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Deadly Class
Deadly Class
2019 | Action, Drama
8.3 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
characters pop with personality and individuality, the action and violence, really awesome motion comic scenes (0 more)
OMG!!, Why would they cancel this show after 1 season, might not be for everyone, a little too over the top when it comes down to it (0 more)
Teenage Angst, Romance & The Deadly Arts - 8/10
Deadly Class is a tv series airing on SYFY based on the graphic novel created by Rick Remander and Wesley Craig and published by Image Comics. Developed by by Miles Orion Feldscott and produced by the Russo brothers, it's set in a much more macabre late 1980's San Francisco. For me this show has been addicting and is easy to get swept up in the chaos of the halls of Kong's Dominion.

Marcus (Benjamin Wadsworth) is a recently homeless orphan who is inducted into a boarding school of elite assassins called King's Dominion. Recruited off the streets by a gang of students, mainly Saya (Lana Condor), on orders by the headmaster Master Lin (Benedict Wong). He must learn the deadly arts while navigating the perilous halls and vicious social cliques in the free-for-all that is King's Dominion. The institution's a place where the world's top mob and crime families send their children to become better killers and it's graduates include serial killers and government assassins.

This show might not be for everyone but I have found it really enjoyable. It's very cliche at times and definitely has it's standard archetypes but the characters pop with personality especially when the show goes into these really awesome motion comic scenes when delving into their personal backgrounds. The action is definitely top class and keeps the show going but it's not able to always keep that tension when not in the halls or classrooms of the school where anything can happen. By the 1st or 2nd episode you'll know if it's for you. I particularly like how the main group is a bunch of misfits who come together and the progression of the main character. Like i said, I give it a 8/10.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated This is Home in Books

Sep 26, 2019  
This is Home
This is Home
Lisa Duffy | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Libby lives with her father, Bentley (Bent to nearly everyone) and their oversized, lazy dog Rooster Cogburn. And then there's also her Aunts Lucy and Desiree, who live in the apartment above them. And now there's Quinn. Quinn's husband John and Bent served together in Iraq. Bent invites Quinn to live in the basement apartment after John goes missing, suffering from PTSD. Libby feels the place is crowded enough already. And Quinn's not too thrilled to be there either. But, before either of them realize it, they are thrust together and slowly become friends.

This is one of those quiet, unassuming books that sneaks up on you, pulling you in with its beautiful writing and wonderful characters. There's no wild plot, insane mystery, or major twist--just elegant prose, a troubled cast, and some real and raw moments that will stick with you long after you finish the last page. Lisa Duffy is an excellent writer, and I so enjoyed her book.

"He'd come home from from the war a different person. A stranger to her. Someone she moved around carefully, gently, as if he were a bomb, ready to explode."

There is a lot going on here--the aftermath of war; family issues; a budding teen romance; marriage problems--but it all works. Libby and Quinn each tell their own story, and as their lives begin to intertwine, it's very heartwarming to watch each come into their own a bit. They each have their own unique voice, and it's hard not to fall for both of them. Libby, especially, tugged at my heart. (But I loved Quinn, too!)

There is, of course, darkness here. This novel offers a very thoughtful exploration of the aftermath of war, not only on the soldiers, but those who love them. It's not always an easy read, but I think it's a valuable one. It gives a very unwavering look at the PTSD these men and women face and how it can not only can ruin them, but their families as well.

Overall, I found this to be an excellent and poignant read, and I'm sorry I let it sit on my Kindle so long. Easily 4+ stars.
The Tempest Sea
The Tempest Sea
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I so very nearly fell out with Robin D Mahle over this book... I still might... They're so close to breaking my heart!

The Tempest Sea is the incredible second novel in The World Apart series, whisking us away from Ceithren and across the Tempest Sea to the other side of the world.

The adventure is again told from Clark and Addie’s POV but this time we are also treated to snippets from Xavier and Nell's past.
These tidbits allow the side characters to tell their story right up to the present situation, (almost) dissolving their untrustworthy nature in the readers eyes but not ruining the tension within the plot line.
I also loved how the chapters were labelled rather than named (ie Xavier is The Protector) as this really reflected how these "off screen" moments have shaped the characters and made them grow into something much more than their assumed role.

As well as our favourite characters from The Fractured Empire *side eyes Gunther* we also get to spend a lot more time with Locke, Nell and we are finally properly introduced to the infamous general. Alongside a plethora of side characters ranging from a pirate ship full of badass women to a fair few men we love to hate, Robin D Mahle really spoils us.

This fast paced sequel is jam packed full of action, flying ships, pirates and danger: its a wonder there is any time for romance! Addie and Clark may have been through the ringer but the tension and their magnetism throughout this book will have you screaming at them to open their eyes and just accept the attraction. That would be way too easy though... You know they're just going to wind each other up and fall out a few more times 😊

With the foundations set in The Fractured Empire, Robin D Mahle could really have fun with The Tempest Sea and I think this shows. The action and suspense rolls off the page, dragging us along for the ride. There are some darker moments (big trigger warning for sexual abuse) but these serve to make the characters stronger. They'll certainly need it for the next stage of their journey!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 2, 2021  
Sneak a peek at the clean contemporary romance novel THE YES DARE by Kathleen Y'Barbo and watch her video guest post on my blog. Enter the giveaway to win all the books in her Pies, Books & Jesus Book Club series signed by her and the real Bonnie Sue (1 winner) or a signed copy of The Yes Dare (3 winners).

Have you ever wished for a second chance to fix something you’ve messed up or for the courage to say yes to something that just may change your life? Sometimes saying yes to the last thing you want can mean saying yes to exactly what you need.

Ryan “The Rocket” Sutton’s winning streak is legendary makes him the undisputed best quarterback in the NFL. However, thanks to one dumb mistake, he’s a failure as a husband to Coco, the only woman he’s ever loved. When a judge’s mistake in divorce paperwork means Coco is still his wife, Ryan makes up his mind to fix what he ruined. Ryan’s game plan doesn’t count on an internationally famous movie director’s camera crew following him as he competes for Coco’s love.

After spending most of her adult life as a football wife and mother to twin sons, fashionista Coco Sutton is learning how to be single and fabulous. Emphasis on Fabulous. The sports trophies, memorabilia, and heavy masculine wood furniture in the home she used to share with Ryan have been banished to the attic, and her home is now a cozy haven of plush candle-scented comfort. She’s got big plans that include owning a boutique or maybe an art gallery, but she never planned to take on the biggest challenge of her life: staying single. Then her best friend gives her a copy of a book called The Yes Dare, and all her plans are turned upside down.

From a Hollywood movie to the local spring event formerly known as the Cow Chip Toss Festival and a country crooner with a crush on Coco, will Ryan dodge the obstacles to win back the only woman he ever loved?