
Crista McHugh | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great lazy afternoon read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Britney and Alex had a week in Vegas, a whirlwind romance, followed by a wedding. But Britney runs from Alex on their wedding night and ahs been pushing for a divorce ever since. Alex needs a wife to secure his family ranch's future. So, Alex will give Britney her divorce, if she will give him two weeks. Will that be enough for them both to get what they want? Who they want?

This review will be short, and I apologise for that!

I liked this. It was a was an easy read, perfect way to pass a rainy afternoon, a perfect hangover cure, both book and alcohol induced!

I just can't get passed that N word for this book, and ya'll know how much it pains me to use that word, and how much it pains me not to be able to say what I want!

It's not overly complicated, nor is it explicit, but it is sexy. It's full of Hawaiian (sorry if this is spelt wrong!) words, with translations both in the main body of the text, and a glossary at the front of the book. I didn't look at the glossary; I had all the information given to me as the words popped up. Lots of beautiful scenery described too.

I saw no editing or spelling errors to spoil my reading enjoyment, and I read it in one sitting.

This is the first I've read of this author. Will I read more? Possibly. I really did LIKE this book.

3 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Tender in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Shai Amit | 2013
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book looks like it a story about a young boy. This young boy goes on a journey of his life. We see how deals with his growing up. We also see how he deals with all kinds of emotions from death, to finding his love of this life.

We get in an depth of how you can destroy your own spirit. We get to learn and get try and get understanding. We also see his success and many crashes. He learn even what love is like or is and though friendships. You could be looking and end up emptying your spirit of that love.

You really can not say it based on one thing. It goes about this with giving you different way as it could be about yourself. The rating I would give this is a 4.5 moons. The reason for this is that I really did not get what most of it was about except that it might be a romance. I do know it a little more about trying to understand himself and what love is about. Well that's want I think if about. You can destroy yourself be giving all the time and not know if it really love that doing the drive or if it sex driven drive.

This book I would suggest only be for Adults that are 18 and up. There a few words in here that are not for young adults. These words are a bit sexual. I have parents be advised and I will let you decide for your Teenagers if this book is appropriate. To me I advise for this to be for Adults ages from 17 and up.
The Other Woman
The Other Woman
Sandie Jones | 2018 | Thriller
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
#BewareOfPammie #TheOtherWoman
#BewareOfPammie #TheOtherWoman
Domestic Suspense Thriller you won't want to put down. The cover alone is captivating then opening the book and reading the Prologue, holy wow can we say it makes you want to read it right away!!!!!
"She looks beautiful in her wedding dress. It fits her perfectly and is exactly what I'd imagined she'd go for: elegant, understated, and unique --- just like her. My heart breaks that her day will never come, but she doesn't need to know that yet.
I think about the guests who won't attend, the picture frames with no photographs, the first dance that will be silent, the cake that won't get eaten, and I feel my resolve weakening. I pull myself up. This is not a time for doubt.
There is still so much work to do, so much more pain to inflict, but I will not be deterred. I failed once before, but this time, I'll get it right. There's too much at stake to get it wrong."
Just wow!!! And which character is this coming from? Adam the fiancé? Pammie (Adam's mom and future mother-in-law)? James? (the jealous at times brother of Adam) Someone else in Emily's circle????

This book is about a romance that happened very quickly between Adam and Emily, a devious mother named Pammie, a brother who seems to want Emily for himself … Do you really know the family you will become in-laws with and will Emily find out too late who they really are? What secrets will be revealed? Get ready for an entertaining, twisted thriller you will not want to put down until the very end with lots of manipulation, guesses, and questions.. oh scratching your head moments like WTF …
Wrong Place, Right Time
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wrong Place, Right Time tells the story of a woman who is, quite literally, in the wrong place at the right time. She makes a split second choice, and her subsequent choices are equally as important in leading her to a destiny that she was heading for all along.

This is a sweet little romance that was a really easy read. I could pick it up at random moments and dip in and out of it with ease, which I like to see in a book because, if we're all honest, we don't always have time to sit and read a whole book in one sitting. The emotion is strong and it oozes from the pages, embracing the reader in the anger, fear, upset and ultimately pure love that Kate experiences.

Kate, as a lead, is a strong character who is well complimented by the polar opposite men she is chasing after. The grass is always greener - or is it? She learns this the hard way and as a reader, you're willing to go along with the journey, even if you do shout at her from time to time for being so daft. And it's this realistic quality that makes it such an enjoyable read. Most people, if not all, could relate to some aspect of Kate's story, and that makes it all the more readable and hooks you in even more.

An enjoyable story, and a sweet happily ever after, this would be an excellent choice of book for a holiday read, sat by the pool with a sangria and dishy lifeguard to oggle.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Bunker Boy in Books

Jun 18, 2019  
Bunker Boy
Bunker Boy
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | Dystopia, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bunker Boy is the latest dystopian novel by the diverse author Jordan Elizabeth. One minute, the eighteen-year-old Zara is studying for her Spanish exam and the next she is waking up in a strange room where she has apparently spent five years in a coma. The world as Zara knew it is over. She is informed that terrorists bombed the East Coast of the United States of America and she is one of the lucky few to survive the viaane gas poisoning.

What initially seemed to be salvation turns into a backward, middle ages scenario where women are oppressed by the government run by a dictatorial headmaster. Zara soon learns that no one can challenge the way of life without putting their own lives at risk. She also discovers that things are not at all what they seem.

Jordan Elizabeth's writing is fast-paced but still manages to gradually build up the storyline. Being told from Zara's point of view, the reader experiences things as they happen rather than being aware of things the characters do not know. As a result, readers share the same emotions as the protagonist, imagining themselves in the same position.

Another great attribute of Jordan Elizabeth's writing is that she does not need to include romance to make the story interesting. Although there are relationships of a sort, there is no love, lust or conflicting emotions to distract from the storyline. The author knows how to naturally engage the reader and keep them interested.

Bunker Boy is just one of many of Jordan Elizabeth's greatest books. The only downside is it is short and, therefore, over way too quickly. The author has the potential to write a full-length novel in the future.