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Smoke and Key
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><b>Kelsey Sutton sucked me right into <em>Smoke and Key</em>.</b></h2>
I thought <em>Smoke and Key</em> would be a fascinating murder mystery set underground with the dead. But as I got in the story, I discovered I was so <em>so</em> wrong. From early in the novel, Sutton sucks me into the world of Under. Key wakes up dead with no memories other than a key around her neck. Others who live in Under are the same as well, and like Key each of them has an item they came with they identify themselves with.

<h2><strong>Mysterious and creepy.</strong></h2>
<em>Smoke and Key</em> is everything I thought a world of dead people would be - mysterious and creepy. When Key awakens in Under, she has a feeling everyone around her is in the world for a reason - she just can't remember why. As she sets out to discover who she is, some of the residents are murdered brutally with no return. Key hopes that as she discovers the reason why everyone is there, she'll solve the cause as well before she is murdered.

Sutton creates an atmospheric world while building a mystery that kept me turning the pages. There were moments where I thought I would know how the story will play out in the end, but I would turn out to be entirely wrong. Sutton continues to do this until near the end when everything circles together.

<h2><strong>A little romance underneath.</strong></h2>
Sutton includes a good amount of romance in her latest novel developing throughout that I enjoyed. Despite the romance being a trope I normally have a dislike for, Sutton turns the tables and handles it nicely. There is also a good balance between the romance and everything else in the story, so it doesn't overshadow the plot despite ultimately being a love story.

<h2><strong>Superb character development.</strong></h2>
I adored all of the characters who made up the world of Under. Each of them has individual contributions to the society that is developed. What's neat about <em>Smoke and Key</em> is the story is in two timelines that come together in the end. One timeline is in the present in Under while the other as Key discovers her past that led them all to this world. Having the two timelines allows readers to see how the relationships have developed.

<h2><em><strong>Smoke and Key</strong></em><strong> is a beautifully written novel with magic and romance built with mysterious and creepy vibes.</strong></h2>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Two Steps Forward
Two Steps Forward
Anne Buist, Graeme Simsion | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Two Steps Forward" is a mix of travelogue and fictional romance. It is an interesting concept: a novel written by two authors, husband and wife, Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist, in alternating chapters. The narratives follow two walkers along the Camino pilgrim trail.

I was taken with this book from the start however it sadly it didn’t do it for me. There were a few funny moments and it was very well written and researched but was paced much slower than I prefer. I did not “dislike” this book but I can’t say I enjoyed it either.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book.
Nightblade (The World of Underrealm #1)
Nightblade (The World of Underrealm #1)
Garrett Robinson | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crazy Twists (1 more)
Author isnt afraid to delve into the tough to talk about issues
Can be a bit of a trigger to those sensitive to abuse. (0 more)
Amazing read! pride myself on being a romance category fanatic.i usually dont delve into the world of fantasy fiction but now im obsessed...i can honestly say this is one of the best ive ever read..The female heroines growth throughout the novel is shown in such great detail..the twists and turns of the story are very well placed..the fantasy aspect brings the imagination to life..highly recommend this epic tale of adventure,fantasy and finding oneself in the face of danger.
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Leigh Bardugo | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)

"Since I started writing about politics full time (a terrible place to live!), I always, always, always have a fantasy novel queued up in my audiobooks app. I listen to snippets when I’m getting dressed or washing the dishes or driving, and I set the sleep timer for 15 minutes every night so I can fall asleep in a story, whether my husband likes it or not. Shadow and Bone—about a young woman who discovers remarkable powers in a world plagued by darkness—is a flawless escape: adventure, romance, a captivating magic system, and enough emotional complexity that it stays under your skin even when you’re back in the real world. "

This is one of those novels that has you smiling even after you have finished and placed it back on your shelf. First of all, it is very realistic, especially historically. I cannot tell you have many historical romance novels I have read that is completely of sex. Not only that, but they make the female protagonists out to be strong, independent woman who are so unique against the rest of society that the man immediately falls for her because she is different.


If either of these is in my historical romance, I immediately assume it is trash and donate it. I am unique heroines, in the right time that is. I like my history to be accurate thank you.

Not only that, but I loved the humor. Despite villain and Kelsey's circumstance, it was a pretty lighthearted novel filled with laughter, an simple plotline that was easy to enjoy, and a great continuations of the novels that came before it.

I cannot, however, give it a five due to the predictability of it.

themaxdog (14 KP) rated Lady Renegade in Books

Jul 17, 2019  
Lady Renegade
Lady Renegade
Elizabeth Rose | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (0 more)
The Ending! (0 more)
Lady Renegade is a story filled with action, adventure, and romance. I liked that this book fleshed out the world and the cast of characters more than the first, helping me to build a better understanding of the world that these characters inhabit and their relationships with one another. It was also refreshing that the plot focused on more than just love and lust!

I also liked the author's decision to include a blind main character - something that I have never encountered before in a romance novel. Wren is a strong, feisty, independent lady, and it was nice that her blossoming feelings for Storm were a bonus rather than becoming the sole reason for her existence.

This book would probably have been rated higher if it wasn't for a particular event that happened at the end. Without spoiling the book, something happened which made me question a lot of what had already happened and really didn't sit very well with me. I guess you'll have to read the book to see for yourself!