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The Sea Gate
The Sea Gate
Jane Johnson | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is told from a dual perspective by Becky and Olivia. Becky is tasked to make the old crumbling house livable for Olivia. Becky is lovely, but quite a troubled character. Grief, unsatisfying love life, fear of illness and other things occupy Becky’s mind very often… I really liked Olivia in this novel, at present she is this tough old cookie but when we start delving into her childhood, we can see how wonderful she truly is. I enjoyed Olivia’s parts because she was very mysterious throughout this book, and I really enjoyed all the little discoveries that author had to offer with every single chapter.

I liked the narrative and how all the events were flowing throughout the pages. Present mixed with the past, never left me bored, and I was hooked to find out what will happen next. This novel has a lot to teach us, not only about self-discovery but also about how it was to live during WWII, especially when you are young, want to be carefree, but are left to fend for yourself with a very annoying child bestowed on you. I see a lot of the author’s experience in this book, such as life in Cornwall, true love for the sea and great knowledge about Morocco and it’s people.

I loved the writing style, it feels serious, but at the same breezy and enjoyable. The topics discussed in this book were abusive relationships, self-discovery, romance, survival, small community and it’s ways of life etc. The chapters are very well designed and didn’t leave me feeling bored. I liked the ending of this book, and I think it rounded up this story very nicely. So, to conclude, it was a very pleasantly surprising novel, filled with intriguing, different timelines as well as absorbing characters and their life stories.
Dancing on Broken Glass
Ka Hancock | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this is the best book I've read in a really long time.

Let's start with a critical analysis and break down the text: First, the writing was really good. Like, Dianne Dixon good, or JK Rowling good. It was filled with flowing and descriptive prose and beautiful metaphors. I could probably write a ten-page paper on some of the literary themes in this novel. It wasn't just fiction for the sake of the story: There was so much beauty about the meaning of life and love and commitment and… well, I'll let you read it.

The pacing was excellent. The very first sentence caught me by the hair and dragged me the whole way through the book. I read most of it in one setting, stopping only to readjust the pillow behind my back.

Now for the really important stuff:

The characters in Dancing on Broken Glass were so epic that I truly didn't want this book to end. They were so wonderful, but so terribly and humanly flawed, just like real people are, that I feel like if I saw Mickey or Lily on the street, I'd recognize them right away.

And boy did I relate to some of these characters!

The ending was just superb. It was heartbreaking, but I knew it was destined from the moment I started reading. It was so perfect and fulfilling that it was worth all the emotional turmoil the rest of the novel put me through.

On that note, it wasn't one of those books that are so hard to read that you can only take it in small doses or that it makes you cry, or extremely emotional readers can't handle it. Nor did it have any offensive language or sex scenes (okay there was some mention of sex, but it wasn't explicit in any way). In fact, it was one of the least offensive novels I've read in a very long time. We're talking years.

The romance was better than anything I've read in any teen novel. The relationships were true and realistic to the core. The flawed characters were just as real to me as I am to myself. The message of hope and grief and dedication and sacrifice will stay with me forever. I hope I never forget this story.

Dancing on Broken Glass was an absolutely beautiful novel. Ka Hancock is going on my Author Watch, and this novel is staying on my "re-read" bookshelf. I recommend it to absolutely anyone willing to hear a really good story.
The Cure for Dreaming
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

On her seventeenth birthday 1900, Olivia Meade gets invited onto a stage to be hypnotized by the young Monsieur Henri Reverie in this historical, paranormal novel. In Oregon at this period of time women were not allowed to vote in presidential elections and Olivia’s father is determined that she does not get influenced by the campaigning suffragists. On hearing about the hypnotist, Dr. Meade hires him with the job of removing the “selfish” and “unladylike dreams” from his daughter’s head. However this causes Olivia more problems than expected. She begins to see horrible images but are these as a result of Henri telling her “you will see the world the way it truly is”, or is she hallucinating as a result of reading Dracula more times than necessary?

<i>The Cure For Dreaming</i> contains a mix of historical references and paranormal ideas as both Henri and Olivia struggle to find a successful way of reversing the effects of the hypnosis as well as involving themselves in the women’s suffrage movement.

Cat Winters, despite the added fantasy elements, has kept the book historically accurate. A typical novel about women’s equality would result in life changing successes, however as Oregon did not did not gain full suffrage until 1912 this of course was not impossible to include in <i>The Cure For Dreaming</i>. Ultimately it is a novel about growing up to be who you want to be and knowing your own mind rather than succumbing to the “natural” views of society.

The writing is contemporary and easy to understand which makes it suitable for ages twelve and older. The downside to this is that it detracts from the historical setting, making Olivia appear a lot more modern than she actually is. Apart from mimicking a classic novel type style, which would make it less suitable for its target audience, there is not a lot that can be done about that.

Between chapters of the book are relevant photographs or images from the appropriate time period, which help to illustrate the events in the plot. There are also quotes from authors such as Kate Chopin and Mark Twain as well as more political lines from various speeches. These also help to provide an understanding of the historical setting.

Overall <i>The Cure For Dreaming</i> is a great book for teenagers. There may be paranormal themes but it is not a horror novel, in fact there is just as much romance as anything else.


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The Color Project
The Color Project
Sierra Abrams | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<b>Five Reasons Why You Should Drop Everything on July 18 and Read <i>The Color Project</i></b>

Lately I've been in a reviewing funk/slump, so I am back again with another list of reasons why you should totally drop everything, and I mean <i>everything</i> (except for homework and other real-life priorities despite the fact you'd rather read all day) on July 18 (WHEN THE BOOK COMES OUT!) and read Sierra Abrams's debut novel.

<b>The Use of Apps</b> - I think this is a <i>really</i> minor detail, but I almost never see books that actually uses smartphone apps, and Abrams incorporates the use of at least one app I think almost everyone uses on a daily basis if not more.

<b>Gorgeous Writing</b> - I currently don't have the copy with me by side as I'm writing this review, but Abrams has some <i>amazing</i> descriptors in her novel (most of which having to do with stars and constellations, which I adore). Have I mentioned the chapters are based on songs?!

<b>Family and Friendship</b> - Aside from the obvious romance, family and friendship plays an important role in <i>The Color Project</i>, and I <i>loved</i> how Abrams incorporated those two elements together seamlessly with romance.

<b>So Much Emotional Feels</b> - If anyone knows me well enough, I am <i>not</i> an emotional person when it comes to the books I read and the movies/TV shows I see. <i>The Color Project</i> brings out my emotional side, and I had so many tears as I got closer to the end of the novel. (Granted, I might have been watching far too many <i>Boys Over Flowers</i> episodes and reading about three other contemporary novels at the same time, but <i>I never cryyy</i>.)

<b>Cute Characters</b> - I am <i>alll</i> for adorable characters. <i>Imperfect Chemistry</i> is valid proof of that, along with many others I've been reading lately (from <i>I Believe in a Thing Called Love</i> to <i>When Dimple Met Rishi</i>). Bee and Levi are so adorable, I just want to pick them up from <i>The Color Project</i> and adopt them.

It was an absolute delight to read Bee's and Levi's story in <i>The Color Project,</i> and is perfect for those looking for a contemporary novel that has gorgeous writing and bring so much emotion.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Princess of Thorns
Stacey Jay | 2014
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Princess of Thorns is a not-so-classic retelling of the Sleeping Beauty story. The main character is actually the daughter of the cursed princess, who awoke from a kiss. Her name is Aurora, like the Disney movie's princess and her mother's name is Rose. In the french version of the tale, Sleeping Beauty's daughter is named Aurore. I believe that her mother's is the shortened form of Briar Rose, like German version of her tale by the Brother's Grimm. If you are familiar with the Grimm and Perrault versions of the tale, not only the Disney one, then you will notice many similarities. In a few versions of the tale, there is an evil step-mother or mother-in-law who attempts to eat the leading lady's children.

The author makes use of these characters and plots in her novel. She chooses to include the ill-fated mother, brother and sister, as well as the villainous step-mother. Although that familial tie is not explicitly stated, the King was the children's father and he married the ogre. Thus, she would be their step-mother. And you thought you had a dysfunctional family?

In true fairytale fashion, there are ogres, witches, fairies, and ruffians. Not all are portrayed as you would expect. The ogres have evolved, or perhaps devolved depending upon who you ask. In the early years, the ogres were monstrous creatures that devoured souls whole. They did not control themselves, but feasted on the entire soul leaving nothing behind. As time went on, they were forced to change and limit how much they took. After a time, the ogres began to become smaller and take on much more human-like appearances. Their food source never changed and they prided themselves upon each soul they took, marking their bare skulls.

The Fae seem human, although they possess extra-human traits and magic. One may not think of fairies and immediately imagine a human-like creature with great dexterity, skill in battle, and a lack of guilt -but the Fair Folk are shown this way in the novel. A fairy can bestow a gift upon a human child, like beauty, courage, eloquence, obedience, or strength. But each blessing comes with a curse, as the magic always finds a way to turn the gift into a burden. There are untold consequences to the blessings that cannot be avoided. As such, the fairies stopped giving their gifts to human children.

As with most fairytales, there is an element of romance. The love story blossoms under unusual circumstances and not without its share of problems. The two characters get to know each other throughout the journey, but their are many secrets left untold. As they are discovered, the relationship is altered for good or bad. And in the end, a choice must be made.

Most importantly, the novel isn't entirely predictable (although the budding romance was expected). Generally, you expect good to triumph over evil in most modern retellings of the story - unlike their Grimm counterparts. The plot's climax was frankly a little anti-climactic, but enjoyable non-the-less.

I think the author showed an average amount of character development, although I usually think more would be incredibly beneficial. Certain aspects of the world were explained, but not vividly enough. The "show-don't-tell" method could have been employed here to create a richer, more immersive world. Overall, I was pleased with the author's lexicon, grammar, and spelling - which happens much less often than should reasonably be expected.

I would certainly read another novel by this author as I love stories based upon fairytales. If you read Alex Flinn, I would highly recommend this novel to you just keep in mind it is slightly darker. Readers of fantasy, romance, and the like will enjoy this book and should give it a chance. It seems to target the female demographic, but males should enjoy it as well.
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Cursed (Beholder, #1)
Christina Bauer | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is not my normal read as lately I have been hitting the erotica/contemporary romance hard. However, it had to do with necromancy and that is something I simply cannot pass up. Necromancy is something I am highly interested not only because it is rarely written about (compared to vampires, shifters, etc.), but also because rarely is the hero/heroine ever the necromancer. Usually the necromancer is the villain/antagonist.

This story was refreshing, like a breath of fresh air from what I have been reading. Elea is such a powerful character, both in magic and personality. I could definitely get behind her and her ideals. The author’s created world was also fascinating. I felt she not only created a marvelous world but also did a good job at explaining it. Sometimes in fantasy novels, I get lost concerning the author’s created mythology, but I wasn’t with this novel.

It definitely has a young adult feel to it though. Regardless, I loved it and can’t wait to read more. If you are a fan of strong heroines with interesting magic, and a fascinating world beyond imagination, then you may enjoy this novel. Not to mention the young love that spurs main characters. I am all for young, dewy eyed love