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Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
Thor and loki team up Chris Hemsworth as Thor Tom Hiddleston as loki Final action sequence was creative (0 more)
Malekith is possibly the worst MCU villain Thor and Jane's romance Boring plot Darcy aka Dar Dar binks Selvigs's stone henge moment (0 more)
"i didn't do it for him"
I was hoping to see something in The Dark World that I had missed the previous two viewings...something to help me enjoy this a bit more. Unfortunately, I hadn't missed anything. This is a drag.

Where do I start with the flaws? A lot of characters are criminally underutilised including Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, Odin, Heimdall and perhaps most important, the main antagonist, Malekith. I like the idea of the Dark Elves being used here but the execution is terribly flawed. It doesn't help that the likes of Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins are seemingly coasting here; the former with literally no chemistry with her love interest. Although the latter's sheer presence helps boost scenes he is in, even if he isn't trying. The other issue is this whole film is essentially flashes of brilliance drowning in a sea of mediocrity. Every now and then we get a cool scene involving Loki or Thor will crack a joke or there will be a cool action sequence but then that 5 minutes is followed by 20 minutes of characters having little to do. It's criminally boring.

I bet you can all guess the good...Chris Hemsworth who plays Thor and Tom Hiddleston who plays Loki. These two are the stars (obviously) and if it wasn't for them, this would probably get only one star. I mean, I like Thor's friends but they don't get much screentime in this. I like the look of Asgard but the story that accompanies it is boring.

It's a shame that two great lead characters are wasted by weak writing and unmotivated performances from some other cast members.
Good Development of Characters, Humour and Plot (0 more)
Slightly awkward writing at times (0 more)
The Best Book So Far in the Series
The 'Blurb':

'The Peculiar Children are back in the third installment in the bestselling series of YA novels by Ransom Riggs. Time is running out for the Peculiar Children. With a dangerous madman on the loose, and their beloved Miss Peregrine still in danger, it's up to Jacob Portman to channel his newfound abilities and defeat Caul before he loses his friends--and their world--forever. This action-packed adventure features all-new Peculiar photographs from times and places all over the world.'

I've recently finished reading 'Library of Souls' by Ransom Riggs and I thought that this was the best book in the series. I'm not sure if this book was the last in a trilogy or the new book due to come out, follows on from what happened in 'Library of Souls', but I liked the plot of this novel.

Whilst I enjoyed the other two books, I think with 'Library of Souls', the story really gets going and this book was really well-paced and exciting.

I liked the development of the characters and I also thought that the themes running through the book, about how power use others to gain power for themselves, was thought provoking and mature. The teen romance is the only thing that lets this down slightly throughout the other books, but that element was dealt with well in 'Library of Souls'.

Also I think that the writing style is better in this novel. In the first novel, there were a few times where the writing seemed a bit awkward, but I think 'Library of Souls' is well written and at times, funny. At times, the story mirrored 'Harry Potter', but I still thought that it was still quite original.

I hope the new book continues Jacob's story, but even if that's the last thing we hear of this set of characters, this was a fitting end to their adventures.

My Rating **** 1/2 Stars

Cristov Russell (3 KP) rated Admist the Chaos by Sara Bareilles in Music

May 25, 2019 (Updated May 25, 2019)  
Admist the Chaos by Sara Bareilles
Admist the Chaos by Sara Bareilles
2019 | Pop, Singer-Songwriter
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Orpheus, Miss Simone, No Such Thing, Someone Who Loves Me (0 more)
Sara's latest has her working with T Bone Burnett (one of my favorite producers) who has worked with artists like Sam Phillips, Elvis Costello, Roy Orbison and Cassandra Wilson. Burnett, who is himself a recording artists and songwriter is a perfect choice, giving Bareilles a cohesive sound that suits her rich tone like a deep cushioned coach wrapped in a soft warm blanket.

Each of the tracks were written or co-workers by Bareilles and none disappoint. From the jangly mid-tempo Fire about a relationship that just isn't working to A Safe Place to Land; a beautifully sorrow drenched but hopeful duet with John Legend.

My favorite, Orpheus, about giving someone comfort and a peaceful space admist the chaos is where the album gets its name and many of the songs themes circle around the idea of finding peace or coming to terms with life.

Armor, a feminist anthem, pays tribute to those who paved the way and warns misogynists that those standing up to them today pale in comparison to the coming generation. It was inspired by the #metoo movement and released early as a response to Brett Kavanagh hearings.

If I Can't Have You deals with trying to get over the loss of a love. It's a breezy after the tears track best enjoyed with a glass of wine.

Burnett's influence shows on Eyes On You with its just inside the barn door toe tapping country tinges.

Miss Simone is a love letter to the lady herself for providing the soundtrack to an enduring romance.

The album closes with a track that fits well with its siblings but I can't say I like it quite as much. It's not a bad track and Bareilles and Legend sound great together but it feels like a leftover song. It was inspired by the immigrant families being separated.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Shockwave in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Amy Romine | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved the romance in the book. At first I wasn’t sure where this was going. Kate is a strong cookie and I doubted she’d have room in her life for love, she’s also a member of the FBI so she’s not used to having boyfriends put up with the hours her job demands from her. But when she and Jack get over their differences and the underlying sexual tension explodes it’s a completely different story. One full of action, suspense and drama that will keep you turning the pages fast.

Warning: This does end as a cliffhanger and it’s such an exciting one, you will need to get the following two books of the Dead Air Series, Backlash, and then Fallout. I wish I could tell you how this book ends, since it is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new drama. But we don’t want to giveaway spoilers, do we? No! That will spoil the shock for you! I’ve not read books two and three yet, but you can bet I will now. I need to know what happens next. Who will make it out alive? Who will die? Not only do I need closure from this book, but I’m eager to find out what’s in store for this couple. What will life throw at them before they get together? If indeed that’s the author’s plan. Who knows? Amy had a habit of shocking me with her stories and I feel the next two books will be no exception.

Romine takes readers on an exciting ride, and as the story unfolds you’ll laugh, cry and be totally shocked at how Kate and Jack’s relationship takes a turn for the worse. Looks to me that Jack and Kate have a fight on their hands if they want a happy ever after! To sum up: Suspenseful smexyness with a whole lot of drama. The murkiness of Kate’s memory of her past kidnap and her realisation of her love for Jack — which comes at a cost — combine to great effect.
The Huntress
The Huntress
Kate Quinn | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great story with engrossing characters
I loved reading this one! A great blend of action, intrigue and romance complete with a cast of likable characters. Each one with their story to tell and it’s told well. For some background information it would help to read up on the subject of the Night Witches and their exploits during World War II (which is a fascinating subject on its’ own)

Of all the stories to read, Nina’s naturally, is the most interesting. She’s a wild child, does her own thing and doesn’t care about norms, conventions, and rules. She does her own thing but joins up with her squad not because of the love of her land and country but because she loves to fly. It’s her passion and it shows. I love reading about Nina because of her free spirited attitude and her drive. It’s what keeps her going.

The plot is free flowing and the chapters goes back and forth time-wise, and changes perspective depending on the character. Besides Nina, Jordan’s point of view is also interesting. She’s also got an independent streak in her and it’s nice to see her go on her own path based on her decisions. It’s unheard of back then in the day (we’re talking about 1950’s here) so it’s nice to read.

The writing is excellent and it grabs your attention from page one. I rather wish there was a small glossary to see what Nina says in Russian (although I’m sure it’s rather colorful language) but other than that small bit, the characters are engaging, and it’s nice how they all come together in the last third of the book.

The Author’s Note is also good for explaining what she’s done historical speaking wise. If you are stickler for history perhaps this isn’t for you - it’s more character and story driven. Still an engrossing read and greatly recommended!
OMG, this book was bloody fantastic, one of my favourite reads this year, can't believe this was a debut author it was that good and believe me I read a lot of fiction.
Don't wake up by Liz Lawler was one of those stories that is impossible to put down. I was awake half the night reading, as this was such a compulsive story and I just had to know what was going to happen next.
To summarise we have Dr Alex Taylor, A doctor working A&E. One night upon leaving work she is attacked, upon rousing, she discovers herself naked on an operating table, with a masked stranger.
waking from this traumatic ordeal and believing she could have been raped the police are called. The problem is Alex when found unconscious in the hospital grounds by a security guard and her boyfriend Patrick The vet, is fully clothed with not a mark on her and nobody really believes her thinking she has suffered a head trauma and imagined her horrific experience.
Alex then spirals into a downward plunge of alcohol, anxiety and diazepam.
No one will listen to her, and events are escalating. I won't go into any more detail as I really don't want to spoil this excellent read for others, let's just say we have murder, intrigue a bit of romance and a story of phycological warfare that keeps you guessing until the end.
In conclusion, this is one book that you don't want to miss this year, the writing is excellent and in a sea of fiction, Don't wake up really stands out as a brilliant dark psychological thriller if I could give it more than five stars I would it was that good.
A job well done, Liz Lawler
I received a free E-Copy of Don't Wake Up from NetGalley and this is my own honest opinion.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for a light, fluffy, nerdy contemporary romance then this is the book for you. It's the perfect book if you have a book hangover or just to get your mind off of things.

After being embarrassed in the 6th grade, our main character decides to hide the fact that she likes comic books. Instead, she puts her effort into becoming popular and a cheerleader. Although she still reads comics, she buys them digitally and only reads them in the secrecy of her room so that no one will catch her. That all changes one day when the final issue of one of her favourite comics is printed... only in paper and her issue is back-ordered for weeks. Maddie must go to the local comic store to buy the issue in person and risk being seen by someone she knows.

This book follows Maddie on her journey of acceptance, being true to who she is, and learning how to treat others. I personally related to Logan, the boy who works in the comic book shop, a lot more than I did to Maddie. As a proud nerd, I don't have a problem telling people that I like video games, comic books, roleplays, cons, sci-fi, etc. If your friends don't accept you for who you truly are, then they aren't your true friends. At times, the way that Maddie treated the people in her life was pretty bad and she tended to be incredibly selfish so I couldn't connect to her as much, but I could completely see how others might if they've faced the same fear of being open about a certain aspect of themselves.

Overall, this cute, fluffy book was the perfect read between my two series binges. I consider contemporaries to be great palate cleansers that help you easily transition between a world-building heavy high-fantasy and your next read, get over a book hangover, or just refresh your reading if you're in a book slump.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Smash & Grab in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Smash & Grab
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Smash & Grab isn't a unique premise - "Uptown girl - She's been living in her uptown world". It's a theme that runs through many books. Clearly, Lexi is bored, rich and looking or an adrenaline rush. The moment the book switched to the perspective of the poor, smart "backstreet guy" or "downtown man" - you knew that there was going to be a romance or chemistry between the two. Despite the unsurprising connection between the two main characters, the book was quite enjoyable.

Lexi was not a vapid, rich girl but had a depth to her character. She goes through trials and doesn't just say, "oh woe is me" but actively attempts to remedy things. Yes, her dad might be guilty but he is not alone in his guilt nor was he the mastermind of the scheme. Lexi suspects her father's boss and is determined to do whatever she can to prove his guilt. This plan leads her to cross paths a number of times with a mysterious boy, our other narrator.

Christian is a bank robber. He and his crew, his cousin and a few other neighborhood guys, do jobs for the local Mexican gang. But if Christian had his way, he wouldn't be involved in any of that. He's smart, he loves to read and he wants to go to college. But his family was threatened and that's more important to him. That's how he gets forced into a job that will target the very bank that Lexi is attempting to infiltrate. The one her father used to work at. The one she conned her way into getting an internship at.

The two don't trust each other but know that in order to succeed they must work together. This is certainly a fun, easy summer read. Do not expect a literary classic, but it's definitely enjoyable. The story has good pacing overall, although the end was a little rushed. I recommend checking out this enjoyable read - especially if you want to find out what happens.
This book has 3 stories in one. I enjoyed them all. The three stories are connected to the previous story in this book. It also mentions Aden and Annie in the last story called "The Dawn of Christmas".

The first story in the book in about Beth Hertzler and somewhat about her aunt Lizzy. The story revels some secrets throughout the book and a romance forms between Beth and Jonah. Will Beth take a chance at second love. Read to find out. You could read the the book called "The Sound of Sleigh Bells" to read about Beth and Jonah and Beth's aunt Lizzy.

The second story is about Mattie and Gideon. Mattie is living in Ohio for some time but something happen to bring her home to Apple Ridge. Her cousin Beth and Lizzy wedding. Though coming home will Mattie learn the truth of Gideon's break in the engagement on Christmas eve. Well they get back together. To find out what happens you can read it or you could read the book called "The Christmas Singing". You can read about Gideon and Mattie and about Lizzy and Beth weddings.

The third story is about Sadie and Levi. Levi is a cousin to Beth and Mattie in someway. Sadie and Levi do not trust the other gender. Though the way they met is somewhat strange that Sadie came and found him laying in the hay-field hurt. Can Sadie and Levi let go of their prejudices and learn to trust each other. You also get to hear about Lizzy and Beth and also about Mattie. There the other couple that is mention that is Aden and Annie. You can read about Aden and Annie story in the book called "The Scent of Cherry Blossoms". If you want to read about Sadie and Levi you can be getting the book called "The Dawn of Christmas".

If you want all three of the stories you can get this book called "Christmas in Apple Ridge".

Sensitivemuse (246 KP) rated Hemlock in Books

Mar 19, 2018  
Kathleen Peacock | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great plot, great action
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Possible spoilers, you’ve been warned***

The book starts off well and has a good pace and momentum throughout the book. The setting is also well done and small with a handful of characters so it’s simple and makes the reading enjoyable. I particularly liked the dream sequences Mac has with Amy. They can be cliche but it helps move the plot along and adds to the mood.

The werewolf aspect is interesting in the book. The notion of them having a ‘rehabilitation’ camp has a dystopia feel and there’s also Mac trying to solve Amy’s murder. So there’s different characteristics of the book to please YA readers which makes the experience reading this fun and enjoyable.

Of course you need a bit of romance in the story as well right? I’m all for Kyle and Mac being together. I found the love triangle aspect here irritating and forced on. Jason did not have sort of chemistry at all with Mac. It felt forced, awkward, and just didn’t sit well with me (your boyfriend likes your best friend...just. No.) The love triangle just made things so cliche and sappy. The story didn’t need this. It was fine with just Kyle and Mac!

The mystery aspect was good throughout the novel. The crumb trail to figuring out who was behind the attacks wasn’t that obvious until the late third of the book and although it was already known who it was, the action sequence and climax of the story was pretty exciting and a lot of things are revealed. The revelations weren’t the type to blind side you, it fits well into the story and puts the pieces together. Which is fine. I think the action scenes are enough to keep readers interested.

I was happy with the way the book ended and I’ll be picking up the second one. Recommended for YA lovers who just want a good light read with some good action and a readable enjoyable plot.