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Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Becky Albertalli | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
9.0 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit that I will come off a bit biased in my review of this book, since it's one of my genuine favorites. Albertalli seems to just have this way of writing that can keep just about anyone engaged, and this paired up with such a touching, personal, and still-somehow-humorous story works perfectly.
The cast of characters is a realistic one. Simon's struggle to come to terms with being gay and to come out is coming from a place of understanding, and reflects perfectly the emotions most of us have or would feel in his position. Abby and Nick, though not particularly playing a large part in the overall story, act as normal people would in their situation, which is rare enough that I have to applaud it. Finally Leah, the last of the main group of friends, is a character we can probably relate to at least one person in our real life - and she's written perfectly for it, as a character we understand can be frustrating but still a good friend from Simon's perspective.
One of my favorite things about this book, however, would have to be the e-mails between Blue and Simon (or maybe calling him Jacques would be better when I talk about the e-mails?) All of these emails are scattered within the book, and give us an insight into the developing feelings between Simon and Blue such as when Simon (spoiler alert, possibly) finally signs off his e-mail with "love". Its the subtle details in these emails, and then also how their writing transfers to their real dialogue that makes it harder to not appreciate the care that went into this book - especially since its Albertalli's debut!
There's not much else I can really say about Simon without turning this review into a spoiler-filled minefield, but I would 100% recommend this book to anyone. Especially if the subject matter is something you can relate to, and if a romance with an original concept is what you're looking for!
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Polaris Awakening</i> is a young adult science fiction anthology containing several short stories about the human race thousand of years from now where everyone lives aboard giant space stations. <i>Polaris</i> is a collaborative project between numerous authors that are rising up in the young adult world: Kelli Sheridan, E. Latimer, Erica Crouch, Janna Jennings, Hannah Davies, Terra Harmony and Meghan Jashinky. Although each story is different, they all revolve around <i>Polaris</i> – the largest human built space station in the universe.

Despite the different authors’ input, it could be easily believed that only one person wrote the anthology, as their writing styles are so similar. Whilst being labeled as science fiction, there are a lot of themes throughout the book such as a dystopian setting, social and political injustice, romance and violence. There are many strong male and female characters, which make these stories suitable to readers of both genders. The main characters are roughly the same age as the target audience thus generating appropriate language and scenarios for young adults to read and become interested in.
Naturally, some of the stories are better than others. Some are so full of action and suspense, making the reader want to stay with those characters forever, whereas others feel rather short and incomplete. What happens to those certain individuals once they are off the page?

Whilst reading this book I kept thinking about a novel that was recently published: <i>Way Down Dark</i> by J. P. Smythe. The plots of these short stories were very similar to the general story line portrayed within that book. The setting was almost the same as the spacecraft written about by Smythe. If you enjoy this anthology, I am sure you would also love <i>Way Down Dark</i>, and vice versa.
The Elite (The Selection, #2)
The Elite (The Selection, #2)
Kiera Cass | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

In <i>The Selection</i> Kiera Cass introduced young adult readers to a dystopian society where people are sorted into different castes which dictate how rich or poor they are. America Singer (a five) was selected amongst many other girls to live at the palace where eventually one will be chosen to marry Prince Maxon. With only six girls remaining, the story continues in <i>The Elite</i>.

America and the girls are faced with more challenges to prove they have what it takes to become a princess and eventually a queen, however is this something America wants? It is clear to America and the reader that she has strong feelings for Maxon but she cannot easily forget her childhood sweetheart, Aspen. Things become more confusing for America as she begins to question Maxon’s intentions. She can love him but can she trust him? America needs to decide whether she still wants a place in this competition as she faces rebel attacks and discovers information about the history of Illéa.

The will they, won’t they aspect of America and Maxon’s relationship keeps us engaged in the story, and the love triangle adds even more tension. Cass writes so well that readers will find themselves so engrossed in the novel that they may even become frustrated when things do not go they way they wished they had.

Although America recaps on the major events of book one, this is for the benefit of refreshing readers’ minds and not to ease new readers into the story. Without prior knowledge things may be confusing so make sure to read <i>The Selection</i> first.

Overall, <i>The Elite</i> is a great sequel and it will be exciting to find out where the story goes next. <i>The Selection</i> in general is a great series for teenage girls who love a bit of romance.
Remember Me (Find Me, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Remember Me</i> is the second novel in the <i>Find Me</i> thriller series by Romily Bernard. At the end of the first book Wicket Tate thought her problems were over but the teenage computer hacker is quickly caught up in a murder case. Beginning with a body of a woman with the words “Remember Me” carved into her, Wick is blackmailed by a member of the police to secretly investigate the potential suspects. Knowing her remaining family and friends would suffer if she did not comply, Wick gets herself into difficult and dangerous situations. As well as this, Wick is still struggling with previous events in her life making her job all the more harder, especially when certain secrets begin to resurface.

Bernard easily grabs the readers’ attention with the fast paced and developing plot line. Wick Tate is a likeable character whose bravery is admirable. During the story a range of potential outcomes come to mind, and although one of them may be correct, Bernard keeps us in suspense until the very end.

As with most young adult fiction, <i>Remember Me</i> would not be complete without it’s fair share of romance. Wick’s boyfriend, Griff, is against her involvement with the hacking jobs but fails to realize just how trapped she is. This causes friction between the couple, not helped by the behavior of the new guy on the scene, Milo.

Although this is the second book in the series there is enough background information given for new readers to understand what has happened so far. As with all sequels it would be beneficial to have read the preceding book, however it is not essential as this book is enjoyable regardless.

This is a highly recommended book and series, and the author still has a lot more to offer. A third title, <i>Trust Me</i>, should be published next year (2015).
Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1
Illuminae: The Illuminae Files: Book 1
Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman | 2015 | Children
9.2 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illuminae is the first book I’ve read of it’s kind. I’ve never really read any sci-fi books before, and I think Illuminae was a great jumping off point. The action and adventure in this book kept me on the edge of my seat the whole adventure. I loved the mixed media aspect of this book, and the dual writers made this story phenomenal. An added bonus was the touch of romance without allowing it to dominate the whole story.
Let me start off by acknowledging the way in which the story is presented. This book is written completely in mixed media, and is set to resemble a dossier of an event. The story unfolds as you read emails, text messages, surveillance footage, and memorandums. When I read Illuminae I started by just reading the first 25-40 pages by myself. Then I decided to get the audiobook from the library and I listened to that while I read along and my reading experience grew exponentially. There are different narrators for different parts, sound effects, the whole nine. It brought the story to life and made me fall in love with it and the characters.
Kady Grand and Ezra Mason are the main characters of this adventure. Kady is the tough as nails hacker that is separated from the boy she hates to love and loves to hate. She is everything I look for in a badass heroine. She has a superpower (hacking), she has her sarcastic wit, she cares deeply about the people around her and humanity, she finally realizes how great she is when she needs the confidence boost the most, and she carries herself with integrity and aplomb. Ezra Mason is tough, but also unsure of himself. He loves Kady, but doesn’t quite want to admit it out loud. He is pretty badass and is always putting others ahead of himself.
If you at all enjoy sci-fi, and especially Battlestar Gallactica I encourage you to give Illuminae a chance.
Reign of the Fallen
Reign of the Fallen
Sarah Glenn Marsh | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reign of the Fallen was a book that I desperately wanted to love. The cover is stunning, the synopsis sounds amazing! I’d never read a book like this before, and I was super excited about the whole necromancer aspect of the story. I decided to use one of my free audible credits for this book.
I started reading and the characters were amazing and the story was pretty fast paced, there was so romance elements to it, but then it all kind of started to go sound. There is a pivotal scene about 1/4th of the way into the book, and after that the whole tone of the book changes.
The characters in this book were going to be badass or so I thought. Odessa was my highest hope of all the characters, but she ended up being the one I hated the most. Odessa is the name of a badass, and I expected nothing less from her. However, she suffers a terrible loss and just spirals out of control after that. She becomes addicted to this potion and instead of leaning on the plethora of supporting characters (and there are a lot) she continues to drink more and more of this potion, and quickly the main plot of this book becomes about dealing with her addiction… <head desk>
I decided to persevere and trudge onward in my audiobook journey noticing that I keep speeding up the narrator’s voice. Because if she reads fast the book would be over faster… Right….
Each chapter seemed to get more and more convoluted and I couldn’t wait to be done with this book. This book had so much promise and was so interesting with a unique plot but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t get past ALL of the characters and I couldn’t keep them straight. So, to you potential reader I say this… If you have patience and you think it sounds good, give it a go. Otherwise, save yourself the trouble.
Gentleman&#039;s Guide To Vice And Virtue
Gentleman's Guide To Vice And Virtue
Mackenzi Lee | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been eagerly awaiting this sequel to The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, and it did not disappoint! In The Lady's Guide we continue the story of the Montague siblings, with the book opening on Felicity showing up at her brother's flat in London while she figures out how to get into medical school. I love the sibling relationship between these two, and Felicity's friendship with Monty's partner Percy. The three of them just make an amazing little group, so supportive and understanding of each other.

Felicity strongly hinted at being asexual in The Gentleman's Guide, and through the course of this book, that is cemented. Even when she comes to care for someone, sex just...isn't her thing. Romance isn't really either, making her both asexual and aromantic. It's fantastic representation for an identity we don't see very often in books. Or, perhaps, an identity we don't see explicitly mentioned in fiction. Many books don't have romantic plots and just don't investigate that aspect of their characters, but to investigate that aspect of a character and say NO, they are NOT interested in that is unique.

Similar to The Gentleman's Guide, this is an adventure story. Unexpectedly, we veered into magical realism in this book, with the existence of some fantastical creatures I wasn't expecting to see. Nothing about The Gentleman's Guide had implied that the world they inhabited was not exactly ours, but The Lady's Guide does deviate. So that was a big surprise, and I'm not sure I like it. It felt a little forced. I think the "secret" that someone was protecting could have been written as something real instead of a fantastic creature.

That minor quibble aside, I really loved this book, just like I did the first. These two are GREAT books, and the characters are outstanding.

You can read all my reviews at
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1)
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1)
Jay Hogan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1) by Jay Hogan
Digging Deep is the first book in the series of the same name, and it goes off with an exceptional bang!!! Due to my work history, I have a good amount of knowledge to do with Crohn's Disease, and how they may end up with ostomy bags in particular. However, this story made it all so much more real! No more dry text books for me. I was able to relate on a much more personal level, seeing the impact it had on both Drake and Caleb respectively.

Both of these characters stole my heart. From the sassy yet oh-so-prickly midwife, to the caring and considerate ex-man-whore who wants to try this "romance shit" with the guy who's gotten under his skin. There was only one issue that was never fully answered to my satisfaction (😉), and that was Leanne. Why was she 'off', as Caleb put it? I understand how the review because of the child would affect her, but that was sorted, and she was still not right? I'm not sure if I missed anything or not, but this is just a minor point, which has absolutely nothing to do with my total enjoyment of this book.

Excellently written, with enough detail for you to sympathise with the main characters without it taking over the whole story. I don't think there were any editing or grammatical errors in this book, but to be honest, I was too engrossed with the story. I was intrigued by the blurb, and simply fascinated by the story itself. Absolutely recommended by me, and I really can't wait to continue with the series!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Investigated (Daywalker Academy #1)
Investigated (Daywalker Academy #1)
Maya Daniels | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so if you follow my reviews you will know I am an avid Maya Daniels stalker... ahem, I mean fan! She hasn't written a bad book yet in my opinion, and she remains the Queen of Sass. She's covered many different themes with her books, and then there is this one...

Franky is a hybrid, half vampire-half fae. The life expectancy of hybrids isn't very long, but Franky works for The Agency so hers is a little more 'fraught'. The trouble is, Franky's powers are on the fritz and she has no idea what's going on. She is saved by a stranger and ends up going to the one place in the world where she faces danger like no other.

OH. MY. GOD!!!!! I loved this book so much. I'm also begging for a Zoltan!!! I want one of my own. I'm not even joking. There is drama, kick-ass action, snark by the bucket-load, and plenty of attraction. To put it simply, I NEED ALL THE BOOKS NOW!!! Yes, I know I'm being greedy, but there is a reason for this. Ms. Daniels is also a pain in the ass 😉 with her cliffhanger endings. So I know that even if I get book two tomorrow, I will still be in the same position as I am now.

Investigated is the first book in the Daywalker Academy series, and I really can't recommend it highly enough. We are talking high class, quality writing and editing with nary an error to disrupt me! I read this book in one sitting. I simply couldn't put it down. Who needs food anyway? (Answer - my girls apparently!)

So there you go. If you are looking for an adult paranormal romance, with a Maya Daniels quirk, sass galore, and steaming attraction that is off the charts, then look no further.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Letters to Juliet (2010)
Letters to Juliet (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sophie’s life is heading in a good direction. She is the best fact checker at the New Yorker, engaged to an up-and-coming chef and is headed on a romantic trip to Verona, the setting of Shakespeare’s most famous play, Romeo and Juliet. But when Sophie discovers a multi-decade old letter written to Juliet she finds herself on a new and exciting adventure in the spirit of true love.

The film hitches its wagon on rising star Amanda Seyfried as the leading lady, playing romantically-inclined heroine Sophie. Amanda plays opposite Christopher Egan as Charlie, a pessimistic and overly protective grandson of Claire, a romantic adventurer and ideal parental-figure, played by the ever-enchanting Vanessa Redgrave.

It was easy to expect that this would be the same old American twenty-something in love tale, but I was unexpectedly surprised by the depth and honesty in “Letters to Juliet”. While it is much more a love story than a comedy, the film tackles a number of the usual subjects –love, loss, and destiny– in new ways. Throughout the film are touching scenes that blend laughter and keen, realistic emotion, without the all too familiar awkward result.

And it is hard not to smile while watching “Letters to Juliet”. The infusion of a love story mixes well with the films other themes: the importance of family and the value of cross-cultural perspectives. These complex themes support the romantic story so well that the experience is less like a fantasy and more akin to a well-layered tale told by a close friend. Mix in the stunning landscape of Italy and “Letters to Juliet” becomes a magically honest story about the quest for true love.

Filled with quality acting, romance, and many kinds of love while speaking across generations and cultural viewpoints, “Letters to Juliet” manages to pull at the heartstrings and share an inspiring and uplifting tale.