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Bad Billionaire
Bad Billionaire
Julie Kriss | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew. Rating 7/10.

This book offers an adult romance with a dramatic backstory!

After reading the darkly gothic book The Corset, I was ready for some nice light reading – something modern with a feel good factor – and that’s exactly what I got!

The story telling is split between 2 protagonists, Olivia and bad boy Devon Wilder. They are neighbours who have eyed each other from afar. Then one day Devon offers Olivia a lift home, and it all goes on from there. Devon is deliciously dangerous next to ordinary Olivia, he’s a loner with a tendency to get into trouble.

Early in the story Devon gets caught as a getaway driver and is sent to prison, and it’s towards the end of his sentence that he’s informed that he’s come into a large inheritance. And that makes him more interesting to the crowd that used to get him into trouble.

Despite there being 2 narrators, the book is most definitely aimed at straight women, as all the adult scenes are from Olivia’s stand point.

I found the characters and story believable.

It has its differences with 50 Shades of Grey – Devon is no gentleman for a start. The tension is there but the drama takes a different route.

I chose this book for its brevity, but the problem with its book is its brevity – I’m sure the author could have thrown a few more adult scenes in there, or maybe combined some of the story from the sequel in with this book.

Unlike most first books in a series, it doesn’t end in a cliff hanger; and it turns out the next book focuses on different characters. I may read the sequel one day, but I’m not in a rush.

Admittedly a lot of book is cliché, but I found it very likable. I would recommend it, but for the target audience only.
Winter Trials
Winter Trials
K.S. Marsden | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review can also be found on my blog -

A winter tale about two men finding themselves and each other. A short beginning of what I believe will be a long-lasting relationship, in a book filled with warmth, bravery and magic.
I was lucky enough to be approached by the author – K.S. Marsden, and I was excited to read both her books from the Northern Witch Series.

Winter Trials is the first instalment, and it is a perfect short introduction to the environment and the character. The story is about Mark, a 16-year-old boy, who decides to start practising magic, just like his grandmother.

And when a new guy comes in school, Mark is instantly attracted to him. But Mark’s magic, and Damien’s troublesome past will suddenly find each other, and a huge danger is near…

I really enjoyed reading this book, and it was a shame that it was so short. I loved Mark’s character and especially cheered for the grandma witch – she was the star of the show, with her sassy comments!

There wasn’t too much in-depth character features, and character development, but I would assume this is an introduction to a world that is to come.
Mark is a typical high-school teenager, with normal things hanging around his head, and some of the thoughts and discussions were refreshing, rather than when you read some usual cliches in other books.

I loved the bonfire night gathering, and the magic scenes were breathtaking.

The love story between Mark and Demian developed a bit too fast, and that is my only little disappointment, but apart from that – I enjoyed reading it, and can’t wait to dive into book two.

If you love LGBT romance, YA and a bit of magic and witches – grab this book, and read this series!

Thank you to the author, for sending me a hard copy of this book. All the opinions stated in this review are entirely my own.
All That Has Flown Beyond (Natural Magic #2)
All That Has Flown Beyond (Natural Magic #2)
Marina Vivancos | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
All That Has Flown Beyond (Natural Magic #2) by Marina Vivancos
All That Has Flown Beyond is the second book in the Natural Magic series, and it is a series I am thoroughly enjoying.

In this story, we meet Kaiyo and Ahmik. They are both young boys and the reader learns about their horrific loss, and what it like for them now. The story is very sad for a while, and you really get the feel for what is going on. The depression that Kaiyo suffers from is so well-written, it's scary! You can't help but empathise with him, and end up cheering him on as he makes small miracles every day. Seriously, this part was so incredibly written. Either the author has suffered this herself, or she knows someone who has, who can describe it in perfect detail.

Although this is book two in the series, you can actually read it as a standalone, as there are none of the same characters in it from the first one. I found this to be a bit of a shame, as I would have liked to have connected with Damian and Hakan again, if only to see how they are going. I thought when Kaiyo went travelling, this would happen, but I was wrong.

This is a second-chance romance, but primarily told from Kaiyo's perspective. This meant I felt a slight disconnect with Ahmik, and even though I got his reasons for why he did what he did, it didn't really give me much insight to him.

On the whole though, this was an amazing book. It is sitting firmly on my favourites shelf, even though it's not 5-stars. Excellently written, with no grammar or editing errors to disrupt my reading flow. I have no hesitation in recommending this book. An absolute stunner.

* I received a copy of this book with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Bear and the Nightingale
The Bear and the Nightingale
Katherine Arden | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Writing Style, Story Progression, Literary Choices (0 more)
Nothing! It does, however, follow a straight fantasy story line. (0 more)
Fantastic Read
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved reading this book. Since reading it, a few weeks ago, it has become the first book that I recommend to someone looking for a good read. The author has brought her characters alive in a beautiful and alluring way. The story is based in Russia with a country noble's family being the main focus. The story itself, is a mixture of a coming of age story- in which the young main character, Vasya, discovers her place in the world- a fairy tale- a mythical snow demon who can only be calmed by a 'sacrificial' woman, who in turn fights with the snow demon against his evil brother- and a religious historical fiction- there is a strong opposition between Vasya, who believes strongly in the magic and old ways of her village, and a christian priest who comes to 'correct' their pagan beliefs and steer them towards God. There is a touch of romance, but it is not overwhelming and is charming in its own way. The characters come across as natural human beings/ mythical beings, and their choices in the story are logical and works well with whatever conflict they face. My absolute favorite thing that the author, Katherine Arden, did, however was her word choice. Karherine studied Russian in school, and knows quite a bit about its culture and language. A brilliant choice on her part, was recognizing that many of her readers may not be as familiar with the Russian language and culture as she is. So, to keep the feel of Russia alive in her book, she took the time to teach her characters beliefs to the reader, and come up with words that sound close to their Russian counterparts but are easy to pronoun for readers who don't know Russian. This is a very thoughtful fiction book and one I recommend for anyone who wants their imagination to shine.
Hearts Made Whole (Beacons of Hope, #2)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
With sorrow and uncertainty all around, Caroline will do anything to keep her family safe and protected.

Caroline Taylor's family has had their fair share of suffering. With their father having recently passed, their beloved home is now being threatened. But in 1865, because Caroline is a woman, the inspector sees fit to replace her with a man, Civil War veteran Ryan Chambers. Ryan is haunted by the pain of the past. All he wants to do is drown his sorrows any way that he can. Will they try to find their own solutions to their problems? Or will they turn to the only One who can heal their hearts and make them whole again?

"God is good all the time, no matter what bad things come into their lives." - Hearts Made Whole

There is something about Jody Hedlund's books that grip my heart. My laundry has sat forsaken the last few days and I have burned the midnight oil finishing Hearts Made Whole. Every emotion feels so real, the anger, love, fear, and hope. The exact circumstances portrayed in the book might never become a reality for me, but the emotions are very real. It was almost challenging to see the internal struggles that I deal with on a daily basis, brought to life before my very eyes. The distressing scenes only caused me to read faster and longer, wanting to know what would happen next. The hope that is instilled into the characters was contagious. The romance is passionate but clean and honorable. In all honesty, we need more authors like Jody Hedlund! Add Hearts Made Whole to your reading list today! This book can stand alone, but you really don't want to miss out on the first book in the series: Love Unexpected.

I received a free digital copy of Hearts Made Whole from Bethany House Publishers through
NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why oh why has it taken me THIS LONG to read a book by Becky Wade? Oh ya, because I used to think I didn't care for Contemporary Fiction...*hangs head in shame*...This book is so full of emotions, faith, heartbreak, and the most incredible romance.

When Nora and John first meet, they think that is a coincidence. But as their story unfolds it becomes clear that God's hand was all over their relationship from the beginning...As in the VERY beginning. There were a few twists that took me by surprised. A few times that I literally laughed out loud, and I may have yelled at John...a couple times...But he figures it out eventually, thank goodness! Although I think my FAVORITE moment, was when I was reading and was still near the beginning of the book...I read the line that described Nora wearing her Hogwarts Alumni T-shirt...and I was wearing MY Hogwarts Alumni T-shirt! (Photo evidence below.)

My nerd girl moment aside...True to You has many moments that speak to TRUTH and FAITH. Very well written with a unique style and new elements that I have not yet seen in a book. Behind the scenes look at our other characters and delves deeper into the thoughts and feelings of everyone involved.

Becky Wade does not shy away from the difficult subjects that life throws at us. But she presents it in a way that glorifies the grace and mercy of God. An exciting story that will leave you filled with hope and encouragement that no matter where you came from, or what you have had to go through in life, that you are not alone. There is One that will lead you through, that will give you a NEW IDENTITY, that will lift you out of the waters that are trying to drown you.
I received a complimentary copy of True to You from Bethany House. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Connilyn Cossette has a true gift, weaving the history and truth of the Bible with imagination. Enhancing the stories to the point that I feel like I can TASTE the manna, I can SEE the cloud, I can HEAR the shofar blow, and I can FEEL the agony of the Canaanites. A people who have been led to live life a certain way, and they know nothing else.

Allanah and Tobiah have found a place in my heart. A "Culture Clash" of massive proportions and a romance that is so sweet and tender. A Canaanite by birth, will Allanah be able to open her heart to the people who have embraced her as their own? Tobiah is full of compassion and love for his family, but when his path leads him to Allanah, his life ends up going in a direction he didn't expect.

Although Allanah and Tobiah are fictional, there are plenty of REAL people, places, and events in this story. And the truth of God's love, forgiveness, salvation, is very real. There are many challenging issues that come up, but you know what? They really happened, and are still happening today. We can not just brush these uncomfortable things under the rug. I commend Connilyn for bringing these issues to light in a heart wrenching yet very real way.

From beginning to end, Wings of the Wind had me utterly captivated. It is a rare thing for me to read a book this fast. And if it wasn't for sleep and feeding my family, I would have completed this in one sitting. Now I can't wait to go back and read the first two books in the series. I think it is safe to say that all of Connilyn's books, both past and future, will make it to my reading list. Brava Connilyn! I am officially hooked!

I received a complimentary copy of Wings of the Wind from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Oh, readers...Prepare your heart for this one. Sons of Blackbird Mountain is a story that you will want to savor. Let the words sink into your soul and let them move you. Because they will...

I have never seen American Sign Language portrayed so precise as I have in this book. Having been raised by an interpreter for the Deaf, I have been immersed in the language and the culture my whole life. I say "Brava!" to Joanne Bischof for not only taking on this astounding task, but accomplishing it successfully and with excellence.

I can't get this story out of my heart or my head. Thor's struggles and his strength. His love and his protectiveness. Aven is the sister of my heart. With her compassion, empathy, understanding, and even her fears...she is a beautiful woman inside and out. I want to live in this story with them. I want to walk the orchard. Make a pie in Ida's kitchen. Go swimming...Ok, you have to read the story to understand...And through it all, watching Thor and Aven find their strength, not in each other alone, but in God. Learning to lean on HIM to provide. Letting HIS strength guide and direct their paths. And to show HIS love to those around them, even if they are the "enemy".

You all know how much I love The Lady and the Lionheart, well...Thor is sure giving Charlie a run for his money. I think my heart might explode with all the feelings and emotions emitted by these two stories and heroes.

Joanne Bischof continues to expand the boundaries of Christian Fiction. With passion, tension, conflict, and romance we are drawn into the world of Aven and the Norgaard brothers.

I received a complimentary copy of Sons of Blackbird Mountain from the publisher through Book Look. I also received an ebook copy through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Irish Meadows (Courage to Dream, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance, drama and faith can be found on every page of Irish Meadows. Delve into the pages of this book and get lost on Long Island, 1911.

 In order to save his farm from complete ruin, James O'Leary pressures his family to do what they have to do in order to save their home. His daughters, Brianna and Coleen, have very different plans for their future however. Brianna wishes to further her education by attending college. And Coleen is content to marry, as long as the man in questions meets her standards. Gilbert Whelan, who has practically been adopted by the O'Learys, returns and Brianna begins to question her outlook on her future. While Rylan Montgomery, a distant cousin attending seminary, sends Coleen's heart on a wild ride. Will they live the life that James has dictated for them? Or will they have the courage to dream?

 Irish Meadows had me riding an emotional roller coaster from beginning to end. This book is packed with dramatic events that left me frustrated, yet I kept turning the page in hopes that everything would work out for the best. I am going to need a couple of days for my emotions to settle down. While reading this book, I was reminded of how crucial it is to keep in mind the effects our actions have on others. Are we acting with other people's best interest in mind? Or are we only concerned with furthering our own ambitions and goals? And most importantly, are we keeping God at the center of our decisions? I really enjoyed Susan's first historical novel. And I am looking forward to the second book A Worthy Heart coming 2016.

I received a free copy of Irish Meadows from Susan Anne Mason and Bethany House Publishers for promotional purposes. I was not required to post a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Little Ray Of Sunshine (41 KP) rated Three Fat Singletons in Books

Jan 11, 2019 (Updated Feb 10, 2019)  
Three Fat Singletons
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review | Three Fat Singletons by J.M. Bartholomew*
This book is about 3 thirty-something friends called Jesse a divorcee wanting to find someone to love, Mary a man-eater who always attract the married man and Dotty a Christian virgin who just want to meet someone to settle down with.
These three singletons feel unlucky in love as you can see in the title that they are overweight and wish they were slimmer and men will look more at them then laugh at them and call them names.

So they choose to go on a week-long getaway to Greece they made sure it was an adult only holiday resort so they can meet some single men and have some fun. But the holiday doesn't run smoothly it throws them some unexpected challenges as there is romance, sex, adultery and embarrassment. But while they on holiday it ain't all about them finding men to have their wicked way with it's for them to find themselves and start to appreciate themselves and build their confidence and self-esteem especially Dotty. The book ain't all doom and gloom it has hilarious parts what made me laugh out loud.

I felt for the characters as you see how being overweight can make them feel individual. Dotty is the one I feel more for as she realise that she can lose weight but she struggles with willpower with food. I can connect with the character as I personally know how my love food can become the addiction. I hope I see more of these three characters and I hope they find happiness.

I love finding authors I haven't read before and seen their debut books. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to read your book.

I can't wait to see what J.M.Bartholomew will write next.
*I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.