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Lenard (726 KP) rated Tolkien (2019) in Movies

May 19, 2019  
Tolkien (2019)
Tolkien (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Tolkien is a biopic of author/professor JRR Tolkien, the writer of The Hobbit and other fantasy novels. The only reason it was greenlit was to ensnare fans of the LOTR. The film opens with Ronald in the trenches of Belgium during WWI suffering from trench fever. He is overcome with a need to find his friend who he learns is nearby and in dire trouble. We then flashback to his country childhood home located in a village reminiscent of The Shire from his novels. His father has died and left the family with little hope of survival. The church has found a new home for the Tolkiens in Lake-town, I mean Birmingham. Soon, his mother is dead, Ronald and his brother become wards of the Catholic Church and are moved into the home of elderly woman who already cares for a young female pianist. Tolkien earns scholarship to a local private school where he accidentally becomes friends with other artistically inclined young men. One of whom, the poet, is secretly in love with Tolkien. Thus, with a kiss, I die in the trenches of Belgium fron poison gas. The whole film spends so much time finding connections to his famous novels, it never really gets to know the writer himself. Plus, Nicholas Hoult does not help much playing the writer like a Hugh Grant rom-com character. He even does the squinting quirk multiple times to romance his boarding house companion.
While there was nothing about this book that made it special and I found the "Seven Deadly Sins" theme cliche, it was a pleasure to read. This is the kind of romance novel that makes you sigh with happiness when you finish the last page, the type of novel that is truly a delight to fans of romance. The couple doesn't argue the entire time. In fact, the only arguing was the female protagonist's, Ivy's, arguing with herself and her emotions. This is quite refreshing among the endless stream of novels where the couples are always butting heads and arguing to the point that I want to rip my hair out.

The only problem I had was Ivy's behavior. I have read so many historical novels where the women act as free as the women today. It's irritating. If those women really acted that way, then they would be complete outcasts of society no matter what their status or money. I am also sure that the menfolk would simply not allow such behavior.

The male protagonist, Dominic Sheridan, stole my heart away. He was sweet and endearing to Ivy, that it grabbed my heart strings. At first, it was amusing to watch the two's playful banter, and then watch how their behavior changed so subtly when the two began to fall in love. It was cute.

I actually liked the light-hearted feel of this novel so much, I rented the other two currently published.
I read several rave reviews about Acevedo's work, so I gave this book a try. One thing in its favor is that it is NOT a romance! Yay!

On the other hand, Felix Gomez is just a little too annoyingly prickly for me to give a damn about him. And the plot? Let's just say that as soon as I learned what "EBE" stood for, any chance of liking the book was gone. Too many clichés! Certain plot points were never adequately explained, leaving holes big enough to drive a semi through without scraping the sides.

I'm taking the other books off my to-read shelf. Life is too short to read boring novels.
Every review I've read has been bad. Honestly, this novel was no better or worse than any of Frost's other books, in my opinions. The main complaint I've seen is that the book isn't about Cat and Bones. Well, their story has pretty much been told in the four Night Huntress novels, and now Frost is moving on to other people in that world.

Given, I was never terribly attached to Cat or Bones, and apparently some fans were. I would advise them to write fan fiction or roleplay or do whatever it is that other obsessive fans do when their favorite authors stop writing about their favorite characters rather than writing negative reviews of Frost's newer fiction because they want it to be more like her older books. (<b>Please</b> note that I have absolutely no idea what Frost's position on such things is, and would strongly recommend querying her or her authorized representative on the matter before acting. Some authors are fine with fanfic/RPing, and some are rabidly against both. I can think of examples who go to extremes each way.)

While Denise never made a big impression on me while reading the NH books, it is nice to find out what happened to her after her husband was slaughtered and her life was screwed up so badly. While minor characters are often affected in Very Bad Ways during the course of paranormal romance novels, we seldom see them getting any kind of compensation. And who could possibly compensate anyone for the loss of a loved one, anyway?

That said, this is not a fantasy novel. Sometimes I waver on how a "paranormal romance" novel should be classified, but that isn't the case here. This is a romance with urban fantasy features tossed in. There's a damsel in distress saved by a hero. There's an obstacle to be overcome before they can be together, blah blah blah. The whole formula is there.

It doesn't suck terribly, but I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't already like the setting to some extent. If you truly hate the romance formula, don't bother with this one.

EmersonRose (320 KP) rated By the Book in Books

Nov 20, 2019  
By the Book
By the Book
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is a modern adaptation of Jane Austen’s Persuasion. I was very excited when I heard about this book as Persuasion is my favorite of her novels, thank you to Touch My Spine Book Reviews for turning me onto this book! I loved seeing these characters come to life in a new light. I thought the setting was interesting and worked very well in adapting it into a modern time. I must say though that my favorite parts of the book were where it diverged from its source material and made something new. It was certainly successful in taking its inspiration from Austen but also did a great job of creating something interesting and unique. This is a fun romance story that I would definitely recommend.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review

The third in the series has more of suspense feel to it than the others, I have to say it didn’t work for me. I don’t really do suspense even when it’s paired with romance, so I found myself enjoying this novel less than the first two. I did enjoy how much love these characters had for animals. As someone who loves all animals (I am that person who won’t step on a spider!), it warmed my heart to see their devotion.

The bottomline is that, despite not enjoying the mystery/suspense aspect, it was an enjoyable read. The characters are easy to like and their actions make more sense than those of characters in the previous installment. This was one of those novels where I enjoyed reading about the journey rather than reading towards the goal.

It’s also much easier to pick up on the language after read a few of these novels. If you are not used to European, particularly British, terms, then it could throw you off. The author makes sure these don’t actually interfere with the story, however.

_ Arec
<a href="">Rainy Thursdays</a>
The Three Musketeers
The Three Musketeers
Alexandre Dumas, Bill Homewood, Bruch, F. Raf | 1844 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start by saying that this is (was) one of the few novels I had abandoned, finding it very hard going and plodding.

And, truth be told, I still haven't actually read it.

You might be wondering, then, why I'm reviewing it?

Because, thanks to a well-known Amazon-owned subsidiary, I've now listened to it!

The subject of a fair-few movies over the years (most noticeably the 1970s Michael York duo The Three/Four Musketeers), I have to admit to being somewhat surprised at just how closely that Michael York fronted film actually sticks to the source material, with the first half of the novel (The Queens Diamonds) virtually transposed straight to the screen. And, as a result, I found this portion not really all that engaging, perhaps due to (over)familiarity.

However, things picked up once we got past the halfway point, and into more unfamiliar territory, before (roughly) the final third of the novel, which obviously served as the inspiration for The Four Musketeers (where d'Artagnan actually becomes one such).

Full of swashbuckling romance and acts of derring do, this - like many other classics - is one of those novels that you read simply so that you can say you've read it!
Mirror, Mirror (includes In Death, #37.5)
J.D. Robb | 2013
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The J.D. Robb story, "Taken In Death," was enjoyable - a nice thing, since it's the reason I bought the anthology. In it, Dallas takes on a kidnapper in a rebelling of Hansel and Gretel. I skipped the stupid coin story by Mary Blayney. I read one of her coin stories once and it was just too clichéd and predictable for me to ever put myself through that again. I do wonder, though, if she ever writes anything else? I went ahead and read "Beauty, Sleeping" by Elaine Fox, to see if the rest if the book would be worth reading.. While Fox's piece was okay, it was more romance than anything else. It had a supernatural twist, and it was a reworking of Sleeping Beauty, but in the end it was a romance. And to be honest, I just didn't trust the editors any more at that point. They chose Blayney and then the Fox piece, and one Robb story didn't outweigh them. I suppose if I'm ever truly hard up for something to read, I might try the other two stories in the book - but I would probably read one of the many free novels available before then.
Reading Up a Storm focuses more on characters outside of the library staff than the first two novels in the series, and Lucy has a new friend in this one who is accused of murder. Of course she doesn't trust that the police will see past her friend Stephanie's apparent motive for the crime, and is soon getting herself into trouble asking questions and trying to solve the case by herself. She probably figured it out long before I did, but it was gratifying to find that the killer was the person I suspected, for once.

And for those of you who enjoy a little romance with your cozy mystery - I love where the author has taken the romantic triangle that was developing in the first two books. I can't say anything more without spoilers, but I was very pleased with the outcome.

David McK (3227 KP) rated Divergent in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Veronica Roth | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (140 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Dear Katniss Everdeen,

I desperately want to be like you ..."

So might read the opening words of my (imaginary) letter written by the protaganist of this series to the protaganist of the (more famous) Hunger Games series, as there are (more than) a few similarities in common: both novels are set in a dystopian future, both feature a female protaganist, both have some PG-rated romance thrown in, and both deal with themes of family.

Actually, on second thoughts: maybe I'm being a bit unfair on Tris Prior - if this novel had come along first (instead of [b:The Hunger Games|2767052|The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)|Suzanne Collins||2792775]), my imaginary letter may well have started with:

"Dear Tris Prior

I desperately want to be like you ..."
