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Girls with Sharp Sticks (Girls with Sharp Sticks #1)
Girls with Sharp Sticks (Girls with Sharp Sticks #1)
Suzanne Young | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read the synopsis of Girls with Sharp Sticks by Suzanne Young, I was hooked. I love stories about mysterious boarding schools, so I had to read this book! Plus, I had read The Program by Suzanne Young and loved that book. I was not disappointed by this novel.

Philomena aka Mena is one of the beautiful girls. In fact, all the girls at her all girls boarding school are beautiful. They are taught how to behave. They're only allowed salads for food, and their classes focus more on etiquette and how to act in male company. They are all fully obedient until one day something awakens in Mena. She realizes that not all is as it seems at her boarding school. Something sinister is going on, and Mena will do anything to find out to protect her friends.

The plot of Girls with Sharp Sticks has been done before. In fact, much of the plot reminded me so much of the 2018 film Level 16 with a few differences. However, I still really enjoyed the plot. While one of the major plot twists became obvious to me about halfway through the book, there were still a few plot twists that I never would have predicted. Throughout my reading of this book, I felt like I was standing right there in the pages watching everything unfold. Yes, there were some over the top things that happened in the story, but this didn't put me off. I loved that this novel didn't have much romance in it. There is a very light romance though.
I very much enjoyed the creepy boarding school setting with it's very strict teachers (the majority of them male). As this is a series, there is a minor cliff hanger, but I feel like this book can be read without having to read the other books in the series unless you want to know what happens afterwards. You could just read Girls with Sharp Sticks and leave it with the happyish ending though if you really wanted to.

I enjoyed reading about all the characters even the vile ones. Mena certainly was an interesting character with her thought process and how fearless she was. Her curiosity did get her in trouble from time to time, but she persevered to get to the bottom of what was happening at her school in order to protect her friends. Guardian Bose was easy to hate because of how horrible he treated the girls. I just wanted him to go away because he was so mean! I had a love hate relationship with Anton. On one hand, I felt that he cared about the girls in his own way, but I knew he was not to be trusted at all. Jackson had an interesting back story, but after learning his back story, I was left wanting to know more about him. My favorite character throughout the book was Valentine. There was just something about her. In my mind, I had pictured her a a beautiful frail girl, but looks can be deceiving! I was hoping we'd get to read more about her throughout the book than what we did. Valentine was the best part of the book in my opinion.

Trigger warnings for Girls with Sharp Sticks include profanity, blackmail, brainwashing, violence, mentions of sexual assault, and murder.

All in all, Girls with Sharp Sticks is an engrossing read with its interesting character and a plot that will have you cheering on the young women as they try to figure out what's going on at their school. I would definitely recommend Girls with Sharp Sticks by Suzanne Young to those ages 16+ who are sick of being told what to do by the patriarchy.
Loving Mr. Daniels
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was mentioned several times in the blogging community, and I finally decided to check it out and see what all the fuss was about. I���d never read anything by Brittainy Cherry before, and the book sounded promising. Then I went on Goodreads and saw the slew of 5 star reviews (many were from my friends). As soon as payday rolled around I sat on my couch with my list of books to one click, and Loving Mr. Daniels was on the top of my list. I was determined to have this book. So, I bought it, and I couldn���t wait to start it. That day on my first break at work I started in on page 1 ���Absorbed in a stream of murky thoughts������ ooo this sounds promising already. Fifteen minutes later I had devoured the prologue and most of chapter 1, and I was trying to keep myself from crying. Sigh. From that point on sitting at my desk and trying to focus on my work was impossible. I kept looking at my kindle and I could hear it calling to me. ���Jessica���Jessica, you know you want to read me.��� I fought the good fight, but lunch hit and I was out of my seat scurrying to the break room hoping to get 45 minutes alone. I wanted to be alone with these amazing characters and pages.

The story of Ashlyn and Daniel was so fresh, which is exactly what I needed. Lately it seems like all the contemporary romance, new adult romance, and even the erotica books are all the same, and I was demanding something fresh. This was that story! Yes, it is a boy meets girl, woos her with Shakespeare inspired music, falls for her, and finds out she���s his student���WHAT?!?! Immediately, I thought of Pretty Little Liars, which I LOVE! Aria and Ezra���s story started like this���minus the Shakespeare band. This story has a twist to it, and I loved it. I loved that the author didn���t leave us hanging.
The characters in this book were phenomenally written. I felt like I knew them. I felt like the loss of a sister and a dear friend was changing me the same way it did Ashlyn. I laughed with her, I cried with her, and I regained faith in mankind with her. I loved that she had that one person for her that completely changed her world. Loving Mr. Daniels turned her world on its axis and changed her views on everything she held true.

<p><b>���I was convinced that everyone in the world had a form of weirdness to them. And the cool thing, at least I hoped so, was the idea that there was someone out there just as quirky as you were. The idea of finding your other weirdo was so attractive to me.���</b></p>

Ashlyn and Daniel are written in such a way that you feel like they are two people cut from the same mold. Ashlyn is young and hurting, torn apart by the death of her twin sister. She���s trying to move on, but is suddenly ripped out of her world and forced to live with her absentee father and his new family. Daniel is an English teacher and he is reeling from the recent death of both of his parents. Neither one knows how to move on and move past it, but together they forge ahead in this strange new world.

Hailey, Ryan, and Gabby are amazing supporting characters. Hailey and Ryan are brother and sister and they are the children of Ashlyn���s father���s new family. When they all first meet Ashlyn doesn���t like this dynamic duo. She doesn���t hate them but doesn���t really know what to think. As the book goes on there is a wonderful bond that forms between these three characters pulling them closer together, and has them sharing secrets with each other they never thought possible. Gabby is Ashlyn���s twin sister who loses her battle to leukemia at the opening of the book. She isn���t present in the physical sense, but she very much has a presence in this book. Each of the characters gets a chance to know Gabby in their own way.

<p><b>���You���re the reason people believe in tomorrow. You���re the voice that scares the shadows away. You���re the love that makes me breathe. So for the next few seconds, I���m going to be selfish. I���m going to say things that I don���t want you to listen to���Don���t go. Stay with me forever. Please, Ashlyn. Let me be your everything. Make me your golden. Don���t go.���</b></p>

If you���re a romance junkie like me, love Pretty Little Liars, or even a fan of P.S. I love you, than I implore you to go out and buy this book. If there is one book you read this summer, make it this one. Let yourself get swept up in this brilliantly beautiful love story. Spend time with these astoundingly well written characters and remember what first love feels like.

I give this book not just 5 stars, but all of the stars in the sky. Brittainy Cherry deserves every one of them. It���s been a long time since a book has stayed with me the way this one has. Loving Mr. Daniels will be my absolute favorite book of 2014 and possibly ever, I guarantee it. I���ve got a book hangover that's going to take me months to recover from.
The Mountain Between Us (2017)
The Mountain Between Us (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
Suspenseful (1 more)
The Dog
Katie Winslet kept getting knocked out (1 more)
The ending.
Survival is the Only Option
I do wish this was more of a survival movie then a drama. The majority of it was good. Two strangers on the mountain trying to survive the elements. The cold, the snow, a puma and frozen lake. They survived it all. But did they really have to fall in love. I know being stuck on a mountain with no physical contact can be tough for a month, but you are trying to survive. The whole time she was trying to get back to her husband, so making the mistake once might be ok. Them falling in love was kind of cheesy. I also don't know why Kate Winslet's character had to keep getting knock out for so long. I think I would have just left her on the mountain.

Watching this movie I learned never to trust a lone pilot in a charter plane. I like that he did not chart a flight path, that seems safe, especially if you are flying into a storm. Then he goes and haves a stroke mid-flight. It was definitely sad, but I am kind of glad he didn't make it.

His dog though held the movie together. The whole time I was wondering if they were going to kill off the dog. I definitely would have added another level to the movie. It would have given the idea that one or both of them might not have survived. But with the dog around gave everyone hope.

I did see the ending coming a mile away and the last 5 minutes was not worth my time. I am sure everyone would have seen it coming. With this type of movie you sometimes have to throw in little twist.

As a survival movie it was very good. As a drama/romance film, not so much. It would be worth renting and not paying for it in theaters.

Mekkin B. (122 KP) Oct 10, 2017

"I think I would have just left her on the mountain." XD love it

The Prey of Gods
The Prey of Gods
Nicky Drayden | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written, diverse characters, super unique plot (0 more)
Amazeballs. Bananapants. Just WOW! All accurate descriptions of my feelings about this book. To say the plot is extraordinarily unique would be an understatement. I can honestly say I have never read anything quite like it and I mean that in the best way possible. A crab and a dolphin in flagrante delicto? Sure, why not?

Set in Africa in the future, it features a cast of wonderfully diverse characters, whose DNA is altered through the use of a new designer drug allowing them to tap into divine superpowers they never knew they had, allied with newly sentient household robots, in a fight to save the world from an evil ancient demigoddess. Sounds wild, right? That’s because it is. It is also 100% pure greatness, not from concentrate.

This isn’t a book that eases you into its craziness. It begins with the preparation of a circumcision to be followed by a celebratory party. Within the first chapter we find out about the whole crab and dolphin thing. (Sorry y’all, trying to avoid spoilers here lol.) I enjoyed seeing this particular romance develop and unfold throughout the story, in such a strange world it was a refreshing spot of sweet and normal. Well, as normal as it could be in this book lol. I also liked seeing the way the author brought sentience to the robots and how they even developed their own personalities and loyalties. There honestly wasn’t anything I didn’t like about this. The numerous threads and subplots were each well developed and expertly woven together into a cohesive story, the characters were just awesome, the world building and mythology were well done and easy to imagine, the writing style and pacing had me hooked from page one. It’s just really well done on every level.

By far the most original and compelling book I’ve read so far this year. Nicky Drayden is definitely an author to watch! Highly recommended; two super enthusiastic thumbs up; five solid sun-sized stars!
Never Never
Never Never
Brianna Shrum | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic retelling of Peter Pan from Hook's point of view
Where do I start with this one? I had ups and downs with this book. It’s a retelling of Peter Pan, from Captain Hook’s viewpoint. And it reveals that James Hook was actually a boy taken to Neverland who thought it was going to be temporary, but then Pan refused to take him home.

I LOVE that it showed Hook as a sympathetic character. And in my interpretation, Hook is still that lonely 13-year-old boy that Pan stole, artificially aged through the tricks of Neverland. Being a 13-year-old boy explains the hysterical fear of the crocodile, and the blind rages at Pan. He’s still a child, without the emotional maturity of a man, and that explains a lot of his actions in the original Disney movie. (Which is incorporated in the last part of the book.)

I was disappointed in the ending of the book. Not in the writing – the writing was fantastic – but in the actual events. I wanted a different ending. (I’m trying not to spoil too much!)

And Hook’s romance – well. It was unexpected, but it made sense, and I enjoyed it. For a while it was the only pure thing he had, but even that was spoiled by Pan. Hook really just couldn’t catch a break.

It’ll be interesting to see how this compares to the other Hook retellings out there, which I’m planning to read as well – Peter Pan is one of my husband’s favorite fairy tales, and I love seeing fairy tales from the villain’s point of view.

To sum up: A solid retelling from Captain’s Hook point of view – the ending was not quite what I wanted, but villain’s stories almost never end happily for the villain, I suppose. Definitely worth the read.

You can find all of my reviews at
Seduced by Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #3)
Seduced by Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #3)
Erin Kellison | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seduced by Fire (Dragons of Bloodfire #3) by Erin Kellison
Seduced by Fire is the third book in the Dragons of Bloodfire series. In this book our two main characters are both dragons, and both have secrets to keep. Ryder, also known as Professor Ted, has managed to live amongst the humans, working as a professor. Everything he has worked for, and lived with, becomes a moot point when he crosses paths with a Tempus during one of his lectures. He is exposed to the human world, and has decisions to make. Aura is a Sun Dragon, and you don't really know much about her to begin with, except that her and Ryder have a history. As the story progresses you find out more about both our main characters, and the story itself. We reunite with Warrick and Samantha from book 2, whilst Thane from book 1 is only spoken about.

Something was missing from this book for me, and I'll be damned if I can figure out what it was. I love Erin Kellison's work, and this, by technical standards, is the same high quality as you would expect, with no editing or grammatical errors that I could see. However, I just didn't feel like I connected with the characters or the story as much as the others, especially book 1. I am sure that this will only be my opinion in amongst the rest, as it is more than usual to get lost in the worlds that Erin Kellison produces.

So, for me, this book was good and I did enjoy it. It just didn't wow me like others have in the past. I would still recommend both this book, and others by this author, to anyone who loves paranormal romance.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Astonishing Color of After
The Astonishing Color of After
Emily X.R. Pan | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
*some minor spoilers

I was compelled to finish this book, despite not loving it... and There were some things about this book that really irritated me. 

First, I really didn't like the characters. Kinda hard to love the book when you don't like the characters. 

The mom, Dory, I could relate to. Depression is a dangerous disease that steals your body and your life. 

The dad was a horrible person... rude, disrespectful, unthoughtful, and uncaring about his daughter and her passions. Maybe I'm biased because I love art, but who in their right mind tells their kid to stop doing art. 

And then, at the end, when suddenly he is encouraging her that she has a gift and that her mom would be proud? Like, okay, mom dies and suddenly you're not an asshole anymore? What? 

There were a lot of flashbacks, and memories, and not a whole lot of plot. I think it could have been spread better. There were whole sections where she was just having flashbacks and it was annoying. 

The romance aspect was somewhat uncomfortable... like it was too much of a struggle for Pan to write it. It didn't flow well. Maybe that was the point. To be awkward.

It got a little better near the end and I was like : (insert "now kiss" meme here)

I kind of expected Phon (spelling? I listened to the audiobook) to be her aunt, so that wasn't much of a surprise. But the reveal was fun and clever. 

The writing was beautiful, and the color aspect was interesting. Like I said, I felt compelled to finish it, but I found myself irritated while I was listening. 

I did relate to the author's note about re-writing her novel multiple times though... 

And the end of the book felt good... I had a feeling all Lee's visions would become her final series of art, and I'm happy with it.

Recommend to ages 13+. Very little language. 
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Blood Shadow (Blood Never Lies 1)
Dianna Hardy | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The start of an exciting new series!!
This is the beginning of a new series from Dianna Hardy, which has it's roots in The Eye of The Storm series. You don't need to have read the series to read this book though, although you will be able to understand why the main character, Jennifer Warren, acts in the way that she does.
Five years after Jennifer has put her werewolf past behind her, she is settled in to a new life with a job, house and a boyfriend. She receives anonymous notes from time to time that warn her of things that will happen and people that she should steer clear of. There is a Supermoon coming, and she has been warned that something big is going to happen. Her past seems to be catching up with her.
Jennifer is a much more likeable character in this book than she was in the EOTS series. She is vulnerable, shy and genuinely seems to care about her boyfriend. Her flashbacks and dreams are disturbing for her (and may be disturbing for the reader to, to be honest), and we see just how devastating an effect her past has had on her.
I liked the way that certain myths were incorporated in to the story (I can't say which, it'll give the game away!!) and the backstories of other characters were very interesting.
All in all, this was a gripping story, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I had to go to work, I would have finished it in one sitting.
This is a good book for those who enjoy Urban Fantasy with a bit of romance (not as much in this story as in her previous series, though). I'm looking forward to any more that the author writes in this series - there were a few loose ends that are crying out to be followed up!
Many thanks to the author for early access to her book to review (and an honest review as well!!)
Wolfhound Century
Wolfhound Century
Peter Higgins | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first started reading (well, listening) to this book, I got a little confused and disoriented. There were a lot of names and places that, although they were English, they weren’t words or names that I knew, so I had trouble keeping track of what was going on. Part of the problem was I listened to a chapter here, a chapter there. So I put it aside, listened to something else, and went back to it later when I had hours upon hours to invest into it.

Boy am I glad I listened to this story.

I cannot describe to you how beautiful this story was. It was exciting and nerve wracking and terrifying. It was totally new and different and unique from anything else I’ve ever read. It had a love story, but it was an epic love story, not a romance as defined by the modern-day genre. It was sweet and beautiful and enthralling. It’s fantasy, but it’s not “elves and dwarves and fairies” fantasy… it’s fantastical and imaginary and connected with nature, but there aren’t warlocks. Higgins has his own set of creatures, his own city and country, his own history, his own world, and I loved it (though I didn’t want to live there. Read the summary, you wouldn’t either). On top of that, the writing was descriptive and concrete, and I felt like I was a part of the world. I felt like I was Lom an Marucia and Raku (I have no idea how to spell their names because I listened to the audio). I seriously didn’t want it to end.

Man, it’s been a good year for audiobooks! Guys, get this one asap. Give it thirty minutes of your time, and you’ll be sucked in.

Neil Dickson, the narrator, was also wonderful. He’s done a few other audiobooks, including the dramatized edition of The Importance of Being Earnest, and James Patterson’s The Jester. I’m definitely going to keep my eyes open for other work he does.

Content/Recommendation: Some violence, darker themes. Ages 16+
Ninth City Burning
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
J. Patrick Black’s debut novel, Ninth City Burning, is an incredibly intense ride alongside humanity’s bid for survival against an alien race seeking Earth’s destruction. Complete with a wide cast of unique characters with their own voices, this novel has earned its place among my favorites.

More often than not, I’m wary of books with shifting first-person. In this case, readers meet seven different points of view – and every single one of those characters have their own voices. I find this impressive, considering the frequency with which Black switches between his cast. (Actually, I find myself wondering how he approached writing the different views, as they are so starkly different.)

For the most part, all but two of these characters feel real. Jax and Naomi are the exception, as they both appear extremely mature for their age. While Jax does have a military upbringing, Naomi is a bit too advanced for a child of a nomadic lifestyle. There’s also a dash of romance in this book that feels a bit too forced.

Ninth City Burning also manages to blur the line between science-fiction and epic fantasy, which is an oddly unique feeling to encounter while reading. Magic and science both play heavy roles in this novel, and I imagine the former of those two, coupled with the camaraderie between the main characters, is precisely why this book is recommended for fans of Harry Potter.

The agonizingly slow build-up to action further lends to the epic fantasy feel of this book, a feat that I remain unsure of presently. While it leads to less action and battle in the meat of the book, it also serves as an opportunity for Black to further unravel this beautiful world he has created.

Ninth City Burning is definitely a book I’ll be recommending to my friends and readers who prefer science-fiction. I would like to thank Blogging for Books for providing me with a copy of this book for the purpose of unbiased review.