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Every Day (2018)
Every Day (2018)
2018 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A shy teenager falls for someone who transforms into another person every day.

David Levithan knows how to write around good subject matter. Consistently pleasing novels that make excellent movies. And this one was no exception to that.

The feel good factor about this one is high. And while I love a good romance I find it difficult to believe that even a hormonal teenager would choose to believe such a wild story.

"I wake up every morning in someone else's body." A plot point with lots of potential story lines. But lots that I think I would have enjoyed more than this. That fact doesn't take away that I enjoyed this a lot.

A film with no end and no beginning though... why are you guys doing this to me? Where was the origin story? Where was some resolution?
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
John Green's "Turtles All the Way Down" introduces us to sixteen-year-old Aza, a teenage girl with mental health issues who is desperate to blend in and just be a normal teenage girl. After giving in to Daisy's, her best friend, nagging, the two girls attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Russell Pickett and collect the reward. Aza was not planning on connecting back with Davis, Russell's son, whom she knew when they were kids, but she does.

Of course there is romance, but it is not the focus of the story. It is more than just a typical YA romance novel. It deals with handling mental illness, going to counseling, thinking you are crazy, and knowing your uncontrollable behaviors are not normal. It is about trying to manage the pressures of being a teenager - family, school, friends, and a boy.

John Green's novels have probably touched as many people today as had John Hughes's movies in the 80s. He focuses on real teenage problems and allows a glimpse inside their thoughts and feelings. He allows young adults to realize they are not alone, that others feel the same way, and “Your now is not your forever.”
Thank you Dani Collins for sending over the book to me, and for your autograph! It's really precious to me!

As much as I love romance novels, this one is definitely at the top of my favourites.
For every romantic soul among us, this is a book that will lead you into an amazing world full of emotions, laughter, intelligent conversation and very explicit moments that will make you open the windows at home. My home felt too hot a few times ;)

It is a very good composed book, the story takes you in right from the very first chapter and I will save you all from spoilers, but I'll let you know that you will definitely love the ending and would want to know what happens after as well!

A must read for all of you that enjoy reading about love and happy ever afters!

ClareR (5667 KP) rated The No-Show in Books

Jan 3, 2023  
The No-Show
The No-Show
Beth O'Leary | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The No-Show is Beth O’Leary at her best, and I think she’s just made it on to my auto-buy list of authors. She’s made me smile, cry and feel huge amounts of empathy for the characters in this book.

The way she has woven the stories of Miranda, Siobhan and Jane together was so clever, and I reached all sorts of (incorrect) conclusions. I have to admit to not liking the main male character, Joseph Carter, much to begin with, but he is portrayed to be something he isn’t at the start - and that’s all I’ll say about him!

This is sold as a romance but as with all of Beth O’Leary’s novels, they’re much more than that. There’s a mystery threaded throughout this, and there’s a mental health theme as well.
This book was perfect, wonderfully narrated too, and I can’t wait for Beth’s next book.
Her One True Love
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love historical romance but sometimes they all seem the same. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s not a bad thing, like revisiting an old friend after not seeing them for a while. There may be subtle differences, but overall, nothing has truly changed. Therefore, when I find a historical romance that sticks out for whatever reason, it excites me.

Rachel Brimble’s novels interested me greatly because they promised something different. Prostitutes, actresses and village girls? These aren’t the usual heroines in a historical romance. No, those are the side characters, there to help or hinder the H/h. And, more often than not, are shown in a less than favorable light. Even when they are aiding the main characters, these commoners are typically depicted as uneducated, unkempt, and/or even something less than human.

But Brimble made them human. Not only that, she made them likable. Despite how common or low class Brimble’s lead couples seem to be, they are still very much human with morals and standards. I found myself rooting for them just as much I would the usual ton couples I read about, maybe even more so since I felt I could relate to these characters.

Brimble also has an easy enjoyable writing style. I found myself gliding along the pages, never once stumbling over a word, phrase or sentence that didn’t make sense.

Overall, I enjoyed every single novel I have read from Brimble thus far. I felt her interwoven tales of love and struggle on a visceral and loved that she wrote about the often forgotten members of society during this era.
The Temptation of Laura
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love historical romance but sometimes they all seem the dame. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s not a bad thing, like revisited an old friend after not seeing them for a while. There may be subtle differences, but overall, nothing has truly changed. Therefore, when I find a historical romance that sticks out for whatever reason, it excites me.

Rachel Brimble’s novels interested me greatly because they promised something different. Prostitutes, actresses and village girls? These aren’t the usual heroines in a historical romance. No, those are the side characters, there to help or hinder the H/h. And, more often than not, are shown in a less than favorable light. Even when they are aiding the main characters, these commoners are typically depicted as uneducated, unkempt, and/or even something less than human.

But Brimble made them human. Not only that, she made them likable. Despite how common or low class Brimble’s lead couples seem to be, they are still very much human with morals and standards. I found myself rooting for them just as much I would the usual ton couples I read about, maybe even more so since I felt I could relate to these characters.

Brimble also has an easy enjoyable writing style. I found myself gliding along the pages, never once stumbling over a word, phrase or sentence that didn’t make sense.

Overall, I enjoyed every single novel I have read from Brimble thus far. I felt her interwoven tales of love and struggle on a visceral and loved that she wrote about the often forgotten members of society during this era.

Rachel (48 KP) rated What Alice Forgot in Books

May 27, 2017  
What Alice Forgot
What Alice Forgot
Liane Moriarty | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surprisingly Surprising!
Usually if I see the word's 'romance' 'love' or 'moving' on a book I immediately think "Nope!" and find something else.

I got this book after reading 'A Husband's Secret', which is fantastic, and wanted to read more of Liane Moriarty's novels.
I'm so glad that I did as I enjoyed this story just as much as her latest work.

Yes - this novel does have romance in it and isn't as tense or fast paced as her latest work but it does have a lot of other things in common with it. Really fleshed out character's that act in a believable way, a whiff of mystery, the main narrative accompanied by a few other character's voices and the power to make you try to imagine just how you might cope with the problems that are experienced within the story.

If, like me, you are allergic to so called 'chick lit' then please don't be put off from reading any of Liane Moriarty's work. They really are thought provoking, gripping tales and I look forward to discovering more of her work. Perhaps I won't be so hasty to put a book down if any of those dreaded words are on the cover next time, I could well be missing out on a gem of a book
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Goodreads allows for socializing specifically for us bibliophiles, tells you what your friends are reading and allows access to scores of books and reviews posted about them. (0 more)
Sometimes is a pain in the a** when adding books read in their normal none tech form. (0 more)
Goodreads. Because how else will I know what I’ve read?!?
Secret romance novel readers beware.. no just kidding, or am I? Goodreads is where you go to access scores of novels and reviews for them. You are able to socialize with fellow book readers and follow what your friends are currently reading or have read. ( hence the secrete romance readers beware) I even had an author dm me for giving a review of a novel they had written and let me tell you I was ecstatic for many days.

You can challenge yourself each year to read more books than the last while they keep track for you as long as it is read in a device linked with the account.
The only thing I find frustrating is sometimes you have to go through a million steps (exaggeration) just to add a book read in it natural papery scented goodness.
Overall the app is good, a great place to start if you’re seeking an idea of how great or sucky a book is, depending on the personal taste of course.
Elantris: Tenth Anniversary Author's Definitive Edition
Elantris: Tenth Anniversary Author's Definitive Edition
Brandon Sanderson | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.2 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've enjoyed every Brandon Sanderson book I've read, and Elantris was certainly no exception. This was a beautiful mix of religious and political intrigue, magical mystery, and just a touch of romance. The ultimate answer to the mystery was so elegantly simple, but discovered so late, that consequences still had to be faced even when the main problem was fixed. (I'm trying to be vague so I don't spoil it!) I loved both Raoden and Sarene, and in a way, Hrathen too. He was a wonderfully written villain - one of those villains whose motivations you get to see and understand, so you end up sympathizing with him even as you don't want to see him succeed. Sanderson definitely has a talent for unusual fantasy novels, with elaborate plots and complex, well thought-out worlds.

In short, yet another amazing book from Brandon Sanderson.

You can find all my reviews at
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really had to take my time with this book. Maybe it was my new iPad, maybe it was the fact that I wanted to forever experience this book. This novel was quite unique. I have never read anything like this before. It was a paranormal romance and didn't have vampires, werewolves, zombies... etc. The magic in the novel was well done and I found myself completely entertained.

David Levithan and Andrea Cremer definitely know how to make you keep guessing. It was interesting to see how their minds worked to create this novel. David Levithan is my favorite author so I will continue to pick up his books. I might have to add one of Andrea's novels onto my to-read list. All in all, I enjoyed this novel. If you're a fan of paranormal young adult, I suggest that you read it. Especially if you're tired of the vampire/werewolf paranormal take over.